View Full Version : Blessed are the children (Loki, Daani, and open)

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 4th, 2003, 11:27:04 AM
She was tired of crying.

Taa wiped at her running mascara furiously with a handkerchief, tossing it across her room as she sniffled. She looked in the mirror, pouted, and felt like crying again. It was no use. Her failed exploits with the Belargic brothers had brought her nothing but heart-rending grief. Further, it forced her to accept the fact that she was getting old. To a Cizerack, this was a hard thing to fathom. Being somewhat longer-lived, age never seemed to catch up with you. Yet when it did, letting go of youth was so painful.

Taa sat on her bed, fidgeting in her pastel dress that was getting a little too snug to wear anymore. She slouched, and upon seeing the slightest trace of pudge on her abdomen, slouched more. There had to be something to break this unending cycle of grief. Finally, after staring in that horrible mirror for another 20 minutes, Taa made up her mind. She stood up, pushed her tussled hair into a makeshift ponytail, and grabbed her purse, leaving her room behind without a second thought. There were things she'd have to accept. So what if she thought she saw a wrinkle. So what if she had gained a few pounds. So, she wasn't the hottest item on the menu anymore. She'd lived a long and fantastic life. There were simply too many things to enjoy, and they overweighed the misery that the Belargics had put her through. She smiled a toothy, bittersweet smile, fixed her glasses, and took the stairs down to the B&G. Somehow, some way, she would make today a better day!

Aug 4th, 2003, 11:48:32 AM
"Are you okay Miss?" He had noticed the felinoid coming down the stair, and the fact that she seemed ruffled. He smiled slightly as he held out his hand, hoping Taa would be so gracious to accept his kindness.

"It's rare to see such a wonderous creature like you, in a place like this." His long white hair hung in front of his golden colored eyes, and his smiled show tiny creases one the edges of his eyes and visable laugh lines, as he waited for a response.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:36:59 PM
He was tired of smiling.

Besides, how is it possible to stay happy when you keep getting told your best isn't good enough, Loki wondered in frustration, a frustration which was evident as he stomped into his favourite haunt. His face was like thunder and his cheek bones protruded slightly from his gnashing jaws.

"Reflexes need improving, again! I'll show him." He launched himself atop a stool and rapped his knuckles on the bartop. When he was approached he asked for three empty glasses, although a strange request the bartender fetched the glasses as asked. Loki began juggling them.

"Do I look like someone who needs to improve his--"


"--Ah." He was handed a brush and a scoop. "I'll sort this mess out."

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 4th, 2003, 07:08:49 PM

Taa paused with a suprised look on her face. She blinked, and looked at the stranger. On one hand, it was good to get her share of attention for a change. On the other hand, she was still pretty shook up from the latest heartaches she'd experienced.

She smiled nervously, accepting the stranger's grasp with her own strong handshake.

"Well...thank jyou..."

Her smile was on the verge of broadening, when a loud CRASH sounded behind the stranger. Her ears fluttered at the noise, and she craned to peer around the man to see the cause of the commotion.

Her mouth went agape.


Her demeanor instantly changed, and she disengaged herself from her amorous greeter, as her inherent maternal nature took over.

"Lokji Amrrrah, jussst what arrre jyou dojing?!?"

Taa placed her hands on her hips for emphasis.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 4th, 2003, 07:20:39 PM
"Smashing glasses, Aunt Taataani." He grumbled miserably when he looked up to see his feline minder in all her mothering glory. She was looking rather formidable right about now so he quickly scooped up the remaining shards of broken glass and binned them. He reapproached Taataani with the look of a boy who was hoping that his mischief was forgotten but unsuprisingly actually, Taa's expression was the same as before. He gave her a meek grin.

"It's lovely to see you." He was making himself feel like he was in more trouble than he had warranted, he knew he'd have to explain his glass smashing frenzy but the longer he could delay it, the better. "How are you today, Aunt Taa?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 5th, 2003, 09:49:27 AM
"Fjine, once jI make sssurrre jyou'rrre okajy."

Taa leaned down, giving Loki a scrutinous inspection to make sure that he was unharmed by his own mischief.

"jYou rrrealljy ssshould be morrre carrreful. Brrroken glassssss wjill cut Jedji Padawansss, sssame asss anjy otherrr ljittle cubljingsss."

Finished with her inspection, Taa looked at the boy's spectacled face, and her concerned frown turned upwards, as she tussled his hair. She reached into her purse, and handed Loki several credit chits.

"Now go pajy forrr the messssss jyou made, and don't forrrget to sssajy jyou'rrre sssorrrjy. We don't want to have to tell Masssterrr Hjicchorrru about thjisss."

Taa crossed her arms in an authoritarian manner and glanced back to her gentleman caller, in a manner that hinted that she was a little indisposed. At any rate, time spent with little Loki was time well spent. Cublings were so innocent.

Aug 5th, 2003, 07:29:34 PM
"No, no! No you...stop! Stop it!"

Inu is a lucky man, blessed with 4 children of his own. However, this blessing often comes with a bit of trouble for him. All four of these children are trying to get his glass off the table so they can throw it, just like Loki did. The father at last pins all their little arms in a big hug, but this is also problematic. He can't eat if his arms are full of kids.

As he's pondering this, one squirts free and begins to crawl with all his might towards the pair, running his little mouth as if to say "Do it again!" Inu is up in a flash, trying to keep his children in order while he catches the boy.

"Can I get a li'l help?"

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:42:52 AM
Vishalla had watched Loki toss the glasses, wondering why he was doing that. Then she notices a little boy crawling towards Loki and Taa and she hops down from the chair that she's on and runs over to the little boy, picking him up. He's an armful for her since she is just a child herself. At this point, she hears Inu ask for a little bit of help. She turns and walks to the table which Inu's at, carrying the little boy in her arms, kinda awkwardly(sp?).

"Here you go mista."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2003, 03:20:12 PM
"Ah ha ha ha!" Wei Wu Wei was smilling big as anything and clapping his hands at the wonderful sight. "Ha ha ha ha!"

Wei nearly tipped over backwards in his chair. Seeing children always made him laugh. Inu's cubs were the funniest to watch. Wei supposed he shouldn't be laughing. After all, the children were indeed misbehaving. But it was so funny. Wei wiped a tear from his eye and covered his mouth with both hands so that he wouldn't start up again.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 7th, 2003, 06:32:49 PM
After having done as Taataani had asked with a pink shade of embarrassment in his cheeks to boot, Loki reapproached Taataani and returned to the same grumpy mood in which he had entered the Bar and Grill. He found a free table and pulled aside a seat and slouched into it miserably.

"I don't care what Master Hicchoru thinks anyway. He's driving me crazy!"

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2003, 09:51:49 PM

Taa's eyebrows knit in concern, and she held one of his little hands. This wasn't like Loki at all...who seemed to always look up to the old Jedi. Taataani herself felt a bit eerie and intimidated by the elderly man herself, but he seemed to be a positive influence on Loki.

"jYou and Anbjirrra have alwajysss gotten along. What'sss wrrrong?"

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 7th, 2003, 10:50:00 PM
Daani was hopping again today!




hop hop


The Cizerack cub had gained a few inches since the last time she'd been in the Bar and Grill a year ago. Or almost a year. She'd been away at business school on Carshoulis Prime, and was visiting her Aunt Taa for a weeks vacation. She hopped around Taa's table, and then flounced into a chair, looking a little frazzled in a t-shirt and khaki capris.

Her tail twitched as she noticed the hyuu-mann boy, and nine year old Daani blew out her breath noisily. Aunt Taa and he were talking, so she remained quiet, having learned a few manners in her time away.

Felix Flint
Aug 8th, 2003, 05:31:55 AM
A little ginger cat with messy white flecks on its back sat staring up at Loki's table, tail twitching back and forth.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 8th, 2003, 08:19:04 AM
Wei finally calmed down and noticed Daani hop in. Wei had only spoken with the cub a few times, but Wei was still able to recognize her. She went over to Taa's table and sat down, apparently bored at the conversation.

"If only Aiden were around, then we'd all be in trouble."

Aiden was an orphan Wei had picked up off the streets. Wei had his hands full keeping the kid out of trouble. "I remember when his life's ambition was to be a Cizerack. That lasted for a few weeks, but I was glad when it was over." Wei chuckled and returned to watching.

But now that he thought about it..."Hi, Inu. My name is Wei Wu Wei. We met in the Recruitment Center. How are things going for you now? Children keeping you busy I see. And how is the Missus?"

Aug 8th, 2003, 09:55:23 PM
Inu scoops the rogue baby into his lap with a smile of genuine gratitude for the little girl.

"Thanks kid."

Quickly, however, Inu is diverted from her by Wei.

"You Jedi don't trust me one lick. I'm still bunked in guest quarters and I have very limited access to your grounds. My wife's doing well; she's adjusting to Coruscant quickly."

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:46:28 AM
Vishalla returns Inu's smile as she climbs onto an empty chair at the table which Inu's at.

"You welcome."

She then hears what Inu says to Wei and gets a questioning look on her face.

"Why Jedi no twust you?? You a nice person."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 9th, 2003, 02:34:36 PM
"It's not that we're not getting along, he's just doing the whole 'I expect more from you' thing. No matter how hard I try, he seems to be one step ahead wanting more. Frustrating is what it is." Loki whined, leaning down to scoop Felix up from the floor and place him on the table so he could begin inspecting the salt and pepper shakers while listening to the conversation. Loki grinned mischievously and flicked the small feline's ear.

"Did you ever have a mentor or anything like that back on Carshoulis Prime?" Loki planted an elbow on the table and leaning in, rested his chin in his open hand, drumming his fingers on the table with the other. "I mean, you must've had teachers and the like on top of your parents to get as successful as you are."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:22:09 PM
"Now, that's a good question, young one," Wei said to Vishalla. "But, it appears to me to have to do with the fact that our friend Inu here used to be a member of the Darkside."

Wei pushed up his glasses. "But Inu here has realized that the Darkside is not the side to be on, and he has decided to come to the Lightside, and be a Jedi like us."

Wei smiled. "They do not quite believe that Inu really means what he says. They think he might not be telling the truth. So they treat him badly."

Wei scratched his head and thought about what he was going to say. "There are some Jedi, young Padawan, that are not as ready to forgive a person for his or her mistakes. Instead of forgiving a person who has done wrong, they choose instead to hunt down any wrongdoers and kill them, even though they promise to change."

Wei glanced at Inu before he went on. "But I think that everyone should be allowed a second chance. A person does wrong because he is hurting inside. And when they figure out what that hurt is, and make it go away, then they become good."

Wei's voice became quiet and thoughtful as he spoke.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:55:50 AM
Vishalla listens to Wei carefully as he talks. When she wants to, she can stay focused on something for as long as she needs to.

"I think that he means good. It not fair that they tweat him badwy.

It awways good to forgive cause if you no forgive, you come bad and start hurting."

She starts to swing her legs as she's sitting on the chair, her feet not quite touching the ground.

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 10th, 2003, 12:27:39 PM
"Oh, plentjy!" Taa empathized.

"Cjizerrrack busssjinessssss ssschoolsss can be verrrjy ssstrjict. Mjy level fourrr fjinance teacherrr wasss that wajy, jin parrrtjicularrr. jIt ssseemed nothjing jI could do would pleassse herrr, but jyou know, eventualljy jI made jit thrrrough jussst fjine."

Taa hefted little Daani up on her lap.

"Kjitten, what have jyou gotten yourrrssself jinto?"

Taa inspected Daani's little digits, which were now filthy. Frowning, she took a napkin, wet the tip of it with her tongue, and began to scrub at one of the little cubling's hands.

"jYou alwajysss plajy jin sssuch djirrrtjy placesss. Can't jyou everrr ssstajy clean???"

Her hair was a bit frazzled, too. Taa pulled away Daani's scrunchie, and began to braid her hair. She looked up to Loki, and realized that she hadn't introduced him to her niece.

"Lokji, jI'd ljike to jintrrroduce jyou to mjy njiece. Thjisss jisss Daanarrrrrrji."

She glanced down to Daani as she plied her blonde locks into place.

"Daanji, thjisss jisss Lokji Amrrrah...a ssspecjial frrrjiend of mjine."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:04:44 PM
Wei smiled and patted the girl on the head in a fatherly way.

"Indeed. Grudges are no good. Grudges are when people get angry at somebody, and then stay angry at them for a long time. By forgiving people, we can avoid grudges. Talking about how we feel also helps us not to have grudges."

Wei turned to look at Inu. "So, how is your training? I suppose you sort of have to re-learn most of your Force abilities, seeing as Jedi control the Force differently from Darksiders."

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:56:06 AM
Vishalla smiles when Wei agrees with what she said. She may not be a Jedi, but she is learning things from Jedi. Since she arrived on Coruscant, she's come across Jedi left right and center and they have all been kind and helpful towards her. She keeps herself quiet as Wei asks Inu a question before she herself speaks up again.

"What a gwudge??"

Aug 11th, 2003, 08:11:58 PM
"Haven't started any training yet," Inu says hastily to Wei. He next adresses Vishalla.

"A grudge is like having a quiet fight with someone. You're angry and hateful to that person, but no one says anything or really does anything about it. You just stay mad with each other."

Inu reaches under the table for the little bag of tricks he put there, and pulls out four little pacifiers. He dunks each of them in his glass of milk and pops them into the mouths of his children. Immediately they cease to squirm and babble, focusing instead on the sudden flavor in their mouths.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 11th, 2003, 08:56:56 PM
Wei nodded. "Inu here is very right. It is never good to stay angry at someone." Wei paused a moment and changed the subject. "Where are your parents, little one? Who takes care of you?" Wei was curious. Orphans were everywhere in Coruscant.

Wei also made a mental note to find some sort of material on how Darksiders use the Force so that he could later teach Inu how to use the Light side of the Force.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:07:07 AM
"Why would someone want stay mad?? It not nice for you or them."

Vishalla turns to Wei as he asks about her parents. A sad look in her eyes.

"I not know who my parents be. I woke here and not know."

She pauses here to figure out how best to say that Xazor is taking care of her right now since she can't pronounce Xazor's name.

"Nice lady take care of me now since I not know who I be."

As she says this though, she unknowingly sends an image of Xazor to both Inu and Wei through the Force.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:46:54 AM
Wei nodded. "Ah. I see. As long as you're not on your own. I believe you're in good hands."

Wei looked around at all the children that seemed to be present and was suddenly reminded of his mother.

"It's just a matter of time before I get those messages that say, 'Wei, when are you and that wife of yours going to start having grand babies?' Then I'll have to come up with some excuse." Wei held his nose and made his voice go a higher pitch when he said his mother's part.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 12th, 2003, 02:33:17 PM
"Hello Daani." Loki said, brightening up a little. He comfortably slipped back into his good manners. "I'm Loki Ahmrah, pleased to meet you."

He glanced from Daani to Taataani and back again. He grinned. "I can see the family resemblance. So, Daani, do you go to business school like your aunt did?"

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:08:46 AM
Vishalla tilts her head slightly to one side with a questioning look on her face.

"Why you make some essuse to say to you Mommy?"

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 13th, 2003, 09:15:37 AM
Wei laughed. "My mother is the type of woman that believes that when you get married, you have babies right away. And I don't have any babies of my own. She'll ask me why I haven't had any children yet, and then I'll have to think of something to tell her so she won't get mad. That's an excuse. It's not always good to give excuses."

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 13th, 2003, 10:24:07 AM
"If essuses bad, then why you say one to you Mommy??"

Vishalla questions softly.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 13th, 2003, 01:45:49 PM
Wei laughed. "A very good question. I suppose that since excuses are bad, I'll just have to tell my mother that I don't have any children, and I can't help it. I won't make excuses."

Wei loved children. They were so much smarter than adults.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 14th, 2003, 10:59:50 PM
Daani giggled and then yelped as Taa yanked a paticularly stubborn hair into place. "School? jYes, jI jussst got back frrrom mjy fjirrrssst jyearrr at bujisssnessssss ssschool. Ow!"

She tried to lean forward conspiratorially, but was restricted by Taa's fingers in her hair. So Daani just widened her eyes and then squinted a bit, trying to whisper. "jI hate math! Mjy teacherrr jisss an awful old female who'sss all ssshrjvelljy..."

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 15th, 2003, 07:57:53 AM
"That much betta. It no you fault that you no have kids. You Mommy can't be mad at you then.

You feel much betta to no say essuse since you no say something bad."

Vishalla glances at a passing waiter who is taking some beverages to a nearby table and she licks her lips, thinking it would be nice to have a drink right now, but she can't afford anything so makes no comment.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:34:27 AM
Wei opened his mouth to speak but nearly strangled on the words. "We've been talking for so long, I'm getting thirsty. My throat is absolutely dry. Can I get either of you two anthing to drink?"

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 15th, 2003, 11:17:18 AM
Vishalla perks up slightly when Wei offers to buy her something.

"Chocowate milkshake please. They really good."

Aug 15th, 2003, 01:34:28 PM
Inu shakes his head to decline Wei's offer, but the cubs all start to wave and babble. They heard "chocolate". They know what that is, oh yes...they love chocolate. Mommy and Daddy don't let them have it much, so it's a wonderful time when they can get it.

"They won't be needing anything either..." Inu comments, re-applying his milk to their pacifiers to try and quiet them down.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 20th, 2003, 09:54:05 AM
Vishalla smiles at Inu and his cubs.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:35:54 PM
"Ok, then."

Wei stopped a droid to place his order. "Two chocolate milkshakes please."

One would be for him, and the other for Vishalla.

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:44:49 AM
"Daanarrrrrrji Rrraurrrrrrssssssatta, don't sssajy mean thjingsss."

Taa frowned a little.

"Besssjidesss, jyou wouldn't want herrr to get a bad jimprrressssssjion of jyou, now would jyou?"

Aug 26th, 2003, 04:14:40 PM
The cubs strain against their father's arms and mewl at Wei as he orders the milkshakes. They want chocolate too! Inu shushes them with their pacifiers, but it doesn't work for long.

"Pushy little things..."

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 29th, 2003, 09:19:01 AM
"Can I??"

Vishalla holds out her arms towards Inu, asking if she could hold one of the cubs, namely the one that she carried back here before she sat down.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 29th, 2003, 12:14:36 PM
Wei sipped at his milkshake through the straw. "Your cubs seems anxious. How do you manage to hold them all at once?"