View Full Version : Jedi Battle Meditation: Finding the Path (Open)

Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:24:23 AM
Ka' el had been a Jedi Learner for as long as he could remember. One of the few Jedi of the Order to be raised in some resemblence of the old ways. His parents, had recognized his gifts at a young age and brought him before a Jedi Order to be raised.

This was a source of pride for the young Padawan Learner, he was a Jedi of the old ways. Pure and blameless in the Force, he had been trained as a Jedi for as long as he was aware enough to recieve instruction and therefore he was conditioned to react as if by instinct as a Jedi was to act, he did not suffer the cloud of emotions, there was right and there was wrong. This made it easy for him to pick up on things quite rapidly. He was by no means a genius as the boy wonder Loki Amarah, nor supremely naturally gifted like the protege Sejah, rather he was disciplined and determined. Nothing was more important than his duties and as a Padawan his duties were to train and learn.

That is what brought him to the library this evening. To study, but what was his topic of interest tonight, alchemy, physics, perhaps history; Ka' el's master Figrin D'an was the Jedi Historian.

No tonight he would study how to fortify his mind. The ancient Jedi masters were known to be of such mental fortitude that even the most skilled Sith Soceror could not break their concentration or crack their resolve. They could focus themselves to such an extent that even in the face of excruiciating pain or in some cases as they died, then did not lose their resolve or connection with the calming side of the Force. This is how the ancient Jedi could absorb energy, could sustain what would normally be fatal wounds and still continue fighting til the moment they took their last breath. He would learn to become one with the Force as a living breathing Jedi; he would learn the ancient art of Jedi Battle Meditation.

Ka' el wished to learn how to achieve such a connection to the calming Force, he wanted to know how to be of such a singular purpose that all other external stimuli could be ignored. And tonight he was going to study it in theory before attempting to put it into practice.

Master D'an had suggested a few books and also told him to reference the Librarian as she would be able to take him to the more valuable texts that were not allowed to leave the halls of the Library unless they were in the Care of a Jedi Master.

The first book he picked up was called; Connected to the Living Force it was a very good book, but only gave basics on how to begin connecting to the calming aspects of the Force. It suggested repeated meditation while reciting the Jedi Code. It suggested attempting to perform Meditation while conditioning the body, reciting calming mantras. Ka' el already did this many times a day. It helped him in his saber exercises, but he had plateued with this technique, it had taken him as far as he could go.

After reading through a couple of chapters of Connected, he placed it back on the shelf and took another book from the list Master D'an had given to him.

Focus on the Force was this books title and it seemed quite a bit older than the first book. The librarian said it came from the old Jedi Archives, one of the few books deemed non-dangerous by Palaptine. As Ka' el read through the text he came across another training technique designed to increase ones stamina. It suggested only minor meditation before entering an intense training session and that the reader should work their body to near exhaustion, then just as they seemed on the verge of collapse begin their Jedi Meditation. The concept was to call on as little bit of the Force as was needed until their own physical resources became exhausted, this would force the Jedi to rely more heavily upon the Force and by doing so connect deeper with its calming aspects.

Ka' el immediately wrote down this information and then began writing done a suggested work out for the prospective student. It would be intense, the book warned but then it went on to describe how each time the student would be able to go longer and do more before having to resort to full reliance on the Force. The book said however though your beginning meditations would become more and more powerful even if they only seemed to be slightly focusing you on the Force your body would become naturally attuned to it, therefore removing the Force from you as a crutch and instead giving it to you as a tool.

This was a start, it was close to what the Jedi used to call Battle Meditation. Ka' el knew that if he could reach this point all he would need to know was how to perform Jedi Battle Meditation and he would be able to use the technique, which made the Jedi such powerful warriors and such effective guardians of civilization.

Ka' el had been in the library for quite sometime reading but had not noticed anyone else around, perhaps because he was so deeply entranced by him study or the fact that it was getting late. The Librarian had closed off the restricted archives and told Ka' el that she would be back tomorrow if he wished to look through some of the older texts that had survived the great Purge.

The young padawan frowned, he would need a Knight or Master of the order now to get in to read some of the older books, perhaps some would stop in that might look kindly upon his studies. Until then however he would continue to read.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:08:39 AM
"Never before have I seen a Padawan work so diligently before." A gentle voice touched Ka' el's ears as a figure clad in flowing white robes appeared beside him. Her cyan blue eyes were reading a text that she held in her hands, and when she shut the book, the words on the cover became clear. They read, The Properties of Anger, in a dull fashion. Leaning against the nearest case of archived material, the woman smiled toothily. "Greetings, Ka' el, you're here awefully late." The Jedi Knight said softly.

Her eyes fell to the book in her hands before she noticed the stack that the Padawan was carrying. Xazor reached over and retrieved one from his hands and eyed the title, Focus on the Force. Lofting a brow, the young woman grinned and eyed Ka 'el curiously. "So, you're learning more of connecting with the Force? Anything in particular?" The Garou questioned with interest.

Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:58:30 AM
Ka' el looked up and saw Xazor before him. The sight of the beautiful garou knight standing before him made him smile and blush slightly. Ka' el had always had a crushon Xazor, since she first came to the Order and though he wasn't as enthralled with her as he had been as a boy he still found his cheeks turn crimson when she approached.

"Greetings Master Elessar," Ka' el said as he marked his place in the text. As she asked her question he smiled again and answered somewhat sheepishly.

"Well yes actually, I'm trying to find references to the ancient form of Jedi Battle Meditation." His voice shook a bit when he responded. Many Jedi knew how to meditate before battle to clear their mind of emotions and focus themselves upon the task at hand, but few if any knew the technique as it had once been practiced a form of trance that blocked out anything other than the Jedi's focus on the Force. In this way the Knights of old were in tuned with everything that was happening around them yet affected by nothing, they were at one with the Force.

"I can't however seem to find any text referencing me to the old technique, not the new one which most Jedi Padawan's even know. The form of meditation I seek gives Jedi a sense of eupohoria so that they can continue even as they are mortally wounded."

Ka' el then looked at Xazor to see the reaction to what he was seeking.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 5th, 2003, 11:15:01 AM
Xazor noticed Ka' el blush as he caught sight of her. In turn, the woman's cheeks flushed a pinkish tone as well. She smiled as he explained his search. "Very interesting indeed." She thought to herself and nodded in understanding. "Jedi Battle Meditation. That is something I've not heard of for some time." She said softly, recalling her lessons in this with her own Master. Still, somehow, the Garou Knight had not picked up and practiced this method. It wasn't her, or so she thought, but that did not discourage her from helping others learn of it.

"And I suppose the librarian left already, didn't she? The restricted area is closed, but -- not to us." She smiled once again and motioned for him to walk beside her. "First, one must go in search of anything from the Old Republic. There are many many useful manuscripts regarding old training techniques found in these very archives." She said softly as her eyes moved across rows and rows of books and other literary sources. The pair walked slowly toward the restricted section. "So how goes your training?" She looked up at Ka' el and smiled as they continued to walk. He was a bright young man and the Knight thought this was a great opportunity to get to know him better and to do a bit of researching herself.

Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 5th, 2003, 12:25:59 PM
Ka' el rose, his tall athletic frame was much larger than that of the petit Warrior, but he had seen Xazor fight and he knew that size meant nothing to her. He smiled, it seemed that the Force had granted him his wish, that he could visit the restricted area to continue his studies.

"Studies go well, Master D'an is a patient and quite comptent instructor. Though I do wish that I could do more saber practice against live combatants, the training droids have become quite predictable," There was a hint of arrogance in the young man's voice when he spoke. Ka' el was a gentle soul, but he was also a proud man. It was a downfall of sorts, he did not like to fail, but as he was only human he was not infalliable and because of this he was a bit more prone to anger than most.

"But there are things that even he can't teach me, things that haven't been taught in many years. That's why I'm searching the Archives tonight and have been all week. I have read in my history lessons and in other Jedi text of the true art of Battle Meditation. I've heard that it gives its user a sense of euphoria during battle, a connection so deep within the Force that some Jedi have been known to be seriously maimed and continue fighting as if nothing was wrong." Ka' el quoted what he had read with an eager voice.

"To learn how to use this technique, Master Elessar would give us Jedi an advantage over the Sith. Imagine feeling no pain in battle, it would give you both a psychological and a physical edge over your enemy."

Xazor and Ka' el stopped once they reached the Archive reference Data-base. Ka' el stood by as Xazor entered her access codes.