View Full Version : God Giveth and God Taketh Away(open to Jedi or Sith)

Aug 4th, 2003, 02:30:44 AM
Bend me shape me misdirect me
It's all the same to me
Look at all this useless talk
You look at me but you don't see
Understand I'm a sinner
Don't corner me
Don't lecture me
Raise your hands you're a sinner
Is this everything you wanted find another dream
You never hear a word I say
So pray
I'm a sinner
Look at all these people in front of me
Look at all these people in front of me:how
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor Beaten why for
Can't take much more
One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give
Let the bodies hit the floor
Push me again
This is the end
Skin against skin blood and bone
You're all by yourself but you're not alone
You wanted in now you're here
Driven by hate consumed by fear
Let the bodies hit the floor

An eerie glow lit up the dark tonight, one kindled by dying fires and burning bodies within them. The area was splattered with blood, not a spot left unmarred by its scarlett paint. The air was deathly quiet, only the wind fanning the fires could be heard. Nothing moved save one soul but it was by no means a missed victim. The one left standing flicked her katana blade to remove the blood before looking about at the havoc she had wrought. Her face was splattered with blood but she paid it no heed. The eyes that were lit by a fire nearby were vacant looking for the moment, lost in her own thoughts.

"The dead cannot cry out for justice so who will do it for them?"

Aug 4th, 2003, 08:35:02 AM
"I will," came a familiar voice. Satine steps otu of the shadows, the flames giving his eyes an eerie glowing look to it. "Hello Videl."

He draws forth a scimitar, the silver blade glinting in the dim light, a small art of a phoenix going up the blade. "You've kill an entire town tonight. And I will show you that justice will be done tonight..."

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:54:18 PM
Videl looked up at him, the fires dancing in her eyes.

"Will you now? Sure you can handle me?"

She laughed a little at the suggestion as she always did.

"Feel free to try but you're wasting your time."

Aug 5th, 2003, 07:04:29 AM
"We'll find out, won't we?" He asks, giving a feral grin before leaping onto the attack, his scimitar coming in in a fierce couple of slashes.

Aug 5th, 2003, 12:16:01 PM
Videl blocks, her face devoid of any emotion only her eyes continue to show sparks of life as she slips into her trained state as she always does. After a point, she kicks Alpha in the stomach as he is too preoccupied with his slashes to notice before bringing down her elbow down into his spine as he doubles over slightly.

"Same as the last time, don't learn do you?"

Aug 5th, 2003, 12:25:22 PM
Satine hits the ground, but immediately rolls to his feet, coming in a bit more carefully this time...
"Oh, I do...IT just takes a while..."

This time, he taps itno the Force, shoving Videl backwards a few feet before making a test slash in.

Aug 5th, 2003, 12:35:47 PM
Videl dodges to the side, grabs him by the arm and slams him forward into the wall facefirst, holding him by the neck with her other hand. She holds him there for a few second before pulling him up a bit so his face scrapes a bit against its rough surface. She digs her nails and fingers into his neck a bit before letting him drop.

"I suppose it has to be beaten into you to stick then?"

Aug 5th, 2003, 05:00:13 PM
Satine catches himself, and lashes out with his left foot, taking videl to the ground, and then wipes blood from his face. He grins.

"Just about." He then jumps to the side a bit, avoiding a return attack

Aug 5th, 2003, 05:50:40 PM
"So be it then."

Videl smirked not moving from the ground just yet. In reality, she was giving time for Alpha to foolishly let his guard down as she was doing other things with the force behind him. A streetlamp was begininng to warp and bend, a trick she had recently used on Malice but it got the job done. Before Alpha could register it coming, the streep lamp now bent sideways came hurling towards him from behind and slammed him forward into a nearby wall with enough force to crack it outward around him. Now Videl decided to rise, taking her time since she didn't need speed right now. She walked over in the slow slink of a cat to him before Alpha felt the sting of her four knife blades held by a ring on each finger sunk into his shoulder. She moved them around a little before drawing them out.

Aug 5th, 2003, 07:13:34 PM
Satine bore the pain without a sound, though with much surprise. He hadn't gotten into this bad of a fight in at least a year...

Slowly extracting himself from the brick, Satine forms a Force shield, and smiles grimly, getting into an unarmed fighting position. He comes in with a quick jab, which is blocked. Following up with a roundhouse kick, Satine then suddenly jumps up, and side-kicks Videl in the face, spinning her around. He lands in a crouch, and get up, this time, his guard staying up.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:17:24 AM
:: Sorsha stands at a distance and watches, but does not interfere. She was more interested to see if the two could push each other to a higher level ::

Aug 6th, 2003, 06:41:12 PM
Videl is keeping her eyes leveled on Alpha's before briefly looking back towards Sorsha. She looks back to her target, her eyes still holding a focused gaze on her prey. She's unfazed by the hit, she never did feel much pain and never showed it. Her eyes remain on his while she reaches behind her back to arm her other hand with the short blades. She lunges, her movements towards him seemingly a bit sloppy as she allows one hand to be caught. But as soon as it happens, she smirks and Alpha barely has time to register his mistake before she blasts him with a large jolt of force lightning.

Aug 6th, 2003, 07:51:10 PM
Satine grits his teeth, before gathering up his strength and blasting away with a salvo of Force Concussion blasts. He crouches, breathing heavily as Videl is blasted away. God, he had forgotten how much lightning hurt!

He slowly withdrew a SOCOM slug-thrower from his thigh holster, and aims it at Videl, letting fly three bullets from the weapon...

Aug 6th, 2003, 08:00:28 PM
Videl rolls to her feet before looking up to see the gun. She dodges nimbly by jumping up, unto to another lamppost and then down towards him. She connects with a kick to his neck that knocks him sideways and the gun out of his hand. But before he can reach it, Videl pulls it with the force into her hand and crushed the barrel, rendering it useless.

"Guns are for the weak, are you weak, Alpha?"

Aug 7th, 2003, 07:08:17 AM
Satine gathers his strength, and jumps at her before answering. Landing a kick to her midsection, Satine says, "No. I just use anything and everything." He follows this up by a leg sweep.

Aug 8th, 2003, 08:17:16 PM
Videl smirks, they never learn, to her a leg sweep was nothing as she showed when her hands touched the ground, she righted herself enough to kick up to Alpha's head, knocking him sideways a bit. She had many years and years of training in her time of living, making her a hard opponent to best. Once done, she flipped up and over him and slammed into him, knocking him over again before placing her foot on the back of his neck.

"Are you trying or you just this pitiful, child?"

She asked, adding the child purposely to see if it would anger him any.

Aug 8th, 2003, 08:21:05 PM
Satine taps into the force, using it to rip Videl off of him, sending her into a nearby wall. Getting up, he pops his neck a few times before smiling.

"I'm not a child anymore, Videl." He says, deathly calm. As Videl gets back to her feet, Satine slowly circles, forming a Force shield.

Aug 8th, 2003, 11:37:56 PM
"Children uses tricks and you are a child until you prove otherwise.....besides you should know better than to use that on me."

She rose as she chuckled, canting her head slightly so the hair covered most of her face on one side before straightening out her posture once more. She then rolled her eyes in a bored expression before beckoning him to try it.

Aug 9th, 2003, 09:39:08 AM
Satine doesn't say anything this time, instead calling on the Force to speed his movements, and increase the power behind each attack. He slides in, ducking a snap kick, and countering with an uppercut that manages to clip Videl's jaw, without much effect. Satine uses his forearm to block the motion of a knifehand strike before tackling Videl, taking her to the ground before jumping off, landing a few feet away.

Aug 12th, 2003, 06:48:56 PM
He doesn't land far enough away however as Videl sweeps his legs out from under him and as she rises to her feet, she elbows him in the throat, causing him to gag and wheeze painfully. A bored expression is crossing her features again as her fingers go under his chin, forcing him to look up at her as the clawed blades rise as well, making tiny beads of blood come from the points they touch there.

"You're not proving anything to me, would you rather I just end it all now for you?"

Aug 13th, 2003, 06:58:25 AM
"Go to Hell..." Satine says, bringing his feet up, and kicking Videl away from him. Wiping the blood from the tiny points her smiles, and then recalls his scimitar. Taking a deep breath, Satine gets up. He noticed Videl had retrieved her own blade, and then gets into a fighting stance.

Suddenly, he lashes out, the scimitar coming in high. As it's blocked, Satine spins, adding a heavy kick that throws Videl a foot back. Smiling, he slides in and begins a slash-stab-parry routine.

Aug 13th, 2003, 08:14:05 PM
Alpha is thrown to the side as a dark object slams into him and knocks him backward. A low distinctly not human growl is heard before the glowing eyes of his attacker come into view. One long since forgotten by most is here to help although unasked.

Aug 13th, 2003, 08:20:31 PM
A sharp bark followed by a low growl as another pair of eyes glimmered from a nearby alleyway. The eyes soon were in his face along with a set of shining bared teeth while he growled menacingly at the one after his master. One eye bore four slashes acoss it but the eye was undamaged besides most of the wolf's body was covered with ragged scars.

Aug 14th, 2003, 07:24:48 AM
Did the animal kingdom suddenly turn against him too? Satine slowly gets to hius feet, eyeing the two creatures. What was going on here?

He began to form two force shields, one in between him and each other the creatures. He slowly turns, watching both of them...

Aug 14th, 2003, 07:11:28 PM
"Couldn't stay home could you boys?"

Both animals flit their ears back to listen to their master's voice but don't turn away from Alpha.

"These would be my pets, Shiji and Kuroi, they protect me even when I don't need it sometimes."

Videl canted her head a little to the side, thinking over something.

"Perhaps I should let them handle you, they're more than capable of it or do you think you can put up a good enough fight for me yet?"

Aug 15th, 2003, 07:27:05 AM
Satine gathers the Force, jumping high, over the pair of animals, and landing in front of Videl. He smiles, and slowly brings his scimitar in line, every sense he had attuned through the force.

"Try me."

Aug 18th, 2003, 07:46:52 PM
"My, all fired up now aren't you?"

Videl sneered after speaking, she was getting a bit bored so her thoughts were wandering to whether she should go ahead and just kill the Jedi. But for now, she put the thoughts on hold, might as well see what else he could do.

"Well then, show me how you've grown, child...."

Aug 19th, 2003, 06:55:48 AM
Satine nods, and does an experimental thrust, which is blocked. Bringing his sword back in line, Satine spins it, sending it into an overhead slash. Videl brings her blade up to parry it, but is slammed in the gut by Satine's rapidly moving boot. Smiling, and bringing his foot down, Satine jumps, landing a double kick onto his opponent.

He tries for one last kick, but she grabs the foot, giving it a mighty yank and spin. Satine jumps, and spins with his foot, keeping it from breaking. Just before landing, Satine takes a hit in the gut by a fist, throwing him back a ways.

Getting to his feet again, Satine brushes himself off, launching three bolts of Force concussion at Videl, charging in. He ducks a slash, and counters with a fist, which Videl simply brushes aside. Satine grins, and begins a furious series of stabs and slashes, one of them getting through the defenses well enough to blood Videl's sword arm.

He smiles and aims a sweep for Videl's legs...

Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:18:06 AM
But Videl was too fast for him, before he can even detect she moved, Videl backhanded him hard across the face, snapping his head to the side with the force of it. The block wasn't intended to break his neck which was the only reason Alpha wasn't crippled right now. Even so, Videl had let her steel claw blades rent his face with the hit, one gouge had laid his cheek open to the bone.

"Did you intended for your last hit to hurt?"

She asked as the fingers of one hand were swiftly around his throat, holding him at arms length away from her. She shook her head and chuckled a little.

"When will they ever learn?"

She asked to no one before her fingers tightened their grip like a vice. Alpha could feel the pressure that was close to collapsing the fragile bones in his neck but moving would mean instant death. Her grip remained like this for a few moments while she watched his reaction with no emotion on her face.

"Still under the childish belief that I can be hurt, so pitiful."

She muttered lowly, almost quiet enough that he wouldn't be able to hear her. Her other hand raised, the claws pausing at his neck for a moment, tapping lightly but not enough to break the skin as the Sith weighed where to strike, her hand dropping lower to over his heart. It lingered there for a few moments more before moving again, stopping over his groin, all the while she watched his reaction as he was powerless to move. Finally she stopped at just above his knee and dug in, clawing upward up his leg before drawing out the blades and throwing him away from her.

"Still want to try, young one?"

Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:18:43 AM
Satine manages not to cry out in pain. Indeed, he was still working on catching his breath. He tries to stand, his wounded leg giving a flash of pain, but managing to hold his weight. He closes his eyes, tapping intop the Force for strength, and also to make use of one of his more powerful abilities.

Reaching out with the Force, Satine begins to rub the particles of the air together. The air quickly begins to glow, the friction created causing the air to warm considerably. Soon enough, Satine manages to turn a swath or air in between the two into flames. Satine opens his eyes, the silver color flashing in the odd reflected light. He smiles, and uses a Force push to send some of the flames at Videl. The rest of it burns itself out rather quickly.

Satine rushes in, ignoring the pain from his various cuts, and stabs at Videl, just as she dodges the flames...Right into the way of his scimitar...

Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:45:35 AM
The blade gouges into her leg but Videl wastes no time in punching him forcefully in the face knocking Alpha away from her. But as he is tossed backward, Videl taps into the force and sends a massive wave of force lightning his way that shoots towards him and knocks him further away. He slams hard into a wall, the lightning still surging through him, this last one was far stronger than the one before it and a lot more painful. Videl soon is upon him again as she jumps up and lands hard on his chest, the sound of a rib snapping follows almost instantly.

"When will you understand that you can't hurt me?"

She asks before stepping back a little then bringing her knee just under his ribs, knocking the air out of his lungs. This brings her to a half squating position as she leans in close to him. She runs her hand over the wound she rent almost as though sorry for it before she grabs him by the hair and slams his head in the concrete. Her head then cants to the side as she brings the clawed blades of one hand up to his neck, her face close enough to his that her spiked hair touches lightly.

"Now I'll ask you once more, would you like me to end it all now or do you still have some fight left in you?"

Aug 24th, 2003, 10:19:05 AM
Satine tries answering, but wasn't able to gather enough breath, the attacks robbing him of it. He begins to see black around the edges of his vision. He tries to struggle, the futile attempts draining the last of his strength. Gasping, he closes his eyes, losing conciousness.

Aug 24th, 2003, 12:45:09 PM
Videl growls softly but stands up, the need to fight draining away from her. The fight had gone well enough so might as well let him live to get better besides taking out an unconscious victim was not her style.

"Till we meet again."

She said softly before walking away into the night.