View Full Version : Night Vistor (open)

Eris Alexiel
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:16:56 AM
This is a call to all of those that I've been missin'
This is a call to all of those I used to know
I get so jaded and my blood begins to thicken
Down so low
Let it go
And somewhere in the night I find a place and listen
I've seen the faces fading as the years go by
The search for answers still lives on but I can't grip them
Still I try
I don't know why
Now I know I've been right here before
But I call on yesterday
Aint no clouds in the sky
Still I can smell the rain
I don't know why the darkness comes
I don't know why it's in my blood
You see dawn and I see dusk
I was raised by wolves
I don't know why the darkness comes
I don't know why it's in my blood
You see dawn and I see dusk
I was raised by wolves
And so the road is long
And filled with many questions
I look ahead with open arms to the unknown
This is the time
This is the place for us to listen
Let them know
Let them know
Now I know I've been right here before
But I call on yesterday
Aint no clouds in the sky
Still I can smell the rain
I don't know why the darkness comes
I don't know why it's in my blood
You see dawn and I see dusk
I was raised by wolves
I don't know why the darkness comes
I don't know why it's in my blood
You see dawn and I see dusk
I was raised by wolves
-Raised by Wolf by Agent 51

A large ebony wolf sat on its haunches, scratching its neck or ear from time to time with a hind leg. Even so, its eyes remain on the entrance, waiting for something. Finally, it moves, padding softly in behind a large patron, blocked by the alien's bulk. Once in, the wolf looks about before sitting down again, scratching at a particularly itchy spot by the base of its neck. To most, the wolf went unnoticed, and not known by any of them to be Eris in her wolfen state. In this form, Eris looked like a plain old thing other than the fact that she was a bit too large to be confused for a dog. Her murky brown eyes searched the bar and made a soft whine, looking for someone it seemed but was she?

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:31:00 PM
Vishalla was sitting in the B&G, drinking a cup of juice when Eris snuck in. Something unknown to her, but is the Force in actuality, made her look up to see Eris scratching an itchy spot. She recognises Eris in her wolf form from encountering a short while ago. A huge smile appers on her face as she hops down off of the seat and she runs over to Eris, dropping down to her knees, she gives Eris a hug.

"Hi puppy dog. You can sit with me today if you want."

She stands up and skips back over to the booth she's sitting in near the door, hoping the puppy will follow her.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:13:16 PM
Eris makes a small woof It's the nice kid. She thinks to herself before getting up and padding behind the child before sitting down on the floor. She woofs again softly.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 4th, 2003, 06:13:32 PM
Vishalla grabs her glass of juice and sits down on the floor next to Eris, wanting to be on the same level as her.

"Have had any more ppl bother you puppy?? You're a nice puppy and nobody should bother you."

She waves over a serving droid and orders a raw steak for Eris, thinking that the puppy might be hungry. After a couple of minutes, a raw steak is brought out on a plate and handed to her which she then puts on the floor for Eris.

"I hope you like steak. You a good puppy so you get steak."

She says quite simply as she starts to scratch Eris on the back.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 4th, 2003, 06:49:47 PM
Eris woofs as a no to the first question then woofs again for a thank you. Eris wolfs down the steak then wags her tail and woofs softly again, dancing about a bit like a happy dog would.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:26:06 AM
Vishalla smiles as she sees that the Eris is happy.

"I'm happy you enjoyed the steak. You a good puppy."

She continues to pet Eris, even though she's dancing ilke a happy dog right now.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 5th, 2003, 11:43:25 AM
Eris licked the child's face once as a dog would, she had long since learned acting like a dog got one treated a lot better than a feral, aloof or growling wolf did.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:37:22 AM
Vishalla hugs Eris for a moment before continuing to pet her.

"You a special puppy. You not oda......oin.......odial......well, you not normal. You special."

Eris Alexiel
Aug 6th, 2003, 06:25:15 PM
Moreso than you think...

Eris thought to herself, yawning widely and licking her chops briefly.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:13:54 AM
"No matter. You my puppy."

Vishalla continues to pet Eris. After a couple of minutes though, she pulls Eris partially onto her lap since she is sitting on the floor.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 7th, 2003, 05:27:24 PM
Eris looked up, ears pricked forward.

Your puppy? What am I getting myself into?

She thought to herself before settling back down again with her head on her paws, enjoying the petting.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 8th, 2003, 10:35:37 AM
Vishalla smiles when she sees Eris making herself comfortable. She interprets that as Eris agreeing with what she said.

"I take good care of you. I no let you be hurted by mean people.

You need name now. I not know if you have name so I give you name."

She falls silent for a couple of minutes while trying to think of a name in which she can call Eris, still not realising what Eris actually is since she's only ever seen Eris as a wolf.

"I know, Bwownie cause you eyes be bwowon. You like that??"

She asks Eris as she continues to pet Eris.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 8th, 2003, 08:10:23 PM
Eris woofs softly.

Works for me...but what am I getting into?

She thinks to herself, might as well play along with it for now, besides it's unlikely that she would be recognized in her normal form, only Vega had seen her in both.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:55:08 AM
Vishalla takes the soft woof as a yes as she continues to pet Eris. She then starts to talk softly to Eris, telling her some of her thoughts that she's been having lately, ever since she woke up on Coruscant.

"I wish I knew where me home is. I not know and that bovers me. I not know lots. I not know me name, or me species. You lucky. You not need worry bout that. But I take care of you. I not let mean ppl hurt you cause you my puppy."

She as per normal of a child, wanders with her speech, not staying on just one topic.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 9th, 2003, 07:35:20 PM
Eris nuzzled the child's cheek with her own before resting her head back on her paws again.

Poor thing...

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:49:05 AM
Vishalla continues to pet Eris.

"You still hungry??"

She asks in a cheerful voice.

"Or you tirsty??"

Eris Alexiel
Aug 10th, 2003, 06:37:38 PM
Eris yawned and shook out her fur a bit.

Nope, neither....just tired...

She thought to herself.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:57:54 AM
Vishalla smiles as she continues petting Eris.

"You yawned, you tired. You sleep and I make sure you stay safe."

She says in a cheerful voice to Eris.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:50:38 PM
If you say so...

Eris thought to herself before closing her eyes though her ears still remained pricked forward for any signs of danger.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:07:08 AM
Vishalla continues to pet Eris while Eris is asleep. Though after a little while, she shifts her position, rests her head on Eris's body and falls asleep herself.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 14th, 2003, 07:41:57 PM
Eris perks her ears backward and lifts her head to look.

Poor child...

She thinks to herself, wondering if this cub has anyone before resting her head on her paws, not falling back to sleep but thinking instead.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 15th, 2003, 08:00:33 AM
Vishalla, while she's asleep, snuggles closer to Eris. She's asleep for about a half hour past when Eris woke up. When she wakes up, she yawns and stretches slightly before sitting up again and pulling Eris back onto her lap.

"You sleep well Bwownie??"

She questions with a slight sleepy tone in her voice.

Eris Alexiel
Aug 15th, 2003, 07:12:47 PM
Eris barked softly, her thoughts still wandering and wondering. Still she wagged her tail a friendly way without thinking about it.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 16th, 2003, 11:11:28 AM
"I take that as yes."

Vishalla hugs Eris again and continues petting her. For now she's silent, her own thoughts wandering over what she knows of herself, trying to piece together what she doesn't know.