View Full Version : J'ktal vs. Kueller (open to spectators)

Sage Hazzard
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:42:22 AM
Sage stood in a currently vacant sparing room. It was matted in the center with bleachers to either side.

It was an organized spar between two of his Padawans. Sage awaited the first arrival.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:48:28 AM
J'ktal entered the room, rolling his neck out and shruging his shoulders. As usual for a training or workout session, the gray mongoose sported his dark gray sleeveless sweatsuit with the crimson stripe down the side, and he carried both his lightsaber and a wooden katana, a bokken, as well.

"When will he be here, Master Hazzard?" the Death-Shadow asked, running a paw through one of the long strands of his frontal headfur.

Aug 4th, 2003, 01:55:58 AM
"Soon enough," replied Kueller, grinning. He walked up to Sage and asked him, "Is it a Lightsabre spar?" He noticed the Mongoose had a lightsabre.
Kueller got down on his knees and meditated for five seconds and got up to hear Sage's reply.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:09:10 AM

Sage handed Kueller a training sabre. It was, by defualt, already set to 'stun'. It wouldn't cut through anything, but it would hurt and leave a mark.

"J'ktal, sabres, and set to stun."

Sage motioned to the center.

"Whenever you two are ready."

Aug 4th, 2003, 02:12:29 AM
Kueller would have used his own sabre but it was in his quarters. He ignited the training sabre and brought it into a close defensive stance waiting for the Mongoose to attack.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:17:13 AM
Nimbly flicking his paw, J'ktal tossed his bokken to the side as Keuller lit his saber. Looking quite uninterested, J'ktal lifted his own saber handly and idly set the power level to its lowest setting, then let his arms fall to his sides once more.

He made no move to attack, or defend, or do anythign for that matter. He actually looked.... bored.

Aug 4th, 2003, 02:25:05 AM
Sage had said that J'ktal was special in some way. Either, this was it or he was genuinlly... Bored. Kueller made a gentle slash at him to test him.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:29:53 AM
Dropping down, J'ktal snapped out and arm and snatched Kueller's saber hand, pushing it up out of the way as he passed quickly by, leaving the same amount of distance between them as there had been before.

Aug 4th, 2003, 02:37:43 AM
This guy was special. He decided to try something else. He summoned as much Force as he could and 'Punched' him using the Force. It was pretty weak and he had never tried it before.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:47:07 AM
The blow hit J'ktal off the center of his chest, surprising him moe than hurting, but it did mean that it was time to get down to business. Igniting his own red saber, the gray mongoose chased after Kueller's, beating hard at it with two-handed swings.

Aug 4th, 2003, 02:51:30 AM
Kueller defended... just. He tried to get a force grip on the red sabre to yank it out of his hand. He had to strong a grip. J'ktal was almost on top of him. Kueller disignited his sabre and used the handle to butt him in the face.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:53:32 AM
The handle stuck J'ktal in the head, but that wasn't quite enough to keep him from getting an inside swing aimed down Kueller's arm toward his neck.

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:02:15 AM
Kueller ducked just in time but it singed his face leaving a lightning shaped scar on his forehead. He headbutted J'ktal in the stomach. Not on purpose but because of the pain searing in his head. It wasn't very hard. So he wouldn't be surprised if J'ktal lopped his head off. Or at least the equivalent to a low lightsabre.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:04:37 AM
With Kueller rammed into his gut, J'ktal did the first thing that came to mind. He locked his paws together on his lightsaber handle and brought the metal culinder down in a double-axehead square into his opponent's back.

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:08:10 AM
"Oww! That really hurt!" Kueller said face on the floor. He stayed there for a split second then used another force punch which met the mongoose between the legs.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:12:47 AM
*Pok* snapped a hollow, plasticy sound, and J'kta; shook his head. As Kuller looked up form the floor, he knocked a knuckle against his groin, the same plastic sound eminating again. He was wearing a cup. J'ktal always wore a cup while sparring, one could never tell when their opponent might try to play dirty.

"Now now, that is not playing very nicely, Kueller," he scolded as he deactivated his lightsaber, reaching a paw down to help him up.

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:18:04 AM
He didn't take it. He got up himself. "It was difficult to tell it from your head." He really wasn't sure if the mongoose was going to attack him again. "can I have my sabre back?" he asked when he got up.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:18:31 AM
Quay'Na had been watching from the doorway for a few seconds. So, this was J'ktal. Pretty fierce-looking . And his animal aura was more than strong, she had 'felt' his presence down the hall.

As for Kueller, she'd already met him a few days ago.

She stepped in quietly, bowed to her master briefly and took a seat to watch.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:27:13 AM
"My head is up here," J'ktal tapped it playfully. "You already found it once, you know. Catch."

J'ktal tossed Kueller's saber up from the floor with one of his footpaws. "A little less of the dirty stuff, shall we? If I wanted a brawl, I would have punched a Fyrokkian in a sleazy bar."

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:29:33 AM
"And therefore." Kueller tossed his lightsabre aside. "You can still use yours if you want. Mine's just getting in the way." Kueller flipped backwards.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:35:44 AM
So Kueller had an attitude, how lovely. Not only was he cheap, he was cocky.

J'ktal had seen many like him come and go. Unless he learned to settle down, and focus his energies on the spar instead of himself, Kueller would wind up an arrogant showboater.

"I will keep it, I care for this blade. It amuses me," J'ktal replied. Wrapping both paws arounf the long grip as if it were a katana instead, he leaned into a ready position and ignited the blade. "Are you ready, or is this to become an acrobatics test now?"

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:41:20 AM
At least i'd win aerobatics Kueller thought. He knew he was only prolonging the inevitable. "Come on you pansy!" he ran at him. Incredibly stupid but he had a sort of plan.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:51:00 AM
Ten meters. Eight steps, maybe nine. At the sixth, J'ktal would be able to tell if a jump was to be involved, and he let the already downwardly angled tip of his saber sink another two inches.

Should Kueller try a jump kick, J'ktal would drop, lashign the blade overhead and taking him down from there. Should Kueller slide, he would sidestep and wheel his saber down and dispatch him there. And, if his opponent tried a straight-out rush, it would be a simple maneuver of stepping back and pivoting while he sent his red saber down from Kueller's neck to his lower torso. Everything hinged on the sixth and seventh steps.

Aug 4th, 2003, 03:56:32 AM
Kueller stopped on his seventh step and force punched again. He knew this would take the mongoose by surprise because Kueller felt that he thought Kueller might jump. Or just keep running. That is why he did not jump when he should.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:06:03 AM
Admittedly, it was a harder blow than the others had been, knocking him square in the chest and upsetting his delicate footing. But it was not completely unnexpected. Kueller had begun to slow on the fifth step, letting himself stop a good ten feet away. He was becoming proficient with Force maneuvers, so J'ktal figured it was time for one of his own.

Letting his left paw off his saber, he reached it ot toward Kueller, and recalled his first lesson with his master. He had to pluck oranges from a free from a distace. J'ktal imagined that grabbing the scruff of a man's shirt would be little different. Clutching his paw into a tight fist, he yanked it back, watchign as Kueller's shirtscruff obeyed his command, yanking him forward.

Aug 4th, 2003, 04:14:53 AM
Kueller tried to read the mongoose's mind. Impossible. He could only just see in his mind. He was either going to punch him, slash at him or kick him in the face. Kueller grabbed the Mongoose's arm with the force. And pulled him over. It took a lot of strength. Kueller only needed it as a distraction for him to let go.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:25:07 AM
The grab caught J'ktal off guard, and he lost concentration on his own grab. The two of them were left about three feet apart, and the mongoose took advantage of that, rushing in and driving his saber in a fast lunge toward Kueller's open gut.

Aug 4th, 2003, 04:30:35 AM
Kueller rolled out of the way. J'ktal still did damage and Kueller had to recover. He stood as soon as possible with J'ktal soon after.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:31:44 AM
Dasquian stands at the edge of the battle, watching in silence, a short distance from where Sage is stood.

The grey mongoose had caught his attention.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:40:57 AM
J'ktal was now facing the wrong way, but jsut as Kueller would need time to recover, he would get time to turn himself around. Placing his left paw back on the saber handle, he slam-stepped a leap forward, slashing a diagonal line from his upper right to lower left at Keuller.

Aug 4th, 2003, 04:46:11 AM
Before it could get too close Kueller used the Force to ajust the angle of the sabre just a little bit. He recieved a scar on his chin. But it was less wors than it would've been. Kueller summoned all the Force he had and pushed J'ktal's legs out from under him.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 05:01:55 AM
So Kueller was adept with the Force it seemed. A natural, J'ktal was left to guess. Still, raw skill put against twenty years of expeience always yeilded the same result. Until then, he would wait things out, and learn what he could about his adversary.

From the floor, there was little to be done. Kueller had shown that he could attack from a distance, but had a bit more dificulty up close. His mind busy, the mongoose rolled over and kicked up to a stand, wheeling his saber around to keep Kueller at bay until he was ready.

Like a linebacker, J'ktal rushed forward, focusing on Kueller's feet as he went, hoping to hold them in place to keep the man from dodgeing again as he lined up a running tackle.

Aug 4th, 2003, 05:07:26 AM
Kueller was surprised by the attack and fell to the floor. J'ktal ended up on top of him. This was the same position he had his master in earlier. His Master had blown him to the ceiling using the Force. BOOM! Went J'ktal towards the ceiling.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:03:18 PM
Going up into the air, J'ktal kept his body from flailing and grinned as he made an elbow, and slapped it with his other paw before he started to fall.

In one of the grandest Flying Elbow Drops ever performed, the mongoose pounded Kueller into the floor in what had to be a very painful manner.

Sene Unty
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:06:25 PM
Sene entered and smiled...

"hmmm a spar", he whispered.

Using the wall to prop himself up Sene watched...

Aug 4th, 2003, 01:09:31 PM
"FRELL!" cursed Kueller. That was pain. Kueller cringed. He rolled backwards onto his feet and entered a defensive stance.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:15:49 PM
J'ktal was on him in a flash, and delivered a slap across his face. "Watch your mouth, you are trying to be a Jedi, not a dockhand."

Aug 4th, 2003, 01:23:07 PM
"Well it hurt you know. I'm sorry." Kueller found it weird. He expected sage to say that. But not a fellow Padawan. "Can we start fighting again?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:28:51 PM
"You are too eager to battle," J'ktal replied, "Maybe later, when you have settled down. Master Hazzard, I am finished here."

Calling his bokken to his paw with the Force, the gray mongoose bowed to Kueller, and then turned on his heel and headed toward the door.

Aug 4th, 2003, 01:34:15 PM
"I just wanted to start fighting again instead gettin a telling off." Kueller muttered as J'Ktal left. "Well Master. Any suggestions?"

Sage Hazzard
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:29:42 AM
J'ktal had a gift for being himself. If the mongoose didn't want to do something, he didn't. J'ktal hardly needed fight training, so Sage let him go. Kueller on the other hand, did.

Now the kid gloves were off. He was going to see what this Padawan was made of.

"Just one..."

Sage reached into his robes, pulling two sabres out. He flipped the sabres in the air and the levitated there. He proceeded to rip off his robes, finally leaving him in a black bodysuit. Letting the sabres drop, he caught them and ignited them.

"...that is, that you take a deep breath before I attack," he spoke to J'ktal, who was leaving, without taking his eyes of Kueller. "You may wish to stay, J'ktal. I believe the Front Row is free for this event."

Sage had decided before to let him fight at only his skill level. Now though, he had a change of heart and mind.

Kueller had approximately three seconds to breath deeply. Sage was on him in nanoseconds past that.

First Kueller was pulled forward by a Force Pull. He met a brick wall. Not an actual one of course but the reality wasn't far off. He hit a Force Wall. A solid barrier created by the Force. Invisible but rock solid. As he came off his initial disorientation, he was was met with a rising kick to the chin.

All this and Sage hadn't used his sabres yet.

"It has come to my attention that you do not fight like it matters. Like it is life and death. A Sith will rip out your heart, cook it, and force you to share in the devour of it. You cannot simply punch, kick, and push. You must use your head or you will die. So start using it. And for Force sakes, pick up your Light Sabre. You're not that good yet."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 6th, 2003, 02:18:52 AM
Upon the request of his master, J'ktal turned about and returned to the stands, taking a seat ans setting his bokken beside himself. Watching Sage deal with Kueller would be an interesting event, as it would teach him more about his own master, and his personality.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 6th, 2003, 02:53:45 AM
Quay'Na raised an eyebrow, she too was very interested. Perhaps, the kid could be taught.

Aug 6th, 2003, 02:25:46 PM
Kueller felt some blood trickle down his chin as he moved round to pick up his sabre. When he ignited it a fire roared within him. He wasn't going to win this but he was going to put up as much a fight as possible. Though, there was one thing that was better with fighting Sage: he could be sensed. Not easily but easier than J'Ktal. He focused a third of his energy trying to break in to the impenetrable mind of Master Hazzard.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:55:21 AM
Sage dove in with his swords now that the Padawan had his own back.

The Jedi Master pulled his own arms back and snapped them forward, pulled his elbows in, the sabres slashing. He alarmingly dropped them, suspending them in the air for a second. Kueller, doing what would be normal, would swing at one of the sabres. Sage however didn't put any stock into them. They weren't swinging anymore and he had something better in mind. However, Sage was of course acting in blazing speed. In the time Kueller started to block the stationary swords his move would be over and he'd have his sabres back in hand.

Sage dropped, turning 180 as he did, and slammed his right knee into the ground. He brought his left foot up and around, extending it fully, striking Kueller squarely in the solar plexis. When hit here it would effectively take the breath out of an opponent. When Sage hit here it would hurt like hellfire on top of it.

The Jedi Master kept his position, leg extended, and made his sabres drop to his hands. He pushed with a good thirty percent of his Force enhanced leg strength, sending Kueller flying a decent five meters.

He kept his leg going, hitting the ground with it, turned himself back around and propelled himself off the ground. After flipping mid flight, he planted, and jumped again. This time he extended his sabres beside him and war cried, coming down on the Padawan.

Aug 7th, 2003, 02:01:37 AM
Kueller had only just got his breath back when he saw his Master was in the air with both sabres extended ready to slash him. He did all that he could. He nosed dived onto the marble floor which made him slide.
When he got up and turned it was clear that what he had done had only saved him for a second.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:58:01 AM
Sage hit the floor running. He jumped again, positioning his knee so that when he landed it would crush Kueller.

Aug 7th, 2003, 03:20:52 AM
Kueller was about to swear when he saw J'ktal out of the corner of his eye and thought better of it. The knee was coming straight at his chest. In a splitsecond he extended his sabre forward designed to stop the attack. or at least weaken it.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:32:50 AM
Sage came out of his formation. He stuck his opposite foot out, hitting Kueller in the stomach and avoiding his sabre, designed to stop the knee that wasn't attacking anymore. He pulled his other leg back, to avoid the sabre.

Sage, standing on Kueller, whipped out both sabres, sending the Padawan's single sabre blade to the side. Sage brought the foot that was in the air down on Kueller's sabre holding wrist. Pinning it to the floor. He put all his weight on the wrist now, stepping off the stomach. Then, he kicked back with his first leg and hit Kueller squarely in the jaw, still standing on his wrist with his other foot.

Aug 8th, 2003, 01:30:16 AM
As the foot met his jaw Kueller summoned and ignited his sabre sending it towards the leg that had pinned down his wrist. Kueller was thoroughly winded by now, but this didn't stop him using the Force.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 9th, 2003, 12:34:53 AM
Sage leapt off Kueller, twisting in air. He slammed the two ends of his sabres together and twisted. They were built to combine into what resembled a double bladed sabre. In reality it wasn't much more than two hilts joined together. Still, it was used exactly like a double blade.

He sent out his free hand as he landed, erecting a Force Wall at the trialing sabre. Instead of erecting it in front however, he placed it under. Then he raised the wall, sending the sabre up and off it's path. Sage caught it deftly as he spun.

He skipped and then spun again, coming in low and bringing his double blades in front of him. He walked backward, keeping his newly acquired sabre behind him in a reverse grip.

He would play defense and see how his Padawan dealt with an opponent with three sabres.

Aug 9th, 2003, 01:23:01 AM
kueller stood in a defensive stance but when he that his Master was making no move that he was to attack. Kueller faked a kick which turned into a Force punch, hitting his master in the stomach. It wasn't much good, though.

Kueller took a couple of steps back and flipped over Sage landing back to back with him.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 9th, 2003, 01:45:56 AM
Which was exactly why Sage kept his "new" sabre back there. Since it was in a reverse grip, meaning the emitter was near his little finger instead of at the top of his hand, all he had to do was twist his wrist a slight bit. It singed Kueller's shirt and gave him a shock. It would have been a kill but the sabre was set to a stun capacity.

He then spun away from Kueller.


Sage pitched Kueller's "old" sabre, leaving only his double bladed one.

Now he charged in. He placed a over handed grip on either side of the double hilts. As he got withen striking distance he feigned a side strike with the right sabre but commited to a left sabre slash.

Aug 9th, 2003, 01:48:44 AM
Click. Kueller had temporarily broken into his master's mind. He avoided the kick that came from that attack. Kueller followed this up with a swing of his lightsabre.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 9th, 2003, 02:03:39 AM
Sage brought his right blade up and over, deflecting the sabre to the left. The right sabre was in a "t" intersection with Kueller's, Sage's blade vertical. Because he was using a double bladed sabre, his left sabre was also vertical, but had interference. He swung that blade up at Kueller's sabre holding arm, directed for the armpit.

Aug 9th, 2003, 02:07:14 AM
Kueller stepped back when he knew what Sage was going to do. The longer Sage kept that gap open the longer Kueller could get out of the way.

He flipped back, keeping a lock on Sage as he went. Sage went to go to Kueller but there was a Force wall in the way before he had moved.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 15th, 2003, 12:13:07 AM
The Force Wall Kueller erected wasn't nearly durable enough to stand. Nor was it concieved well enough, with an understanding of what the Force Wall was and what made it solid. Sage passed through it without so much as a stuttered step.

The Jedi Master outstretched his hand and used a Force Push. Enough to sweep the Padawan off his feet. Sage took slow steps, making his way to his Padawan, wondering how he would act under pressure.

Aug 15th, 2003, 01:03:46 PM
"Should have known it wouldn't work," Kueller muttered as he rolled backwards and kicked up onto his feet. When he landed he stood still. The hole in Sage's mind was closed now. That wouldn't do at all. In the time Sage gave him he started to work on gaining access into his mind again. He never forgot what his basic combat teacher had taught him when he was young, "It's not how much time we have, Kueller, it's,"
"How to use that time." Finished Kueller.