View Full Version : The Super Special Jedi Janitorial Squad! (silly RP, OPEN!)
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:03:34 PM
Today, the Bar and Grill is closed. The regular patrons grumble at the closed sign as they wander by, mumbling about how irregular this is, and how could the Jedi have shut the best restaurant on Coruscant down on a whim. They get the idea though as Zeke kicks the unlocked door open with an uncharacteristically determined expression.
The Knight is wearing a bandana on his head and a pair of his most worn pants. His shirt has been left behind at his quarters, and he's wearing a pair of busted sneakers. Over his shoulders is slung a mop.
"Time to clean house..." he mutters.
Zeke gestures with a mighty Force Push, throwing the tables and chairs against the wall. He plunges the mop into his bucket of sudsy liquid and spins it twice, takes his favored Force Pike stance...and starts to mop up.
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:07:03 PM
She started to laugh as she came in behind Zeke, carrying a rag and some wood polish.
"You didn't have to push the tables like that! I was gonna polish 'em up reallll nice!" She was wearing a ripped up old black shirt that went to her knees and cut off jeans that had seen better days. She moved towards the pile of tables and chair and started to hum as she spray wood polsiher onto her rag.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:27:41 PM
"Can't forget about me, Zeke! And Darling, please try to behave yourself." Wei chuckled.
"This will be wonderful. So, we got floor mopping, and table washing. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to clean the kitchen."
Wei was wearing baggy cargo pants that were held more or less about his waist by an old, stretched out belt. A white muscle shirt that looked exquisitely wrinkled completed the outfit.
Wei found a spray bottle of heavy-duty kitchen cleaner, a sponge and some steel wool for the grill.
"WARNING: ," Wei read the back of the bottle out loud on his way to the kitchen. "Extended exposure to this product can cause headaches, itchy eyes, blah, blah, blah."
Wei switched on the vent above the stove that sucked the smoke out of the restaraunt and deposited it outside. "That'll take care of the whole 'breathing it in' problem."
Five quick squirts of the kitchen cleaner, and Wei was off to a roaring start.
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:36:06 PM
"Wei, whatever ya do, DON'T TOUCH THE FRIDGE!"
Zeke remembers the fridge. Oh yes. And, he has a plan!
"Hey guys, do mostly harmless but possibly fatal mischievous plans count as darkside tendencies?"
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:44:06 PM
"Nope, not at all!" She stared to scrub a table, still humming a little tune.
"What is it you've got planned Zekey?"
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:04:31 AM
Neyasha walks, still with all her weapons on, into the B&G not far behind Wei, folowing him into the kitchen ...
"Master... I don't see the point of cancling my training today, to come here and do work that droids could easly be doing..."
Aug 4th, 2003, 11:39:38 AM
"Ah, yougn Padawan, it never hurts to get down and dirty and do some community service," Satine answers with a wink before Wei could answer. He smiles and walks through the door, dressed in holey black pants, and ratty grey shirt and a black overshirt that looked as if it had been shot a few times. He was dressed for cleaning.
"Hey, Zeke! Where do ya want me to start?"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:23:01 PM
Wei looked at Alpha and Neyasha from the kitchen. "Alpha is right, Neyasha. Besides, there is great freedom in doing manual labor. Nothing more satisfying than a job well done, eh?"
Wei wiped the top of the stove and sprayed it again. "Darn grease. Neyasha, I have a story to tell you later about a community service project I did with my teacher before I became a Jedi Knight. We helped to repair houses, and we also fixed a broken irrigation system. But for now, come in here and help wash all these dirty dishes that have piled up in the sink."
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:21:28 PM
Neyasha looked at the pile of dishes... then back to her master...
"I must inform you that I am trained and programed for fighting... not cleaning..."
Neyasha unclips a medical scaner and scans the kitchen...
"Thoses dishes are regestering on my scaner as Biochemical Waste... unfit to come in contact with biological matter... I am detecting lifesigns from the fridge... and the microwave seem to contain biological matter that has been there for years.."
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:11:30 AM
"Ya know, she's right...I think last time we did forget to clean the microwave..."
Aug 5th, 2003, 12:43:44 PM
Neyasha jumps slightly as the dishes burp at her..
"How come the health athority have not closed this place down?"
Angelica Shin
Aug 5th, 2003, 01:36:29 PM
"This is a Jedi place, and I think they scrape the crud off the dishes to put in the famous Jedi Toliet Duck." She was in the doorway to the kitchen grinning before she turned back to clean tables.
"I say we let Neyasha clean the bathroom!"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 5th, 2003, 03:18:51 PM
Wei chuckled. "Not yet. She is still a Padawan." Wei laughed as the dishes burped again. "Now you see why we Jedi clean the bar. The poor droids wouldn't know what hit them."
Wei got his steel wool and went over to the grill. It was caked in grease "Poor little grittle. We'll clean you up nice."
Wei squirted the grill and began to scrub it with the steel wool.
"Washing dishes is easy, Neyasha. Fill the sink with water, grab some of the stuff here labeled 'dish washing detergent' and squirt some in the water. Put some gloves on and grab a rag, then start scrubbing."
Wei shunted the Force into his arm that held the steel wool and continued to scour the grill. The stuff was stuck on there tight.
"If you run into any problems, let me know and I'll help you out."
Wei's thoughts traveled back to the restrooms. "I hear that only the bravest of Jedi Masters have been able to clean the bathrooms of the Bar and Grill. Come on, Alpha, you can do it! You'l join the proud few who have ever cleaned those toilets and live in infamy for the rest of your days!"
Wei laughed so hard that he almost fell over backwards.
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:00:00 PM
"Satine, clean the glasses at the bar!"
Zeke glares a little at the backs of Wei and Neyasha. A Padawan! Dang...he'll just hafta wait then. But it could be fun to start a little war of words with Wei...
"Wei, you're stupid."
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:05:22 PM
Satine gives a silent thanks to Zeke, and a little bow in his direction. "Wei, you forget, I was near the bathroom the last time...I saw what it did to our cleaner in there..."
He picks up a glass, and taps on it a few times. Shrugging he looks at it closely. Half of the glass was filled with a semi-solid material resembling mold, but was moving and...was that thing mewing at him?!
Maybe the bathroom was a better idea...
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:49:31 PM
The dishes burp and meow and...oh, this was fun. But what did Zeke say?
"No, you're stupid!" Wei said, repeating Zeke.
Wei sprayed the grill again and was just about to start cleaning again when the grill squirted something slimy back at Wei, covering one of the lenses on his glasses.
"Eww!" Wei tore his glasses off his face and sprayed them down with the cleaner before wiping the lenses on his shirttail.
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:25:11 PM
"Well you're crazy!" Zeke counters, frowning at the spot of...something...that is nimbly dodging his mop. "Hold still, dangit!"
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:28:50 AM
Ebony walks into the B&G at this time. All she is wearing is her black belt where her lightsaber normally hangs, but today, she left it in her quarters at the GJO Grounds. She had just recieved a message from her Master, Alpha, to come to the B&G to help clean it up. Cleaning, that's what droids and slaves are for. She was raised by Darksiders. Days long gone in her life now. This is a new chapter for her. One which she will succeed at like she did as a Darksider.
Part of her was tempted to turn and leave the B&G before her Master saw her. She doesn't want to get her black fur dirty to a point where it will take forever to clean it. She's a humanoid cat with black fur and claws.
She takes a deep breath, wrinkles her over sensative nose and walks over to Satine.
"I'm here Master like you requested of me."
Ebony then adds to herself 'though I was tempted to stay away.'
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:45:43 PM
Neyasha walks towards the dishes slowly... As she is approching the dishes, the sink burps again and a plate flys out towards her as if something was throwing it.... Neyasha's combat Reflexes kick in and next think people know they here the sound of a breaking plate, and see Neyasha with one of her daggers in hand recovering from her swing....
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:12:44 PM
Zeke ceases his chase of the unknown, mobile floor slime to grin at Ebony.
"You beautiful, wonderful Padawan!" he declares, throwing an arm over her shoulder and leading her toward a mop bucket, toilet cleanser, Windex, gas mask, and toxic waste suit. "You deserve your Knight promotion right now! No one has ever been so brave or so bold as to volunteer for cleaning the bathroom!"
He shoves her by the shoulders towards her equipment with an overly confident smile.
"Way to go! I know you can handle it!"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 8th, 2003, 08:11:29 AM
Wei laughed hysterically at the scene Neyasha and Zeke were creating.
"You poor girl," Wei muttered under his breath. Zeke had given Ebony a dangerous job.
"Zeke, shouldn't you have given her a rail gun or something instead of that toilet cleaner?" Wei snickered. "Oops, I've said too much!" Wei laughed again but caught himself on the hood above the stove, accidentally turning off the fan that was sucking the cleaning fumes out of the kitchen.
"Neyasha, put that knife down. I've got an exercise for you. If that thing burps plates at you, catch them and put them in that other sink across the room. It's empty. And please try to figure out what on earth is in the dishes that is makeing them fly across the room."
Then finally as an afterthought, "Well, you're crazy!"
Aug 9th, 2003, 10:57:34 AM
Neyasha Nods to Wei as she puts her knife away. A moment later the ink burps again and another plate flys at Neyasha. She quickly lifts a hand catching the plate, then turns around to place the dish in the other sink, when another plate flys at Neyasha without making noise first... She hears it comming but doesn't move fast enough, and the plate shateres on the back of Neyasha's head.
Neyasha slowly turns around, her eyes narrowing at the sink, Draws one of her Sai and slowly stalks towards the sink full of dishes...
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:14:32 PM
Zeke appears by Neyasha, hands held in a pose of mock-reverence, as if praying.
"We, the Jedi, do consecrate this soon-to-be holey sink in the name of the Force, our guiding light..."
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:06:47 PM
"Whoa! Hey! Calm down! You already have to pay for 2 dishes!"
Wei held Neyasha back. "You can do my job, and I'll do the dishes instead, ok? All you have to do is spray the heavy-duty equipment with that cleaner and then scrub it down."
Helenias Evenstar
Aug 11th, 2003, 04:45:03 AM
Quite abrupty, one of the toilets reguritates what it was the receptile of over the last 12 hours, splattering the roof and walls of the bathroom with a brown goo that stank.
Aug 12th, 2003, 11:19:04 AM
Neyasha looks towards Zeke.... and a slight smile apperes on her face...
She then turns to Wei and was about to agree to the trade in jobs when a large green tentical pops out of the pile of dishes, and swats Neyasha in the side of the head hard enough to knock her to the floor...
Neyasha quickly rolls back to her feet and charges at the tentical thrusting the Sai that is in her hand at the thickest part of the tentical that she can see.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:10:59 PM
"Well I guess I've seen about everything, when I see an elephant fly," Wei sang.
Then he grabbed his bottle of cleaner and read the label. "Gets rid of mold and mildew. Perfect."
Wei sprayed the tentacles and watched them disintegrate before his eyes. "Wow, it does get rid of that stuff. Interesting."
Wei watched Neyasha stab a tentacle. "Looks like I'm going to have to teach you more than just the Force. Use the mildew cleaner on it while I go get another mop and a bucket."
Wei wandered off toward the cleaning supply closet that was located beyond the restrooms. Just before he reached the rather long corridor that led to the closet, he turned to his fellow Jedi.
"Anyone care to accompany me to the supply closet? I'm rather frightened to go alone after I heard all the rumors about the bathrooms the last time."
Aug 13th, 2003, 06:35:22 PM
The smell of toilet regurgitation floats gently out the door, permeating the entire bar. The stench is absolutely rancid; it makes Zeke's nose bleed. The Knight pinches his nose to stem the flow and mutters to himself.
"Run like hell."
With a burst of Force he goes pounding toward the supply closet. They've got more gasmasks in there; those are useful items.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 13th, 2003, 07:58:26 PM
Wei did not need to hear Zeke twice. Wei put some extra power into his legs and hauled to the closet just before Zeke did and tore the door open. Inside were several gas masks. Wei put one on and then handed Zeke a mask.
"We need to get these to everyone else."
Wei looked in the closet again. He found a mop, a bucket, various cleaning supplies and a....radiation suit?
"I suppose this is to help clean the bathrooms..." Wei said taking it down and looking at it. "One size fits all....the things they come up with these days..."
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:09:57 PM
One of the mops stir and move. It has it's own locomotor and chip for basic self propelled cleaning. Unfortunantly, it malfucntions and begins to beat up Zeke
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:24:12 PM
"Great GODSSS! What issss that thing!"
Kanji, having just entered for cleaning duties, backpetals into the wall. The tentacle... things... are all over the place by now and slowly inching torwards him. Instantly, he began to screech "Ssssave me, they are going to eat me!!!!"
Aug 13th, 2003, 09:22:20 PM
The mop hits him three times in the forehead before the surprised and befuddled Knight manages a dodge, taking a broom and locking horns with the errant auto-mop of friggin' doom! He bats it back into the open lobby, trying to figure out how to turn the thing off without breaking it, and narrowly deflects a low jab.
"Hey! Crotch shots are foul play!"
Aug 14th, 2003, 03:38:35 PM
Neyasha puts her Sai away, and draws a Katana... In one hand she has the cleaner, spraying the tenticals, in the other she has her Katana, slashing the tenticals into many chunks...
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:31:25 AM
Wei, who by now has completely tuned out all the chaos and mayhem around him, sits down on an over turned bucket to contemplate the possibilities of this radiation suit he has found.
"Ah! Look here! A zipper in the back! Must be so people can get in the suit. But how do they zip it back up again? Must be awful difficult."
Wei unzips it and puts his face in the part where his head goes. a transparent plastic cover keeps things so he can see and not get hit in the eye. "It smells like plastic. It also smells chewy..."
Wei paused for a second. How can something smell chewy? Now faced with a question beyond his comprehension, Wei leans forward on the bucket and props and elbow on his knee so he can think.
Aug 15th, 2003, 11:15:09 AM
Ebony just plants her feet firmly on the ground as Zeke goes to guide her to the bathroom.
"Cleaning bathrooms are for the slaves to do Jedi, not me."
Ebony says this with a slight hiss in her voice as she heads off to a different area, picks up a mop and starts to mop the walls of the B&G.
Swipe, swipe, jab, club. Swipe, swipe, jab, club.
She frowns as a piece of dirt on the walls starts to dance?? circles around the mop. When she sees that, she mutters a few bad words in the Sith language.
Ebony then spots one of the tentacle things moving towards her. She takes the mop and hits it off towards Kanji, a slight smile on her face.
Soen Spellflinger
Aug 15th, 2003, 09:15:58 PM
Soen runs down the street, his robe flying after him as he dodges through people, careful not to touch anyone, counting the buildings until Yog's Bar and Grill. Finding the door open, he neglects the "closed" sign and bursts inside, searching frantically, desperately for the one thing that will make his life perfect and carefree, even for a moment: a public restroom.
The little magician sprints for it, chased by the cries of the Jedi cleaning, and takes the handle to the bathroom door. The moment he does, the toilets within regurgitate their contents, blowing the door off its hinges and sending the boy rolling backwards across the floor to land in a heap against the wall by the entrance. Soen's trail is marked with brown goop and a greenish, oozing liquid. The horrifed boy looks up with wide, fearful eyes as the Jedi around him move their mouths in barely audible cries of disgust and worry. In the background he can hear a high-pitched, steady ring.
"Don't use that bathroom, it's a mess!" he shouts, sobbing and trying to find a clean place on his robes to dry his eyes with.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:37:36 AM
"I still don't see how..." Wei muttered. He was still trying to figure out the "Chewy" thing. Wei shifted his feet and arms a little to get more comfortable while he thought. Then he moved his hands a little to scratch his knees and his arms found their way into the suit. Wei's legs had been curled close to him, and so Wei stretched them out a bit, landing them in the suit.
A few more minutes of thought and Wei was ready to give up. "I suppose some questions ju aren't meant to be answered," he said and stood up. Once he had gotten to his feet, Wei noticed something was different. It was suddenly much more humid than before. Wei shrugged it off and looked around for more cleaning material.
His nose began to itch, and it was only when he decided to scratch it that he realized what was different: he was wearing the radiation suit.
"Well, how did that happen?" Wei chuckled. "Since I'm wearing it..."
Wei found another mop, some toilet cleaner, and took the bucket he was sitting on. "Might as well clean the bathrooms."
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:54:53 PM
"OH HEAVENLY LORDSSSS!" Kanji wailed, now weilding a mighty club... really... just a broken chair and shaking it madly at the advancing green snake-like things. Both the tentacles and Kanji's attention diverted when the bathroom door exploded and flew across the rooms.
A worried expression crossed the dragons face, only brought back to reality as one of the tentacles brushed his foot...
"AAAAIEEE! *SMASH!*" Hawt damn, he got one! Confident, he rose the even-more broken chair, daring the tentacles to advance. By lord, HE'D SMASHEDED IT!
Hayes Muirso
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:34:25 AM
“… woah Woah WOAH!”
Hayes stumbled backwards out of the bar counter and held back a shriek as another tentacle tried to ensnare his legs as he scrambled over the floor. Moments ago something vaguely serpentine had reared its head out of the sink in the kitchen and had thought it a wonderful idea to try and choke the Padawan. He was wielding a frying pan, trying to keep the thing at bay – thwakthwakthwakDOING – but it wasn’t wanting to give up.
“What the holy frell is going on?!”
Aug 18th, 2003, 07:04:33 AM
The mop catches Zeke in the gut to pop him up in the air and pulls back like a baseball bat to belt him in the direction of Hayes, just in time to answer his question before the sink monster throws him back to the mop of friggin doom.
"Cleaning day. Just go with the flow."
The Knight is bounced back towards the expectant mop. Zeke tosses his broom aside and takes the mop roughly by the handle, as if choking the life from it. The broom gets up, and after a moments hesitation, escapes to the street outside.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 18th, 2003, 07:45:11 AM
Wei started out of the closet and towards the bathrooms when he tripped and fell over backwards, hitting the back wall of the closet with a hollow thud.
"Why did it make that sound?" Wei wondered. He turned around and began to tap on the wall. After a few knocks, the door swung open to reveal a contraption of some sort with a note attached to it.
To Whichever Jedi finds this:
This is my legacy, my ultimate weapon against that which lurkes in the land of filth. Nothing can withstand its power. Use it well.
~The Management.
Wei took the note and looked at the thing the Management left behind. "Looks like an ordinary pressure washer to me."
Wei had experience with these when he would do odd jobs with his family.
"Let's see....Ah! And here's a long hose. Well, seeing as it's here, might as well put it to good use."
Wei lifted the nozzle, grabbed the heavy end and dragged it down to the restroom where the stink came from.
"Here goes nothin'!" Wei turned on the pressure washer and kicked the door in. Thick brown goo covered everything.
"Crap." Wei pulled the trigger on the nozzle and was blown back by the force of the water coming out.
Wei dug in and shunted the Force into his legs and arms to make him steadier. "Wow, this is no ordinary pressure washer!"
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