View Full Version : Having a little trouble....
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 01:55:09 PM
OOC: Could somebody that knows Leten is a jedi padawan, and it willing to deal with a hostile guard, post first... Then the thread is open.
Leten was out for a walk around the GJO grounds, dressed like a lower levels scavenger (like he always is), looking in the garbage cans as he walks past them.
As he is looking in to a garbage can just inside the garden, he see something that catches his eye... He goes to reach in to grab the item, but just as he almost has it, somebody from GJO Security grabs him by the back of his shrit, pulls him out of the can, throws him face first on to the ground, renches Leten's arms behind his back, and cuffing them back there. Planting his knee in the middle of Leten's back, the guard grabs Leten's backpack, that was on the ground beside the garbage can.
"Alright you little street rat! your under arrest for tresspassing on GJO property! Thought you could get away with it huh? Now lets see what you been taking...."
At this time Leten is still trying to figure out what is going on, and spitting out dirt from the ground of the garden, that got there when he was forced down.
The Guard stands, putting his boot at the back of Leten's neck, pushing Leten's face back into the dirt, then opens Leten's pack. The first thing he notices, is the broken training lightsaber, and the gold chain with the stone he got from Xazor on it.
The guard draws his blaster and points it down at Leten...
"It looks like we can add Theft to that charge... Now no funny stuff.... and I won't hurt you too much"
Leten manages to turn his head slightly so his face is no longer in the dirt... He spits out some more dirt then says...
"A...a.. I'm a member!... I'm in training!!... And that stuff is Mine!"
"yah... whatever... Why would a Jedi be poking through garbage! Can you tell me that ya fithly little snat !"
Leten is rather caught off gaurd when the gaurd called him a snat... even though it is his last name(that he gave himself), it is considered an insult amongst most of the lower levels, but not heard many other places on the planet other than the lower levels.
"Well... Ya gona answer me! Ya little puke!"
River Kincaid
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:01:59 PM
River Kincaid had watched the entire event from a branch on a tree where he'd been practicing some of his silent hunting techniques that he'd been missing. Quickly, he jumped down in the middle of the scuddle. "Hey, man!" He yelled at the guard as he grabbed the guys shirt and pulled him off. He didn't take kindly to other Padawans being threatened, especially one's he knew. "He's telling the truth! I know him!" With a strong surge of energy, River got a better grip and shoved the guard into the opposite direction.
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:21:05 PM
The guard stumbles backwards but stays on his feet... He levels out his blaster at River..
"And how do I know your not helpin him rob this place!... How do I know ether of ya are Jedi!... At least I can get you for assulting Security... now put you hands where I can see them!"
Leten slowly stands, his hands are still cuffed behind his back.
"Why don't you beleave us?... Why can't you just put your gun down, and give me my stuff back... If you want I could tack you to my room and SHOW you my room!"
"ohhh you would like that wouldn't you! get me off into a quiet place, then you and your buddy are goina bump me off! Well I an't fallin for it!!...
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:26:55 PM
She had been out walking, and had stopped in a garden to think, when the yelling of the guard disturbed her. Standing up, with a look of pure fury, she headed towards the noise, checking her belt just to make sure her lighsabre was still there.
"WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE FORCE IS GOING ON HERE!" She used the force to increase the volume of her voice as she grabbed the guard by the shoulder and turned him around quickly.
"I am Jedi Padawan Angelica Shin-Wei, learner to Master Satine Capshen, and if you dare continue to talk about arresting these two young men I will make you regret you ever took this job." The look on her face, and the tone in her voice, was one of absolutness, and that'd she'd hold up her threat.
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:40:20 PM
The guard, rather taken aback by lady, spins and stumbles to the ground...
"I'm sorry miss... But this little street rat...*points to leten* this little Snat, has been stealing..."
The guard holds up the chain and broken training saber...
"See... I found this in his pack!"
Leten sighs...
"I found the chain in the lower levels on a salvage route.. the stone on the chain was givin to me by Jedi Knight Xazor... and the training saber I found in a trash can outside the acadmy on the first day I got here.... Now can you please uncuff me!!"
The guard glares at Leten...
" Sure! whatever... You will never be anything more than a trash rat! A little Filthy snat!"
River Kincaid
Aug 3rd, 2003, 05:12:32 PM
River scowled at the guard, he felt like slapping him or pinning him to ground for his rudeness. "Just let him go and get out of my sight, you son of a swamp rat!"
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 05:28:48 PM
Leten finaly figures out why he is being treated this way....
"So I take it you are still a little sore about the fact I got away from your gang well you were on watch... Your boss must have been cheesed off..."
"He kicked me out, and beat the puss out of me, all because of YOU!!... Now I'm stuck with this louse paying job! I was making 10 times as much on the ground!!... Now I'm stuck swatting Rats like you!..."
The guard looks at the others as he stands...
"I know he is a streeter... Unless Somebody with some athority tells me otherwise... I'm arresting him for at least tresspassing!!"
The guard goes to walk towards Leten...
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 05:30:32 PM
Her eyes went flat as she listened to the guard and Leten, and quickly grabbed the guard by the arm, her grip much stronger than that of any normal woman.
"How about I give you a new <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>?"
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 05:40:03 PM
" Ouch! Hay miss! I'm just trying to do my job here... I just need to take care of anybody that an't Jedi or Security... And I know this trash collector could never be a Jedi... He's too stupid!"
The guard trys to pull out of Angelica's grip...
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:13:28 PM
Whcih was a bad move on his part as she shifted her slightly, pulling the guard over her right hip and flipping him backwards.
"If he's stupid then what does that make you? Dumber than a brick I guess." She smirked as she removed her sabre from her belt and ignited it, the blue blade casting unatural shadows.
"Here's your proof," She held the weapon negilently, as if it didn't matter that she could render the guard armless, and legless, in less than a few seconds, "These two men are under MY care, if that bothers you go find the council and bitch about it to them, ok?"
Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:28:56 PM
"Or take it up with me."
A voice backed with confidence and power rang through the alley. From the shadows stepped a woman clad in flowing red robes with a weapons belt loaded with things that this guard did not wish to see used. "They're both my Padawans -- now what seems to be the trouble here?" Xazor questioned as she stepped up behind Angel.
Folding her arms across her chest, the woman stared with an intense gaze at the guard. "I'm Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Elessar and I suggest if you wish to keep your lousy job, you do not hassle them, ever again." She placed a hand upon her lightsaber and smiled, baring her elongated canines for extra measure.
Her eyes moved to Leten and River who seemed a bit miffed and perhaps, even worried. "I'll make sure ole' Joe here doesn't mess with you again -- right?" She growled and moved toward the security guard then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Of course he knew who she was -- they had met before and had even conversed once. "And if I ever see you put your hands on Miss Wei ever again, I will make sure to remove them for you." She smiled and pushed him back a few steps, making it clear that he was not about to walk on her or her fellow Jedi.
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:32:00 PM
The guard fall to the ground, and his eyes widen as he sees the lightsaber blade come to life.. his eyes widen even more as Xazor comes to the leten's defence, he scurrys away tossing the keys to the cuffs between Angelica and Xazor...
"Yess miss *nodding to Xazor* and miss *nodding to Angelica*.... Um... just send those to the GJO Security when you are done with um..."
The guard gets to his feet and runs off....
Leten faces Angelica and Xazor... with a slightly depressed look in his face
"Thanks.... for helping me..."
He then looks at River...
"and thanks for sticking up for me..."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:35:54 PM
ooc: I'll edit this properly now and make it a post.
Xazor smiled gently and looked down at the keys before bending sightly and picking them up. "Right, Joe." She said softly and then grabbed hold of Leten's wrists and unlocked the cuffs. He looked a bit depressed now, and she could understand why.
"It's no problem, young one. Don't ever let anyone walk on you again." The Knight smiled and squeezed his shoulder gently before looking to River and Angel. "Thank you both for trying to help. These guards can be real sticks in the mud sometimes."
Her eyes fell upon Leten's face once again and she sighed. "He doesn't understand, okay? You're not less of a person because of his opinion, though. It's when you give into believing that he's right that you'll fall, pup."
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:44:04 PM
Leten looks up at his Master as he flexes his arms... and wipes the dirt off his face.... He forces a half smiles....
"I know... * looks at the ground*... I know he's right... I'm nothing more than a little snat... I took that as my last name so it wouldn't hurt when I get called it... and it discribes me rather well... But when it's said like that... *nods towards the fleeing guard*... it still hurts alot..."
Leten walks back to the garbage can and pulls out the beverage container that he was reaching for when the guard came... he looks at it, walks over to his pack and other belongings that the guard droped when he was fliped and shoves the container into his pack along with the broken training lightsaber and the stone on the chain... he then sits on the ground... looking at his pack...
"Maybe... Maybe I should go back to doing what I know... Maybe I am too stupid for this..."
River Kincaid
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:53:33 PM
River nodded. "Anything for a friend." A new smile crosses his face as he holds out a hand.
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:26:20 PM
Leten looks up at River... and smiles slightly, wondering why River is holding out his hand...
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:34:12 PM
She spat at the ground where the guard had been and muttered a few choice words. Turning to face Leten, River and Xazor, she grins.
"Ah, to bad you showed up Lady Dawnstrider, I coulda handled him!" She dactivated her sabre, grinning, as she bowed to Xazor and then Leten.
"Don' t let people like him bother you, it's through his own ignorance and calling you stupid in which he gains any pride."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:40:11 PM
Xazor smiled and Angel but was concerned for a moment. "I don't think he would have pressed the issue much more, my friend. I was merely using scare tactics to make him stop -- I hope you aren't serious." She said softly.
It was subtle at first, but there was something quite different about the woman who had married Wei. She was a lot more aggressive -- lacking the calm she once possessed. To Xazor this was abnormal and though at times she herself was rather routy, most of it had been at times where it was necessary. "Are you okay?" She questioned the woman through the Force.
Angelica Shin
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:44:03 PM
Oh I'm dandy, certian things have happened, I'm just not myself. You went though the same thing I do believe.
She was still grinning, as she clipped her sabre to her belt. "Of course not Lady Dawnstrider, but we must'n let people be rude to our comrades in arms."
River Kincaid
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:48:24 PM
Seeing that Leten was not going to shake his hand in friendship, dropped it and shrugged.
Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:25:51 PM
Leten forces another smile as he stands, picks up his pack, and looks at River...
"It's been nice meeting you River... I hope you make a good Jedi"
Leten then looks at his Master... since she is busy talking to Angelica.. Leten symply says quietly as he goes to walk past...
"Thank you Master... Thank you miss Wei ... I'll be heading home now... *pauses and takes a few steps towards the door to the garden*... If anybody cares..."
By the time people have a chance to respond... Leten has already left the garden, and is on his way back to the lower floors...Back to his old home... (
OOC:If anybody wants to follow Leten... Be my guest :D
It would be REALLY nice if somebody would follow Leten :)
River Kincaid
Aug 7th, 2003, 06:12:48 PM
Having sensed the disappointment in Leten, River sighed slightly as he watched him leave. He looked at his Master and Padawan Wei. "Excuse me, Master, Miss Wei. Thank you both for your help, I'll see you in the morning." He bowed gratefully and turned to follow Leten. Just where was his home?
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