View Full Version : Looking for a fight.(open to all)

Aug 3rd, 2003, 12:13:21 AM

*A cloaked man walks amonst the desert townspeople of Mos Isley. He stops for a moment then continues on, fumbling at something hanging from his belt, a small device perhaps, but one that none the less anyone that has used before could know what it was. Afterall only those who used the Force carried such a weapon, a lightsaber. After fumbling with this device and picking up his pace the cloaked man continues his walk to his favorate cantina, untill he stops suddenly in mid stride. He looks around the area, waiting and watching.*

Aug 3rd, 2003, 03:40:12 PM
In the shade of a doorway, a man, his face covered in scars, sat staring into the shadows of the cloaked mans hood. His hand resting lazily on his holster. Dust whipped up across his face but he didn't blink. His eyes carried on staring into that shadowy face.

Aug 3rd, 2003, 05:27:57 PM
*Strider turns and faces his onlooker, nothing visible except his mouth from under the hood of his cloak, and speaks.*

Excuse me sir, but you know it's rude to stare at someone like that. I suggust you stop doing it now because more then one person has regretted it afterwords.

*Strider pauses for a moment, shrugs his shoulders, and speaks again.*

It's a problem of mine, this paranoia.

Aug 4th, 2003, 01:55:08 PM
The man stands up and moves forward from the doorway.

“Many think paranoia is a sign of weakness my friend,” a small grin appears on his face. “ I wouldn’t go telling people about it, they might go thinking you are easy pickings for them.”

His hand goes down to his holster then onto his blaster. Slowly his grip tightens and with finger over the trigger his grin disappears as quickly as it came.

Aug 4th, 2003, 07:23:24 PM
*In one fluid motion Strider unhooks the lightsaber attached to his belt and actvates it. He then holds the red blade in a defensive position, ready for what else could happen.*

You know you could just let me go over to the bar, get a few drinks and we could call this off. But once again experanse tells me otherwise.

Aug 5th, 2003, 02:02:58 AM
The metalic whoosh sound of a door opening,was heard by everyone that was close. The big man peered out and found the situation wasnt what he had expected...

"Girls please... Take it somewhere elce... im expecting company!" Mockadane smiled and walked back inside as the doors began there forced metelic closure that lasted only seconds!

Sep 4th, 2003, 01:27:38 PM
Whiping his blaster from its holster the man fired three shots in quick succesion. They flew towards Strider...