View Full Version : Top Secret: Bunker Buster Laser

Park Kraken
Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:16:42 PM
Name: Deployable Satellite Bunker Buster Laser (DeSuu)

Class: Superweapon

Type/Model: Modified Solar Mirror Platform

Length: 25 Meters
Width: 15 Meters
Mast: 15 Meters
(Cylinderical cone shaped)

1 Pulse Laser Cannon

1 Novadex Shield Generator
4 Novadex Shield Projectors


6 Sailors, 6 Technicians, 3 Gunners, 1 Commander.

Passenger/Troop Capacity:
10 Passengers at max.

4 Manuevering Jets

Very Vulnerable to Ion Cannon Fire, and Extreme Heat (Engine Exhaust on Large Capital Warships, per example)

Design Specifications: (OOC: Before we go any farther, this weapon is based closely on the satellite weapon seen on Die Another Day)
The DeSuu is designed as the next generation of means to eliminate enemy command bunkers. When deployed, solar sails with a span of 50 meters in each direction deploy, and gather up solar energy for the laser. When special heat-seeking equipment on the station have detected the bunker , or a location is already acquired, the laser locks on target, and fires several large bursts of laser energy, melting first the dirt, then the duracrete, metal, etc, then the insides of the bunker. To test the effectiveness of this weapon, a prototype is being dispatched to Hilari for evalutaion on what Imperial Intelligence believes to be a hidden Rebel Command Bunker.

Aug 3rd, 2003, 01:38:32 AM
Ok just some freindly questions.

number 1. Why continuios beam? Phisics dictates that the shorter the beam the more power it has. Think this way, Energy has to be charged into a capacitor and charged to full. Once this is charged the faster the energy is released the more powerful it is. This is what makes pulse lasers more powerful then lasers. if the energy release is over a long duration each second that passes the weapon becomes less and less powerful.

Number 2 SIZE? ok 15 meters. you would have to have a powercore,capacitors,regulators,targeting computers,imaging gear (that is if you are using any sort of visual magnification), life support, crew facilities, docking port, propulsion. Even if you fit this into a package that small where would you fit the crew? and passengers? you are talking about something smaller then a Y wing.

Also the power needed to do the damage toy are speaking of. A Heavy Turbo Laser itself has around an 8 Meter muzzel. and thats not counting the energy core or any of the operatinal equipment.

im not in charge of the R&D but It helpd to kinda keep to Physical laws even though lucas arts has broken a few

Just my opinions

Park Kraken
Aug 4th, 2003, 03:47:27 PM
Is that better?