View Full Version : Dear Shrine...

Ro McCloud
Aug 2nd, 2003, 04:35:02 PM
Please note that this is not against any of you nice people here at the shrine, except maybe Val.

But I'm removing Ro from your ranks, he just isn't growing here, and I have checked in on joining another group.

To Alana, Soth Saurron, and anyone else who I met and didn't bug me, hopefully you won't get mad about this and Ro can still be okay with some of you.

To my former master, Val, you've been the worst Master I ever had in all three years of roleplaying at Fans, and you suck oppsie. Learn how to write proper english and then maybe I'll RP with you.

Until we meet again,

Aug 25th, 2003, 05:13:06 PM
One of my dislikes about rping online. People say stuff they normally would not say in person.

Shakes head...

Aug 28th, 2003, 04:42:11 PM
Originally posted by SAURRON
One of my dislikes about rping online. People say stuff they normally would not say in person.

Shakes head...

Actually, Sarron my good man, I WOULD go up to Valirion and tell him that, to his face. I'm really not that nice of a person, but I have no probelms with any of the other members of the Shrine, just him.

So hopefully this does not sour your disposition towards me.

Lord Soth
Aug 30th, 2003, 03:09:02 PM
Nevertheless, let's stop while were ahead...