View Full Version : An intro

Aug 2nd, 2003, 02:08:33 PM
Tyme Odin
Age: 26
Race: Human
Affiliation: The Greater Jedi Order
Hair: Mid-length, brown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160
Weapon: Blaster pistol
Ship's Name: Star Runner
Home: GJO
Home Planet: Nar Shaddaa

Family: A smuggler named Odin.

History: Tyme never knew his real parents. The man who raised him was the pilot of a smuggling ship named Odin. He happened to come arcross the infant at the smuggler's moon Nar Shaddaa. Odin taught Tyme the trade of smuggling and how to fly a ship in any situation. Odin was killed a fox-like alien known as Dunccan in a bar fight. Dunccan was angered after losing his ship, Star Runner, to Odin in a wager. After Odin's death Tyme took on his name as a suffix to honor his father figure, and vowed revenge on the creature. He inherited, Star Runner as well. Although he himself was not a smuggler he carted many around the galaxy in the small ship, no questions asked.

His latest customer, who would not disclose his name (which was common), led him into the core and to the home of the New Republic: Coruscant. The ship had suffered damage in a fight against Dunccan a while back, so when Tyme landed he went out to find replacement parts. When he returned to his ship it was gone without a trace.

With nowhere to go he headed for the famed GJO to start anew.

Personality: Tyme is a cautious and head-strong individual, but always one to start trouble with his big mouth. He is very laid back and is hard to offend, or suprise for that matter. He is a very good pilot and has out-manuevered anyone and anything that has ever chased him, but isn't very confrontational.