View Full Version : Hunting Wrongdoers (open challenge)

Sage Hazzard
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:56:22 AM
Sage ignited his sabre in mid stride. He stuck the sabre out at neck level.

Another person came running along the intersecting street. Sight of Sage was obscured by the street corner. Same for the Jedi Master. Though Sage, even if his other senses were poor, always got whispered combat advice through the Force.

The other nearly beheaded themself but stopped short. Sage stepped out from the corner. He brought his blade up near his ear.

"You're not escaping me. Not today. Not ever."

He swung his blade back down in a powerful swing.

OOC - I might play a Jedi, but I enjoy a good fight now and again, so indulge me please. This thread would be starting off in the middle of an RP. A blatant plan to get the fight going quick. lol. You did something Darksider-like, I'm trying to bring you under my custody or kill you doing so.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:03:49 AM
Feliciana blocked the blow from the saber with her own crimson blade. It hummed in the Dark Jedi Knight's hand as she pushed Sage off of her and away from her territory. "Not very Jedi-like of you, is it?" She questioned, sensing the immense power of the Lightside within him. He was no Padawan or Knight -- no, he was a Master and it was evident to her that she had picked the wrong night to unleash her pyro side.

Turning away from Sage, the young woman who was only nineteen years in age, took off running. "We'll see who's faster, you freller!" She growled as she ran past a large complex that stood in a blazing fire. A gust of wind kicked up a pile of ashes and some cinders and as the Knight ran past, they stung at her skin as did the heat from the fire. She cursed herself for running in the way of her little escapade, but figured it would be a good escape route.

Dodging down a side alley, the young woman stopped and peeked out from around the wall. Her long black hair cascaded down the back of her black cloak which she felt like shedding at the moment. Instead of doing so, the woman disengaged her lightsaber and pulled up the hood of her garment to protect her identity. "Perhaps he'll keep running past me." She thought to herself as her hand tightened around the silver hilt of her saber. She held it close to her and pressed herself against the wall behind her, all the while keeping her eyes peeled on the open street to her left.

Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:14:59 AM
"You're not escaping me. Not today. Not ever."

Hera's bemused chuckle reached Sage from where she stood leaning idly against the rough stonework of a shoe repair shop.

"And the Jedi miscalculate.......yet again" she mocked at him as Feliciana dashed off down the street towards the light rising flames.

ooc: Havent had a knock-down-drag-out in a while, but I will wait my turn, rather than do a 2on1 :)

Sage Hazzard
Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:57:48 AM
"They always start with the 'un-Jedi' insults..." Sage mumbled to himself. As he leaned forward to start a dash, he heard Hera. Raising an eyebrow he distinguished his blade and returned it to his belt. He couldn't deal with her now. He had a Sith who had actually commited a crime in front of his eyes running from him. She was first. The other could wait...

He started off. Seeing the blaze he knew was there, Sage's eyes squinted as he slipped deep into the Force. The Jedi Master had practiced this many times before. Strengthening one's skin to the point where it was double it's original strength. It only lasts a few seconds but it was enough.

After passing dangerously close to the blaze he whipped off his cloak that now had charred holes in it. The smoke wafted in front of Sage's face, reminding him his hair was slightly singed as well. His skin, however, was perfectly fine.

Now he was determined. He started to race forward when he noticed the ground. It had a faint ash trail. Like the bottom of someone's boots had ash on it. It veered off to the side, into an alley...

Sage looked down the street as far as he could. No one but him and a few others were that fast. Fast enough to go that quickly out of sight. He looked into a store that's outer wall made up part of the closest side of the alley. He ducked into it.

He held his finger to his lip to silence the store owner. He patted his sabre with his other hand. All so he would know this was Jedi business.

The Jedi placed himself roughly 10 feet into the store, against the wall. Now he slipped even deeper into the Force. He raised both of his hands, then made a fist of his right. With a war cry he slammed the right fist through the wall and made a hooking motion, attempting to clamp on something. He ripped his lightsabre off with his left hand and held it to the wall, finger poised over the activation button.

OOC - That's assuming Feliciana doesn't K.O. me before you can have that turn of your's. ;)

Aug 2nd, 2003, 02:48:32 AM
"Thought he'd never leave.."

She pushed herself off the wall as Sage now, too, vanished from sight, and she stepped up onto the sidewalk. He wasn't too far away, she could still feel that strange imbalance in the force where his light energy interupted the dark, carving a path through it like a scythe.

Hopefully the dark sider he was chasing would lop his head off in short order, and he would not bother Hera again.

The last time she saw Jedi Master Sage Hazzard, Lady Vader was shooting him out the airlock of the "Cats Claw". This made her laugh out loud at the memory.

And so it was, that she was smiling when she entered the small accounting office, its bland grey door illuminated amber in the fires glow.

The smile, though short lived, surprised the Nikto accountant almost more than Hera's abrupt entry. His beady eyes nestled deep set below his jutting horned brow, darted to the lock..it had been locked hadn't it?

He glimpsed the edge of Hera's lightsaber hilt as it rocked against her hip as she approached. In a sudden spur of action, the Nikto jumped from his chair and made a break for it. A sad, and pathetic attempt to reach the back office door, where he hoped to take flight through an open window. Obviously, it had dawned on him, just who this visitor was.

His mind had grander schemes than his body could realise, though, and the Sith pounced on him as would a ferral cat, pushing him roughly back into his chair before he had barely vacated it.

"In such a hurry? But I believe we have some business to discuss."

A whimper from the Niktor, and his leathered skin drew tight against the bone structure of his face. Oh.. He hated these kind of business "discussions."