View Full Version : ME TOO! (Character Evaluation: Xazor Elessar)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:58:11 PM
Alright everyone! I know a lot of you and then again, I don't know many of you. I know most of you have things to say about me and the way I've developed my character, so here's your chance. I would love to hear your constructive criticism and all that you've got. I want to know how I've done over the last year and a half. It's been awesome -- rough at times, but I've really enjoyed RPing with you guys and molding Xazor into what she is today.

So if you've got something to say, say it! I'm all ears! ;) :D

Morgan Evanar
Aug 1st, 2003, 11:21:20 PM
Your character has terrible moral inconsitencies, and if the Jedi Council had any real serious sway, you would have probably been canned long ago.

I think Xazor is a terrible Jedi. She's seemingly bipolar. I understand the spirit and the law etc. Morgan will turn a blind eye to certain things, but IC its always very consitent. We get none of that from Xazor, who's mood shifts as quickly as New England's summer weather.

From a writing standpoint, you've cliched your character in various ways. Xazor is always baring her fangs, or whatnot. We know she's got fangs, but she seems to really like them. A lot. To the point its bloody predictable. Every single RP I recall, she's showing her pearly whites. For someone so emotionally inconsistent, she sure has a predefined set of mannerisms sometimes.

Finally, I think Xaz is overpowered. A jack of all trades should be a master of none, but I don't see where you've balanced her abilities. She's too good at most everything, IMO, of course.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:13:49 AM
hrmm, I agree on the fang baring, another one, the coins, we know you have coins too.....and not quite calm enough, Xazor acts too Sith like sometimes.....

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:49:39 AM
She's a Lost Jedi and will act like one. About the fangs and whatnot, sorry -- I know I go a bit overboard on description sometimes and forget that I'm actually doing it every time.

And how is she overpowered? Obviously you haven't read any of my recent RPs. The only things she is good at are things dealing in her strong point: mentalism. She can heal well because that's a natural ability the Garou possess. Other than that, she can't do things like Telekinisis or anything else really -- save for her connection to nature. Other than that, she's not specifically gifted in anything. Her ability to do combat has gone down to to her lacking certain things that I made her loose in a run in with Alana. I caused her excessive damage so that I could balance her strengths better. Really -- I've been in a lot of spars and fights so far where everyone else has the upperhand because I made Xazor kinda suck now. She can't really even power herself too much with the Force. :\

And I've been working on her 'emotional inconsistency' too -- the problem is, is that I've made the change for her, and now that I have, it's hard to find people who will do boring RPs with me so I can show everyone else that she's going through this change. So most of the time, I say, 'screw it' and make her wild and dark again to keep it interesting for me.

Sure, I see your points, Morg. I know that if this was real, Xazor would probably be a Sith. I know that -- but at the time, I have her as a Jedi. I'm working on these things and in fact, I've fixed a few of them -- it's just a problem getting people to RP stuff like this out with me so that they see. :\

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:27:49 AM
It feels like you're trying to debate Morgan's reply to your request for criticism, Xaz. Be careful, as that can lead to fights and/or flame fests.

-Friendly warning from neighborhood Hobgoblin-

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:29:07 AM
I didn't mean to come off like I'm debating it. I was stating what I had been doing with Xazor in case he wasn't aware of it. :\ Sorry -- I really had not meant it as a possible flame or bait or whatever. Just stating my view on the subject so I can get the best possible feed back from this. :)

Morgan Evanar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 08:59:59 AM
And I've been working on her 'emotional inconsistency' too -- the problem is, is that I've made the change for her, and now that I have, it's hard to find people who will do boring RPs with me so I can show everyone else that she's going through this change. So most of the time, I say, 'screw it' and make her wild and dark again to keep it interesting for me. No. No no no no no no.

This is a terribly flawed approach. You don't need to do RPs just to show it. You just do it. Eventually people will pick up on it. This kind of IC behavior change will be terribly boring if you make it central to a roleplay. So don't. But do it in other roleplays. Have her behave differently, if thats what you want.

Leten Snat
Aug 2nd, 2003, 09:05:09 AM
I'll do RP's with you Xazor... anytime you want! :) If you don't want the RP to be with Leten ... Then tell me what kind of person your looking to RP with and I'll grab one of my many, that fit and send them in...

I think you are playing Xazor rather well... Though some times she can act a little Sith like... But there is nothing wrong with that.. :)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 09:52:36 AM
That's a good idea Morg -- but then people are all like, "Oooo, you've changed." How can I avoid that? I don't even know how to realisitcally bring about the change since it was I who really made the change, not Xazor herself.

Let me explain because that doesn't sound clear.

Xazor can't make her own decisions because she's a character. I control her. I'm her creator and I make her do what I want. Somehow over time she's fallen into acting Sith-like. Fine, I can change that -- but I feel like something has to happen to cause her to act more like a Jedi. One day she can't be running around slaughtering people and the next day meditating and teaching people how bad it is to do things like that. Get what I mean? I can't just do it over night because it's such a day/night difference.

Is there anyway that I can gradually bring it into my RPs and make it seem like a realistic change on her part, not just me trying to make her better?

Leten -- I'd be glad to RP with you any time, silly. :mneh *hugz* We will sometime soon. ;) I'll drop you a PM about it when I got something t'do.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:04:20 AM
Xazor can't make her own decisions because she's a character. I control her. I'm her creator and I make her do what I want. Ah. This is where its all falling apart. See... I don't control my characters. At all. I throw them into situations, and have them react. Technically, yes, I write them, but I figure out what Morgan would do, with all of his history, personally percived abilities, and personality.

I'm not really steering the ship, per se. Morgan isn't me. He's my creation, yes, but he does some things I'd never do. And its not really all under my control. I just have to figure out what he would do, and I write it.

This is one of the core things about being a good roleplayer: character seperation.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:10:59 AM

Oops -- that's what I'm missing. All along I've controlled her how I want her to react, when I should be doing what you are -- writing how she'd respond.


That's a great suggestion and I should probably do that more often. I've done it to a point -- sometimes, but most of the time, I just write what I think will be a cool outcome. I think this is where I'm going to start going with this entire thing. Verrra nice idea!

Thank you Morg. :)

What about situations that she'd react in ways that I don't want the story to go? It would seem highly unnatural to make her choose to do something outside of anything normal. :\ If I don't want the situation to go a certain way, though, there isn't anything I can do but make it unnatural.

This is where I'm really confused. I want to do so many cool things with Xazor but she seems boring to me now (one of the reasons I started this thread) because she's always doing the same things over and over again. :\ I want to spice it up a bit, but I'm afraid of ruining my story line. I know that's not too possible, but I don't want to mess it up too much.

Eventually I want her to be a Jedi Master -- but after re-evaluating her and thinking of what you said, she's not exactly moving in that direction. Any suggestions? I'll take all the criticism you've got, really. You're not going to hurt my feelings or whatever -- I know you're a lot more experienced than I am and I want to learn how to make her better. I didn't open this thread so people could tiptoe around the subject and tell me I'm doing great. I know I have to work on some things. :)

Angelica Shin
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:16:13 AM
Morgan's hit it on the head, I'm doing that right now with Ange (she's currently drunk and cursing in the training centre :lol) having her attitude change, but really you got to try to keep a hold on Xazor's temper.

Oh and if your looking for anyone to RP with I'd be happy to.

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:31:19 AM
Don't worry about ruining your current story line, I've done that so often its not even funny. I like throwing my characters into bizarre situations to see what they'll do, and if that scraps all my RP plans, then I'll make new ones. :D

Of course, i do work to make it all fit together like a big puzzle, but that is a lot of work. :)

Xazor, I think Morg hit it on the head. Great ideas. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:21:15 PM
I have a song lyric that fits Xaz in my mind

There is a thin line between good and evil
And I will tiptoe down that line, though I will feel unstable
My life is a circus, and I am tripping down that tightrope

Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:32:07 PM
Wow, this thread was alot more constructive than I thought it would be. Cool.

I'd say Morgan nailed every one of my points of contention about your character. I would like to stress that I think Xazor is wearing too many hats. You have her carrying alot of skill sets, and she seems to excel in them all, which I'm not to keen on. I'd try to pick 2 or 3 very specific skills and work those up. It doesn't make your character weaker per se, but it does stress interactivity, and higher degree of involvement, especially if you arrive at a problem that you cannot surmount yourself.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:42:09 PM
:) Yeah, it's pretty constructive -- I was just waiting for you to pop in here and offer your suggestions too. You're a great writer and it's evident in your characters and the way you play them that you've got it goin' on. ;)

Now...down to business. :lol

When you say I wear too many hats as far as skills go, I still guess I'm having a problem exactly understanding what you mean. I have her good at a few things, but should I get more specific? Instead of saying she's good at healing, mentalism, and stuff involving nature, how can I make those categories smaller?

I think that's what I'm having the most trouble with is making her seem as real as you and I (if we were Force adept Jedi type people :lol). I know she can't be good at everything, that would be silly in itself. If that was the case, then we'd call the GJO the XJO. :lol I see your point about the Jack of all trades thing, Morg, and I know you, Charley, have pointed it out as well.

I just need help getting these areas more specific and I don't exactly know how. :\

Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:18:49 PM
Well, I do recall one thread where you were insinuating that you were on par with Akrabbim in the illusion field, which blew my mind. If you want to have these different skillsets, either make them all watered down, or pick one that is your *go-to* skill, and have the others as auxilliaries. That works best, I guess.

Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:19:42 PM
Perhaps like what parts of mentalism? nature? healing?

I see mentalism using the mind over matter type deal... and that breaks down to telepathy, telekinetics, illusions, jedi mind tricks... uh... stuff like that. Maybe choose a specific \class or two to excel in, and have the rest as mediocer?

What part of Nature is Xazor good at? Communicating with Animals, elemental properties of nature, growth of plants/animals...

Who/what can she heal? How much damage can she heal, what kind of wounds, sicknesses, virus can she cure, how oftern can she do that before having to rest.... do she need to have special herbs or something to help in the healing process? Does she just use Bacta and say it's the Force? :p

I *think* that's what Morg and Chuck are getting at... though not sure.

Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:23:08 PM
Yeah, pretty much.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:28:17 PM
I want her to excel at illusions. That was my pick from the get go. Yeah, I know I'm not as good as Akrabbim or anything like that -- but someday I want to be at that point.

I have dropped a lot of stuff so that it seems more realistic, but it isn't enough and I know that.

Now that I look at it the way you have laid it out, Snacky -- I'm still good at too many things. :\ Wow, this is one big mess. :(

Should I just pick illusions like I did, and be okay at the other stuff? I've had her be pretty strong with telepathy -- and that's a given because she and Marcus share a Life Bond and communicate across extreme distances (but that's a special thing). She's been pretty good at it though. I didn't really want to take that one away. For the rest of it -- she can't do anything telekinetic wise. The mind trick stuff -- I've used illusions to trick people but nothing having to do with persuasion. She's not good at persuading people to do what she wants. :lol It's more of a 'do or die' thing, I guess -- which isn't good either.

Man, now that I really think about it -- I've god moded a lot. :lol I have her controlling nature and all that like it's nothing -- plus being good at all of these other things. :\ In the nature area, maybe I could have her okay at some stuff, like communicating with animals (goes along the lines of telepathy) and maybe I should keep it at that or something.

For healing, she's Garou and they heal at an incredible rate and can heal pretty big wounds. I've had her being able to heal other people too (I can count numerous times where I've god moded that too) :lol

Wow, I suck! ;) Not really, but I've not been doing a great job with this 'reality' thing.

For healing, maybe I should just keep it that she's good at healing herself because it's natural and that's about it. No healing anyone else or anything. :\

I think that's at least a start. :)

Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:32:42 PM
That's a good start.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:38:48 PM
Thank you. :) I appreciate all of your help. :D