View Full Version : MY TURN! (Char Eval, Dark Emerald Jade Raktus)

Jade Doment
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:42:08 PM
I get the terrible feeling that some of you that I have been RPing with dont really like me or my way of RPing. For some reasons, I get the feeling from some of you as if Im not wanted in these threads/RPs.

I know I dont know some of you well, but that is the vibe Im getting, that I dont belong with people like you.

So, now I ask, is that what everyone thinks of me?

Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:55:44 PM

Of course you're wanted! You're a great writer and fun to RP. You make things interesting, like Sorsha! :D

In every RP there are misunderstandings -- PM's sent, OOC comments made -- sometimes even threads started here in the OOC forum about the thread in question, but all of that is normal. I know we just had a few small run ins in the thread you and I encountered one another in, but honestly, it was just a few small things that both of us did not understand fully. It doesn't make either of us bad writers/RPers or people.

In fact, I was going to PM you and ask you if you wanted to do another thread with me. I really like your style and so the most I can say is to keep it up. You have an interesting character and I don't think you should change what you've got. As long as you're happy and you are doing what you love, then that's all that matters.

Don't try to please anyone else but yourself. :D Don't change because others want you to. You've done a fine job developing Jade and I can tell that you've put a lot of hard work and a concerted effort into making her all that you want her to be. Props to you -- kudos and all that -- and above all else, keep it up! :)

[/my 2 cents]


Dasquian Belargic
Aug 2nd, 2003, 02:35:08 AM
I've not RPed with you much Jade, aside from with Arriana in the sisters of chaos jazz, but I don't have a problem with your RPing style, and look forward to more chaosy goodness with you and our other sisters in the future :D

Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:25:23 PM
I really don't know anything about your character.

Aug 3rd, 2003, 01:36:58 AM
I cant input anything constructive either, Jade. I only know that your char is an apprentice of Sorsha's.

Jade Doment
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:37:06 PM
Thankies, guys. Especially you, Xazor. Yor response is what I hadnt been expecting. I mean, most people tell me that Jade cant use the powers shes got, or that I need to learn to RP before doing it. I LOVE RPing, its my passion, ya know, and its something I wont give up, but willing to make it better with new ideas.

And they are also saying that my posts are too short, that they need to be longer and such crud, but Im like Sorsha, not into big posts.

And Xazor, Id really like to do that thread you were talking about. I got an idea about a thread when I was reading your post, so PM me and well get together on it sometime.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:47:08 PM
:D Awesome Jadey, I'll get that PM sent ASAP! :) *hugz*

Rping is my passion too. I love it and I just can't give it up. It sux even to go on vacation and not have a comp! I find a way to get on here somehow, though. :) I think your abilities are fine. You're not good at everything (because you make your character realistic. I have a problem in this area.) but you have your strengths and you use 'em. I've read your stuff before and I've kinda kept up with you. :D You're doing fine! :)

Jade Doment
Aug 5th, 2003, 09:46:27 AM
Thankies. I try my best to do what is allowed, and its hard sometimes to know where the boundaries are. Ive thought about quitting RP, but I realized Id be more depressed if I did than if I didnt. And besides, Ive had Jade for 5 years now and Ive put too much work into her to let her go like that.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:05:55 AM
I would say hold back on some of the powers that I've seen you use. I know your character is one that you've had from other RP's, and it's sometimes hard to power down a character that you've grown used to. It's the one thing that's daunted me in figuring out what areas to train you in. It's easy to fix and figure out when there's a character sheet to look at, but we don't have such a thing on the boards, unfortunatley. Other than that, you're doing well. :)

I'm very pleased that you're here. You just need to go out now and start building up a rep for yourself. Get to know who some the people here are so they know more about you in return.

Jade Doment
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:11:20 PM

Alright. Now I just gotta figure out what to hold back on. LOL But thankies, Kitty. You and Dale have made me feel welcome and wanted here. And like you said, I got to get to know more people here too, which Id like to do sometime.

All I gotta do too is figure out how to build a rep for Jade. Thats gonna be a test, and a tough one too. LOL