View Full Version : I made the cut!?! (Open)

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 1st, 2003, 04:57:01 PM
He'd been in a trance...ever since <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=560950>this morning's news from Master Belargic</a>. Everything else today had passed Jackson by as if he were worlds away. The volume of the mundane world had been turned down around him, and it seemed he was walking through a dream. His eyes were wide, and his ever-present smile seemed a little bigger today. He passed by people he didn't know, patting them on the back or shaking their hands, wishing them a good day. He glanced about with his head on a swivel, as if seeing the world all over again.

He made his way to the B&G, and over toward the bar. It wasn't time for his shift....that was hours away. No, this was for something other than work, for once. Jackson leaned over the bar, craning his neck for sight of his employer.

Lady Mylia
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:13:28 PM
Mylia stroud into the B&G and walked over to the bar. She noticed a man looking for someone, she assumed he was looking for the bartender. "Waiting for you drink?" She asked casually, with a smile.

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 3rd, 2003, 11:27:37 AM
"Me? Oh, no...no I'm not getting a drink."

Jackson smiled sheepishly, and glanced around.

"Have you seen the bartender though? I had to talk to him about something."

Lady Mylia
Aug 3rd, 2003, 03:22:05 PM
Mylia shook her head. "No, but we could always call for him." Mylia held her hand up and snapped her fingers several times, trying to get thebartender's attention from where ever he or she may be. "Hopefully that'll work." Mylia offered a kind smile. "I'm Mylia, by the way." She held out her hand to the man.

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:42:52 PM
"Jackson DeWitt. Pleasure to meet you!"

Jackson shook her hand emphatically, smiling as he looked to her, and then around the bar, and back again.

"Y'know...this is some place. I work here...er...used to."

He blushed a little.

"Actually, this is my last day. I just got accepted into the Jedi Order."

The pride at such an accomplishment seemed to beam out of every pore as he spoke.

Lady Mylia
Aug 3rd, 2003, 06:04:34 PM
Mylia smiled and gave him a smile hug. "Congratulations Jackson and welcome." Mylia beamed for Jackson, she understood the excitement of getting something you wanted. "You used to work here? Wow, I haven't seen you around before."

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:44:17 PM
"Well, I worked late shifts here, bussing up tables and such." Jackson explained, taking a seat.

"I also worked in the mornings at the Academy, for the groundskeeping crew. Then, I went to school for the day. Really not suprised you haven't seen me around much."

Lady Mylia
Aug 4th, 2003, 05:18:02 AM
"Well I've only been here for a little while also, just over a month. This is a very big place, it's possible we just missed each other." Mylia shrugged. "So, how long have you been working here?"

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 4th, 2003, 09:09:15 PM
"About a year. I scraped together some money and moved here from Tattooine. Folks weren't keen on it...I've really been out here on my own. Can't blame em, I guess...they can't really spare much to help me out."

Lady Mylia
Aug 5th, 2003, 05:26:03 AM
Mylia nodded. "I can understand that." Even though Mylia could only understand some of it, she wasn't going to point that out now. "My mother wasn't thrilled when I decided to become a Jedi either. But, she finally accepted it. Atleast they came around and we can both be here." Mylia smiled.

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 5th, 2003, 09:58:28 AM
"Well, I've really had a heck of a time convincing anybody. I mean...I'm not any kind of athlete, never had good marks in school, and I've spent my whole life workin on vaporator farms...so I'm not exactly in the money. But...its what I've always wanted to do. Ever since I can remember."

Lady Mylia
Aug 5th, 2003, 11:07:40 AM
"If there is a will, there is always a way. I know that it's an old cliche, but it holds true. I don't see why you have to prove anything to anyone... you should have been accepted right from the start." Mylia frowned slightly. "I don't understand why they didn't. Grades and such shouldn't be the deciding factor."

Avolon Bisel
Aug 8th, 2003, 01:49:41 AM
It wasn't even prime business hours and already Avolon was miffed. He walked out of the back store room, carrying a stack of towels. Not only did the new waiter screw up astronomically but Max wanted to chide Avolon on being too harsh with the slacker.

"Max, I'm trading you in for a fembot or something. No, what am I thinking?" Max, his Astromech 'droid almost tootled an acceptance to Avolon's apparent change of heart, until Avolon cut him off. "I want a real woman! One who I have a chance of beating in sabaac, damn those robots and their processors, and one who's circuits are a pleasure to rewire!"

Avolon, caught in his rant, didn't see the two customers at the bar. Wait, just one. DeWitt was hanging around awful early.

"Oh, hey, DeWitt. I can't pay too much overtime today, the numbers are scary close to red," catching his manners, he turned to the lady. "Just give me a minute sweetheart and I'll be right with you. Go ahead and give your order to this little trash can of a 'droid," he turned his attention back to Jackson as Max wheeled from behind the bar and next to her. "Maybe you can start a few hours early and I can do something, eh? Not much though, no promises."

Avolon spoke a little too fast for Jackson to get a word in. The bartender, pushing fourty, often had that habit. Before DeWitt could speak, during Avolon's pause, the bartender came back again.

"Don't tell me! You've got a date or something and need some cash, right? What the hell. I'll pay you for two shifts but you have to start now."

He tossed him a towel.

"Look what that moron Kingsley did. He busted an entire crate worth of century old Corellian Scotch. I almost kicked the little snot's butt but instead sent him home to think of ways to pay the bill for it. Meanwhile me and you are stuck with the clean-up. Well, it's a living, right kid?"

Avolon got down on his knees and started the long chore of sopping up the river of scotch, using the first of many towels he had with him.