View Full Version : Just another day or is it?

Aleona Quinn
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:39:31 PM
Aleona was out for a walk on her visit to Coruscant. The sun was shining and it was altoghter, a wonderful day. Children were racing down the street, laughing happily, their parents close behind, smiling and talking to one another.

Yes, this is a beautiful day. A smile on her own face as she herself walks casually down the street, looking in shops, talking to complete strangers who are willing to talk. She doesn't think that anything could make this day go downhill for her.

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:48:57 PM
As Aleona walks past side-street a dark cloked man raise his hand. As he does this Aleona is pulled into the empty side-street by a force grip on her neck. She is pulled directly to the cloked man's out streched hand, which clasps around her neck, and slams Aleona to the wall. The figure says to her....

"Hello Aleona... It's been awhile...'

The dark, raspy, voice is one that Aleona knows too well, and is probably the last voice she would want to hear.

Aleona Quinn
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:45:05 PM
Aley gives a short squeek of surprise as she's pulled into a side-street by a Force grip around her neck. As she hears Rivin speak, her face just pales drastically as she knows her day has taken a turn for the worse.

"H.....H.......Hi R.......R........Rivin. It hasn't been long enough has it."

Aley's thoughts immediatly go to her children which are safe back home. The day she has most feared has finally reached her. Right now she doesn't go to do anything to get out of Rivin's grip.

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 1st, 2003, 11:07:56 PM
Rivin smiles as he picks up Aleona's thoughs about her children...

"What?... You don't want to talk to me?.... I feel insulted... I guess I could always go to your home, and talk to your children... Would you like me to tell them how well their mother scream.... And then after I tell them that story... I could SHOW them why you were screaming so much..."

Rivin lifts Aleona off her feet, then throws her to the ground with a force assisted downward throw...

Aleona Quinn
Aug 2nd, 2003, 06:39:10 AM
Aley's face pales even more as Rivin suggests that he goes to her home to talk to her children, and then do to them what he does to her. Right as she's about to respond to that, she's thrown downwards to the ground where she lands harder then normal because of the Force assisted throw downwards. A very brief look of pain crosses her face and she bites back the urge to gasp in pain.

"You stay away from my children Rivin. If you so much as lay a finger on them, you are going to regret it so much, you won't even find it funny. But you couldn't get near enough to my children."

Aley pushes herself to a sitting position as she inches her way away from Rivin.

"You would have a hard time getting past all the Jedi that are around my children constantly."

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 4th, 2003, 09:20:47 AM
Rivin laughs as he steps towards Aleona sending a swift kick to her stomach...

"You should know by now that I will get past any kind of protection you can muster... I should not have trouble Reaching them... And I know you know I am correct."

Aleona Quinn
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:14:55 PM
Aley gets kicked in the stomach, a look of pain appears on her face which she forces off her face as fast as possible.

"That is where you are wrong. You will not get to my children because they are protected, not by me, but by others who will keep them safe where I can not.

And this time, I Know you are NOT correct. You are wrong. The Jedi will stop you from getting to my children. I've told their Father and/or adopted Father to take them to a different place, where not even I know of their location in case I came across you."

Aley takes a quick breath before quickly pushing herself to her feet, wincing in pain as she does so.

"Only thing I have left to do is find a way to keep you away from me. Then you can't even harm me like you are fond of doing."

As Aley says this, her eyes get the look of fear in them that hasn't been there for along time. A look of fear that only Rivin can get in her eyes.

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 5th, 2003, 04:19:12 PM
Rivin Laughs Again.....then sighs...

"You could not be more wrong miss Quinn ... you see, I already know where they are... My men have been following them since you parted with them.... and as we speek... My men are dealing with your husband and his family... By tommorow your children will be under MY care.... And I will REALLY enjoy what will happen after that..."

Rivin gives off an evil laugh, then sends a foot sweep at Aleona's knees..

Of course Rivin is lying to Aleona... But she doesn't know that, and also has no way of comfriming that he is lying..

Aleona Quinn
Aug 7th, 2003, 07:52:17 AM
Aley takes a deep breath to steady herself. Only one of her children would be happy to be with Rivin and that's her devil son. She with surprising agility jumps above the foot sweep to her knees, a determination in her eyes though she knows what she's about to do is fuitile. After she lands on her feet with a slight wince, she lunges for Rivin's neck with her outstretched hands, hoping to wrap her hands around his neck and wring his life out of him.


Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 9th, 2003, 11:14:11 AM
Rivin quickly draws his lightsaber and activates it while pointing it at Aley's hip...

Aleona Quinn
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:02:59 PM
Aley notices that Rivin pulls out his lightsaber and activates it. She does her best to twist out of the way as it springs to life and only gets a glancing blow at her hip which causes her to stumble and trip over her own feet, falling to the ground in a heap.

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:08:21 PM
Rivin laughs as he move his blade towards Aley's neck. He stops it right in front of her face, the blade almost touching her nose.

"Now that you know that your children are doomed.... What do you think I should do with you?"

Aleona Quinn
Aug 25th, 2003, 08:47:39 PM
Aley looks up at Rivin, fear in her eyes as she sees him moving his lightsaber towards her.

"You could let me and my children go and live a happy life without having to ever worry about you again."

Aley says this rather hopefully, but knowing that it is not likely to happen.

Nayala Palain
Aug 25th, 2003, 10:05:13 PM
Suddenly the who thought they were a dark lord was slammed against the side wall where he at one time had Aley. The cold deadly eyes of the Sith Master seemed to haunt the man down to his weak soul.

The Master had taken Aley in so long ago and made sure she was safe, and she was not going to stop now for this fool.

" Rivin, its been some time since I have kicked your sorry butt. Care to take your saber towards mine? "

She smiled at Aley and looked at the man who was pinned against the wall due to Athena's Force powers. The Sith Master walked slowly towards the man. Stopping just infront of him.

" Now why must you upset my family? And why must I have to keep telling you to stop? "

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:52:54 AM
Rivin gets slamed against the wall. Though it hurts and his wind has been knocked from him, he still keeps a grip on his lightsaber, which he turns off, and puts back on his belt...

"Even...*cough*... if I did.... wish to.... clash sabers.... with you..*catches his breath*... you would have to let me down from this wall first."

Rivin watches as Athena approches him and stopping right in front of him.

"If I recall correctly this is only the fifth time we have met, and most of the other times I had an escape route, and I was using it before you could say anything to me.... I think this is only the second time you have had to tell me to stop"

Rivin looks around the side street that he picked to confront Aelona in... and just as he thought, no escape... It was a dead end street, completely walled in... If he could get the time to focuse on a force jump, he might be able to make it to a catwalk 100 meters above this street... but he doubted he would get the time to do that.

He would have to get past Athena and out of the side street in order to get away... Even though his strongest force skills are Lightsaber Combat and Telekinesis, He doubted that he would be able to defeat Athena in a saber fight... but he didn't have to defeat Athena, just get past her...

"It looks as if I have no other option but to fight you...That is, if you would be so kind as to let me off this wall. "

Aleona Quinn
Aug 26th, 2003, 12:30:59 PM
Aley weakly smiles at Athena, grateful that she has shown up to help. She carefull gets up to her feet, wincing as she does so, moving herself away from Rivin, making sure that Athena is between her and Rivin.

"Hi Aunt Athena."

Aley says this in a quiet voice, fear is evident since Rivin is there.

Nayala Palain
Aug 26th, 2003, 10:21:05 PM
" Well seeing how if I let you down you might get killed. Your not near the strengh of any of my skills. NOT a one. And your messing with my Niece......"

The Sith Master allowed the man to fall from her force grip as his feet hit the ground below him. Athena looked up and noticed the cat walk and pulled it down around them via the force.

Her eyes flickering to a deadly crimson red.

" Now shall I lead or do you wish to Rivin? "

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 27th, 2003, 09:57:58 AM
Rivin lands on his feet as he is dropped from Athena's Force grip. He corrects his posture as he watches with amusment as the hundreds of people that were on the catwalk start their fall to their death when Athena brings the catwalk down. Rivin reaches into his cloke taps his belt once and pulls out both of his lightsabers. He activates both of them and takes a defensive stance as he steps away from the wall and a few steps farther down the side street towards the dead end.

"I would rather not have to fight you Athena, but it looks like I have no option. I have known Aleona much longer than you have, and think that what I do with her has nothing to do with you. Are you sure that we can not work this out in a non-violent manner? I'm sure neither of us would like to get hurt...."

Rivin hopes that he can stall for enough time that his back up plan has time to kick in....

Nayala Palain
Aug 28th, 2003, 11:06:54 AM
" Well Rivin you might want to rethink even getting near Aley any more. Seeing how you are a member of TSO where I happen to be a Master with in the Order. And Members dont fight or harm family. And seeing how Aley is my Niece it would be grounds for punishment at the Order. "

The Sith Master frew her own weapons from her side. Her saber and light whip.

" Now care to rethink this or not? "

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 28th, 2003, 11:15:40 AM
"From my understanding of the rules, there is only a problem if I harm a member of the order... Aleona is not a member of The Sith Order, therefor I am breaking no rules... But If you attack me, You would be breaking the rules...

But since nether of us are aloud to fight each other, then why do you not just let me leave this Side-street and nobody will be hurt more than they already are."

Rivin takes another step away from Athena keeping his defencive stance.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 28th, 2003, 11:27:02 AM
:: a snap hiss of another lightsabre is heard as Sorsha makes her presence known ::

"I am not a member of the Sith Order, but Athena and I are family, however distant."

:: she grins at Athena ::

"My hands are not tied by any rules. I can do this for you Sister, if you wish it."

Nayala Palain
Aug 29th, 2003, 04:32:08 PM
Since Athena had not looked for Sorsha she didnt feel her until Sorsha had spoken. Looking at the Sith Witch and smiling. She took a step back.

" Indeed my sister, one must learn..."

Athena disengaged her saber and took a step towards Aley and watched in honor of the Sith Witch whom she called sister.

After we must speak my dear sister its been far to long.

Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 29th, 2003, 05:18:37 PM
Rivin knowing that he could never win with both Athena and the new arrival here, he turns towards the dead end, and starts to sprint. As he runs, he starts to charge his legs with the force, getting ready for a strong force jump, and tosses a Flash bomb behind him which explodes with a blinding flash behind him.

When he gets close to the wall he jumps with all his strength, sending him flying into the air. He turns off his lightsabers in mid jump, clipping them back to his belt. At the top of his jump he still can't quite reach the top of the wall, so he pushes off of one of the side walls to give him some more lift.

The extra lift is enough to let him clear the wall, and he does... Only to find a shear drop and heavy airspeader trafic...


Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 3rd, 2003, 11:14:44 AM
:: Sorsha curses, dropping to her knees as she waits for her vision to clear ::

Aleona Quinn
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:37:40 PM
Aley smiles slightly when Athena steps towards her. Then the flash bomb goes off and she quickly shuts her eyes to try and protect them but it's to late. She herself curses slightly at the temporary loss of her vision.

Nayala Palain
Sep 4th, 2003, 11:57:32 AM
Although her vision was off Athena tracks the other Sith via the force. His force signature still in close distance.

" Sorsha over that wall. Where ever it is. "

She forced her eyes open and closed quickly so that the vision would come back.

Dark Lord Rivin
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:15:42 PM
Rivin fall into the speeder traffic, unable to control where he will land. He trys to use the force to deflect most of the speaders away from him, but there are two many, moving two fast, and one slips past his deflections and slams him in the shoulder, sending him spinning back towards the wall he jumped over, and causes him to land with a painful THUD on a walkway two floors down and one block away from where he was harming Aelona...

After a moment of lying on the walkway he makes his way to his feet and goes to hobble off as fast as he can away from the side street that he was in not long ago.

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:41:39 AM
:: Sorsha rose up again as her vision finally cleared. The quarry had fled, and made good his escape. She looks at Aleona, then Athena ::

"There shall be another time, I suppose."

Nayala Palain
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:05:33 PM
" indeed my sister... But for now... we must visit... And speak of our time apart..."

Looking towards her neice..

" Come Sorsha met Aleona... "

Aleona Quinn
Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:37:23 AM
Aleona after a couple of moments manages to get her eyes open and to keep them open. She forces any looks of pain off her face, not willing to show that she is in pain infront of this new person. Right now she's happy that Rivin has left.

"Thank-you Aunt Athena and ..."

Aleona's voice trails off since she doesn't know Sorsha's name.

OOC: Sorry for the late reply.