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Xel Kasum
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:27:52 AM
Another successful mission, if I do say so myself. The target was dead and the incriminating evidence was in place. Now all I had to do was make sure I wasn’t followed. There didn’t appear to be anybody nearby who’d suspect anything to do so, but you can never be too careful. Leaving the rifle where it was, on the duracrete rooftop of an old polling station, I stand and skim my black trouser legs with my gloved hand to get rid of any dirt or gravel, and turn away from the scene of the service to society and take my leave. I take my time across the glass panels hanging off nothing more than metal scaffolding. Peering down into the depths of the polling station, I see nothing but rows of chairs and ballot boxes. It seems the building hasn’t been derelict for too long. And unless I’m mistaken, it won’t be too long until the building finds new purpose. Yes indeed, the times they are a-changin’!

My name’s Xel Kasum. But that’s Mr. Kasum to you. I’m somewhat of a freelance assassin although a more general description would be a gun for hire. What’s that? Scum? You’re calling me scum? Don’t make me laugh! I’m the cure for the itch that’s been irritating society for years now. I don’t kill people like those so-called bounty hunters. I’m just an honest guy trying to make a living in a corrupt galaxy whilst trying to make it a better place to live in. I help people. Like that woman across the street being harassed by those thugs. Walking over, I calmly draw my pistol and aim at the first gentleman.

”Hey pal – why don’t you leave this nice lady alone. If you’re so tough why don’t you do us all a favour and go harass some Sith, or better yet the Jedi.”

He looks at me as if I’ve got three heads, then turns his attention back to the woman who’s clearly relieved at my intervention. I aim down and shoot the man in the leg. He screams and his friends back away. He does the same, albeit limping, and they run down an alley with their tail between their legs. The woman smiles and goes to thank me.

”Save it sister. Don’t thank me. Thank the Jedi – that’s why I’m here.”

I carry on down the street. The speedways are dead this time of night, which is good since I hate speeders. I prefer the metro or walking. I only use space travel if its absolutely necessary. So far it hasn’t been since I arrived on Coruscant eight years ago. A bar catches my eye so I take it as a sign and go inside. After ordering a drink I take a seat at the bar and wait. I slip a hand down the inside pocket of my jacket and take out a sufficient amount of credits and place the on the bar. I honestly don’t know why I’m in here but I always go with my gut instincts. Maybe I should have been a cop. Thinking back, it was around about the same time I came to Coruscant when I met Taro. We’ve got a lot in common, him and I. I remember thinking to myself “No way – he’s cracked.” But the more I got to know Taro, I couldn’t help but feel he had all the answers. And I was the one with all the questions. I still am, to a different extent.

Sin Vamel
Jul 31st, 2003, 06:37:18 PM
"That was real heroic of you back there." Said a low, hushed voice. Next to Xel, a young man took a seat and clasped his hands on the bar top, he leaned in on his elbows and looked straight ahead. He ordered a bendbelly dark ale and left a few credits on the counter.

"Looks like you've got yourself a fan club, myself included - I've been following you for the last five blocks - I hope you don't shoot everyone of your fans." He allowed a wry smile to appear on his stone cold face, this didn't go unmissed by the man next to him for it was visible in the reflective surface on the wall behind the bar. Taking his glass he took a swig and then stared into it.

"It's funny. You don't strike me as the caped crusader type, Xel."

Xel Kasum
Aug 1st, 2003, 04:05:04 AM
"Really!? Well I think you'll find I'm full of surprises"

I met the kid just two nights ago. As a result of the antics at Forte Vesal I am now not only a proud hater of Force users, but celebrities and news reporters. Unfortunately, the amount of publicity that had been attracted has brought Taro under the ever-watchful public eye. That means I'm going to have my work cut out for me. I'm lucky I met Sin when I did. He was a somewhat shady character, but who wasn't in this line of work? You could tell from his grin that he could talk the talk. But from his eyes, I wasn't convinced yet that he could walk the walk.

"Lesson one kid: Things aren't always what they seem."

The bartender slides my drink into my hand and takes the appropriate amount of credits from my stockpile in front of me. I throw him an extra few as a tip. Don't look at me like that? Just because I shoot people when I'm working doesn't mean I can't be a regular guy after work when I'm sitting at a bar. People aren't machines. And even machines need to put their feet up once in a while.

"So tell me, Sin. Why exactly were you following me?"

Sin Vamel
Aug 1st, 2003, 08:05:56 AM
"To learn more than just one lesson." He answered blunty, he scratched his stubbly neck and gave Xel a sideways glance. "Sometimes actions speak louder than words."

This was very true, from the Inquisitor's actions in the street moments ago, Sin had learned that in their line of work you had to be prepared to go the distance at all times and make no compromises. Allow your actions speak for your convictions. Xel shot that man without so much as flinch and all three retreated immediatly and then he was smart enough to reject the woman's thanks, but Sin already knew that there was no room for compassion in this game.

"Haven't you wondered whether or not your latest victim has friends, you know, with big guns and loads of ammo?"

Xel Kasum
Aug 5th, 2003, 06:35:40 AM
"It's not the size that counts. It's how you use it. Guys who go around robbing women aren't exactly going to be ex-military types."

He wants to learn. Cute. Pity I've got nothing to teach the little tike. Even if I did, I'm not so sure it'd work out. How serious is this guy, anyway? For all I know, he could just be wasting my time, or setting me up by talking to me. He shows up the other night, lasers flying about left, right and centre. Now he shows up again, tonight of all nights, supposedly following me and says he wants to learn!? I don't like it.

"Besides, I can handle myself in a fight. But you already know that, don't you!"

Sin Vamel
Aug 7th, 2003, 05:06:08 PM
"You were alright." Answered Sin, gazing into his glass of Bendbelly Dark. He frowned contemplatively.

"Although, if the circumstances had been a little-- different then I have to wonder if you would still be on your feet right now." The corner of his mouth turned up in a half smile when he saw the look Xel gave him. Sin had been beaten in an all out gun-slinging affair several nights ago but the confrontation between himself and the man sat at the bar with him finished rather abruptly and unexpectedly. Some, well he, would say it had been a draw.

"You'll have to teach me that move you did sometime, y'know, the one with the energy cell on the floor." I threw back some of his ale, then added. "I gotta admit, you threw me off with that one."

Xel Kasum
Aug 8th, 2003, 02:31:58 PM
The kid closed his mouth just as the doors burst open to reveal a group of very angry and very big men with very big guns. It was very nice. They start walking around the bar, not having noticed me just yet. My estimates say they'll come over in about three minutes - its a big place. Predictably, they start by checking the boothes that are less well-lit than the rest of the establishment. Its best if I don't act just yet. I'll wait until they come over to me. I take a sip of my drink and place it back on the counter. Without taking my eyes off the golden-brown liqueur inside...

"Does that mean you're going to be sticking around long enough to learn lesson two?"

Sin Vamel
Aug 8th, 2003, 05:11:22 PM
"Looks like it." He shrugged and returned to his ale, watching the heavily armed men searching the bar in the mirror opposite him. Sin tried to make out what types of weapon each had but at this distance it wasn't easy. One of the new arrivals, tall and burly with a forked, blonde goatee and a bald head approached the bar.

"Five of them altogether, should be fun."

Xel Kasum
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:25:40 AM
"You have no idea..."

Baldy stares at the bartender momentarily, before his eyes catch sight of my reflecting image in the mirror behind the bar. The shot goes through his hand and ruptures the power cell. Before the other goons can react, I jump over the other side of the bar and reload.

"Last orders, kid!"