View Full Version : Academy Classes - OOC/RPing - Group D

Sage Hazzard
Jul 31st, 2003, 02:11:40 AM
Start Date: 7/31/2003
End Date: N/A

Group D:<ul> Opie-Wan
River Kincaid
Dyrdre Lo
Simene Dawnstrider

All posts are OOC (out of character).

This is Ryla's area. She'll be heading this class and instructing it on her own. So, Ryla, the thread's all your's m'lady. :)

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 31st, 2003, 04:00:26 PM
Aww, you started it for me. Lovely, lovely.

Just so y'all know, I will be starting this formally on the 5th of August, due to the fact that I am now in a hotel in Victoria BC. :)

Here's some basic information about what you just signed up for.
This class is taught strictly OOC, which means if you have a newly-established initiate character, and have RPed here before, you most likely don't need this course. :) It is geared towards people with little or no experience RPing.

This class will (hopefully) cover these basic concepts: Creating a character, writing a history, keeping in character, planning a RP and also what I like to call "Writin' and Fightin'." These little lessons will help you to become a more confident writer.

So, in the meantime, why don't you all get out a keyboard and post at least 100 words addressing the following questions:

1. Who is your character? (Name, Age, Race, etc.)
2. What is your character's history?
3. What is your character's moral/philosophical standpoint?
4. Why does your character want to become a Jedi?

The way in which you address these questions is up to you. You can go through and answer them just the way they are written or you can get more creative and write a paragraph or two. You can either write in first person (I am this) or third person. (He/She is this)

Also, if you'd like, you can PM me with an example of your writng in a post somewhere. Doesn't have to be long or complicated.

Ok! You have a weekend to do this, so take your time and impress me. :)

Dyrdre Lo
Aug 5th, 2003, 02:30:34 PM
Just to fill in a couple of the gaps, my character is human, and she comes from a distant planet called Gendlo. I would've made this slightly more complete, but you said to be creative, so I couldn't resist. :lol


Dyrdre looked down at her datapad. Her classes were finally starting. She turned it off and gripped it tightly in her hand. She was beginning to feel more confident recently. After 22 years of indecision and scraping through life, her path was becoming more clear.

She couldn't help but reflect on that as she walked through the halls of the Academy. A couple of years ago, some of the villagers revolted against the healers - the elder, her mother, and her two younger sisters - after one of the men died mysteriously, claiming that it was the healers' fault. Dyrdre did her best to protect her family from attack, but it was hardly a lifestyle, staying at home with a blaster nearby and only going out for food when it seemed safe. Just a couple of months ago, it suddenly wasn't a lifestyle at all. While she was out, some of the enraged revolters broke into her house and killed her family. When she returned, she found the elder laying out the bodies of her mother and sisters on their beds. It was then that he told her that she should seek training in the Force. It made sense, in a way. All four of the healers used the Force, and it flowed through Dyrdre's veins as well as her sisters'.

She had accepted this destiny, and now it was time to face it with her eyes wide open. It was time to learn how to protect people properly. Through this training, Dyrdre hoped that she wouldn't have to see anyone die like that ever again.

Simene Dawnstrider
Aug 6th, 2003, 10:38:45 AM
ooc: Um what if you have been RPing here for years? Should I still stick around in this class or try to get a 'transfer?' heh. Um if you still want me to stick around this class then I will.

1. (Name, Age, Race: Simene Dawnstrider. A year younger than Xazor (it slipped my mind for a sec.), Garou.
2. (History: Simene is the younger sister of Xazor Dawnstrider but she does not yet know it. She was separated from the family when she was barely a year old. She was raised by an old jedi that was a bit senile but still acted as he father figure. about 5 years before she came to the jedi, her 'father' died. A few months later, she moved to Coruscant where she got a job. Nearly five years later, she had gone to Naboo to do something for her job and came across the wolf pup, Dantte. She took him in and is taking care of him. For the past few weeks before she came to the order, she had dreams about someplace dark. A woman appeared and a light surrounded her. A few weeks ago, she finaly desided to try and get some help on this. She came to the only place she could think of, the jedi. The dark place in her dream turned out to be the jedi recruitment center and the woman was Xazor. She has been living with the jedi sense.
3. (Moral/philosophical standpoint: Does not always seem to pay attention but still knows whats going on.
4. (Why does your character want to become a Jedi? Because she feels the force brought her here. She feels that she belongs here and that the force will guide her to do the right thing.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:58:13 AM
ooc: Um what if you have been RPing here for years? Should I still stick around in this class or try to get a 'transfer?' heh. Um if you still want me to stick around this class then I will.

I hope you don't mind me answering this question Ryla.

Actually, yes, you do have to stick in it. Techinally, maybe, in special circumstances, you could transfer. But it wouldn't do you any good, as you'd be smack dab back in this class before long, here's why:

All members of these classes will complete ALL classes. We're using what I call a "carousel" class structure. When this group (it's group D. by the time you read this, my original typo will be fixed) is done and group A is done, group D will take group A's place in the combat class. Then, when group B is done in the Basic Force class, Group A will take group B's place. Then, when group C is done with Philosophy/History group B will take their place and group C will be in this class. :)

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 23rd, 2003, 10:37:28 PM
Thanks Simene, thanks Dyrdre! It looks like River Kincaid might not be joining us this time around, but that's ok.

Firstly, Dyrdre, it seems like you have a pretty good handle on description. You have wrapped up all of the questions into an easily readable segment of RP. Your section is very emotionally oriented, and brings up what your character thinks and feels about the events surrounding her.

Simene, you've taken a different route but still answered exactly what I asked. This just goes to show that different styles can be just as effective. Unlike Dyrdre, however, yours seems to be very factually oriented.

This is a classic example of the problems with both styles of writing, first and third person, that are used here on the boards. Both camps have their supporters, and both have their drawbacks.

First Person: (I, Me, My)
The good- Tells exactly what your character thinks and feels, shows things from her/his point of view.
The bad- Your character cannot describe what they cannot see, and has a less factual view of the world around them.

Third Person: (He/She)
The good- Easy to follow events that are taking place, even if they do not directly affect your character.
The bad- Hard to empathize with your character if you cannot describe what they are feeling.

For our next exercise, I want both of you to complete the previous assignment, but use the other style of writing. This does not mean you have to write like the other person, but try to vary your style and see what you are more comfortable with. Now, you may find that your first style was more comfortable, but hey, you never know! :)

While you work on this, I also want you to compile a list of positive and negative traits about your character. First start with three things that your character is good at, for example, fighting, physical strength, calmness, technical skills, piloting or whatever else you can think of. Then, think of the natural opposite. Unless there is a reason, no character that is just starting out (and many who have been here for a while) should be good at everything. Let’s face it: perfect characters have no room to grow, and are usually pretty boring.

If your character is very good at physical things, such as fighting, they are probably not as good at things that require subtlety, such as Force skills or negotiations. If your character has great technical skills, perhaps they spend too much time alone, and aren’t good with people. Come up with three positives and three negatives and list them along with your post. Remember, if you want to add to one list, you have to add to the other.

Here's an example for Ryla:

-Technical things, such as lightsaber construction.
-A good listener, able to empathize.
-Is a average fighter

-Is shy, not so good around large groups of people or unfamilliar situations.
-Isn't always good at articulating her own needs and wants, keeps to herself.
-Not very good with Force abilities, such as manipulating energy.

Ok, run with it, folks! :)

Aug 25th, 2003, 05:58:05 PM
Transmission from Yaven 4 Jedi training facility to GJO training academy:

“ Greetings my Masters… I am Zao, the seeker of illumination. I am 21 yrs. Old in your in your time. But I am 4,000 in my years. I am a Chiss of the planet Csilla. I understand that you will most likely want to know a lot about me, so I have prepared a brief history of myself… I was of the tribe, Mitth'raw'nur (the same tribe that Grand Admiral Thrawn was of, and I still today stand that he was a good man, just twisted by the empire), I was taught the finest education, seeing that my father was king of Csilla! I majored in philosophy and political sciences. I was described as cold, calculating and cunning -- these are the traits of the Chiss. I loved to analyze the reasons behind things, especially art. My enemies fear your clairvoyant insight, and know that i did not suffer fools gladly.
My father was not a very popular king for he ruled with malicious hatred of the civilians of his kin. Many hated him and his empire, and I was destined to be a king of an empire that spanned over two dozen worlds! When I became of age to receive the throne, Chiss extremists interfered, my father was killed in the attack and I fled for my life. I fled to the planet of Yaven, where I lived a life of solitude… you’d be surprised what ten years in a life of mediation and time by yourself can do to yourself. I always had a question, I wondered, why, why does man act the way he does, why does he make war with his brother? There must be a better way, right? I studied and studied, and the Force came to me, and I found that it was a living entity, not just a pet, but it was like my lover… I loved it, and still do. Years later I remerged from my hiding and took back my throne, and with a new ally behind me, I have slowly began to change the way my kingdom is run… I have come to you because I want to further my journey for truth, and I believe becoming a Jedi will allow me to do that… a Jedi are peacekeepers, and guardians of Civilization, because you can not, must not have peace without civilization. the Jedi individually keeps the lives of the Republic safe and serve Justice when it is called for.
Masters, I wish to become a Jedi because it is my duty to serve others, with the power I hold, I have a duty to use it in the right way. I believe the right way to use them is to help others who don't have them. The Force has chosen me to protect the Republic. I love the Republic, and wish to do my duty. With training I have come to realize that with the Force as my ally, not my pet, I can do all things through the Force, which strengthens me. I have no rhyme or reason for my will for this life, but I will do my duty, as a Jedi, if given the chance. i am ready, i am not afraid of the future... i can help this universe... i am prepared for these situations…” here are some statistics.. On a one to ten scale this is the level my character is good at:

Fighting: level 6
Physical strength: level 7
Calmness: level 9
Technical skills: level 4
Piloting: level 6
Intellect: level 9
Force skills (for a non Jedi): level 7

“I am pleased to say that I will look forward to our actual meeting, and hope that this is sufficient evidence for me to be apart of this academy class…”
: transmission end…

Simene Dawnstrider
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:58:57 PM
I look around at the rest of the people in the room as the transmision comes in. My mind keeps woundering if this is all the people in the class. If so it is pretty small. I sigh as I think to myself. Finaly I raise my hand.

"Is this all the people in the class or will there be more?"

I sit there, waiting for my question to be answered, hoping I did not sound rude.

(OOC: If thats not what you ment for us to do sorry. Kinda miss understood if so.)

Good attitude
Good with the force
Good with animals.
Ok fighter.

Somewhat niave
A bit clumbsy
Overdoes her force abilites a bit. (Trying to lift glass in the air, lifts it to high and breaks it on the cieling kind of thing.)