View Full Version : Academy Class - Philosophy and History - Group C
Sage Hazzard
Jul 31st, 2003, 02:06:44 AM
Start Date: 7/31/2003
End Date: N/A
Group C:<ul> Giger
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Faith Lerf
Old Man Jedi
Inu[/list]Sage sat on a cushion at the head of a class of 5. To either side of him were his fellow teachers Figran D'an and Oriadin. His teacher's aid, Terran Starek, stood to the side.
"You are Group C, and as such you have been assigned to the first Philosophy and History class. I am Sage Hazzard, this is Figran D'an and Oriadin, respectively. We are your intructors. Terran Starek, is our Teacher's Aid."
Sage nodded to Figran.
"Master D'an, would you care to begin?"
Aug 2nd, 2003, 08:45:14 PM
Anytime you're ready... Inu thinks to himself.
The former darksider looks tired, sitting cross-legged before the teachers with one hand supporting his head. His eyelids are drooping and his head nods every few minutes. His kids kept him up late the night before and he's running on about four hours of sleep. Regardless, he arrived early at the class. This will be the first step in making up for his past.
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:45:09 AM
Giger sat with his legs crossed as he sat on this cushion. To the untrained eye, the little boy appeared completely bald. However he did have some hair, albeit extremely short and fair. You could probably feel it if you rubbed the top of his head. He looked over at Inu who was sitting next to him. Giger had not yet learnt much at all yet and so could not sense anything going on in Inu's mind. Nor could Giger sense much at all through the Force. Perhaps once he had a Master, he'd improve. Unfortunately none of the Masters had been available for quite some time. Giger smiled at the teachers sitting in front of him.
Figrin D'an
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:02:30 PM
The Jedi Master stepped forward and paced a bit in front of the small class, his arms crossed, his head tilted slightly downward.
"Jedi..." he finally said, after a brief moment of silence. "It's a term that has become part of the galactic lexicon. Everyone throughout civilization knows of it, and of course, has an opinion on just what it means. But, what exactly does it mean to us... to those that carry on the heritage? Where do we come from? Why do we follow certain traditions? What is the basis for our Code?"
He paused for effect, letting the students ponder the questions.
"These are a few of the things that you will learn in this class. You will study the factual history of the Jedi, but you will also interpret various philosophies held by different Jedi throughout the ages. We will also discuss the philosophies and tendancies of the Dark Side, and how they differ from those of the Light. A prepared mind is a mind that can defend itself, as you will likely one day discover for yourselves."
He stopped pacing, and looked over the class.
"Before we begin, are there any questions?"
Faith Lerf
Aug 5th, 2003, 05:37:09 AM
[b]Faith sat crossed-leg on the floor watching te Jedis, listening to everything they had to say. She began to think about the questions that were asked of her, realizing she didn't know much about them, she knew this class would do her some good. She shook her head slightly, indicating she had no question. She just sat quietly, waiting for the class to begin.
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:43:01 PM
Inu stifles a threatening yawn before answering Figrin's question.
"No questions here."
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:17:53 AM
Giger looked around momentarily. It seemed nobody was going to ask any questions just yet. Though they hadn't been given much to ponder just yet. He was sure his questions would be flying out soon enough. He shook his head in reply.
Figrin D'an
Aug 8th, 2003, 10:22:34 PM
"Very well," Figrin said. "I'm sure you will have much to ask as we progress."
He approached a podeum, upon which sat a very large and old tome. As he carefully opened it, he posed a question to the group.
"Who can tell me a little bit about the earliest history of the Jedi Order? Anything you might know, no matter how disjointed or incomplete."
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:19:27 PM
Now Inu has a question.
"This one or the one before the Empire?"
Figrin D'an
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:40:07 PM
"The Jedi of ancient times... long before the reign of Palpatine."
Faith Lerf
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:07:05 PM
Faith shook her head. She was kind of embarrassed because she knew nothing, well barely any. She blushed slightly and nervously began playing with a strand of hair.
Figrin D'an
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:11:17 PM
As he scanned the room, Figrin saw a lot of blank faces, and eyes that occasionally looked at each other, waiting for someone to respond.
"That's alright," the Jedi Master reassured the group. "This is why you are here... to learn things just like this."
He composed himself, straighting his robes a little, and continued to speak from behind the podeum.
"As some of you may know, knowledge of we now call the Force has existed for many thousands of years. Records of people exhibiting strange and incredible abilities, on planets throughout the galaxy, date back to long before the existence of the Republic. It wasn't until the advent of hyperspace travel, and with species and races encountering each other for the first time, that it was realized that these stories could be found in any number of cultures. When that similarity was recognized, two very important events were set into motion. Firstly, it helped to give early hyperspace fairing races a basis upon which to build a common ground. It made them realize that, despite their differences in society and appearance, they did have something in common. Secondly, for the first time on many planets, those that exhibited these strange powers did not have to live in fear. Many of those whom demonstrated odd abilities had been forced to live as outcasts. They were labeled heathens by religious officials... some were even put to death for practicing evil magic. A new acceptance was found for these people, and for all forms of sentient life."
He paused, allowing the words to sink in. He leaned against the podeum.
"Now... I want to think about the significance of that kind of watershed event. Different races from different planets reaching out to each other, learning from one another... trading with each other, visiting new worlds. It's easy to see how societies can change rather quickly, and how the galaxy can suddenly seem not quite so big."
"It was during these early times," he continued, "that some of the beings whom had shown unique abilities, both mental and physical, decided to further explore their talents. Over many millenia, these people came together into small groups that would learn and study together, expanding their knowledge of the galaxy and of themselves. It is in these early groups that the basis of the Jedi can be found."
There were a few acknowledging nods, and it seemed that the information was starting to be understood. Figrin smiled a little.
"So...," he questioned jokingly, "does anyone want to know what happens next?"
Aug 15th, 2003, 01:27:08 PM
"What happens next is kinda obvious; we get Jedi and Sith. The big question--at least for me, I dunno about anyone else--is which sect came first."
Figrin D'an
Aug 15th, 2003, 02:43:05 PM
"And why is that an important question for you, Inu?"
Aug 17th, 2003, 03:23:04 AM
"I want to know if these Force-using outcasts decided to use their new strength to claim vengeance for having been wronged by their respective societies, or if they decided it best to protect and educate those who had feared them."
Figrin D'an
Aug 18th, 2003, 02:09:20 AM
"I see...," the Jedi Master replied thoughtfully. "It's a fair question, and one that I hope will be answered as the story continues."
He stepped out from behind podeum, and began to slowly pace as he spoke.
"It's important to note that, despite the progress made during this era, there was still conflict. There were some interplanetary wars, and even a few that spanned good portions of the galaxy. Coruscant itself was a battle ground for two ancient races, long before it had a city upon it. Many of these conflicts lasted for hundreds of years. Eventually, however, peace came many of the systems near in the galactic core, and it was decided that these systems should join together for the benefit of all. This was the birth of the Old Republic... some twenty five thousand years ago."
The group was amazed, as their open mouth gapes and wide eyes suggested. Most had never realized that the Galactic Republic... the first Republic... was formed so long ago.
"It was during this time," Figrin continued,"that the many groups of Force-sensitive beings, now somewhat learned of their abilities, came together to aid the formation of the Republic. They served as scholars and diplomats, and they also served as protectors of the peace. They were the first Jedi Knights, and they were part of the very basis of the Republic. At first, the Jedi were mostly philosophers, study the intricacies of the Force and using their modest skills to help the Republic grow. Later generations of Jedi, however, began to take a more active role in galactic events... defending the Republic from it's enemies and venturing into unexplored parts of the galaxy."
He paused, noticed that Inu was getting a little bored. He seemed firmly intent upon finding out about the beginnings of the Sith.
"Now, at this point, the historical record becomes a bit hazy, but we do know, thanks to ancient texts such as this one...," he pointed to the tome on the podeum, "... that even during the very early days of the Jedi, the union of all of the different Force-studying groups was a tenuous one. You see... the ancient Jedi studied all aspects of the Force... Unifying and Living, Light and Dark. The relationship between those that favored the Light and those that favored the Dark was difficult to keep, but a basic belief in helping the Republic held the Order together. As time passed, however, the Jedi Order began to fragment. Those that used the Dark Side became increasingly restless. They began to believe that the Force should be used to dominate, and that the Jedi should be the rulers of the Republic. The followers of the Light Side held that skill in the Force was a unique gift, and that it should be used to help others and protect the innocent. As one might expect, the ultimate result was a war that tore the Jedi Order apart, and that nearly destroyed the Republic."
"The Great Schism, as it became known, lasted for nearly one hundred years. Jedi against Jedi, Light against Dark. Many Jedi on both sides were killed, as were many others whom had chosen sides in the conflict. The Light Side would eventually prevail, and the remaining dark Jedi were forced into exile. Taking their ships into the unknown parts of the galaxy, the dark Jedi disappeared from the Republic. Peace returned, the Jedi rebuilt, and as the centuries passed, the memory of the dark Jedi revolt faded into legend."
"It's now known that the dark Jedi, upon leaving the borders of the Republic behind, traveled for thousands of light-years until they found a primitive but powerful race of beings, known as the Sith."
A few of the students cringed as Figrin said the word. 'Sith' was something that they had heard many times before, but likely never really fully understood. Inu now seemed fascinated.
"Using their abilities in the Force, the dark Jedi became the unquestioned rulers of this race, and began to build an empire that would cover many systems. Over time, as the generations of dark Jedi built their empire, the tales of their own journey faded into history, and knowledge of the Republic and it's whereabouts were lost."
Figrin took a deep breath, and smiled a little.
"That's a lot of information to take in, so I'll give you some time to ask questions about anything I've covered so far. But, as you can see, the name Sith is quite an old one, taken from the empire that existed all those millenia ago."
"Of course," the Jedi Master added, "that is far from the end of the story."
Aug 18th, 2003, 08:14:22 AM
Giger took the bull by the horns and raised his hand. Master D'an nodded at the small bald-headed one, signalling him to speak.
Master D'an.... just as different beliefs resulted in internal war between the Jedi, which led to them splitting into two sects, didn't more or less the same thing happen amongst the Dark Jedi around 5000 years ago?"
He thought that was the case. Something about a power struggle, wasn't it? Giger remembered reading something about a Dark Lord Mark Ragnos.
Figrin D'an
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:11:24 AM
Figrin nodded, acknowledging Giger's comment.
"That's right... there was something similar that happened regarding those once dark Jedi. In fact, that is where the next part of the story is introduced."
He folded his hands and rested them behind his back.
"Now that we have that early history of the Jedi established, let's fast-forward a little... to a period about 5000 years ago."
Giger smiled... he seemed happy that he had gotten the date correct.
"The Republic had, after some turmoil in it's infancy, grown and matured. It was in a state of expansion, a time when explorers and Jedi Knights journeyed into unknown territory. Two explorers in particular, would end up making a discovery that would shape the future of the galaxy for millenia. The Daragons, a brother and sister team, Gav and Jori, ventured deep into the unknown space, trying to establish and map new trade routes. Their adventure would take them deep into the heart of the Sith Empire, established millenia before by the former dark Jedi cast out of the Republic. They made their way to one of the most ancient planets in the Empire, known as Korriban, arriving just as the leaders were preparing to battle for the title of the Dark Lord of the Sith."
Figrin paused before providing some backstory to the Sith.
"You see... the previous Dark Lord, Marka Ragnos, had recently died. After his burial, two men emerged to challenge for the throne of the Sith Empire... Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh. These two were preparing to fight to the death for contol of the Empire when the Daragons arrived. After hearing the Daragon's tale about the Republic and their mapping mission, the Sith Lords realized that the brother and sister were from the same Republic that had cast out their ancestors, the dark Jedi, in ages past. Kressh, being somewhat conservative and cautious, thought that the Daragons were spies... precursors to an invasion, and demanded that they be put to death. Sadow, however, realized that they were indeed just explorers, and decided to manipulate them for his own gain. Naga Sadow protected the Daragons from Ludo Kressh's forces, and tricked Gav and Jori into believing he was their ally. He began to instruct Gav in the ways of the Sith, seducing him to tap into his Force potential and use the Dark Side. At the same time, he told Jori to take her ship and return to the Republic, making her believe that Kressh was planning to attack the Republic if he could capture the Daragons ship and extract the hyperspace flight information from it. Jori did as she was instructed, and began to journey home to raise the alarm about the Sith. However, it was Sadow himself was planning the invasion. He placed a tracking device onto the Daragon's ship, and upon using his infamous Massassi warriors to defeat the forces of Ludo Kressh, he massed his own fleet and began to trail Jori Daragon to the borders of the Republic."
"Few in the Republic believed Jori's story, but some of the Jedi Knights, recalling the legends of the Great Schism, felt she was telling the truth. The great Jedi Master Ooroo and one of his students, Odan-Urr, convinced the Empress of Teta to heed the words of the explorer, and to prepare her forces for an invasion while she herself would travel to Coruscant to convince the Republic leaders to send aid. The Tetan forces, though nearly wiped out when Sadow's fleet arrived, delayed the Sith onslaught long enough for the Republic and the Jedi to respond. The Great Hyperspace War, as it became known, encompassed many battles that engulfed countless systems. The Sith seemed relentless, but eventually their numbers began to dwindle. After the Jedi successfully defended Coruscant from a direct attack by the Sith fleet, the war turned in favor of the Republic. The Sith were nearly wiped out in a massive battle near the Denarii Nova star system, but the Sith flag ship, and Naga Sadow, managed to escape. He eluded Republic ships and seemed to disappear without a trace. It was later learned that he made his way to the Yavin system, and he and his surviving Massassi warriors settled on Yavin IV. Using the Massassi as slaves, Sadow built a massive temple complex, and through arcane Sith powers, he entombed himself within it, placing himself in a kind of suspended animation. He knew, because of a prophecy made by the Dark Lord Marka Ragnos, that sometime in the future, a worthy succesor would find him and release him, at which point Sadow would pass on all his knowledge and begin the Sith line again."
The Jedi Master looked over the class, considering his next words carefully.
"That prophecy would come true, and it would be Jedi Knight that would bring it about."
Aug 20th, 2003, 09:35:25 AM
Inu's head slips from his hand, jerking him violently awake in time to hear: Sadow built a massive temple complex, and through arcane Sith powers, he entombed himself within it, placing himself in a kind of suspended animation. He knew, because of a prophecy made by the Dark Lord Marka Ragnos, that sometime in the future, a worthy succesor would find him and release him, at which point Sadow would pass on all his knowledge and begin the Sith line again. That prophecy would come true, and it would be Jedi Knight that would bring it about."
"So...let me see if I undersand. This Sith guy seals himself in a temple and no one knows it exists. And if some Knight hadn't found him, we wouldn't have Sith at all?"
Figrin D'an
Aug 27th, 2003, 11:03:43 PM
Figrin considered Inu's question for a moment, then responded the best way he could.
"Essentially... yes. You see, the term 'Sith' has changed over the millenia. It was once a powerful, but primitive race, as we have discussed. Later, it was used to describe the powerful Dark Lords, like Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow, whom employted powerful arcane magic and artifacts. Eventually, many of those skills would be passed onto to Jedi who broke away from the Order to seek power for their own purposes. Today, much of the ancient Sith knowledge is lost in the dust of history, and many of those that call themselves 'Sith' use techniques similiar to those of the Jedi. They combine it with the rudementary knowledge gained from holocrons and scrolls about Sith magic, and have created a hybrid of Sith and Jedi powers."
Hoping that some confusion was now eleviated, the Jedi Master continued the tale.
"Naga Sadow's massive temple on Yavin IV would be found 600 years later by a Jedi Knight named Freedon Nadd. Eager to become more powerful than his own Jedi Masters, Nadd followed rumor and his own intuition in his search for the lost Sith Lord's ship. The decendants of Sadow's Massassi warriors attempted to fight Nadd, but his skill with the Force proved to be too much for them. Wowed by the Jedi Knights abilities, they guided Nadd to Sadow's chamber. Upon releasing the Dark Lord, Nadd became Sadow's student, learning everything he could of the power once wielded by the Sith Lords of old. Once the knowledge of the Sith was passed on, Sadow disappeared, never to be seen again. Freedon Nadd made his way to the world of Onderon, outside of the Republic, and quickly became the unquestioned ruler of the native people. Some of you may have heard of the Beast Wars of Onderon. Nadd was a key figure in those events. After his death, Nadd's tomb became a focal point of dark side energy, and would be used by his decendants for centuries to rule the populous with an iron fist."
"400 years after Freedon Nadd's death, however, his influence would be felt again when the Jedi would come to Onderon."
Faith Lerf
Aug 30th, 2003, 02:47:52 PM
Faith sat quietly in the class taking in every word Master Figrin spoke. She barely turned her attention elsewhere, even when questions were asked. After listening for a while she finally decided it was time to push away her timid nature and speak. She raised her hand slowly.
Figrin D'an
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:06:10 PM
Figrin pointed towards Faith, acknowledging her raised hand.
"Yes, you have a question?"
Faith Lerf
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:04:17 PM
Faith nodded. "My question goes along the lines of his." She nodded towards Inu. "Wasn't there records of all this? Of Nadd's death and his temple? Why would Jedi go to the temple if they knew only evil would come of it?" She spoke softly, very unsure of herself.
Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:52:22 PM
"Well, at the time, the Jedi didn't know that Nadd had traveled to Onderon," the Jedi Master answered. "Little information about the history on Onderon was available, so when the Jedi arrived, they didn't know that they would be walking into a dangerous situation."
Figrin pointed to the large tome on the podeum.
"Of course, with the benefit of hindsight and the limited records we have recovered from that time period, we know how history would play out, and what would happen."
Faith Lerf
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:22:11 PM
Faith nodded. She sat quietly again, listening and taking in everything Figrin had to say.
Sep 19th, 2003, 02:24:24 PM
Inu's claws scratch at the floor, making a few light marks there. Some of it is notes, but a good bit of it is just doodles and random words.
"Anyways, what happened next?"
Sep 19th, 2003, 04:07:56 PM
(ooc: Sorry, I've been away for a while on holiday)
"Yes, please continue Master D'an."
Giger turned towards his classmates. "It's frightfully interesting, isn't it?!"
Faith Lerf
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:03:36 AM
Faith sat quietly waiting with the others for the lesson to continue.
Figrin D'an
Sep 24th, 2003, 08:51:34 PM
"As I was saying," Figrin continued, "the Jedi eventually came to Onderon, in an effort to introduce it to the Republic. The Jedi Master Arca Jeth was granted stewardship over the planet as part of this task. Arca decided, however, to send three of his students to parlay with the planet's leader. Those students, the brothers Cay and Ulic Qel-Droma, and Tott Doneeta, upon their arrival, were asked by the elder Queen to aid in ending a conflict between her people and the infamous beastriders that lived in the dangerous jungles outside of the capital city of Iziz."
"However," the Jedi's tone changed, becoming more cautionary and intense, "the Jedi soon discovered that they had been deceived. The Queen had no real interest in establishing peace. She wanted to use the Jedi to wipe out the beastriders. When the deception was revealed, the Queen let loose a display of her true power. She had tapped into the power of Freedon Nadd's tomb, and unleashed the power of the Dark Side upon the three Jedi and the beastriders. She nearly overwhelmed them, but were saved when Master Arca arrived, answering their call for help. Using his own power, he vanquished the Queen and sealed off Nadd's tomb. A peace between the Queen's daughter and the beastriders was formed, but the planet remained a dangerous place. Master Arca remained with his students, and for nearly two years, they worked to make Onderon a safe place. A cult of those loyal to the memory of Freedon Nadd remained, though. Two years after the death of the evil Queen, the cultists reclaimed the tomb of Freedon Nadd while it was being moved to the beast moon of Dxun.
Figrin's voice was now solemn, even a little sad. "It would prove to be the beginning of one of the most dark and destructive chapters in the history of the galaxy."
Oct 13th, 2003, 07:10:30 PM
"Hang on!" Inu interrupts. "Y'just said this guy's tomb had Force power. How's that work? I was told only living stuff had the Force in it."
Figrin D'an
Oct 20th, 2003, 12:12:58 AM
"In most cases, that is true, Inu," Figrin responded. "Non-organic, non-living objects do not have the ability to create the energy field we call The Force. However, there are ways for a Force user to imbue inanimate objects with certain properties inherent to the Force."
"For example," he suggested, "there are ways to make certain objects detectable via the Force by leaving an imprint of sorts on it. There are also stories of the ancient Sith Lords using their powers to make swords that could resist a strike from a lightsabre."
"Along those same lines, when a powerful Force user dies, that person's body and burial chamber, if properly prepared, can become a focal point of Force power. Those with certain skills can tap into this latent power, and strengthen their own abilities. In the case of Queen of Onderon, she wasn't nearly as powerful as Freedon Nadd, but because she was able to tap into his power, she became a threat to the Jedi. Nadd was already an extremely gifted and well-trained Jedi when he learn the Sith arts. One can imagine how even a fraction of his power could have been dangerous in the wrong hands."
Oct 20th, 2003, 09:07:23 PM
"Wait a sec!"
Inu's just full of questions now.
"Metal swords can be made to resist lightsabers?"
Figrin D'an
Nov 6th, 2003, 09:16:18 PM
"Yes, according to legend" the Jedi Master responded, "although much of that knowledge of the technique has been lost over the millenia. I cannot comment on it much beyond that, because I myself have never been able to examine a blade with such qualities. If there are weapons like that still in existance today, they would be highly valued to be sure... and potentially extremely dangerous. It is unknown what affect the Dark power used to imbue them could have on the wielder."
Nov 7th, 2003, 08:15:19 PM
"So we don't know if lightsiders can do it?" he asks disappointedly. " much for my old blade..."
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