View Full Version : Academy Class - Basic Force - Group B

Sage Hazzard
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:59:37 AM
Start Date: 7/31/2003
End Date: N/A

Group B:<ul> Mitara Sinar
Admiral Zahn
Jandor Tarvin
Jaina Tarvin
Sola Paz
Tyme Odin[/list]Sage stood at the head of a class of 5. To either side of him were his fellow teachers Kelt Simonson and Dasquian Belargic. His teacher's aid, Kanji, sat behind the group, giving them a person in the back to keep an eye on things.

"Now that all have arrived, class will begin."

Sage shut the door with telekinisis. It was showy, maybe too showy for such a mundane task, but it got everyone's attention and reminded them they would soon learn how to do the same thing.

"You are Group B, and as such you have been assigned to the first Basic Force class. I am Sage Hazzard, this is Kelt Simonson and Dasquian Belargin, respectively. We are your intructors. Kenji, bringing up our rear, is our Teacher's Aid. If you need a question answered that doesn't require special care and we three seem to be fully occupied otherwise, than you may refer to him for an answer. He can then decide weither or not pass the question along to one of us or answer it himself. I request you give all us our due respect. Do not force me to demand it."

Sage put his hand on Dasquian's shoulder.

"Mr. Belargic, if you would, start us off with how to tap into the Force."

Sage then took a step back, leaving the floor currently to Dasquian.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:25:51 AM
“If everyone would be seated,”

The group did as such, following Dasquians lead as he sat cross legged on the mat that covered the training room floor. Most of those present had been members of the Order for some time so far and the Knight had to wonder whether any had already tried this particular aspect of their training already – as it was generally thought of as a requisite to being a Jedi – but began none the less.

“Being able to feel the Force and use it to your advantage is the most important thing to a Jedi, bar none. It will give you a keen advantage in battle, protect you mentally and physically and allow you to perform feats which most people can only dream of…

All of this, however, takes time, and before you can begin anything else you must first learn how to feel the Force. It is the life of everything around us – our soul. Wherever there is a living organism you will find the Force, even in the air around us. As a learner the easiest way for you to be able to feel the Force around you is to clear your mind of any other burdens and thoughts and set yourself at calm and at ease.”

Sage Hazzard
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:03:51 AM
Sage nodded.

"Now that we know how a Jedi taps into the Force, let's try. Don't be afraid to fail but don't be afraid to succeed either. I want everyone to clear their minds and attempt to go into a state of calm. Once there, reach out to the Force. Reach out without inhabition and welcome it. Raise your hand if you find trouble."

Aug 2nd, 2003, 08:54:54 AM
Tyme sat and looked around for a moment before raising his hand, his voice came timidly. "I have a question, how will we know that we have touched the Force, if we do it that is."

Mitara Sinar
Aug 2nd, 2003, 09:38:52 PM
Mitara looks up at the teachers, kinda interested in the answer to Tyme's question...

"And how do we know that we are not already touching the force... From my studies, I have read about many cases where people have been touching and using the force their whole life and never knew it... How do we know that we are not part of that group?"

Sage Hazzard
Aug 4th, 2003, 12:21:02 AM
Sage first looked to Tyme.

"I could simply say 'you'll know' and leave it at that, as it's the best answer that can be given really. But I'll add that it's almost impossible to explain the connection to the Force. Unless of course you're a poet or artist. Even then though you'd have to resort to symbolism and broad descriptions. It's a truely unique experience. To sum it up though, I might say it's akin to experiencing the things around you in a new way, as if it were a 6th sense."

He turned to Mitara then.

"Ah, true. However, that is not so much a submersion into the Force as much as it is a skimming of it's surfaces. Us Force User's instincts and gut feelings derive from the Force. That is why your intuition can very well be true, without facts to back it up. However, you are not slipping into the Force then, but rather drawing apon it subconsciously. There have been other examples of reflexes being by-products of the Force, such as an iilusion being cast as a defense mechanism. However, as in all these cases, the user cannot recreate the effects unless faced with similar conditions that bring apon the same reflex reactions. However, when tapping into the Force, the skills you may use reflexively or otherwise become a conscious decision and choice. So the fact that you may be part of this group is irrelevant, as you are still not truely tapping into the full power of the Force. In fact, you all have encountered the Force without knowing it. If you've ever been encountered with multiple decisions and chose one based on intuition, and that turned out to be the best decision, you were using the Force then. Again, something you cannot recreate 100% of the time unless you are consciously tapping the Force to do so."

Sage took a deep breath and hoped that was enough to answer her question.

"So, anyone have anymore questions?"

Mitara Sinar
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:30:02 AM
Mitara raises her hand when the class is acked if there are any more questions... when she is is noticed she speeks up...

"Aside from being calm and at ease is there any thing else we need to do so we may access the force? I know I have been calm and at ease many time before and never felt anthing diffrent?"

Sage Hazzard
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:20:00 AM

Sage Hazzard
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:20:30 AM
"Yes. This was already stated, but I'll explain it again and perhaps better this time. You must reach out to the Force and welcome it. It'll only answer you if you are completely calm and at peace. The welcoming of the Force is the factor that is missing, Ms. Sinar. Without attempting a connection, you cannot find it. It is much akin to using a comm unit. You have the proper tool and it is turned on. Unless you speak into it, you will not get a reply from the other end."

Sage looked over the class again.

"Any more questions? If not, begin the exercise. Those that have questions, you may wait until they are answered."

Mitara Sinar
Aug 25th, 2003, 11:38:26 PM
Mitara nods then closes her eyes. She trys to follow the instructions but nothing happens... Her mind starts to study her actions to try and figure out what went wrong... but her mind comes to no conclustions.... She look s up at the teachers...

"Ummm.... It's not working"

Sep 18th, 2003, 01:57:13 AM
-Jandor closes his senses as he allows his mind to flow free.
Soon anough his natural touch reaches out however He is not used to such powerful Jedi in the room (or a draco for that matter) and so his efforts are disrupted.

He tries again...-