View Full Version : Jedi Academy Class - Basic Combat - Group A

Sage Hazzard
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:44:19 AM
Start Date: 7/31/2003
End Date: N/A

Group A:<ul> Aaron Belargic
Destiny Stormrider
Leten Snat
Telexia Xio
Jackson DeWitt[/list]

Sage stood in front of a group of five. He wore a tight, combat designed, body suit. His teachers Helenias Ellesar and Xazor Ellesar stood by his side. To the side, next to the door, stood the teacher's assistant Ka'el.

"Ka'el, if you could close the door please."

He did so.

"And lock it."

He did this as well.

"You all have been assigned to Group A, or Alpha if you prefer. Accordingly, you have been assigned to the first Combat Class. I am Sage Hazzard, Jedi Master. My fellow teachers, here on either side of me are Helenias Ellesar and Xazor Ellesar, respectively. You will treat them as they deserve to be treat, with your full attention, respect, and obediance. Our aid, Ka'el, will assist as is needed and learn some of the lessons along with you. Now, with our first lesson, I give you Helenias Ellesar."

Sage took a step back to allow Helenias the floor.

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 3rd, 2003, 11:50:13 AM
Already late for role-call, Jackson sprinted to the combat area of the academy, but found to his horror that the door was locked. He banged on the door, hoping that he wasn't too late to join the class. He had barely enough time to speak to Master Belargic about being given the chance of a lifetime before he was spirited away to begin his padawan training. He took a few quick breaths before his breathing slowed back down to normal, and waited for somebody to answer him, if they were coming at all.

Leten Snat
Aug 3rd, 2003, 12:42:29 PM
Leten, who was sitting by the door quickly unlocks the door, lets Jackson in and locks it again after he has entered...

"Don't worry, the teaching hasn't started yet.."

Jackson DeWitt
Aug 3rd, 2003, 05:07:46 PM
"Oh, thank goodness. I just got my acceptance from Master Belargic, and had just enough time to get my bearings before I made it over here."

Jackson entered the combat arena cautiously, still breathing at an increased rate from his sprint.

"Wow...can you believe it? Can you? Y'know...I used to work here and clean up before morning spar. I can't believe I'm actually here now."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 5th, 2003, 04:05:52 AM
I had my arms crossed, waiting for the class to come to order and all to be present before speaking. In front of me was a few devices - a sabre, blaster and a pike.

Aaron Belargic
Aug 5th, 2003, 04:12:27 AM
Aaron sat cross-legged on the floor, watching and waiting for the session to begin.

Telexia Xio
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:10:59 AM
Telexia is a bit apprehensive about actually starting classes here with the Jedi. Her visions still haven't stopped, but they at least are not causing her a problem right now. She makes no sound as she keeps herself seated by herself, away from the others of the class, waiting for the instructions to begin.

Destiny Stormrider
Aug 6th, 2003, 02:20:01 PM
Destiny sat comfortably leaning against a wall. She felt a bit anxious when she saw the others because she didn't know any of them. She looked at the teachers and felt worse. She didn't know any of the two and she knew it would make her feel uncomfortable if she ever needed to ask a question.

It's alright Destiny, you'll make it!

Leten Snat
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:09:06 AM
Leten walks back to his spot and sits down, watching the teachers, and waiting for class to start.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 11th, 2003, 04:05:26 AM
"Right, I think that is all we will wait" I said. "If you dont know who I am, my name is Lady Evenstar and I will be instructing you in basic weapons training. To begin with, hands up who has had some basic training in a fighting art before?"

Aaron Belargic
Aug 11th, 2003, 04:07:29 AM
Aaron raised a hand - of course. He smiled a bit before glancing around at the others.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:14:37 AM
Xazor smiled as she glanced over at Helenias. The young Garou was happy and more than willing to teach beside her own mother. As class began, her eyes went out over the students. This was a familiar sight to her for at one point, she and Navaria Tarkin taught a class of twenty or so masterless students. This group was considerably smaller, though.

Folding her hands upon her weapons belt, the Jedi Knight watched Helenias begin teaching. She wondered what her purpose was in all of this -- and she hoped to actually teach something to the Padawans. Xazor cleared her mind and readied herself for the day's lessons, hoping to gain some more insight into teaching by this.

Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:31:12 AM
OOC* Apologies I didn't realize I was in this thread lol

Ka' el sttod quietly after shutting the door to the training room and glanced about the room studying the others. His eyes fell upon Aaron Belargic and suddenly he was reminded that not everyone in this class was your basic beginner.

Slowly Ka' el made his way back to the front to stand to the left of the Jedi Knight Evenstar, he did not get a chance to speak much with her before the class but he knew a great deal about the woman. Tales of her heroics and stories of her adventures had trickled down to Ka' el as he was raised by this order.

As he came to her side he stopped and placed his arms in the folds of his cloak and began clearing his mind of all distractions.

Telexia Xio
Aug 14th, 2003, 07:51:33 AM
Telexia glances around the room for a moment after Helenias asks if anyone here has had any sort of fighting training before. She sees Aaron raise a hand. She herself has had fighting training before, but a part of her is saying to keep her hand down. After a couple of moments though, she raises her hand to say that yes, she has had fighting training before.

Leten Snat
Aug 14th, 2003, 12:15:35 PM
Leten keeps his hand down, and smiles over as his Master Xazor... Even though he has a master already he wanted to do these classes anyway... He's just glad that Xazor is one of the teachers for this class...

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 17th, 2003, 07:15:14 AM
"Hmmm. Not too bad, some have, some have not. Well, if you have not learnt or had experience, then dont feel like you will be lost, for much others have learnt I would throw out the window. When you are in combat as a Jedi, everything changes, for we do not just deal with the five senses. We also deal with the Force. Who can tell me why that is so?"

Aug 17th, 2003, 07:53:08 AM
Rhayne skidded through the door, her white NR Intel uniform a stark contrast to the blaster pistol in her hip holster. Without a thought she looked up, took in her surroundings, and turned to a woman who seemed to be teaching the group.

She bowed slightly and then introduced herself.

"I'm Major Rayne, ma'am, New Republic Intelligence. I had a slight Public Relations matter to attend to on my way here. It seems as if Admiral El' Jonson caused a scuffle at the local hospital. I apologize for my lateness."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 22nd, 2003, 02:22:09 AM
"Fine, fine" I said, waving for the Padawan to sit down. "Anyone? Who can answer my question?"

Destiny Stormrider
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:10:32 PM
Destiny gave it a shot. She didn't know if it was the right or the wrong answer but the room's silence was bothering her.

"Why Jedi also deal with the Force? Because it's an important ally of ours? And it's stronger than all our senses, it can tell us more than any of them."

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:03:11 PM
"Only half correct. The Force can enhance your senses. It can give you sight to see what is coming, to hear what you normally cant, to touch and taste. I do not think of the Force as 6th sense, I think of it as a tool that can be used to increase the strength of the senses, much like a tool strengthens the hand. So, you are also right in saying it is an ally"

"Now, who can name the forms of Jedi combat?"

Telexia Xio
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:01:20 AM
Telexia keeps herself quiet. Since joining she has managed to learn a little about the Jedi and the Force, but not enough to be able to answer the question.

Jackson DeWitt
Sep 18th, 2003, 12:42:28 PM
Jackson's hand rose.

"Forms I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII"

Leten Snat
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:36:56 AM
Leten just looks confused... and has no Idea of anything about what is being talked about..