View Full Version : crash into me

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 30th, 2003, 12:47:43 PM
She lay. Unmoving and utterly peaceful in the bath that Cathar's sun washed over her. It was warm, and she could feel it sink into her body; she loved it. Her skin was bronzed by now, her complexion dark and tanned from days spent resting in the open waters of Cathar's oceans. Sometimes she let her mind wander, her thoughts going to what was happening elsewhere - how Desaria was handling himself, how her sister was faring with Sevon, how Diego was keeping busy... and to some extent she wondered briefly what Millard was doing. But she didn't dwell too long on the subject; the here and now was what mattered; all that mattered. She'd found a reasonable hiding spot; one that she was sure wouldn't be found. And the beauty of it was that it was more or less in view of the public.

She'd begun to let her hair grow long after the incident with Piett on Omerose, and now it reached down past her shoulder blades, kissing the small of her back ever so lightly. She constantly wore sunglasses; of course being that she spent all of her time on the ocean, out in the sun, they were pretty much a needed thing. Even her clothing was different; instead of robes and old clothes to conceal her identity, she now wore nothing but bathing suits and trousers; a wetsuit if necessary. s'Il was enjoying her time in paradise, and she never wanted it to end.

At the moment, she was diving. Her submersible had been recovered; thanks to Kerr, and he'd left her to herself while going to check on Reinhart. He'd been gone for three days... three days she spent sunbathing and diving in the cove she'd berthed her craft. It was beautiful, the water almost crystal clear, and she spent most of her time in the water.

Like now.

She swam lazily along the shallow ocean floor, exploring coral and mingling with the schools of fish that passed by. Vibrant colors surrounded her in both plant life and marine life, and she couldn't help the smile that curled her lips around her breather. Even the larger fish swam alongside her, completely unafraid as she made her way slowly through the water.

It very literally was paradise.

Tirzak Kerr
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:04:01 PM
His ship landed silently into the spot that she had sent him her last coordinates, and he had seen from so far above her craft. His ship, silent as always lightly touched down on sand. He used the controls to power the ship down, and suddenly, through his right wrist, pain. He winced, the bacta patch still healing the recent wound. It would take a couple more days when he would be able to use it a bit better.

He stood slowly, he looked out the view screen and he saw her, swimming. She, was apparently, enjoying her 'vacation'. More like chains taken off of her, and she was free from bondage. So, he dressed appropriately, swimming trunks and a white open buttoned shirt. And he stepped out. However, the patch would be obvious to her. He went down the open ramp slowly, and when his bare feet hit the sand, he smiled.

Cathar was a beautiful place, and was where they first met, the two. He touched his wrist lightly, wincing, and then walked into the sandy water line. He could see her swimming, enjoying herself, showing off her body. That body. He smiled as he called out to her as she swam..

"Enjoying yourself, Loklorien?! Did you miss me?"

He grinned as a brow arched, what would her answer be?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:19:37 PM
The voice was barely audible to her through the water, but she heard it none the less, and with another faint smile, she surfaced. A hand reached up, pulling the breather from her mouth and she looked to the beach. He was there. Tirzak Kerr. She smiled easily, and with gentle strokes, made her way to the shore. As her feet touched the sany bottom, she stood, wading her way closer to him. Each step brought her more out of the water, and with the breather held loosely in hand, she closed the distance between the two until the water lapped gently at her ankles, and she stood before him.

A glance at his hand told her things hadn't gone exactly as planned, but that didn't matter. He was here. Now.

She tossed the breather to the ground, and it hit the sand without a sound. Hands going to the open edges of his shirt then, she idly straightened them before giving him a simple answer.

"I did."

Tirzak Kerr
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:29:23 PM
"I ran into trouble, as you can tell."

He slowly raised his right wrist a small bit, showing the bacta patch. As she straightened his shirt, he stepped forward and moved his hands to each side of her lithe hips. He held her a bit closer as he grinned. Being this close to her was intoxicating, hard to control his passion, his lust, his want. But he began to tell her what happened..

"Millard was there. Shadowfaene Enterprises, that's where I got this. And your father. Interesting fellow, I might add. However, they all believe your dead, it seems.."

He grinned, what would her response be?

"And I can't say they're crazy over me."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 30th, 2003, 02:17:02 PM
She was surprised at how many of her previus associates had shown up; Millard... Hera... s'Il grimaced. She hadn't wanted Hera to think she was ead; now she'd have to go to Shadowfaene to talk with the woman. Set things straight. That her father had made an appearance was something of a shock, and the look she'd given him as he made mention of it was one of surprised confusion.

She sighed, putting all thoughts of what he'd said happened to the back of her mind. He was here. Now.

"It doesn't matter," she said finally, her hands resting on his arms as the draped around her waist, "You're here."

She rested her head on his chest then, listening to the steady beats of his heart. "I don't ever want to leave."

Tirzak Kerr
Jul 30th, 2003, 02:32:12 PM
"If you so wish..."

Tirzak reply with a smile. His arms caused her to be pulled ever so closer to his own body, so he could feel her still wet skin against his body. He closed his eyes as he held her close for a moment, but he angled his hand to the wrong side, sending a shooting pain. It caused his body to tense, but after a few seconds he was all right. He pulled away to looked at her, and his hands came up and pushed back wet hair from her forehead that strayed there.

He looked at her oddly, as if he was analyzing her. In fact, all he was really doing was taking stock of her beauty, and that she was..actually his. Sent to kill her, now with her, together in an absoultely delicious relationship so far.

"What's next?

He asked with a wry grin.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 30th, 2003, 08:25:22 PM
What was next? She honestly had no idea what was next. She hadn't given it so much as a thought, and it was obvious in the look she gave him. She'd planned on changing later in the day; though she hadn't known when Kerr would be back, so she'd put it off until the night; when he was asleep.

Her fingers traced patterns on his chest, and she smiled to herself, the thought of changing enticing. To trapse along the beach, to play in the water... it was something she would enjoy.

"I don't know what happens next," she muttered, stepping farther from him to back away deeper into the water. She stared at him as he looked at her, assessing him. It was strange how situations developed, how things changed.

And the funny thing was, she didn't mind it. Even that part of her heart and soul which screamed for Millard; which needed his presence... his arms around her... had quieted slightly.

For now, it seemed, she had nothing to worry about.

Tirzak Kerr
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:50:23 PM
"Neither do I. But why does that sound so appealing?"

He grinned as he followed her into the water. He really should speak to her about plans, what they should do incase they had found out she was alive. What would they do if that happened? Those who had seen him at Reinhart's would either kill him, or hurt him severely...

He put it out of his mind, and focused on the now, as he was having water come up to his knees.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:30:15 PM
s'Il stopped, letting the water swirl around her legs. It was soothing.

At his grin, she only offered a light smile; he knew what he wanted, and it seemed was willing to do whatever it took to get it. With a soft laugh, she surged forward, though it was a gentle movement that sent small waves around his own legs. Her arms reached up, wrapping around his neck.

"It's appealing because the canvas is fresh," she murmured, brushing her lips against his, tantalizing and teasing in the same motion.

Tirzak Kerr
Aug 5th, 2003, 04:46:57 PM
His lips touched hers in a kiss and he held it for a few moments. He looked at her face before he touched her forehead, and traced the lines of her bone structure, down her jaw..

"For one of us, at least."

He said. He had still yet to take care of the things at his home, to tell his contacts he was taking time away, to prepare, to do all of this.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 20th, 2003, 06:23:54 PM
Her eyes closed as his hand went over her face, and she seemingly fell into his palm. It was warm, and she let a hint of a smile cross her features.

"Well, I do have to go have a talk with Hera; I hadn't expected for her to be there, and I want her to know that I'm still alive. She is my friend after all... "

A thoughtful look came over her face as she felt the waves caress her legs. "... and I have to go to Balmorra... I have to talk to Silus... "

She looked up to Kerr then, the wistfull smile still on her features as she noticed the concerned look he gave her, and reached a hand up to lightly rest on his neck, her thumb gently scratching the underside of his jaw. "Don't worry... if you want, you can go with me... "

Tirzak Kerr
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:08:12 PM
"I plan to. But lets enjoy our time here..We still have much to talk about..Just..later.."

He said as his hands enveloped her lower back and pulled her harder into him. His face close to hers as he held her as they stood there, enjoying the moment..

"I find it odd; I went to kill you...and now I have you.."

He grinned as he released her and began to walk forward in the water, a bit towards the shore.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2003, 05:01:29 PM
She followed slowly, feeling as the water crashed gently around her legs. It certainly was a strange thing, that he was sent to kill her and instead ended up with her; though it was how he worded his last few words that caused her to give the back of his head an odd look as she trailed him.

"You... have me?"

Tirzak Kerr
Sep 30th, 2003, 06:09:48 PM
He thought she was with him the whole way, as he was so near the shore now. He heard her speak, quesitioningly, and he turned around to look at her as he nodded.

But he saw the light confusion in her face. Tirzak's brow arched.

"I do. Don't I? Your here. With me. Always in my arms."

He said as he moved to take her in those arms, and pull her close, giving her a smile to die for.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:27:53 AM
She only grinned as his arms went around her, pulling her close to his body. It was comforting in a way, and with the water now lapping at her ankles as both stood in the shallows, the feeling of being in paradise was furthered even more.

"Yes, I'm here in your arms," she started, her grin still on her features, "though i wouldn't say you have me; that denotes possession in many cases -

" - or do you think you possess me as well... ?"

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:36:55 AM
His hands that were around her lower back, slowly went lower. He looked at her with a wry grin as he let his hands envelope her butt, and in a firm squeeze he pulled her forward. He lightly bit her lower lip before he replied.

"I'll let you think about that."

He said, still letting his hands squeeze- harder this time. He then released after a few moments before he looked back to her ship..

"Shall we?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:43:26 AM
She couldn't help but give a small laugh as he spoke, shaking her head slightly. Kerr was an interesting one to say the least, and s'Il couldn't help but find herself intrigued by the man.

As he looked to her ship with he last words, s'Il stepped back, feeling as his hands slide from her back.

"You go on. I was going to... take a run for a little bit; get out some pent-up energy."

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:55:04 AM
"Alright...I'll see you then.."

He engaged with her a passionate kiss; which told her to hurry about her run. He smiled as he moved from the water, to the shore, and then up the small ramp of his ship- for the time being.

He moved to his quarters to becarefuly about his hand as well.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 1st, 2003, 11:10:44 AM
As he disappeared from view, s'Il began walking the length of the white shore, feeling the breeze as it went through her hair and over her skin. Five minutes later brought her to a rocky outcropping the jutted out into the water; offering seclusion and solitary peacefulness. It was perfect, and as she picked her way up and over the rocky surface, dropping down below and out of sight, she couldn't help the smile that lit up her face.

Her suit was soon shed, and lay on the sand in a small pile as she stretched...

... and then changed...

As if in slow motion, her body morphed, changing shape and twisting itself; forming new joints and transforming existing structured to fit onto the new frame that took shape. As a silvery sheen of fur grew like wildfire over her body, she fell to all fours, massive paws hitting and making small indents in the sand where hands should have been. The whole process took almost thirty seconds, and when it had finished, the silver-backed vornskr stood tall, lifting her head to test the air.

She snorted, feeling as the salty sea air filled her nostrils. It was almost intoxicating.

With a flick of her whiplike tail, the beast crouched, muscles bunching before leaping clear of the rocky outcropping and back down onto the sand of the other side.

She started off at a gentle lope, heading inland and into the dense jungle that covered much of the land, glad to once more be free.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 1st, 2003, 11:23:55 AM
Tirzak was completely unaware of what was going on outside the ship, relaxed. His mind was on the auction that was supposed to take place- though, it was Loklorien's idea in the first place...

It was a complete failure, and it got him shot. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but now he was again with the person he was supposed to be with..


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:18:47 AM
The wooded area away from the shore offered plenty of wildlife to disturb, and s'Il tore through the underbrush with reckless abandon. Her thoughts drited as she ran however, from Kerr to the failed auction, to Hera and how she'd have to see the woman and explain things. And finally, they drifted to Silus. The one man who'd always wanted to be there for her, to help her, and even after they broke off their engagement - it seemed like a whole other lifetime back then - the two had maintained a fast friendship that nothing had been able to severe; not even her change.

She had to see him, to tell him - she had to go to Balmorra again.

Veering back towards the shore, the vornskr loped across the white sands, her paws creating large indents, and with a whurffle, she crashed into the water, wading out until the waterline came up to her chest.

This was paradise.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:34:51 AM
Tirzak stood; wondering what had taken her so long. She had been gone longer than a quick run..

He stood up, and moved down the ramp. His eyes fell immediately to the large prints in the sand. What in the hell made those? He narrowed his eyes as he stepped back into his ship, retrieving a blaster..

He slowly stepped out, eyes widening further to see the large beast in the shore..


...And s'Ilancy not in sight....

The beast had eaten her...And dragged her into the water!

The firing of a blaster bolt pierced and penetrated the peace and tranquility as he roared in anger. He was firing straight for the Vornskyr.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:41:11 AM
A plume of water errupted not a foot from where she stood, and startled, the vornskr turned her tawny eyes to the shore. It was Kerr - firing at her, and moving as best she could through the water, the Lupine let out a bark; the best protest she could muster as she moved painfully slow through the crashing waves.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:43:22 AM
His intent was to kill.

And his firing showed as much; though he was firing recklessly still; mainly shooting around the animal that had slain his lover.

"You..killed her!"..

..He roared as he kept on shooting as the 'wolf' like creature moved forward to shore, yet managing to avoid.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:50:16 AM
Free of the constraints of the water, the vornskr shied off to the side, her eyes not leaving the blaster. Plumes of sand errupted all around her as Kerr's shots went wild, and she once more sidestepped, somewhat backtracking and scrambling to avoid the bolts that burned the air around her.

One shot snagged her front paw, and she yelped, her retreat backwards - back into the water, doubled.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:30:44 PM
He pulled the trigger faster and faster in blind rage. Until the blaster made a clicking sound- overheated. He tossed it to the side in frustration and anger, he looked towards the animal.

He could take it. One quick snap of it's neck..

He hit a dead sprint immediately, sand kicking in the air as his brows furrowed in anger, water splashing as he neared the Vornskyr.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:34:36 PM
Preoccupied with nursing and dodging what blaster bolts she could, s'Il scrambled back into the water, whimpering ever so slightly as she licked at the scored paw. She didn't even notice the firing had stopped until it was too late, and looking up, the Lupine managed to rear up on her hind legs just as Kerr slammed into her like a piledriver, sending the both of them into the shallow water.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:36:09 PM
Salt water right in the mouth. He coughed, brought from his blind rage, for the moment. He spat out the water as he looked up, and then next to him lay the beast.

He scrambled, and moved his body towards it's own, to kill it...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:40:31 PM
The hit had jarred her, and the animal got to her paws, dazed as water dripped from her silver pelt. She favored her injured paw, and with a cough, shook her massive bulk before turning yellow orbs on Kerr -

- just as he wrapped his arms around her waterlogged neck, driving her down once more into the water with his weight.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 7th, 2003, 12:32:37 PM
He wrapped his arms tighter around the scruff of the wolfs neck; no doubt his plan obvious to the beast.

He prepared to twist..

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 7th, 2003, 12:46:54 PM
She could feel his muscles tense around her neck - she knew what was coming, and as he drove her under while beginning to twist, her neck tendons tightened. A stream of air bubbles escaped her toothy maw as an inaudible whine was drowned out in the water, and in a desperate move, began to change once more.

Eyes clamped shut against the water and Kerr's arms around her neck in the attempt to snap it, her form slowly began to revert...

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 7th, 2003, 12:49:35 PM
As he went to snap the vornskyr's neck- he felt it. He felt the body small itself...and the whole of it began to move and writhe. It startled him, so much he jumped off the beast. He watched in awe.

What was going on?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 7th, 2003, 12:58:05 PM
Released from his hold, the Lupine curled in on herself beneath the water, and her whole body shuddered, reverting back to its human form - head broadening, bones and muscle once more shifting structures, paws becoming hands and feet - the entire transformation took place beneath the water, and in less than a minute s'Il's body was clawing its way to the surface.

Breaking the water, she sucked in a lungfull of air, staring upwards, her eyes still closed as she breathed deeply, her body settling back down into the water at a more comfortable depth.

Head lowered now, she opened her metallic eyes halfway, then sent an apologetic sidelong glance to Kerr.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:05:07 AM
He stared...

He stumbled as he did so, falling into the water, his mouth agape.


What was she!? Was this the change that she had gone through. He stayed where he was in the water, sitting, thinking...

What was he going to do...he went to talk...


He couldn't speak.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:24:14 AM
Her eyes closed, and s'Il felt her whole body sag. Her hand throbbed where it'd been shot, but it was healing, thankfully. Her metabolism was making swift work of the cauterized wound.

Turning towards the shore, she gave Kerr one more look, as if to say 'I'm sorry', before making her way out of the water.

"You don't have to say anything," she mumbled, passing by him.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:29:40 AM
He stayed where he was, he turned his head, watching her go..

What was he to do?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:37:39 AM
Her body slowly came out of the water as she made her way to the shore, naked and bronzed in the sun, and turning to look at him as he stared at her, she blinked.

What he did now would determine whether she stayed or not.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:49:21 AM
He stared down at the water as it crashed into him. He watched it, thinking...time slowed down for a few moments. He didn't turn his head to look at her; he heard her and what direction she went to.

She was moving towards the two ships. What would he do? If only she had told him before.

That was the change! It hit him; in the reports it had said she had undergone an unknown change..

And this was it?


He turned to look at her now, watching her nude form. He stood slowly and he walked- his clothes water-logged. He took the hand which he had shot -it was a paw then-...He was gentle with it...he looked at it as he held it softly..

"I'm sorry..."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:10:53 AM
The pain in her hand was muted, the wound healing fast, and his touch startled her more than hurt. The Lupine looked down into the water first, then up to Kerr as he spoke, and her eyes seemed to soften.

"It's not your fault," she started, "I'm the one who should apologize.

"I should have told you sooner."

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:12:54 AM
One of his hands slid from her hand, to her face, which he held softly, and he brought her face to his own for a light kiss.

He smiled the smile only he could give her.

"I know now..We still have much to discuss; and do.."

He looked at her, ready to be rid of sun, sand, and water.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:16:17 AM
A nod was all that answered him, and s'Il led the way out of the water and onto dry sand, her hand having sought his out. He had a point - about being tired of the outdoors; though she herself could have stayed out for a long while longer...

... but if he wanted to be in the confines of his ship, then she wouldn't argue.

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 8th, 2003, 04:11:30 PM
He had led her to his ship, where they had proceeded with light conversation, but it was barely anything really; what had happened had gotten between them. However, they had proceeded to kiss, and things picked up from there.

Several hours, it was more or less an afterglow. He lay behind her, his chest against her back, his arm across her stomach, he kissed behind her ear...

"It's...not a problem with me..."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 9th, 2003, 10:41:29 AM
She dozed lightly, his presence reassuring as he lay behind her, and s'Il opened her eyes lazily at the sound of his voice. His words elicited a smile from her, and she reached a hand back to run fingers through his hair.

"... Thank you... "

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:41:37 PM
He moved forward, his chest against her back. He was content being next to her; he would always be so..

..."Do you still want to go to Balmorra?"

He asked, questioningly, in a soft voice.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:45:55 PM
A nod.

"Yes - I have to talk to Silus; let him know I haven't died. He's like my brother... I could never decieve him."

A few more minutes of utter silence; of contentment... "You'll have to meet me there though.

"I have to make a stop before going to Balmorra -

" - to pay my respects to a Lupine."

Tirzak Kerr
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:57:58 PM
"Alright; I should be able to get there unnoticed...Just set a beacon to our encrypted channel, and I will find you."

they had planned several things days ago; so they could meet again; a special homing device as well. He curled up against her, to relish the time that they had left.