View Full Version : A moment of peace (open)

Dyrdre Lo
Jul 30th, 2003, 12:22:23 AM
"Is it possible?"

Dyrdre walked down a stone pathway with her thumbs tucked into her pockets. She had been wandering around the grounds for some time and had stumbled into a rather forested area with a path cutting through it. The trees seemed so full of life and happy - if trees could be happy.

"Have I really made it here?"

Talking to herself was little consolation, but it allowed her to look at her situation a little more clearly. She was really a member of the Greater Jedi Order. She had signed up for classes, as she was instructed to do, but she was waiting for anything to happen in that area. She had been content to exploring after that first meeting with Xazor.

"Is this where I belong?"

Questions without answers. Too many questions. She suddenly realized how lonely she was. At least back home, she had siblings to tackle and other people that she was familiar with. But she had barely met anyone here, and she really didn't have any place to live.

Taunted by her lack of answers, she stopped at a shady tree and sat beneath it. She took out a cigarette and started to light it, but her heart just wasn't in it. She jammed it back into the box and rested her head against the trunk of the tree. It was a peaceful day. At least she could finally see more of those. She closed her eyes and absorbed the sounds around her.

Lady Mylia
Jul 31st, 2003, 05:27:37 AM
Mylia quickly walked through the garden, even though it was beautiful, she didn't have time to enjoy the nature today. As she was walking, she noticed someone sitting against a tree, being the friendly, outgoing person she was she stopped to introduce herself. She bend down and held out her hand to the rather destressed person. "Hello, I'm Mylia Basque. I'm a Padawan here." She smiled to the stanger.

Dyrdre Lo
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:09:37 PM
Dyrdre opened her eyes to see a pretty young woman standing in front of her with her hand outstretched. Guess I'm not the only one who likes walking through gardens, she thought to herself.

"Mylia, huh?" She accepted the extended hand. "Dyrdre Lo. I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm almost a padawan; right now, I'm an initiate in Force classes. No master other than myself right now."

Her worries faded away from the pleasant greeting. People were always a good cure for loneliness.

"How long have you been a padawan here, Mylia?" she asked, curious.

Lady Mylia
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:14:57 PM
"Likewise." Mylia replied with a smile. "I'm sure you'll get on soon. I was lucky, I came and a master was accepting. I've been here for over a month now. Not very long." Mylia smiled again. "How about you, just arrived?"

Dyrdre Lo
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:42:58 AM
"Yeah, just about," Dyrdre said with a sigh. "I'd been traveling for a long time before I got here, and I got so used to being a loner that it feels strange to start getting familiar with people again."

Dyrdre paused a moment before asking, "Do you like it here?" Her question seemed a little anxious, but she was kind of curious as to how other people felt about this place.

Lady Mylia
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:56:06 PM
Mylia nodded and smiled. "Oh yes, I love it here. I've found my closet friend here as well as made other very dear friends. My training is going very well, and even if I had a few accidents, well I lived through them and they've only made me stronger."

Dyrdre Lo
Aug 5th, 2003, 02:02:56 PM
Accidents, huh? Dyrdre thought to herself. It made her a little worried, but she supposed that such things must be hard to avoid in a place where people were constantly working with the Force. Still...

"What kind of accidents?" she asked cautiously.

Lady Mylia
Aug 5th, 2003, 08:12:30 PM
Mylia laughed, she could tell that the accidents she spoke of caused Dyrde to worry. "Well one time Jacali and I were running and she got bit by a spider, a very poison's one. Me and another friend went looking for them-so we could get the antivenom-and we stirred up the nest and we caused a spider attack of the Grounds. It wasn't pretty. I was biten too, very severely. It was horrible. But with the help of our friends we got it under control and we were safe. It's nothing too bad.."

Dyrdre Lo
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:10:40 AM
The incidents seemed rather awful by the sound of it, but to hear Mylia tell them made Dyrdre laugh.

"I'm sorry," she said through her giggles, "but you make it seem like such things are normal here. I hope I don't stumble upon too many insect nests like that."

She smiled at her own joke, then sobered slightly. "I'm glad to hear that you've made such wonderful friends," Dyrdre said. "Are they fun to live with?" She knew that living with her sisters back home was always a handful, and she felt a pang of sadness at the memory. Maybe it was better to leave those memories where they belonged.

Lady Mylia
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:38:25 PM
Mylia thought for a moment. "I don't know if spiders are useful but it always seems like something is going on, whether it's spiders or fighting. This place is very eventful at times." Mylia smiled. "It's okay, don't worry about it. Now that it's past I even laugh at the spider incident myself." She thought about Jacali. "I love living with them, it's very fun." She smiled. "I'm sure you'll find someone..."

Dyrdre Lo
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:36:50 AM
"I certainly hope so," Dyrdre said brightly. "I'm sure that no matter who it will be, though, it's going to be an adventure."

She stood up and dusted herself off. "I think I'm gonna go situate myself properly in the living quarters. It was nice meeting you, Mylia," she said with a wave. "Maybe someday I'll buy you a drink to repay you for the conversation."

She smiled again as she continued her walk down the path. Her spirits were much more lifted now.

(OOC: Don't mean to abandon you; I'm just at a loss of creativity right now. :) )

Lady Mylia
Aug 12th, 2003, 04:29:33 AM
Mylia smiled, nodded and waved back. "It was nice meeting you too. Have fun situating yourself." Mylia watched Dyrdre walk away for a moment before she continued on her way.

((OOC: That's fine, sorry it took me so long to respond. I've been kinda slow of my posting.))