View Full Version : Its a pirate's party.....

Korbin Magikan
Jul 29th, 2003, 05:35:05 AM
Korbin had just walked through the entryway to the quaint tavern. He had just come off from a nice "catch" on the outskirts of Corellia. He was in the mood to celebrate and celebrate he would. Song, drink and women he had in mind, now the place had a live band playing and well they served drinks, two out of three so far wasnt bad. But he was looking for "number three" tonight.
He strolled over to the bar and ordered his drink. Upon receiving it, he made his way to a table and sat down. Lots of lovely ladies in the place, but none caught his eye, as of yet anyway. He kept his eyes open for any prospects.

Denali Gue
Jul 30th, 2003, 12:38:40 AM
"Has Doctor Love left a message for me?"

Leaning over the bar, she had asked the question softly, directing it to the 'tender and instantly wished she hadnt. The man reeked of stale body odor and booze - the latter being hard to avoid. He had laughed at her inquiry and Ali had flushed a deep but becoming shade of pink. She knew he thought that she was making up the name but it was in fact the name of a potential client. One that should have already met her here at the Jolly Roger, a rough and tumble wateringhole located on Corellia.

Resisting the urge to douse the barkeeps stink with a bottle of her favorite perfume, Denali returned to the table where she had been sitting for the past hour. Dr. Love had contacted the Gue twins through a former client, one who was in good standing with them and required their expertise every so often. It was Love who had spoken to Ali and outlined the 'job' he wanted done and had even paid her way to Corellia for finalization of their contract. And it was why she was now sitting in a widely known pirates bar.

When the doctor had casually mentioned the bars name, it had brought to mind images of swashbucklers and eye patches, so Denali had dressed accordingly. Her navy blue pantsuit bore gold piping down the seams and on the shoulders which was made complete with gold dangly epaulets. Her low-heeled pumps were a matching gold and to set off the ensemble, she wore a white sailors cap, set at the appropriate jaunty angle on her head.

A few of the men had laughed and tried to make fun of her appearance and one or two had approached with the intent of trying out their old and tired pickup lines. She had set them straight when the muzzle of her small but nasty looking blaster had peeked over the top of her table and one of her heels had found the groin of an overly-amorous suitor. Grudgingly they had left her alone but now were making bets on who would be the next to try their luck and how long they would last.

Korbin Magikan
Jul 30th, 2003, 12:56:56 AM
Watching the commotion going on at the far table, he smiled at the simpletons and they're over zealous attitudes in trying to get a date. Now this beauty was well deserving of an escort of his caliber. The pirate smirked and decided she was the one he wanted to celebrate with. Turning on his stool, he ordered two drinks and made his way over to the little lady.
As he approached the table, one of the would be "suitors" was in his way still trying to get his "game" on. Course he had none to begin with, and was really embarassing himself. Korbin stepped beside him and forced him away with a nudge of his elbow against his shoulder. As she looked at him, Korbin set the drink down and smiled.

" It must be.... entertaining to watch these surats try their lines on you. I know it's really entertaining to me to see them walk away empty handed."

He said as he stood there, not wanting to impose himself on her, but also showing her he had some class. More class then all of these dolts put together. He looked at her and appreciated her appearance. The way her hair fell about, her eyes...they looked like they had no clue to the world, but you jus knew it was the exact opposite.

"The name's Korbin."

He said with a slight nod of the head.

Denali Gue
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:33:50 AM
"How much do you stand to win if I let you sit down? Ten credits? Thirty?"

Ali was growing tired of the games and more tired of the endless stream of testosterone that was parading back and forth to her table. At this rate, the good doctor would take one look at all the attention she was receiving and turn right around, leaving before a final agreement could be reached.

Denali had been engaged in staring down the blatant (and crude) gestures of a man sitting close to the door and hadnt looked up when Korbin spoke to her. Now she did.

The black leather lifted him a notch in her estimation and by the time her gaze reached his face, she was semi-impressed. He wasnt bad to look at in that dark, brooding, oozing sex appeal kind of way and the fact that he could string together more than one complete sentence at a time sparked her curiosity.

Her eyes fell on the glasses in his hands. Where the others had offered to buy her a drink, Korbin had. Another point in his favor. Discreetly, Ali sniffed the air. This one knew the benefits of soap and water. With a slight smile, Denali gestured to the chair across from her.

"Hello, Korbin. Im ..... here on business."

No name, not yet. She would see what kind of manners he had first.

Korbin Magikan
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:43:54 AM
He smiled and laughed as he sat down across from her and slid her drink to her. He couldnt pass up the opportunity to jest with her so he did.

"Hmmm Here on business, now that IS an original yet intriguing name."

He said as he held his drink up in a toast offering manner. That had brought a smile from her and he could really appreciate that too. Her smile could melt most of Hoth if she wanted too and turn it into another Kamino.

"So tell me, what is a woman of your stature doing in a dump like this?"

He leaned back against the chair to get comfortable, and to also be ready in case any of the "suitors" got jealous and tried something stupid.

Denali Gue
Jul 30th, 2003, 02:04:23 AM
His gentle teasing of her 'name' did bring a smile. It had been expected but was amusing just the same.

Denali raised her glass in a similar toast and took a small sip from it, tasting the contents carefully. Both she and her twin had caught men trying to or succeeding in dumping drugs into their refreshments and they had been caustious ever since. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me was a favorite saying of their fathers and one the girls took to heart.

Ali smiled at him again, pleased to find her glass 'clean' of any additives. Maybe this guy deserved a closer look.

"Business-business. A man I was supposed to meet should have been here over an hour ago. I dont know what the hold up is."

Wide blue eyes studied Korbins face as she answered his question. It was his turn to answer hers.

"What brings you here? Are you a 'pirate', too?"

Korbin Magikan
Jul 30th, 2003, 04:06:08 AM
Hit the nail on the head with his guess of how her eyes and how she thought were totally opposite.

Raising his arms in a "I surrender" gesture, He bowed his head and then looked at her beaming a smile her way. This beautiful creature was grabbing his interest and holding tight.

"Guilty as charged I'm afraid. I also do "currier" services for the right price as well."

Her perfume was intoxicating, very nice bouquet. A fragrance he could get used to. Leaning closer to her he answered her inquiry.

"Celebrating, my latest "business"Jaunt."

Denali Gue
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:33:22 AM
"Ohhhhhhh. Youre a smuggler! Why didnt you just say so?"

Denali tossed a wave of dismissal. Smuggling was such old hat once youve had a Sith Witch after you.

"I know lots of 'curriers'. We bump into them every so often."

Korbin Magikan
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:19:06 PM
A soft chuckle escaped him and he shook his head. She didnt catch his first reply of being a pirate. He also did not disclose his "Jaunt" to her. He had hit paydirt and captured a casche of gems going to a rich business man.

"Well, I'm only a smuggler part time beautiful. I'm a full time pirate."

The music was getting better and she was getting more beautiful by the minute. So far so good, and the others around them was starting to look a bit worried as she hadnt "shooed" him off yet.

Denali Gue
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:32:41 PM
He was becoming more interesting by the minute.

"A real pirate? Do you shanghi people and make them work for you? Oh! Maybe you shoot at other ships, then board them when their defenses are down! Is that what you mean?"

Ali took a big sip of her drink and leaned into the conversation. A pirate! Now here was someone you didnt meet everyday! Her manicured nails tapped on the table, a sure sign that she was enjoying his company - and his tale.

"Youve got to tell me more about this! Ive never met a pirate before!"

Korbin Magikan
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:43:25 PM
Leaning forward Korbin smiled and began telling her sbout his latest "Catch". The gems in the crate as looking like one of them old fabled tales of a treasure chest. How he knocked out the shielding and boarded the vessel. Then he told her about his crew of four.....Smead, Bowen , Brevet, and Chaz.

" We usually hit a good catch every so often, if we hit too many, they will have an easier time tracking us down. So the smuggling area is like a thing to take them off our trail."

Bringing out a little bag from his belt, Korbin opened the velvet sack and tipped it over, a nice sized Emerald came sliding out and clattered onto the table. A smile appeared as he watched her reaction.

Denali Gue
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:54:22 PM
Denali picked the emerald up and held it closely in front of her eye. She knew a nice gem when she saw it. The elder Gues had lavished the finer things in life on their daughters and expertly crafted jewelry was one of them.

Turning the stone 'round and around, Sli looked at it from all angles. Grabted that the lighting was terrible and the smokey haze from too many cheap cigarras didnt help but she had already come to her conclusion.

"This is a very nice stone, Korbin. From what I can tell, there are a couple of minor flaws quite close to the surface. If you get a reputable 'gemmer' Im pretty certain he could cut and polish them out without you losing hardly any of the rock."

Blinking her baby blues to regain their focus, Ali places the emerald back in front of him.

"I could put you in touch with a couple of men that I know - if its not 'hot'."

Korbin Magikan
Jul 30th, 2003, 11:12:36 PM
A nonchalant wave of the hand accompanied by a smirk was how he replied. Leaning back again he slid the gem over to her.

"They are "hot" items darlin. Here....Keep it, I wanted to celebrate a little with this catch, and well.....You havent busheled me off yet. So I'd like you to have that as a way of celebrating this with me."

Placing the small bag on his belt again Korbin gestured for another round for himself, then tunred to her.

"Do you want anything?"

Denali Gue
Aug 7th, 2003, 07:32:09 PM
Bright blue orbs twinkled with humor.

"The rest of the bag."

Korbin did a double take as he turned to call the lone waitress to their table. The sparkle in her eyes and the mischievious smile that was playing along her lips told him that she was pulling his leg.

"That aside, I would take another brandy."

The harried waitress finally arrived and the look of total disinterest on her face let them know that she didnt care what they ordered or if they even did. Korbin waved a finger at their empty glasses.

"I'll have another rum and the lady here will have a brandy. And use the same glasses, hmm? At least we know theyre clean."

Korbin Magikan
Aug 7th, 2003, 07:58:58 PM
Looking back towards the beauty sitting across from him, Korbin smirked at her reply to his inquiry on what she wanted. Placing the order with the oblivious waitress, he began to flip one of the gems in the air and catching it. Looking to the waitress who kept her eyes on the glimmering thing, he closed his fist around it and winked.

"Now, make it snappy please?"

Nodding quickly the waitress walked briskly to the bar to fill their glasses up again. Gray eyes gazed upon her blue ones as he leaned closer, rolling the sapphire between his fingers.

"Now, the rest of the bag you say?? My, my you do want to celebrate."

A low chuckle escaped his throat as he leaned back in his seat and slid his upper palm across his goatee.

"Thing is, you have too much class for that, as myself too." Pausing he placed the sapphire on the table and played with it, spinning it on its side. "Funny isn't it? A pirate with class."

Denali Gue
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:40:43 PM
Denali was as mesmerized by the sparkle of the sapphire as the waitress had been. The emerald was very pretty and it looked to be a carat or two larger than the smaller blue stone but oh how absolutely fabulous that rock would look on a silver chain, dangling a few inches right above her cleavage!

"Being the big, strong pirate you are, I bet you play all kinds of drinking games."

Aug 8th, 2003, 12:18:35 AM
oops wrong thread...apologies for this>_<

Korbin Magikan
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:21:55 AM
Watching her eyes on the lovely jewel that matched her equally brilliant eyes, Korbin slowly slid the blue gem towards her, only to quickly slide it back to himself.

"Yes, I do play drinking games....when it calls for it." Gray eyes slowly went down to gaze upon the shiney new stone as he slowly spun it again. "You.....like this stone.....do you?"

The waitress came back with their drinks and stood there looking at the gem herself. Korbin looked at her as he hid it from her view within his closed fingers.

"You didnt expect me to give this to you did you? Our appreciation to your services will be paid in your tip, and by coin....besides, this little tidbit belongs to this lovely woman."

And in front of the waitress he slid it over to the blonde bombshell who smiled with delight as her fingers picked it up. The waitress stomped off a bit on the angry side, but Korbin just shrugged it off. Making this beauty before him smile more was now his mission for the night.

Denali Gue
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:32:38 AM
With a squeal of delight, Ali picked the sapphire up between perfectly manicured nails and held it up close to her face.

"We look good together, dont we?"

She laughed outloud, drawing everyones attention but she didnt care. This blue baubble thrilled her and she wrapped her fingers around it tightly. Alis plan had been to challenge Korbin to a drinking game or to trading shots but this was so much better! She hadnt had to do anything for it! Yes, all men should be as generous as Magikan!

As an afterthought, Denali slid the emerald across the scarred tabletop and left it to rest in front of the pirate. It was a fair trade and one she was greatly pleased with.

"Youre such a sweetie, Korbin, thank you!"

Korbin Magikan
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:48:57 AM
Picking the emerald up, Korbin placed it back into his little bag on his belt along with all the other gems. He smiled at Denali's comment and sipped his drink.

"I do try..... and yes, it matches your eyes."

Placing his chin in his closed hand, he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Tiliting his head slightly to the left, he took in her appearance. Remembering each and every detail about her. Then smiled as he said...

"So, what is it that you do when you arent being showered with gifts?"

Denali Gue
Aug 8th, 2003, 01:02:04 AM
Her lips parted to respond then slowly, she closed them again as a true look of wonder and puzzlement crossed her face. What did she do??

"Why.....I dont know. Its never happened before."

Denali took this new thought and mulled it over as she sipped her waiting brandy. If everyone who gave her her presents and gifts suddenly stopped doing so - all the little perks that went along with her job and the constant flow of surprises in the mail, both from admiriers and her family....she would......well, she would naturally......

A wide grin split her face and she reached over to playfully tap Korbins hand.

"Now youre just being silly! No one is going to stop giving me gifts!"

Korbin Magikan
Aug 8th, 2003, 01:23:16 AM
Laughter flowed from his lips, nodding as he replied to her.

"You're right about one thing beautiful...No one is going to stop giving you gifts. Let alone myself included."

The music switched from the trash that was being played to this nice and relaxing slow song. Now this is what he wanted to hear. He stood up and held his hand out to her. Then bowed at the waist and asked in a gentlemanly manner.

"May I have this dance?"

Denali Gue
Aug 8th, 2003, 01:46:22 AM
In one graceful move, Denali slid from her seat and took the hand offered, moving lightly beside him to the small spot that the owner had once drunkenly announced was 'the dance floor'. Three tables pushed out of the way and a warning to those sitting there that "If you dont want your frellin toes stepped on, then move'em!" consisted of the entire area. Korbin remained undaunted but Ali had her doubts.

In a space not large enough for one pair to move comfortably, they were forced to share it with two other couples, whom by the smell of them were related to the bartender.

Ali had wisely brought her purse along for the dance and under the cover of Korbins chest, she withdrew a small bottle of her favorite perfume. As they turned and moved to the music, Denali flicked her wrist at the two other pairs, sprinkling the expensive liquid defensively. Recapping the precious bottle, she slid it back within the safety of her purse and buried her nose in Magikans chest until her perfume had the chance to work its own magic.

Korbin Magikan
Aug 8th, 2003, 02:10:07 AM
Watching her with amusement as she sprayed a teenie bit of her perfume to the the other two couples, Korbin shook his head. As her face pressed into his chest, he brought his hand up and ran it through her golden locks. Inhaling her scent as he held her close. Surely she was not of this world. Nothing this beautiful could be. They moved along the small expanse of flooring shared by the other two couples. He fought himself to be a gentleman, it was a hard task at hand and one he'd see through. She was not deserving of such his usual behavior, no she deserved much more.

His hand gently on the small of her back, stayed where he placed it, and his other hand had now taken her hand instead of her hair where it first ventured.

He opened his eyes which were unknowlingly closed, and leaned his head against hers. Perfect thats what this opportune moment was....Perfect.

Denali Gue
Aug 8th, 2003, 11:34:45 PM
For a pirate, Korbin was light and graceful on his feet and after some pondering on the thought, Denali saw where it would come in useful to him. After all, when youre in the middle of stealing something, you dont want to have two left feet.

The scent of soap had warmed on his body and clothing and along with her own contribution of perfume, she could barely smell the other dancers. Held gently yet protectively in his arms, Ali completely lost all track of time until she brought a hand up to rest lightly on his chest. Her eyes dropped to the gold chrono she wore and widened at the time.

"Oh, no! Korbin, I need to get back to my hotel....maybe Dr. Love left word there instead of coming here. Ko will be so cross with me if I mess up this assignment."

Korbin Magikan
Aug 9th, 2003, 01:02:39 AM
Dr.Love?? Now thats interesting. Korbin thought to himself as she turned to leave. Now he was intrigued by all this "assignment" stuff she just brought up. Walking behind her he smoothly checked his holster and came up alongside.

" Care for an escort beautiful?" He asked as she looked at him. "For protection in this area as well as someone to talk to while you head back."

Keeping a close eye on the patrons as they left the runned down joint, he kept close to her. People had to see him giver her the goods and he made sure no one followed. Once satisfied that they didnt have company, Korbin then gave some room for comfort.

"So, you're on assignment?"

Denali Gue
Aug 9th, 2003, 01:26:57 AM
Alis eyes darted up and down the streets. She wasnt nervous and it didnt have anything to do with the fact that Korbin was walking with her. Denali and her identical twin sister Dakota, were more than capable of handling themselves in dangerous situations. Her gaze shifted direction. She wanted to make sure that she saw the danger coming.

"Its not an assignment - not yet, anyway. He was supposed to meet me back at the tavern to finalize our 'deal' only he never showed. Well, I dont think he showed. I was a bit....distracted."

She didnt blame Korbin one bit. It was Alis own fault if she missed picking up some hint or clue to the Doctors identity back in the bar. Letting her mind wander even for a few seconds might have cost the Gues this job. She quickened her pace as the hotel she was staying at came into view.

The man calling himself Dr. Love was footing the bill for Denalis stay in the nice 4-star hotel and as she approached with Magikan in tow, the doorman moved aside, opening the door for them. Thin stiletto heels 'rat-tatted' on the marble floor of the lobby as Ali hurried up to the front desk. A different clerk from when she checked in was behind the desk and offered a helpful smile.

"May I help you?"

"Im a guest here in room #3241. Denali Gue. Has anyone left a message for me?"

Korbin Magikan
Aug 9th, 2003, 09:59:57 PM
Denali Gue.... a grin appeared as she spoke her name. He had wanted to know that information when they were at the tavern, but she never gave him that till now. He knew it was not because she wanted him to know it, it was because she needed to know if there were any messages for her from this Dr.Love guy. Very Pretty name though, he thought to himself.

Denali Gue
Aug 10th, 2003, 12:41:01 AM
"No, Miss Gue. No one has left any messages for you."

Ali chewed on her bottom lip, unsure what to do. Dr. Love had booked the room here for her, so he knew exactly where she was staying. It might be for the best if she just stayed put instead of going back to the tavern. If the mysterious male was still interested in hiring the twins, contact here seemed the most logical. She would wait.

"I'll be in the bar for a while if any messages arrive."

Canting her head to look up at Korbin, Denali gestured to the hotel bar down the main hall.

"You can come with, if youd like."

Korbin Magikan
Aug 10th, 2003, 10:43:37 AM
Snaking an arm around her waist, Korbin gestured with his free one towards the entry way of the more high classed joint in the hotel.

"Most definately, shall we?"

Walking together, they entered the bar of the hotel. It was a nicer more classy joint then the dive they just came from. Better dressed and smelling people were attending and he nodded to himself as this was more a place for her.........and him. Keeping his eyes out for anything of a future "catch", he leaned closer to her and spoke in his low voice.

"Denali.....beautiful name......matches it's bearer."

Denali Gue
Aug 10th, 2003, 11:37:57 PM
"Thank you. I like your name, too. Are you still drinking rum?"

Denali selected a booth that offered her a vantage point from which to view the most of the front desk. Maybe she could spot someone who looked like a doctor.

Sliding into the bench seat, she waggled a polished nail at one of the waitresses, calling her over for their order.

"Id like this put on my hotel bill, please. He'll have a rum, make mine a strawberry daiquiri and keep them coming."

Korbin Magikan
Aug 15th, 2003, 12:02:38 AM
This place was befitting the present company. Denali must feel more at ease here then back at the old tavern they were at. The waitress returned with their drinks and Korbin made a mental note on the service, it was absolutely great. Now this girl would get a nice tip. Sipping his rum, Korbin looked around and then back at Denali.

"So, have you ever met this Dr.Love before? Know what he looks like?"

Of course Korbin didn't know what this person looked like, he was hoping she would. He wanted to help her and thats what he would do. He kept occasionally glancing back at her, gods was she a sight. That gem didn't do her justice...she did it justice.....rare beauty to find. But good thing was....he found it.

"If you could describe him, maybe I could help search him out."

Denali Gue
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:25:05 PM
A heavy sigh breezed past her lips and she shook her blonde mane in consternation.

"Thats the whole prob, Korbin. I havent a clue to what Dr. Love looks like. Its possible Id recognize his voice if I heard it again but the chances of that seem to be dwindling. For all I know, he could be short and bald or tall and dark, like you are."

Suspiciously, Denali leaned forward and narrowed her eyes.

"Youre not Dr. Love, are you?"

Korbin Magikan
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:37:44 PM
How could you look for someone you've never even seen in your life?? That inne voice of his was asking. To need to meet with the Doctor and not have a clue of the person's appearance was beyond him. he sipped his drink while taking another pass of the room...futile attempt but done anyway.

"Youre not Dr. Love, are you?"

He stopped in mid sip and then placed the drink down while a big smile showed on his face. Slowly he brought his gray eyes up and they had a certain twinkle to them along with a mischievous glint.

"Ohhh I'm exactly that Denali, but not the Dr.Love You're meaning."

Denali Gue
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:13:10 PM
"Ok, now wait. You are Dr. Love...and youre not? You have to be either / or. How can you possibly be.........................oh......ohh. Oh! Now I get it! Youre just teasing me!"

Denalis laughter rang out, turning heads from all over the bar. Bunching up her napkin, she tossed it playfully at her companion who was shaking his head and wearing an amused grin.

Still laughing softly, Ali grins across at him.

"Why are you called Dr. Love?"

Korbin Magikan
Aug 17th, 2003, 10:52:06 AM
Still wearing the same grin he had on when she tossed the napkin at him, Korbin reached over the tabletop and took her well manicured hand in his, brought it to his lips and kissed it. The grin turned into a lopsided smirk as he caressed her fingers with his thumb as her hand stayed held by his.

"That's one of the reasons why.....I'll show you another reason perhaps in a little while if you're still interested and intrigued."

Still holding her hand, his eyes roamed the room in chance of someone spotting Denali and possibly they being the Doctor she was looking for.

Denali Gue
Aug 17th, 2003, 02:08:57 PM
His large hand was calloused from hard work yet it held hers gently, the long fingers curling around hers as he lifted it to his lips.

Denali watched as his lips descended and was pleasingly surprised to find them soft - and quite warm. His gray eyes lifted to hers as his lips held their contact on her skin.

Pampered skin flushed a bright pink and Ali began fanning her face with her free hand.

"It seems to be getting warm in here. Miss. Oh, Miss? May I have a glass of water, please?"

Korbin Magikan
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:59:09 PM
Dimples showed as he smiled at her reaction. His gray eyes twinkled in the soft light over the booth they sat in. He gently released her hand and took his glass up, he seemed to think a second then brought the tumbler up in a salute to her.

"To beautiful things, may we never be without them for too long, and when in the presence of .... take full appreciation in it."

A wink followed the toast as was a nice sip of the liquid in the glass. He was still at a loss for the situation of this "Dr.Love"....to want to hire or be hired, and to not be around or even know what one looked like. Strange business indeed. Maybe it was 'shady' business....now that was his favorite kind.

"So, you've never seen this person before, right? So how would he know what you look like Denali? How would he know it was you?"

Denali Gue
Aug 25th, 2003, 12:11:09 AM
"Oh, thats easy. I told him. A past client of ours gave this Dr. Love our name and he contacted us. He also paid for my trip here and the hotel room for the weekend. His last words were, ]"I'll find you." He had told me to meet him back at that tavern but I couldnt stay there all night. Im sure he'll leave a message for me tomorrow. Its getting late for it tonight."

Ali wasnt as sure as she sounded. This was the first time someone had stood up either her or her twin sister by not showing.

Belatedly taking a sip from Korbin's toast she smiled but it held a touch of uncertainty in it.

Korbin Magikan
Aug 25th, 2003, 12:25:29 AM
"True it is getting late for that, and if you ask me, It's not good business to keep a lady waiting."

Korbin tapped his finger on the rim of his glass as he thought some more. Maybe he could scout for the doctor for her if she wanted, he wasn't expected to go back till sometime tomorrow.

"You know, I could scout him out for you if you want. I dont have to be back on my ship till later tomorrow, Thats if youre tired and need to retire to your room. I'd be glad to do it ."

Denali Gue
Aug 25th, 2003, 12:30:29 AM
A furrowed brow gazed across at him.

"How can you scout for him when I dont even know what he looks like?"

Denali suddenly had a worrying thought. What if the doctor was upstairs right now and waiting in her room??

Korbin Magikan
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:42:06 PM
"It was a suggestion beautiful, I am a resourceful man Denali."

Gray eyes slowly roamed the room again. He brought his hand up and stroked his goatee for a moment, then watched her expression.

"What? What is it Denali?"

Denali Gue
Sep 4th, 2003, 07:08:34 AM
Glancing left and right, Ali leaned forward, her blue eyes and tone serious.

"I just had the thought...what if he was upstairs, waiting in my room? Or....what if this has all been some kind of setup and there really isnt a Dr. Love??"

Korbin Magikan
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:32:35 PM
His eyes narrowed a bit and slowly looked towards the left, he was in thought at what she had just said. True, he could be up in her room...but a setup? Not likely. This didn't feel like a setup to him at all, just mixed information.

"You may have something there beautiful. I don't think it's a setup. Trust me, I have a feel for these things. I think you maybe right about being in your room though."

His hand coming off his goatee as he made a slight gesture to emphasize his explanation.

"You know, I think you all got crossed lines....miscommunication."

Denali Gue
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:41:19 PM
"If theres a mix-up, its on his part. Oh, I know I get silly sometimes and act like I dont have a clue to whats going on - and sometimes I dont - but not where work is concerned. Ko and I are exceptionally fastidious when it comes to our business reputation."

Hesitating to ask, Denali finally proposed her question to Korbin.

"Would it be asking too much for you to go up to my room with me? I mean, just in case hes there?"

Korbin Magikan
Sep 4th, 2003, 11:22:53 PM
"No, of course not."

Sliding out of the confines of the booth they shared, he stood and bowed at the waist slightly.

"What kind of scoundrel would I be if I allowed a lady to walk into an unknown situation, with an unknown person, having unknown intentions? I am at your service beautiful."

He held out one of his strong hands to help her out of the seat she was in.

"Shall we?"

Denali Gue
Sep 6th, 2003, 04:32:10 PM
Denali took his hand and slid from the seat. As they walked towards the hotels' lifts, both pair of eyes darted back and forth over everyone they met.

The lift doors opened and the two stepped inside with Ali pressing the level number needed. Worriedly, she chewed on her bottom lip as she wondered what they would find in her room.

Korbin Magikan
Sep 7th, 2003, 01:14:47 AM
Korbin checked his blaster which hung off his thigh. The strap which held it in place was unfastened and was tucked inside the holster. The ride was quiet and he watched Denali worry herself on the whole thing.

"Hey, don't worry 'bout it. I'll go in first and you follow behind me. It'll be ok you'll see."

Denali Gue
Sep 11th, 2003, 08:41:48 PM
Chewing on her bottom lip, Denali nodded but just to be safe, she pulled the hideout from her purse.

"I'll be right on your heels. No one will sneak up the back on us."

Korbin Magikan
Oct 2nd, 2003, 02:35:58 AM
Exiting the lift, they made their way to the door of her suite. He pulled the DL-44 from it's holster and brought it up close to his head, pointing upwards. Testing the door to her suite, he found the electronic lock was not engaged. He slowly opened the door and carefully stepped into the dimly lit room.

Zasz Grimm
Nov 11th, 2003, 11:23:13 PM
The room that had been selected for Denali was thirty floors from the ground. She had been given a perfect view of the city- everything she had was immaculate. He was aware she had been in the lobby, rather, the restaraunt and bar area. Denali Gue came highly recommended in what she did.

Several people had recommended her- and so he had contacted her on a bogus alias. One he had picked up long ago for such things. He pushed the envelope, he had to admit. The Dark Jedi had come to Correlia with no intention on attacking The Sith Order; for the moment. His hands were held behind his back as he looked out across the view- watching speeders movie quickly.

The door behind him clicked and he arched a brow. She had returned; however she was not alone. That much he had discascerned as she had heard her coming down the hall. A man was with him- curious. Who would be with the contract explosive expert?

He turned to face the door- the light of the room silhouetting his aud- clerical robes that certain relgious figures wore, slightly modified. His hands behind his back. He narrowed his eyes underneath the dark glasses he wore.

Denali Gue
Nov 12th, 2003, 12:47:39 AM
A quick peek beneath Korban's uplifted arm told the blonde two things. One, that the room was dark and two, that it was occupied.

Her smooth brow furrowed as Ali tried to recall if she had left the curtains- covering the large window - open or not. Deciding that she had, it still didnt account for the dark, bold figure that stood calmly inside her room. Could this finally be the elusive Dr. Love?

Denali turned her gaze back to the hallway behind them, her eyes darting up and down as she held the small gun threatningly out in front of her.

Nudging Korbin - who had his blaster leveled at the lone figure - she whispered her question softly.

"Do you think thats him?"

Korbin Magikan
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:09:03 AM
His blaster pointed right at the shadow's center mass where he knew a vital organ as a heart would be. Grey eyes narrowed as she asked her question softly from behind.

"Do you think thats him?"

"I think so, We'll soon find out won't we?"

He hit the switch with his free hand to illuminate the room, a male in a black outfit stood before them with his arms behind his back.

Korbin walked in slowly keeping the blaster leveled....his finger ready to pull the trigger should he do something rash.

"You Doctor Love?"

Zasz Grimm
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:13:41 AM
He nearly rolled his eyes at the statement in regards to his other alias he used for text transactions. He looked towards Denali- why he was here; who seemed to be cowing behind this rather large man.

He narrowed his eyes as he stepped forward; confidence showed in his step. He spoke, his voice deep but keeping a mysterious luster..

"Yes; I am he- that is one of my aliases."

He responded to the man.

"It would be wise to lower your weapon."

He said in a voice that showed a hint of irritation. If it were any other situation Zasz would have already been rid of Koriban.

Denali Gue
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:23:34 AM
Ali skittered under Korbin's arm and into the room, her tiny blaster still raised.

"Pardon us if we're not so trusting, Doctor. Ive spent the whole evening waiting for you at that nasty tavern you sent me to, being hit on and oggled by equally nasty smelling men! Korby, you got him? Im going to check for weapons - then we can talk!"

Edging around the man, Denali poked her small gun into his back, confident that Magikan still had his blaster held steady.

"You just hold real still, Mister whoever-you-are and dont try anything dumb."

Zasz Grimm
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:50:34 AM
And suddenly Denali found her gun pointing at thin air. Zasz had moved to the right quickly; he twisted his hand and hit Denali's hard, causing the gun to fly to the ground. He looked to Denali as he maneuvered quickly, ever aware of the other man. He pushed Denali quite hard and forward, causing her to plop onto the bed.

He looked to Koriban, and then again used his tool- the aide that was ever present, the Darkside. He moved forward and kicked his fun hand- this causing a blaster bolt to be fired. He spun his body, Zasz swiveling. He spun in a manner and kicked- the heel of his boot catchng the side of his face and temple.

Koriban collapsed in a heap.

Zasz stood back as he looked to Denali on the bed.

"I abhore that name- It isn't mine. I am Zasz Grimm; you would be Denalie Gue."

He approached the bed.

Korbin Magikan
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:17:33 PM
His vision wavered, He slowly brought his hands near his sides and placed them flat against the floor. His head came up and he wore a snarl. Shaking the cobwebs out, he pushed himself up to his knees and into a crouch..... timing it with the man's speech to Denali, Korbin launched himself at the back of Zasz's legs, bringing the man down and trying to wrangle himself into gaining the upper hand.

Denali Gue
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:33:07 PM
Using her own momentum, Ali turned the shove into a backwards sommersault, coming up on her feet on the cushy bed and shaking her long mane of blonde hair out of her eyes.

Her ears picked up the sickening thwack and it was as she was rising to her feet that she saw Magikan go down.


Denali sunk ankle deep on the bed and in the bedcovers as she took a step forward, intending on going to Korbin's aide - until the man in the dark glasses turned back her way.

"I am Zasz Grimm; you would be Denalie Gue."

Bright blue eyes narrowed defiantly as she looked down at from her position atop the bed. From the corner of one eye, Ali caught a slight movement but kept her attention focused on Grimm.

"We were only trying to make sure that you..OOH! Get him, Korby!"

The instant that Korbin made contact, Denali hopped from the bed and dashed for Magikan's blaster that was still on the floor by the door.

Zasz Grimm
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:59:00 PM
Korbin's hit caught the Dark Jedi Master to be thrown off guard, and to fall back quite hard onto his back- and thus landing on the attacker's back. Quickly though, Zasz's wits came back to him and he rolled away from the man.

He saw Denali moving quickly for the blaster; though she didn't reach it. She was caught back by an invisible foe, and thrown back to the bed. Zasz then turned his aide- the dark side, towards Korbin. He utilized a technique he had learned.


He exacted an amount of his will, his power, and caused Korbin's limbs to go limp. He couldn't control his body- Zasz held him there. He looked at the man, and then to Denali.

Zasz controlled the situation..

"I don't care what you thought you were doing. It was foolish; you'll pay for it."

He visibly grit his teeth- a clench was shown from his jaw. He watched Korbin as he held him there like a puppet, as if debatin what to do.

Korbin Magikan
Nov 14th, 2003, 10:17:19 PM
Korbin went to get up and in mid lift went crumpling to the floor. His arms and legs wouldnt respond. It was if he was paralyzed. His eyes narrowed at the man named Zasz. His arm was extended towards the pirate in a manner he seen used a few times on his jaunts. Jedi stuff

"Damn force users. Always taking the fun out of an old fashioned brawl."

He spat as he tried in vain to move. But the Pirate couldnt. He averted his eyes and couldnt see Denali.

"Hey beautiful.....you alright?"

Denali Gue
Nov 14th, 2003, 11:00:47 PM
"Im fine, Korbin, really. Dont worry about me."

A Darksider! Both of the Gue twins knew what the Force was and how both sides reacted with it, Jedi and Sith alike. This Zasz Grimm was no Jedi. He bore none of the 'good' feelings that their Morgan did and in her mind, that made him highly unpredictable.

Denali didnt move from where she was thrown - again - onto the bed. She didnt dare provoke this man, not when Korbin's life was hanging in the balance. Swallowing hard and hoping that her voice didnt waver, she spoke softly, trying to gain Grimm's attention.

"Mr. Grimm.....ahh....theres really no need for all this violence. Im willing - very willing - to continue the discussion we started last week.....about the job?

The darksider hadnt moved, nor had his gaze shifted from his perusal of the pirate dangling before him. Was he even listening to what she was saying?

"I would appreciate it if you wouldnt hurt my friend, here. He was only protecting me...........if you could just let him go......."

The dark head swung her way.

Zasz Grimm
Nov 14th, 2003, 11:34:08 PM
Zasz looked to Denali, half listening to what she was proposing about not hurting Korbin. However, the man had already made his bed and now he had to lie in it. He looked to the man as he made him move forward..


Zasz said as he made the man fly backwards, he twisted it so that the back of his head hit the wall in a bad way- knocking him out. He held the limp body with his hold on the force and moved to the door. He threw the limp body out, and then shut the door.

He pressed several buttons and it was locked- he turned to Denali.

"Yes, about our last conversation; I do need you."

Korbin Magikan
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:22:31 PM
Korbin groggily shook his head. His hand came up to rub his forehead. That damn triffle sucking force user He said inwardly. He really hated fighting them. He slowly turned to his side and got to his knees. He rocked himself back and stood up.

Staggering a bit like he was intoxicated, he got his bearings and looked around. He was outside the room, and Denali was still in there with that punk. He was trying to think of a way to get in and help her AND take that son of a vornskyr out.

Denali Gue
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:35:43 PM
Denali winced and cringed as Korbin's head hit the wall. Poor, poor Korby! He was such a nice man!

Standing as Grimm turned back toward her, she placed her hands on her well rounded hips and frowned at him. Now that Magikan was out of his reach, the blonde could afford a touch of defiance.

"You know, all you had to do was simply state who you were. There was no need for any of this to happen. And for future reference, I dont like to be kept waiting."

Her chin lifted stubbornly as Zasz stopped right in front of her.

Zasz Grimm
Nov 16th, 2003, 10:53:15 AM
"You who forget so quickly the events that have just transpired; I did tell you that I was the supposed Doctor, and yet you still persisted and even went as far as..Pointing a gun into my back. Pardon me for not taking it too kindly."

He told her quite quickly, after she ended her own sentence. He looked down to Denali, seeing her through his dark glasses. It was then that he brought a hand up and pulled down the glasses he wore, exposing his dark brown eyes to her.

He seemingly looked her over, as if trying to detect what was going on in that beautiful, thick head of hers. She was apparently trying to control the situation.

"And; for future reference, I will keep that in mind."

He said as he stepped forward a bit more; his body blocking her path to move forward or to the side. His figure ominous; the cologne he wore was no doubt susceptible to her senses, as he looked her over.

Denali Gue
Nov 16th, 2003, 12:08:30 PM
"I know what you said but leaving me to cool my heels all night in that dump didnt put me in the most receptive of moods. I didnt take that too kindly. So! Aside from your roughing up my friend, I guess that makes us even."

Tossing her head back, the blonde hair goes flying, flicking Grimm across the nose. His brown eyes were unreadable as he gave her a once over and she followed suit, taking note of the expensive clothing and the subtle yet masculine scent of his cologne.

"Thats a good fragrance for you - understated but definitely noticeable. 'M'Taire', isnt it? Its sold in only one very exclusive store on Coruscant."

Not one to be outdone, Denali countered his domineering move to block her by simply turning around and walking to the large window. The city was aglow with a multitude of colors from the bright and flashy signs that liberally littered the landscape. Had snow been on the ground, it could have passed for a Christmas scene.

"What exactly is this job you have in mind for me?"

Zasz Grimm
Nov 16th, 2003, 12:40:36 PM
Zasz looked at her with a wry grin as she turned her back- he then stepped forward, following behind her to look out the window as his chest touched her back. It was like a dark and light silhouette- Denali the light, Zasz the dark. He looked down her shoulder, to what he could see of her face; her body.

He then tilted his head up towards the large city-scape that was Correlia. The lights were bright indeed, he began to speak.

"The job that I need you for isn't yet upon us- no, it will be some time until then. But it will be here; Correlia. I need several large buildings to be taken down at once. Simultaneously."

His right hand grazed her hip, as he seemingly held it.

"Not too much of a challenge."

Denali Gue
Nov 16th, 2003, 12:58:41 PM
Not too much of a challenge?? Darksider though he may be, he had yet to meet the determined, stubborn side of one Denali Gue.

"Depending on the arrangement of the buildings, I dont think it should be a problem. Im well versed in handling volatile objects."

Zasz Grimm
Nov 16th, 2003, 01:07:28 PM
"One would assume so. Only expert's hands could grace such things; and have such a reputation as yourself. And the target.."

He said as he leaned in lightly- hot breath on the back of Denali's neck; lightly hitting her ear..

"The Sith Order- It must fall in such a fashion it can never be rebuilt."

His left hand moved to her other hip; lightly squeezing rhythmically with his right on her waist.

Korbin Magikan
Nov 16th, 2003, 01:34:01 PM
Outside of the room, leaning against the adjacent wall, a hand rubbed the back of his head as he stared at the closed and locked door. A nice sized lump had formed and he wasnt in the best of moods. I owe you for this 'Spaz' He said to himself in thought as he mocked the stranger's name.

He looked down and his back up blaster sat in his boot still, a grin played on his face as he watched the door waiting for it to open, almost daring the man to come out.....Korbin was a damn good quick draw, which was why he was still alive after all his pirating jaunts. He could wait....sliding down till he was almost in a squatting position, able to react with precise and deadly aim should that punk come out.

His mind went to the blonde in there, hoping she could handle this by herself, which she looked it.... but even though she had that air about her, the pirate still held concern for her.

Denali Gue
Nov 16th, 2003, 01:47:49 PM
The Sith Order? Now, that was a tall order indeed! The man behind her was either overly ambitious or crazy...or both!

As she gripped his left hand and moved it away, her brow knitted in thought. How was she - a mortal with no Force power whatsoever - supposed to get onto and out off of the grounds without being seen, picked up or worse, killed?

Pushing his left hand down, she then retook his right wrist and simply held it. That way, Denali was sure of where it was.

Zasz's warm breath fanned across the side of her neck as she turned to glance up at him over her left shoulder.

"Do I assume you have a plan to keep all those Sith occupied while Im busy rigging everything?"

Zasz Grimm
Nov 16th, 2003, 01:57:40 PM
"It is still being formulated. As I told you- I don't need your explosive expertise now; it will be quite some time in the future. I just needed you to be aware of the size of the job I need you for. To let you prepare."

He sad as he merely moved his hand in such a fashion that made her relase his own wrist. He did, however, move his hands away from her completely and let them rest at his side, as he still remained ever close to the blonde bombshell. He watched her; curious of her reaction to his statement.

Denali Gue
Nov 16th, 2003, 02:42:49 PM
The temperature outside on the street was dropping, quickly from the way her breath was steaming up the window. The warmth on her back, emanating from Grimm's body to hers, was a sharp contrast to the coolness on her front.

With a concentrated effort, she turned her mind to his words.

"I would like to get a good look at it.....them! I mean them, the buildings!"

A deep pink flush crawled up her neck as she brought her hands up to her cheeks, the heat from her blush almost tangible. Oh, why did I say that?!

Zasz Grimm
Nov 16th, 2003, 04:20:28 PM
He looked into the window; seeing her reflection in the window. It caused him to grin a bit as he stepped forward, the lower half of his body pushing into hers. His groin against her butt as he half-wrapped his arm around her hips, pulling her back into him.

He looked down as he did this; an excelelnt view of her most ample bust due to the clothes she wore. He whispered into her ear..

"Yes, you can see it. Though, the buildings will be a bit of a challenge- we can discuss those later."

His teeth grazed her ear lobe a moment..

Denali Gue
Nov 16th, 2003, 04:46:14 PM
"I must say....you certainly have a unique method of....negotiating."

Had the thermostat suddenly kicked on? The temperature in the room was quite definitely rising. Maybe it was due to the time she had spent earlier, gazing into a pair of inviting gray eyes. And just maybe it was all the liquor she had drank while waiting for the mysterious 'Doctor' in the tavern. Whatever the cause, her will and resolve was fading fast.

Denali and her identical twin Dakota had gone through more than their fair share of boyfriends in the past but that was all they had been - people to help pass the time and to have fun with. Nothing serious or deep...or too intimate. Except in Ali's case, there was this one guy, but......

It had been a very long time ago and 'stirrings' that had been laid to rest were now reawakening with a vengence. Ali was feeling overwhelmed and rather unsure of how to respond. Desperately, she tried to keep her thoughts on business.

".....contracts. Do you use contracep....No! Contracts! Do you use any kind of contracts?"

Zasz Grimm
Nov 16th, 2003, 11:12:49 PM
"No contracts. I trust you won't go back on your word. And if you do; I assume you can imagine the consequence."

He said as his mouth neared her neck. His lips danced danced dangerously close as his arm that was wrapped around her waist pulled her closer- harder into his groin.

He felt her body lightly temble to his attentions. He was pleased at this, as his own arousal had been growing. He let his other hand move to her stomach; as both his hands moved upwards, past her taught, slender stomach.

Slowly, each hand enveloped themselves around her most ample and plush bust; squeezing gently, trying to incite passion within her.

Denali Gue
Nov 17th, 2003, 12:01:09 AM
Her breath fogged the window as she let out a soft sigh, her long lashes fluttering down as she closed her eyes. Warm hands were touching her body in ways that she hadnt been touched in a long time.

Denali opened her eyes and jumped, startled by the reflection she saw in the glass. It wasnt Grimm's countenance staring back at her, but Korbin's. Hooded gray eyes gazed accusingly down at her and she bit back an exclamation, turning quickly in the arms that held her.

But it wasnt Korbin who looked back at her, it was Zasz. Korbin was still locked out of the room and who knew how badly he was hurt? What had she been thinking??

You havent been thinking, Denali Gue and thats the problem!

"Im sorry - Im so sorry! I....I just cant do this.....not this way."

Before Zasz could recover from his shock, Ali had siddled out from between him and the window and was snatching up her pocketbook.

"I wont back out of the job, you have my word on that but...this just isnt right. Its not your fault, its mine - I should have stopped you, and well......"

Taking quick steps towards the door, Ali paused as she reached for the lock.

"Mr. Grimm, please accept my apologies. I'll be going home tomorrow and should you still want my expertise for the future, you know how to contact me. Im really sorry. Goodnight."

It was all done quickly, within a matter of seconds. Denali half expected the darksider to restrain her but he made no move to come after the fleeing blonde, though his dark eyes followed her every movement.

Unlocking the door and closing it behind her, Ali was amazed to find Korbin sitting on the floor of the hallway - and with a blaster aimed at her head.

Zasz Grimm
Nov 17th, 2003, 12:13:53 AM
He grinned as she managed to escape him- but to Zasz it was a game. Cat and mouse. With Denali as the mouse. He looked back to the door as it shut with a smile. His hands picked up the glasses that were on the nightstand. Slowly he put them on his face as he turned to the large window.

He shook his head as he moved his hand backwards, and then forward, open palmed. The large window pane was ripped out, glass shattering and falling. He looked down; not too far up.

He would be seeing Denali Gue again- and soon. Yes, very soon.

He walked out the window, falling quickly- seemingly disappearing.

Korbin Magikan
Nov 17th, 2003, 01:03:33 AM
His hand shook as he held the blaster to the opening door. His eyes held the space as it grew and a figure appeared. His finger began to close on the trigger and wait.... Denali!! He let the blaster fall to his lap and he let out a breath.

" Do you know.....how close you came....to being shot?"

He rubbed his forehead.

Denali Gue
Nov 17th, 2003, 01:21:43 AM
Dropping to her knees beside the pirate, Ali grabbed his shoulders in a quick hug, then planted a kiss on his cheek before standing back up and holding out a hand to him.

"Come on, Korby, lets go back to your place and let me take a look at -"

The muffled but still loud shrieks of wood and metal giving way filtered easily through the hotel's bedroom door, followed immediately by the sounds of shattering glass. Both heads snapped back towards the door.

Korbin Magikan
Nov 18th, 2003, 03:03:10 PM
He took her hand and stood up with her help. He was about to leave when the noise came from inside the room. He bolted through the door to find the window was broken and the wind was blowing in from outside. He placed his backup blaster in his boot and walked over to pickup the one he'd lost in the room.

Turning bakc to the blonde beauty, he strode over to her and placed an arm around her shoulder, ushering her out of the room.

"Alright, I believe we've had enough of this room and hotel....down the way is the Coruscant Grand. My room number is 8054. Way up there near the top. "

He stumbled a bit....damn....bet its a concussion.

Denali Gue
Nov 18th, 2003, 04:54:31 PM
Bits of glass and broken metal lay on the carpeting before them as the wind picked up in earnest, blowing small pieces of debris in through the windowless opening.

"Where do you think he went?"

Ali wanted to peer out and down to the sidewalk below, to satisfy her curiousity. She really didnt think Mr. Grimm was lieing there splattered in a flat and bloody heap but a morbid twist of her mind kept prodding her to look.

The urge was put to rest by Korbin, who looped an arm around her shoulders, then had to lean against her in support.

"Come on, Korby. Lets get you in a taxi and back to your room. Dont worry about anything...I'll take care of you."

Manuevering their way to the elevator, Magikan propped himself against the silvered interior until the doors reopened, depositing them in them lobby.

Once outside, it didnt take long to wave down a passing taxi and soon they were at the door of his hotel room.

"Do I need to take one of your guns and check it before you go in?"

There was a teasing grin on her lips but knowing his line of work, it wouldnt be a bad idea.

Korbin Magikan
Nov 18th, 2003, 05:31:10 PM
He grinned back at her.

"You know, that wouldnt be such a bad idea."

A hand brushed some of her blonde mane back from her face. He grinned and was thankful she came out of that room in one piece.

"Im glad you werent hurt."

Denali Gue
Nov 18th, 2003, 05:47:54 PM
Color stained her cheeks and she quickly averted her gaze from the gray eyes smiling down at her. There was no way that she could tell him what had happened behind the locked door.

"Im sorry that you got hurt, Korbin. This night sure isnt what I had planned. We're almost there...a few more steps, Korby. Do you have your keycard?"

Korbin Magikan
Nov 20th, 2003, 04:34:13 AM
He fished it out and handed it to her. He was feeling a bit dizzy still. He leaned against the wall as she opened his door. He was lead inside and sat down on the bed. He reached up and rubbed his forehead.

"I believe I have a small wet bar in there. Its open to you if you want."

Denali Gue
Nov 21st, 2003, 08:48:29 AM
"Do you want me to call a real doctor for you, Korby? Im sure the hotel would send one over. Here, give me a foot."

Pulling and tugging she removed his boots, taking a deep breath before the first one slid off and not exhaling until they were tucked safely beneath the bed.

"Hang on to me - I want you to stand up again. We're going to get you undressed and into bed...you'll rest better that way. No, dont argue with me, it wont do you a bit of good."

Korbin Magikan
Nov 21st, 2003, 08:54:04 AM
He stood and almost broke out in a fit of laughter. He caught his tongue and kept quiet. A silly grin showing. Frell....like he'd argue the point of her NOT undressing him. He was stubborn...he was crazy at times....but he was not stupid.

"Argue? No....no of course not."

He said trying not to laugh. He was now without his outfit and was being "tucked" in by the blonde beauty. Then he brought a hand up to rub his forehead.

"Thanks Denali........gods.....Stop the...room....from spinning will'ya?"

Denali Gue
Nov 21st, 2003, 09:07:46 AM
Lady-like, Ali tried to keep her eyes averted from 'things' that she shouldnt see, but it was hard. No, not hard - dont use the word 'hard' - use 'difficult'. Yeah, difficult is better...its difficult not to look.

The inner dialog helped keep her mind and eyes diverted as they accomplished the chore together and she relaxed once he was back on the bed with the covers pulled up.

"Thanks Denali........gods.....Stop the...room....from spinning will'ya?"

"Spinning? Oh, that cant be a good thing, Korbin. Let me call the front desk and have them send someone up, alright?"

The only cure that Denali knew for 'spinning' was to hang one leg off the side of the bed but that was when someone was drunk, not suffering from a hard blow to the head.

Korbin Magikan
Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:17:19 PM
He nodded slowly and then squinted as he stared at the ceiling. He definately had a concussion, how bad of one he wasnt sure, he was no frelling medic. But he had a few in his life to know what they felt like.

"Alright darlin' , I am NOT going anywhere thats for sure."

He slowly turned his head so not to get himself dizzy, and watched her call down to the main desk for someone to come look at him.

Denali Gue
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:12:08 PM
Perfectly arched brows knitted in worry as she spoke to the consigeire over the room comm. Meticulously, Ali described every symptom that Korbin had spoken of and urged the worker to be quick in sending a physician along.

Returning to Korby's side, the blonde sat on the edge of the bed and clasped one of his hands in hers.

"Someone will be here soon, dont you worry."

The rigorous training in gymnastics had given both Ali and her twin sister Dakota, firsthand knowledge of bumps, bruises, contusions and concussions. She was sure thats all it was - even then it could be dangerous - but Denali was pained her to see her rescuer injured and wanted to help in any way she could.