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William Belargic
Jul 28th, 2003, 02:58:24 PM
A pair of thick leather boots made their way down the rainy walkways of Coruscant, the owners face covered by a thick woolin hood. The tall figure walked with purpose, neither giving thought to anyone on the streets or giving them a second look. He walked in a straight line, forcing people to get out of his way as he made the treck from space port to a renowned bar he had been told about.

Also, where he was told he could find two individuals of great interest to him.

He finally came to the entrance of the establishment and looked up at the wood and neon sign above that read YOGHURT'S BAR & GRILL. The smells of food from inside were enticing enough, and the man pushed the door open with a strong shove, nearly bowling over a couple that was exiting. The man was about to protest when he caught a glimpse of the commanding green eyes within the shadows of the hood. Instead, the man buttoned his lip and hurried his companion out.

Inside the entrance way was a guard next to a neat pile of weapons. This caused the man to raise an eyebrow and look from cache to guard. The guard was burly enough, one even the man didn't feel like trifling with... today at any rate.

"You'll have to leave any weapons you might be carrying here, sir." The guard was quick and to the point. All business and no play. This suited the man just fine.

He didn't remove his hood, but did as the guard had instructed, producing several daggers of varying size, two vibroblades, small hand-held explosives, two heavy blasters, one hold-out blaster, a blaster rifle from behind his back, iron knuckles with nasty looking spines, a chain, and what appeared to be a small yet very sharp mini-axe. The guard watched as the man unloaded, completely expressionless. When the man was finished, there was a pile up to the middle of the guards chins of weaponry. It was enough to satisfiy a small army.

"Um, thank you. You may now enter." Sure, the guard showed no expression, but the sound of his voice betrayed his amazment at having concealed all those weapons on one man.

Finally having satusfied the guard and been given permission to enter the establishment, the man's heavy footfalls echoed through the B&G, making a b-line straight for the bar.

Upon reaching the wooden bar, the man gestured for the bartender. The bartender, still wiping his hands on a damp towel, came up to the man.

"What can I be getting you for today, good sir?"

For the first time, the man spoke. "I'll have a grog. And make it strong."

The bartender nodded once and went about making the strong drink. When he had finished, he brought it back to the man.

"That'll be 3 creds."

The man reached into his pocket and produced 3 credits to give to the bartender for the drink. And with a flick of the wrist, produced 20 more credits for the bartender.

The bartender looked at the extra money and then back up at the man with an incredulous look. It was at this time the man pulled back his hood to reveal his face. "I'm looking for two individuals... that look like me."

The bartender looked somewhat shocked at seeing the man, and then composed himself as best he could. The bartender's beefy hand encompassed the rest of the credits, answering the man.

"They show up around here every so often. You might see them... and you might not."

The man smiled. He was patient when it suited him.

"Fine. I'll wait."

The man said no more after that and enjoyed his grog silently, running a hand through his tousled, wet hair to keep it from falling in his eyes, starring at the wall behind the wooden counter, into the mirror, allowing him to see behind him.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 28th, 2003, 03:08:32 PM
One or two blushing calls ‘nice new hair cut’ could definitely be heard as William sat the bar, though only by those who approached and stood by him as they ordered. Others just passed him by like any other patron who had come into the Bar and Grill. It wasn’t a busy night by any means, but there was enough of a crowd to get a good murmur of voices going and drown out a lot of quiet conversation.

When one Jedi Knight arrived for the evening he was greeted at the door with a slight degree of confusion. The guards didn’t seem to want to let him in at first, though conceded defeat after a moment – mentally concluding that the dark haired man they’d just seen must have been Dasquians brother (it still confused them to have to see both brothers roaming around, and they didn’t need the added puzzle of who the new dark haired lookalike was).

As he strode through the tables towards the bar, the Hallaeran Knight narrowed his eyes slightly. He could feel Aaron in the bar. A glance around didn’t reveal his brother anywhere – he would have been surprised if Aaron was here after the awful bar brawl a few nights ago. He’d been a bit more reclusive since then.

“Good evening Master Jedi,” the bartender, a Padawan no less, said warmly, his eyes darting between the handsome face of the fair haired Knight and the rugged man to his left.

“What can I get you?”

“Just an iced water, thanks,” he nodded, and slipped some credits over the bar top – making sure to tip the man for his friendly service.

Once handed his glass Dasquian took a sip, and glanced up and down the length of the bar, his eyes lingering only momentarily on the shaggy haired figure a few seats away before drifting back up towards the holoscreen behind the bar to watch the news.

William Belargic
Jul 28th, 2003, 03:33:14 PM
Whether it was the Force or gut instinct mattered not to William. It was the fact that he was getting far too much attention and stares from the various patrons in the bar.

It hadn't bothered him much up until now, when he distinctly felt the eyes of another patron near him looking at him. But it was a glance and nothing more, the damp hair having concealed most of his face from the roaming eyes.

When his instincts told him it was the right time, he looked back at the mirror across the way and spotted someone that looked uncanningly just like him, granted with a fairer complextion. If it had been any other time, William would have been taken by surprise... but not this time. Not after the report one of his lackies had come back to him with. And the reason why he was here.

The bartender passed by him, looking at him once, but not saying a word. William had all but forgotten the bartender even existed, and instead turned his head to look at the fair-haired man a couple of stools down from him.

His accent was different from that of Dasquian's, being a bit rougher around the edges. But, if one swam past the rough edges, dirt and grime, they would find that the accent he spoke was the same as the fair-haired man.

In a voice that nearly resembled Dasquian's, he spoke.

"I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

Aranel Oronrá
Jul 28th, 2003, 03:36:28 PM
"I do not carry any other weapons my friends" Spoke Aranel in a light gentle voice. His long blonde hair was almost all to common in the Bar & Grill with the two Belargic brothers so the uncommon light blonde was now just best ignored while other topics of chatter quickly took over.

Aranel was allowed through into the bar after a quick weapons inspection, often Aranel (who had been away from the order for a while) would walk towards the bar, buy himself a drink and sit down to enjoy the evening...but tonight was diffrent. More long blonde hair and pointy ears?...this was a joke surely?. Aranel felt eyes upon him, he felt uncomfitable but he managed to weave around the tables to the other end of the bar from Dasquian, feeling rather out of place.

' Yes sir?'

" Orange Juice please..." Said Aranel is voice very soft.

Aranel like the other two slipped a few credits over the bar and looked up and down the bar as he sipped his beverage, eyes still upon him he felt unnerved. Something strange was going on with the rest of the bars occupants.

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 28th, 2003, 04:06:29 PM
<font color=ff0000><font size=40>*SLAP!!!*</font></font>

The shot silenced all immediate conversation nearby, and nearly spun poor William around, at the very least knocking the taste out of his mouth. Slowly, a red outline of a hand began to appear on his right cheek. As he turned around, a diminuitive Cizerack woman glared up at him from behind spectacles.


She scowled at him venomously...and then stopped.


She leaned closer to him, sniffing in his direction.

"Who arrre jyou?"

William Belargic
Jul 28th, 2003, 04:14:54 PM
All bars had their surprises. This one, apparently, was no different.

William, for the moment having removed his eyes from the fair-haird look-a-like, regarded the petite Cizerack female, rubbing his stining cheek with narrowed eyes.

"Apparently NOT who you thought."

He wasn't amused, and his voice and postured relayed as much.

Jul 28th, 2003, 04:16:14 PM
"You get 'im, Catwoman!!!"

The voice of the diminutive creature as it bounded its way across tables towards Taa rang out clearly. He'd followed her in the hopes of finding out where Daani was, and when he saw her slap the man at the bar, his ears perked up. Now this would e interesting. Like a wave he hopped gracefully from table to table until with one final leap, landed on Taa's shoulder, eyeing the recipient of Catwoman's slap dangerously.

Tail wrapping around her neck to anchor himself, the little Isnik gave the man his best 'evil eye', crossing his arms and puffing out his little chest at the same time.

Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 28th, 2003, 04:19:23 PM

Having lost all steam, Taa just blinked. Her ears drooped, and her mouth went agape.

"jYou....therrre....thrrree? Thrrree of jyou?"

Taa whirled around, and spotted Dasquian. Ok, he was accounted for. Aaron had scampered off, but Taa knew the scent when she smelled him.


Aranel Oronrá
Jul 28th, 2003, 04:25:17 PM
The sound of a whip cracking wood shocked Aranel into a wide eyed look towards where the noise had come from, in actual fact it had been a...err...feline woman slapping a shaggy haired man...with pointy ears. This was all becoming confusing yet at the same time made sense of why everyone felt strangly also.

" Ouch..." Said Aranel softly. After taking a sip from his glass he quickly rememred his place as a Jedi Padawan, shaking his head he put the glass down. Buffing out his inexperinced chest slightly he strode towards the feline, the blonde man and the dark shaggy haired man only to find himself face to face with...Dasquian Belargic?

His glair edged from the trouble between William and the feline to the blonde Jedi Knight who not only fitted in with having pointed ear, blonde hair and a fair face...but he also recognized him...

' Dasquian Belargic?....' Aranel said softly and with soft smile to match. He glanced at William and then the Cizerack which the species in general he had never seen before, taking a double glance at William he saw the same facial features as what Dasquian had...it was all starting to add up.

His eyes only shifted towards Dasquian and William with a face of of confusion and question.

William Belargic
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:09:42 PM

William laughed. It was an ugly laugh, mocking in every tone. The laugh died as soon as it had begun.


He'd already flagged down the barkeep to give him a pack of ice to place on his cheek. It wasn't so much for the swelling or pain, but for the headache he was starting to get with the sudden attention. Damn woman. Why was it always that the gentler race had to start something... and then blow it all out of proportion only to find they'd made an error. He'd come to the conclusion women, in general, did NOT think before acting (or reacting in this case).

Another fair-haired being came up, and heard the softly spoken words to the man who looked like William. Dasquian Belargic. Well, he now had an advantage of knowing the man's name.

At the door, a motley looking trio entered the bar, ctaching themselves a seat at the back corner, and placing their eyes on William and his surroundings. Always count on your crew to get there after you've been assaulted.

William rolled his eyes, and with ice-packed firmly placed against his cheek (and forehead), he turned his back on the gathering crowd and went back to nursing his grog, all the while keeping an eye on his "twin".

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:26:39 AM
A lot seemed to happen all at once, and Dasquian was left looking well and truly perplexed. Taataani too must have felt the familiar presence, who turned out to be not so familiar after all. He looked remarkably like both Dasquian and Aaron, save for the green eyes and dark hair – Dasquian was reminded of the dark haired creatures he had met on Hallaera, disfigured beings who had once looked as he had but who had evolved, or mutated, over time. This man was not like those creatures, however. He looked perfectly normal.

Dasquian shot Taataani a confused look before addressing William.

“Well… isn’t this odd,” was the best he managed at first, chuckling to himself.

He offered out a hand, “I’m Dasquian Belargic. I’m sorry about that little ah, incident… I have a twin brother who isn’t exactly in the best favor with people here at the moment.”

Aranel Oronrá
Jul 29th, 2003, 06:26:49 AM
“I’m Dasquian Belargic. I’m sorry about that little ah, incident… I have a twin brother who isn’t exactly in the best favor with people here at the moment.”

Tha would have been Aranels firs thtought, that the dark haird man would have been Aaron with a new look. But of course from what Dasquian had just said that was quite impossible.

Without trying to sound rude Aranel asked the question perhaps everyone here at the moment was waiting to be answered and in a soft spoken voice he did just that.

' If of course you are not Aaron, then who are you?' Aranel asked with a light smile. The padawan took a sideways glance towards Dasquian who he had not seen in some time before he looked back to William.

William Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:28:59 AM
William looked down at his grog, or at the very least, at the bit rolling around at the bottom, still holding the ice to his cheek. Figuring it was time to get down to business, he finished off the last bit in a quick motion and then slammed the mug down with a satisfied "aaaahhhhh". He then turned to Dasquian, putting the ice pack down, and extending his hand, grasping the other man's hand in a bone-crunching grip.

"William. You can call me William."

He smiled, though it was neither warm nor cold... just there.

There was a lot he'd heard about the infamous twins of the Greater Jedi Order... mostly from one of his lackeys that had a knack for blending into any atmosphere he eneterd. Will knew bits and pieces from his past, and from what bits and pieces he'd been told about the twins, both seemed to fill in gaps to a much larger picture.

Now was the time to finish the rest of the picture, figure out his birth-right, and then decide whether the past unpleasentries of his life were the works of his parents or that of the twins.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:46:42 AM
It seemed William was the only one here not excited at the prospect that the Belargic twins were in fact the Belargic triplets. He shook out his hand from the handshake, flexing his fingers to make sure that they were still functioning.

“William, ahum… I’m not sure what to say.”

Dasquian felt a bit awkward. He clasped his hands behind his back and rocked back onto the heels of his boots, clearing his throat.

“Are… are you from Hallaera too? I don’t understand how you look like us entirely but still…”

He made a vague motion around his face

William Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 12:15:49 PM
The corner of William's lip quirked upward into a lopsided grin.

"I'd only heard reports... and it wasn't until today that I believed those reports that there were two men here gallavanting with my face."

He looked about.

"Well, at the least, one face... I have yet to see the other."

Will looked back at Dasq.

"As to where I'm from... I have vague memories of someone mentioning the word 'Hallaera' when I was younger. But my most recent memories have me traveling about the galaxy."

He flagged down the bartender again and waved his empty mug to indicate a refill, while at the same time continuing his thought to Dasq.

"I've never really had a stable home."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 30th, 2003, 11:51:16 AM
Dasquian sat down onto the stool by Williams. The pair were drawing a fair bit of attention now as some of the younger Padawans marveled over the fact that one of the Councilmen appeared to have yet another double – only this one was so much more rugged (and handsome, it was decided by some).

The Knight and the Pirate sat a moment in silence, each a perfect opposite of the other as though meant for some kinds of parallel existences, opposites of one another. Dasquian the law abiding do-gooder, and William the law breaking scoundrel.

“Do you have any family? … do you know anything of our family?”

William Belargic
Jul 30th, 2003, 12:11:31 PM
"My family is my crew."

William shrugged.

"As to genetic family... as in mother and father... I know nothing of. From my understanding, I was brought up by foster parents."

His green eyes studied Dasquian for a moment before continuing.

"As to us being of the same family, it is possible... but then again, it is possible to have two individuals look exactly the same and not be related."

William smiled, and brought a finger up to flick one of his elongated ears.

"But, I think in our case, the latter idea would not be likely."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:07:40 PM
“N-no, I don’t think it’s likely that we aren’t related… it would be far too much of a coincidence.”

He folded his arms over the bar in front of him and smiled up at the reflection of himself in the mirror as it sat side by side with William.

“Your crew… are you staying here long, William? I should like to know about you and your life… and your adventures with your crew,” he said, feeling distinctly like a child.

William Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:39:37 PM
His feelings for his "twin" were beginning to change. First he had been angry that someone had the audacity to be walking around with his face. Then it had changed to hate where he pictured his "twin" having a better life than his. But now, seeing the obvious curiosity that resembled a childs, the feelings of negativity towards Dasquian were starting to melt away.

He was still a pirate and still very much cold hearted, but he supposed when it came to family... well, possible family... things could change.

William decided to let his sails ride the wind and take him where it might blow.

"Well..." Where to begin, "The beginning is a bit fuzzy, and most definitely long ago. I have hazey memories of my biological mother and father in a home surrounded by lush greenery... I can only assume it was Halaerra. I remember being happy and content, with not a care in the world."

He looked at his newly refilled mug, still not having touched the grog within.

"But, it was too good and perfect to last. I remember through teary eyes watching my father go off to war, never to return. My mother died of grief shortly after, and I was left alone."

His eyes glazed over as he recalled his past.

"My grandmother took me in after my mother's death, and raised me. We moved off planet to another, less green, more industrial with lots and lots of water. At about my adolesence, another war broke out and my grandmother was killed. I barely escaped and found myself later wondering about, once again alone."

"Somehow I found my way to a sea fairing town, still on the same planet where I was born, I can only assume, and found work as a fisherman."

He shrugged.

"Fisherman turned to cabin boy aboard a large fishing ship. Cabin boy turned to crewmate. Crewmate to second mate. Second to first. All through this time, the Captain became my mentor... he was like a father to me."

His eyes took on a hard edge.

"And then our ship was attacked by seafairing pirates. My captain explained to them we were a fishing ship and had nothing of value. They didn't listen. They killed everyone they could get their hands on and destroyed the ship."

His voice took on a low tone.

"I was forced to watch my Captain... my mentor... die. This was the third time I'd lost family."

"By some miracle, whether it was dumb luck or the Force... if you believe in that stuff... I survived, adrift on a shard of debris from the ship. I was picked up by a passing cruise liner, and nursed back to health. But by this time, I was convinced the universe had it in for me."

"As the liner neared shore at some fancy town, I jumped ship and swam to shore. There I found a ride to the seediest seafairing town I's heard of, and learned everything one needed to know about being a seafairing pirate."

He sighed.

"I stayed planet side for some time, overtaking frigates and transports that happened to cross into my waters. Needless to say, I wasn't the most popular guy on the planet, and bounties started popping up at the various towns I, ahem, visited."

"I'd done this for maybe 100 years or so, before I got bored. That's when I bid the ways of the sea goodbye, and took to the skies. I didn't learn about space pirating overnight, and basically had to work my way to the top. I felt like I was starting all over again. But knowing certain things of the sea had it's advantages, and my seafairing stories helped me to gain the respect of the pirate crew I'd joined."

"Eventually, after 30 years or so, I found myself once again as first mate of a space fairing pirate crew, with another mentor. This time, however, the Captain died of old age, and I took control of the Ebony Jewel."

"I've had the ship ever since... which would be about 400 years or so. I've seen a lot of friends and enemies alike come and go and die."

His eyes refocused on his grog and he lifted it halfway to his lips.

"And somehow, I outlive them all."

He took a long swig from the mug.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:48:00 PM
“Yes, because of your blood and your ancestors. We are a long living race, William.”

Dasquians words had spilled out of their own accord while his mind processed the details of this ‘pirates’. It was interesting, most certainly, and it seemed that William had enjoyed his life to a degree, at least from the way he told it.

“Grandmother,” Dasquians voice took an airy tone.

In the dusty chambers on Hallaera he’d seen murals of the Belargics and the other clans in Bel-Jihar. Paneric, Tyric and Belargic in the north, Maenark, Iriark and Leinark in the south. He wondered to himself which of these Williams, and quite possibly his, grandmother belonged to. It made him smile for a moment as it suddenly struck him that although she would have been a grandmother to them, she would have looked as young and beautiful as anyone in the community.

“It must have been so interesting to live through all the changes from the Old Republic to this new place, watching everything change around you.”

William Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:51:47 PM
William nodded, raising his eyebrows.

"It certainly was an expereince. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've had to completely rebuild that damn ship just to keep up with top specs. It's a nightmare to say the least."

He was half way to raising his mug once more to drink from when his motion stopped as a thought struck him. He kept the mug half-raised, looking at Dasqian.

"Hold up... you make it sound as though you didn't go through the last, what, 500 years or so? Where were you? Hybernating?"

He laughed, though he had no idea how close to the truth he was.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:55:02 PM
“My brother and I were in an unfortunate accident during an ambassadorial mission which left us held in cryostasis for the duration of that period. You can imagine how horrified we were when we awoke,”

Dasquians eyes filled with sadness. Ten Jedi Knights had perished because of the sabotage of their mission. At first it had felt as though they should have died too – and in fact it was hard to tell if they had not already, with such awkwardly moving bodies and catatonic state.

“The Force was acting in our favor, that is all the explanation that I can muster…”

William Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 02:03:55 PM
The laughter died.

"Damn. You really WERE alseep!"

Suddenly, his life wasn't looking so tragic.

"Well, um, maybe we could hunt out our past together?"

He finished off his grog, looking about.

"And I have yet to meet your brother."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:07:10 PM
“He’ll be around here somewhere… you can’t miss him, looks just like me,” Dasquian laughed.

“As for hunting our past, I’m already well aware of mine… at least most of it. I did some investigating on Hallaera a short while ago.”

William Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:14:23 PM
"He’ll be around here somewhere… you can’t miss him, looks just like me."

William joined Dasquian in laughing. Great... now he wouldn't be able to tell them apart!

The laughter died down as Dasquian continued, to which William replied, echoing the planets name. "Hallaera..."

"I should see about going to the planet again, if ever I was there to begin with."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:18:29 PM
“I’m not so sure about returning, and if I am to I should have to be more careful this time… those creatures we found were most unpleased to see us rifling through their ancestors chambers,” Dasquian replied with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

William Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:21:51 PM
William raised an eyebrow.


But just as quickly, he dismissed the idea.

"I've got a ship-load of amunition and savvy, tough-as-nails pirates at my disposal. It'd be quite difficult for an sort of 'creature' to surprise us."

As he finished speaking, he thought about how his words might sound cocky. It wasn't meant to be so. It's just he knew what he had and what he could handle... and chances were, he'd come across far worse things in the universe.

Though he could be proved wrong.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:25:11 PM
“I wouldn’t want to harm them. They have a right to be wary of us… after all we just landed and began searching around without a thought.”

Dasquian silently hoped that those creatures were not a future representation of his race, of what he would become as he aged. He knew from William that over a lengthy period of time appearance remained the same, but there was no telling how old the dark Hallaeran’s had been.

“I wouldn’t want to risk damaging the landscape or buildings either… it is a fragile enough place as it is,” Dasquian looked down into his hands, concern marking his expression.

“Perhaps those people could help explain more of the culture to us, but the last we encounter them they wanted nothing more than to run us through.”

William Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:35:07 PM
William fell silent. His "twin" had a point, as much as he hated to admit it to himself. So, that's when he came to a conclusion.

"Alright. How 'bout we go about it diplomatically... and use stun nets, if neccessary. They wouldn't kill anyone," he couldn't believe he was actually taking into consideration in preserving life... what a change, "and it wouldn't harm the environment, no matter how fragile it was." Yup, he was definitely turning into a softy.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:49:59 PM

Dasquian nodded lightly, “But before we do anything I think I owe it to Aaron to introduce you two to one another, so that he doesn’t accidentally bump into you somewhere and panic.”

William Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:06:51 PM
"What? And think you've died your hair darker, grown some fuzz on the chin, and gotten contacts for your eyes?"

They laughed.

"Well, why not? Let's go introduce me to your brother."

Will left a tip for the bartender and stood from the stool. As dasquian did the same, they were both the same height. Big surprise there.

Will gestured towards Dasquian and then towards the door.

"Lead the way."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 2nd, 2003, 07:10:00 AM
“Follow me. (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31141)”