View Full Version : Star Wars Kid: The Lawsuit Strikes Back
Jul 27th, 2003, 06:21:44 PM
Sera Kya
Jul 27th, 2003, 07:20:38 PM
I didn't know he was Canadian, wonder where he lives...........
James Prent
Jul 27th, 2003, 07:27:07 PM
That totally sucks. For him. I'd be mortified if that happened to me. :o
Sera Kya
Jul 27th, 2003, 08:47:25 PM
I'd bask.
But that's me, and I don't care if people think I'm nuts, I don't see why he's all freaking out.
Of course, I am a sorta vouyerist.
Jul 27th, 2003, 08:50:15 PM
So? He got free stuff out of it, and 15 minutes of fame (or infamy).
You realize what you can do with that? To hell with him and his issues, he's a moron.
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:01:52 PM
You only say that because you don't have half the internet mocking you.
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:03:06 PM
Fett, I've been the butt of some pretty big jokes before. I survived without legal help. This is really stupid.
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:10:08 PM
Not THIS big though :)
Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:19:01 PM
bah, it's not like it dirty pictures or anything....yes it's embarrassing but not worth that....:p
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:23:58 PM
Who cares, Fett. It's stupid crap and doesn't matter anyways. The best thing he can do is laugh along with it anyways, and he's obviously too stupid to do that, so I have no pity for him. Beyond that, I guess he could learn choreography or stop being a fatty, or both.
Why should the legal system get involved so he can have more money? Damn, he already got an Ipod out of it, amongst other goodies. He should be hit with a brick for whining after that.
Duke Quells
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:24:48 PM
He already has fame, and free stuff, but now he wants money to go along with it. Fer Shucks, this guy is a Grudy boy.
Jul 28th, 2003, 04:42:30 AM
Difference is Charley, he isn't you. I don't blame him for wanting to sue and frankly, I'd sue for a lot more if I were in his place after all he is in no way to blame for it, he didn't put himself in the position to be ridiculed; it was private and the footage was stolen. To you it mightn't matter but to him it does, I'm not suprised he needed psychiatric help. Even if he is just being a drama queen and is in it solely for the money, which nine times out of ten is the case sadly then I say all the more power to him, the legal system is - sadly again - a joke to be walked all over so why not take advantage of idiocy and make money out of it until someone grabs a clue.
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:04:45 AM
He isn't me, and why does that make a lick of difference?
He squandered the opportunity though, and that's why he really should be kicked in the head. He could have laughed with this, gone on talk shows, laughed with everyone, and basked properly in his 15 minutes of fame, but instead he chose to whine and bitch.
You're the self appointed champion of injustice around here, and yet you're rooting him on to take advantage of a corrupt lawsuit craze?
Um, yeah.
Here's $0.25, call someone who cares.
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:13:52 AM
He isn't me, and why does that make a lick of difference?
Originally posted by Agent Charley
Fett, I've been the butt of some pretty big jokes before. I survived without legal help. This is really stupid.
I reitterate; he isn't you. Therefore he wont think like you and as such might hate the idea of fame of any kind, perhaps he's shy, perhaps he's embarrassed, maybe even his family is embarrassed, point is he mightn't be able to laugh at himself. The fact that he has decided to file a lawsuit rather than have a chat with David Letterman supports this. You would do one thing, he does the other. Either way, both methods make money.
You're the self appointed champion of injustice around here.
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:22:53 AM
Serial killers aren't me, either. Son of Sam had a dog. I have a dog. I go to school and work, and generally don't kill people. He doesn't. Shall we go ahead and justify his insanity too?
Originally posted by Dru
Captain Amnesty International :)
Darth Viscera
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:06:40 AM
This kid has gone from being cute to being a conniving opportunistic whorebag toot sweet! He didn't just get an iPod out of it, he got an iPod PLUS $4000. Now he wants 225,000 canadian dollars? He's milking the cash cow big time. EVERYBODY does something stupid when they're pre-cognizant, hell I accidently walked into the women's changing room at the YMCA because I was too busy thinking about Super Mario Brothers 3 to look at the little female icon on the door. You suck it up and live and learn, you don't sue someone!
Anyway, at least he's gone from being an innocent, charubic source of funny stuff to being a revenge-seeking greedmonkey THIEF. :\
Can you REALLY say that his embarassment is sufficient grounds to deprive a family of financial security? 225,000 canadian dollars is a rather hefty mortage, that family could be paying it back for the next 30 years, or if they're unlucky, it'll break them immediately and they'll have to live on the street, eating frozen rats out of dumpsters and wearing burlap bags as their only recourse against the elements and harsh dumpster rats who want revenge for their beloved eaten relatives. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!?!
*head explodes*
Duke Quells
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:16:34 AM
Remember, in the word Politics, Poli means many, and tics stands for many blood sucking creatures. Therefore, the kid has become a polotician.
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:23:28 AM
1. You have a right to not have photos or videos of yourself stolen and used in such a manner. That makes this boy a victim of a crime, not an attention seeker.
2. After a couple million hits to your stolen video, it may get old; so old that you want to literally die.
None of us can fathom that kind of pressure and most of us run and cry when someone on the internet calls us a name (like some people do here).
This isn't a case where someone is unduly whinning. He has a valid grievance.
Darth Viscera
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:29:46 AM
$225,000 worth of validity?
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:40:50 AM
For sure. You can't put someone out to dry like that, and get off.
Jinn Fizz
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:00:13 AM
I'll probably get ragged on for this, but I just have to say it.
The lack of compassion in this thread saddens me. As someone who was teased and called names all throughout my school years, and who still has extremely low self-esteem at times because of it all these years later, I really feel for this boy. Some people are better equipped to handle pressure like that, and others aren't. Maybe some of the people who've posted in this thread are some of the better-equipped ones, and good for you. But not everyone is like you. And that doesn't make other people's feelings less legitimate or so worthy of scorn.
I'm not saying a lawsuit is necessarily the right solution to the issue. That's his parents' doing. But the fact that he's ended up in a psych ward is really sad. Other kids have felt so humiliated by teasing and so unable to face the world that they've killed themselves. Thank goodness it didn't come to that for this boy.
It appears to be a very unpopular opinion to have in regards to this, but I do feel very sorry for this boy.
Darth Viscera
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:00:10 AM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
But the fact that he's ended up in a psych ward is really sad.
Psychiatric care, not ended up in a psychiatric ward. You make it sound like he's stuck in the same pen where they stick people like Dr. Evil, Magneto and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. He sits on a couch for an hour every week, puts a couple-three toffees in his mouth, drinks an applejuice for the duration, and talks about how angry he is that he videotaped himself while he was overweight. He'd be doing this anyway.
The lack of compassion in this thread saddens me. The poor victims who may be made to answer for this crime may very well face destitution for the rest of their lives. Let's assume for the moment that this family has 1 wage earner in the household, and that one person makes Canada's average of only $29,400 annually (I've converted everything to USD already). The defendant may be required to pay $163,000. Where will this money come from? Let's suppose that the defendant will have to pay 90% of his or her meager earnings to the frivolous and selfish causes of adequate housing, enough food to not dip below the malnutrition level, health insurance and utilities, and let's also suppose that the defendant will forego spending on anything entertaining for the duration of their lawsuit debt. The defendant can then come up with roughly $2,940 annually to pay towards the lawsuit, which is good, because at that rate it will only take 55 years to pay off the debt. And then there's the interest, which will double, if not triple, the debt.
Quite honestly, I'd hate to see what kind of hateful, abhorrant person would agree to putting 2 or 3 generations of people into financial slavery just to ensure that Ghyslain gets enough money to form his own mountain of "pocket change", pays his legal fees and psychiatrists' fees. If your thinking is so skewed that you think this a good idea, then I'd hate to see how easily you resort to genocide. I hear that Pol Pot's ghost needs a pen pal.
Ghyslain's psychiatric health is worth a lot, but it's not worth destroying the lives of so many people. $163,000...that number is absolutely psychotic, it should be revised very much downwards.
Brielle Acaana
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:13:34 AM
Everyone, at some time or another, gets teased....from the most 'popular' down to the bottom of the totem pole. Its life and right or wrong its going to happen.
If someone is being teased constantly, then why not take the matter in hand and make changes, eliminating the source if possible?
Im with the others on this. He needs to get over it.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:47:55 AM
Fizz, I got horribly teased and made fun of for many years. Where is my money?
Jul 28th, 2003, 12:28:31 PM
It's not a crime to tease someone. Apples and oranges.
Jul 28th, 2003, 12:31:25 PM
Someone hit me in the junk with a baseball once. Assault and battery! Where are my glittering prizes now?
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:07:38 PM
Were you playing baseball at the time? Or were you dragged without your permission into a public place and beaten with it? :)
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:37:02 PM
There is a difference between being teased and having private and personal footage stolen, which on top of that is potentially embarrassing in itself, said footage is then hoisted onto the internet where it becomes a global attraction recieving a musical score, special effects and credits. It then makes it's way to the newspapers and other websites for millions upon millions more to access and laugh at the victims expense.
Yep, I'd say there's a bit of a difference in there somewhere.
Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:38:58 PM
Fett, it wasn't during a game. It was deliberately thrown there.
So I'm short one rolex now or something.
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:39:01 PM
Had your "junk" suffered damage, you could have sued. You'd be bitter now if you weren't able to "perform" or even pee right, as a result of some petty kids at play. Bad example.
People need to learn they can't treat people this way, even if it costs them a million bucks to learn. Acting this way is immature, even for youngsters. It isn't moral, and it's a crime, period. He has every right to do what he's doing, and the law says so.
Taataani Meorrrei
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:43:34 PM
Assault & Battery is a crime too. Permanent damage isn't a prerequisite.
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:26:41 PM
:rolleyes Charley, you're just bitter that you didn't think of this first.
Sameer Aryan
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:50:42 PM
I'm not saying that that guy is wrong, but getting money isn't going to make him feel better. I mean it's not gonna make it less embarrassing. I never thought suing someone was a good solution to anything.
Naj Arilov
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:00:42 PM
You have a video of your overweight self mimicking Darth Maul with a golf ball thing thrust on the internet for all to see...
Up until this thread, I had no idea who the kid was, and would have never given a second thought about him. Reguardless of whether or not his name was even mentioned before the lawsuit, hes succeeded in pushing himself into the spotlight even more, this time to throw a 163,000 dollar pity party.
If hes so hurt by all this publicity, he could have went to his lawyer and setup a private meeting with all the parties involved and worked something out.
Now, I know many ppl saw this video and laughed, but im sure im not in a minority of ppl who either didnt see the video, or didnt give it a second thought.
On top of that, hes willing to ruin the lives of others to make himself feel better, and Im expected to sympathize?
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:09:49 PM
Naj, we don't know how he lives. For all we know, everyone in his local area mocks him for it and he can't escape it.
Cripes, it made me feel down when I was the butt of the jokes of a couple of people. Imagine a large amount of the internet. And there is the other point. WE CAN'T. We don't know how it feels, so how can we compare?
Silus Xilarian
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:24:48 PM
He made the video for a school project, did he not?
Im sure his local area was already mocking him as it was. Have you ever been picked on in school, and told the teacher?
You know what happens? Those kids go to the office, and more kids file in you taught you even worse. This kid is dredging himself even farther into the spotlight, bringing more and more attention on himself.
Not only that, but like I said before, hes throwing a huge pity party with his little lawsuit...Thats when bastards like me come out of the woodwork to criticize him futher. If he didnt want that video seen, he never should have made it, plain and simple. No use destroying the lives of others just can you cant handle being teased.
Brielle Acaana
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:31:55 PM
I watched the video and lughed my butt off. BUT....I wasnt laughing and saying 'Oh, lookit the fat kid!'. I was laughing because it was cute and funny.
Ye gods people, get a friggin sense of humor! I laugh at myself when teased and even poke fun at myself. If we cant laugh at the antics of human beings then we are in sad trouble indeed.
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:38:21 PM
Ye gods people, get a friggin sense of humor! I laugh at myself when teased and even poke fun at myself. If we cant laugh at the antics of human beings then we are in sad trouble indeed.
I do that, and I'm labelled depressive.
And so do you see bullying, which it basically is, as a problem of the kid being bullied and noone else? Can I insult overweight kids because hey, they should take it as a joke?
Silus Xilarian
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:41:41 PM
no one's stopping you.
Brielle Acaana
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:48:21 PM
Who's insulting him? I wasnt and Im sure others werent as well just as Im sure some of them were. Its life. Deal.
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:55:16 PM
Who's insulting him? I wasnt and Im sure others werent as well just as Im sure some of them were. Its life. Deal.
Only takes a couple.
And yes, it is life. And it is a life with people who commit suicide due to taunts. With people who are on medication to try and help them. With people regularly talking to a psychiatrist in order to get help. And some people can't take it as well as you. You used to poke fun, lucky you! I did and it make me depressive, only now am I getting better. Does that make me weaker than you? No, it makes me DIFFERENT. Just because you did something, doesn't mean the whole world can dance to your tune.
Brielle Acaana
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:04:25 PM
One of my girls is more popular than other....and the other is a bit better at sports. Does this mean that Im going to have to get them mental health care down the road because one is better liked by her peers and one always makes the team? Gimme a break.
And please stop putting words in my mouth. I didnt say anything about anyone being stronger or a word about the world dancing. Calm down.
Naj Arilov
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:06:11 PM
theres a difference between not be able to take a joke, and ruining the lives of others because you cant...
He knew ppl would tease him for the content of the video, but he made it anyways. If I killed someone, then threatened to sue cause the police wanted to take me to prison, would you defend my actions or dismiss me as being an idiot?
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:08:42 PM
How is people stealing his property and putting it online the same as he police following the law? :)
I've done some dumb pictures for the peeps here. I wouldnt want them spreading, they're for here. Is that hard to believe?
Brielle Acaana
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:11:06 PM
No, its not hard to believe and everyone knows that they should stay here. If someone published a pic, would you sue them over it?
Jinn Fizz
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:15:37 PM
Originally posted by Brielle Acaana
Who's insulting him? I wasnt and Im sure others werent as well just as Im sure some of them were. Its life. Deal.
Personally, it irritates the hell out of me when people blow off bullying behaviour like it's nothing, and that the only person who has a problem is the one who's upset by it.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."
That's one of the worst things we've ever taught kids to say. Names, and cruel words, taunts, verbal abuse, all of these things can have much worse effects on people than being hit physically. Bruises and bumps go away. Psychic pain can sometimes last forever. And it can damage your very soul.
I want to repeat one thing--"I'm not saying a lawsuit is necessarily the right solution to the issue." I never said I supported the lawsuit issue, yet people seem to think I did. No. I'm sick and tired of people suing over every little thing, every little slight, and totally doing away with the idea of personal responsibility.
What I said was I FEEL SORRY FOR THIS KID. That was my point. He's hurting. I sympathize. I've been there. I was tormented so much by upperclass girls in grade school that I'd puke every day before I went to school. I was that frightened of them.
And some of the comments in this thread are just so damn flippant, and those comments are directed at people like DARE you pass judgment on how anyone responds to being teased or made fun of? HOW DARE YOU pass judgment on me without knowing anything about me, about what my life has been like, what I've gone through, what I've done? HOW DARE YOU say that someone's wrong just because they're not just like you, and don't react the way you would? How heartless and narrow-minded some of you people are. God help you if anyone you love is ever in a situation like this and is in pain...will your response be, "Oh, buck up, that's life, get over it?" Or will you show them love and compassion?
Names HURT. Teasing HURTS. Bullying is NOT acceptable. And damn it, I still feel sorry for this kid, whether some of you like it or not.
I was teased mercilessly for years throughout grade school. I was left with such feelings of worthlessness that I still struggle with them today. I have a fine career, good health, money in the bank, a nice apartment, a significant other who loves me through and through no matter what, and I still have days when I sit there and feel like I deserve none of it because I'm just so worthless. But according to Brielle, that's just life, and I need to deal.
Screw that.
I knew I'd get flamed for my first post, and I know I'll get flamed for this one, perhaps even harder than I got flamed for the first one. But whatever. I won't be checking this thread again, because it's just not worth the trouble, and the last thing I need to do is get myself all worked up over this again.
Darth Viscera
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:24:21 PM
Funny how despite his crippling depression, Ghyslain still managed to get up the courage to accept delivery of his brand new 30GB iPod (11 days ago), his $3600 CND gift certificate to Futureshop, managed to give at least one interview to the media, and get himself noticed by the Lucasfilm people so that he can get a cameo in Star Wars Episode III. Among other gifts, he also received an authentic Darth Maul lightsaber replica, signed by Ray Park (Darth Maul), courtesy of the SciFi channel.
His lawyer (or should I say agent?) has been choreographing his every move since at least May. Draw your own conclusions.
If Ghyslain is the victim here, then Hillary Clinton is a damsel in distress. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Ghyslain and those 4 defendants were all in cahoots in putting this thing on the internet and splitting the revenue from the content.
Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:25:30 PM
oi vie, I was teased from grade school till halfway through high school, yes it sucks and yes I was bothered by it but am I suing my class? no because we all deal with it.....
now I'm not saying it didn't hurt me, hell I cried a lot and was on Prozac for it for a bit but it doesn't effect me anymore.....
but the lawsuit crud is stupid, yes he was posted on the internet but that still doesn't need all this....
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:37:51 PM
I'd like to think that the rough & rocky time I had growing up kinda made me who I am today. Trial by fire. I came into this world as a wad of cookie dough, and I'm that much better for going through the oven. You may think it's a bad thing, but maybe you lack perspective, or even have a different perspective entirely. I don't look back at all the crap I had to endure as a bad thing. I found out who I was, and I kept my stuff wired tight at all times. Now, I know exactly what I'm made of because of it. I have limitless confidence in myself, because I went through hell and came out smiling.
I don't pity Ghyslain. I don't feel sorry for Ghyslain. Empathize, perhaps. There is no sympathy for him, though. I can't be bothered to care about his sad story, because he didn't just lose, he surrendered. That's a whole different ballpark. Call me callous, cruel, or whatever, I really don't care. You have your perspective and I have mine.
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:48:56 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Funny how despite his crippling depression, Ghyslain still managed to get up the courage to accept delivery of his brand new 30GB iPod (11 days ago), his $3600 CND gift certificate to Futureshop, managed to give at least one interview to the media, and get himself noticed by the Lucasfilm people so that he can get a cameo in Star Wars Episode III. Among other gifts, he also received an authentic Darth Maul lightsaber replica, signed by Ray Park (Darth Maul), courtesy of the SciFi channel.I should be so lucky.
[...]how DARE you pass judgment on how anyone responds to being teased or made fun of? HOW DARE YOU pass judgment on me without knowing anything about me, about what my life has been like, what I've gone through, what I've done? HOW DARE YOU say that someone's wrong just because they're not just like you, and don't react the way you would?Crow, Raven. Raven, Crow.
Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:52:35 PM
Originally posted by Agent Charley
I'd like to think that the rough & rocky time I had growing up kinda made me who I am today. Trial by fire. I came into this world as a wad of cookie dough, and I'm that much better for going through the oven. You may think it's a bad thing, but maybe you lack perspective, or even have a different perspective entirely. I don't look back at all the crap I had to endure as a bad thing. I found out who I was, and I kept my stuff wired tight at all times. Now, I know exactly what I'm made of because of it. I have limitless confidence in myself, because I went through hell and came out smiling.
yep, my thoughts exactly....such things made me stronger, tis quite hard to get to me now with insults and such....hell, I lacked confidence then so they got me for it but when I got better, I was no fun anymore....
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:09:50 PM
How many others have said the same as I have yet Im the one who gets singled out? I havent pointed a finger at anyone here, just stated my opinion the same as the rest who have posted in this thread.
I didnt set out to make anybody angry, Im not laughing at anyone here or belittling their beliefs or feelings. We all have differing opinions about this. Am I losing my cool because some of you disagree with me? No. Am I 'yelling' because you dared to point a finger at me? Please, Im made of stronger stuff than that.
I'll say it again.... people, calm down. Theyre opinions, nothing more, nothing less.
Naj Arilov
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:15:16 PM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
And some of the comments in this thread are just so damn flippant, and those comments are directed at people like DARE you pass judgment on how anyone responds to being teased or made fun of? HOW DARE YOU pass judgment on me without knowing anything about me, about what my life has been like, what I've gone through, what I've done? HOW DARE YOU say that someone's wrong just because they're not just like you, and don't react the way you would? How heartless and narrow-minded some of you people are. God help you if anyone you love is ever in a situation like this and is in pain...will your response be, "Oh, buck up, that's life, get over it?" Or will you show them love and compassion?
I knew I'd get flamed for my first post, and I know I'll get flamed for this one, perhaps even harder than I got flamed for the first one. But whatever. I won't be checking this thread again, because it's just not worth the trouble, and the last thing I need to do is get myself all worked up over this again.
Just in case you become overwhelmed by curiousity. Up until this post, I saw not one flame. Not even an insult. Granted, some of us have a very blunt opinion to things....But heartless and narrowed minded, that seems a tad harsh to me...
Some of the comments in this thread are what? Other people's opinions?
No one said you couldnt feel sorry for the kid. I dont think hes worthy my sympathy. Doesnt mean im mad at you for disagreeing. And if you're taking comments, that werent directed at you, personally, then it probably is best if you left the thread, for your own peace of mind.
I would make a comment about large stones and glass house.....but thats too much, even for me...thanks
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:18:31 PM
Ironicly, many people in this thread are saying this boy should get over it, but insist on loading this thread with their own personal childhood memories. Hey - if you don't care about this boy, then why would I care about your sob story?
What you're all saying is totally true, for normal child hood crap. The best people I have ever met, are people who have been through something, and have had to pave their way through. The rest are bores and lesser people, IMO.
But, this thing with this boy - it isn't the same thing, and that's what you're basing your premise on.
Human beings, a couple million aiming negativity at you - call it cheesy, but that's heavy and unbearable for alot of people. In childhood, you can get away; you can meet people who don't know; you can even move on. This boy can not.
I just think you should really be able to grasp it before calling him a fatty cry baby. And no one here is qualified to know what he's going through.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:18:52 PM
Oh, by the way... did anyone else catch the interview with this kid just a little while ago? Allow me to post an excerpt:
Some people have taken your video and have added some Star Wars special effects, have you seen these?
Yes, I have seen some.
What's your opinion of these videos?
From what I saw, they look very well-made. It's surprising to see what people have done with a video that wasn't meant to be seen. It's interesting.
Yep... he sounds terribly scarred from the whole ordeal.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:19:00 PM
How many others have said the same as I have yet Im the one who gets singled out? I have pointed a finger at anyone here, just stated my opinion the same as the rest who have posted in this thread.
Because your comments are the ones people have things to respond about? I'm not going to quote every other post just to go "I disagree" or "Oh".
Originally posted by Mortaniuss
Oh, by the way... did anyone else catch the interview with this kid just a little while ago? Allow me to post an exerpt:
Yep... he sounds terribly scarred from the whole ordeal.
He didnt THEN. Things change.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:24:09 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
He didnt THEN. Things change. Sometimes, you really make me laugh. :lol
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:28:26 PM
Well should I take a theatrical bow? :)
Where did that interview come from anyway. It just seems a bit easy, "Hi, I just found your number and I want to ask you questions." and he doesnt say "How did you get this number?"? :)
Naj Arilov
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:30:22 PM
I remember when I was younger, we used to watch America's Funniest Home Videos. Some of the kids on the show did some of the stupid things ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.....then the kids who had the most ppl laughing at them won, and had their names announced on national television.
Never seemed to bother any of them.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:31:28 PM
They made money off that too.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:32:19 PM
And within two weeks, noone would remember who was who.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:33:53 PM
The full interview is here:
And sorry, Fett... that interview was from 2 months ago. I'm seriously doubting that, in that time, anything has changed. He knew then that 500,000+ people had downloaded it, mocked him, laughed at him and even made parodies of the video, and he seemed pretty good natured about it then.
Naj Arilov
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:35:56 PM
Yes, they made money off it........apparantly this kid has been doing pretty well for himself since his video got nationwide attention.......
And within two weeks, no one would remember who the Star Wars Kid was, except for the fact that now hes throwing out a lawsuit. Court cases like this can be long drawn out affairs, and the media loves a good court case......
See where im going with this?
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:37:04 PM
Originally posted by Eve
They made money off that too. Only the winners. And even then, not at anyone else's expense.
This kid has already made quite a bit of money off of his infamy.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:38:40 PM
No. America's Funniest Video's participants gave permission to show their videos. This boy did not.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:39:35 PM
And within two weeks, no one would remember who the Star Wars Kid was
Except they did, and he got in all the Newspapers.
And cripes Mort, that site is confusing. What exactly is it? :)
Further more, was not OJ Simpson sued after being found innocent of murder? Well, these four individuals stole. Wouldn't they fall under the same thing?
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:39:41 PM
Ironicly, many people in this thread are saying this boy should get over it, but insist on loading this thread with their own personal childhood memories. Hey - if you don't care about this boy, then why would I care about your sob story?
Sometimes, Eve has a great way of cutting through BS and putting it all on the table.
So, a) kid gets tape stolen from him, is ridiculed. Kid sues. B) Amount wanted is huge.
well actually, I very much doubt the kid will get the amount, he should and will get something, but not 100G. Pretty much all you can and should say is he's a) right and then, b) he's also wrong.
I bet it's the usual lawyer trick - ask for three times the amount you would really settle for. Standard negotiation tatic, so you can cut back. There is rarely, if ever the claimed damages ever awarded - it's not uncomon for a court to award complete and humiliating apology on the defendant's side, plus award damages of exactly 1 dollar.
It's happening 20,000 km from me, in a place that claims that gets snow (which I still refuse to believe exists), to a kid I dont know and never will. So........... * shrug *. Move along. We'll probably hear this as an urban legend, like the woman who got 700,000 for the hot coffee burns at McDonalds - the facts of that case being much different to the urban legend.
I dont really know what the truth is and I guess in the end, it doesnt matter, cause what's it to me in a room in Sydeny, where the sun is shining and it's time to go play outside?
Maybe if your getting worked up about it, go play outside as well. The sun shines really nice this time of year
Naj Arilov
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:49:36 PM
Maybe all those kids parents on America's funniest home videos were different from my parents, but if my dad wanted to send a video tape in of me doing something stupid, he wouldnt have asked for my permission.
Was it right of those other kids to steal the tape? No.
Charge them with Misdemeanor theft......the fine is alot less than 100G's
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:54:56 PM
I can't recall all the minor discrepancies of the tort system, and I have no idea how they do it in the Great White North, but I'm pretty sure there's an issue of taking money. It is like an unsaid covenant. If you take money, you implicitly make a connection to the stipulations of taking said money. It seems very dubious that Ghyslain is suing due to this event AND promoting the fervor over it at the same time. It would be like a woman prostituting herself out to clients and accusing rape the next day.
I really need to look up the legal codes regarding civil torts and such cash exchanges, but something about this is really fishy.
Jul 28th, 2003, 08:59:07 PM
I can't recall all the minor discrepancies of the tort system, and I have no idea how they do it in the Great White North, but I'm pretty sure there's an issue of taking money. It is like an unsaid covenant. If you take money, you implicitly make a connection to the stipulations of taking said money.
Wouldnt that have to do with the people who stole the tape though?
Jul 28th, 2003, 09:01:05 PM
No, it would have to do with Ghyslain's actions.
Jul 28th, 2003, 09:02:53 PM
Well as of now he doesn't appear to have taken anything, but the lawyer was willing to accept the gifts.
Pierce Tondry
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:29:09 AM
It's just... amusing how bitterly people have fought over something that doesn't concern them in the slightest.
Eve has already said what I would have. She knows.
It's easy to summarize physical and verbal pain into the word abuse. It's a lot harder to see the word and know for yourself any real extent of its meaning. If you haven't been there yourself, you won't understand. Judging is therefore pointless, and a waste of time. And because it's a waste of time, I'm going back to things I enjoy.
This is not the argument you're looking for. Move along. :)
James Prent
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:59:52 AM
Arguing for the sake of arguing only makes you all tired and hoarse.
Jul 29th, 2003, 03:04:30 AM
Originally posted by James Prent
Arguing for the sake of arguing only makes you all tired and hoarse.
Funny, you look much better than a horse to me
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 29th, 2003, 03:13:32 AM
It's all about the spelling. ;)
Jul 29th, 2003, 03:16:08 AM
Spelling? SPELLING!!!! Whats this spelling thing you mention?
Is this a mystical thing just like ... snow?
I also wish to state I did not have macking relations with a horse. That's Jeran who macks horses.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 29th, 2003, 03:56:03 AM
You only say that because he's not here to defend himself!!
Jul 29th, 2003, 06:32:40 AM
What's a mack? :)
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 06:36:39 AM
macking = hitting on = flirting = etc :)
Darth Viscera
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:35:59 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Well as of now he doesn't appear to have taken anything, but the lawyer was willing to accept the gifts.
We spoke to Ghyslain's lawyer this morning, and he assured us that any gifts we could send from our fundraising efforts are appreciated and welcomed. As a result, we'll buy the 30GB iPod (shipped direct from this weekend and spend the remainder of the funds on a (a Canadian electronics store) gift certificate in Ghyslain's name. These two gifts will be shipped to the lawyer's office in Ghyslain's name. For the items in the "Gift Bin", we will contact the contributors and ask that they ship the items directly.
Does the above quote discount your own sufficiently, or do you want to desperately argue the meaning of the word "are"?
Jul 29th, 2003, 04:35:52 PM
My question is... when all is said and done, will the money actually aleviate the boy and make him feel better? Will it make this whole thing disappear? If he truely is seeing a psychiatrist, then that money ain't gonna last long.
If this was such a traumatizing deal, you'd think he would have sued at the beginning. Not months afterwards. Not after getting a few prizes out of the deal.
Yes, there is a part of me that feels sorry for him if this has truely embarassed and upset him, but there is also another part that thinks he really is milking this till the end when it's really unneccessary.
I just doubt the boy's intentions and sincerity on this whole issue.
Jul 29th, 2003, 04:49:19 PM
Does the above quote discount your own sufficiently, or do you want to desperately argue the meaning of the word "are"?
Vis, you really do need to learn how to read posts. I say I don't think he has taken anything but the lawyer will accept them, and you quote a part saying the lawyer will accept them? Why would I "desperately argue" when you are proving me correct?
Darth Viscera
Jul 29th, 2003, 08:08:13 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Vis, you really do need to learn how to read posts. I say I don't think he has taken anything but the lawyer will accept them, and you quote a part saying the lawyer will accept them? Why would I "desperately argue" when you are proving me correct?
Fett, your ability to complicate the obvious and trivialize the momentous is uncanny :). His lawyer is accepting the gifts on behalf of him. Would you argue that if I returned a video to the drop box instead of giving it directly to the video store clerk that I never really returned the video?
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