View Full Version : Night Comes Quickly (Ezra)

Dorian Gray
Jul 27th, 2003, 03:55:45 PM
Dorian walked into the bar, his eyes adjusting quickly to the darkened interior of the place. Taking the lit cigarette from his lips, he put it out in the ash tray nearest him on a table, smiling apologetically at the couple he briefly interrupted. He nodded at them, throwing a few credits their way to make amends and then stepped further into the bar.

Dorian looked around, his hands sliding briefly over his holstered blasters at his hips. He smiled, bringing his hand up to run it through his short brown hair. Letting out a deep breath, he headed for the bar, hearing a whiskey calling his name.

He felt eyes upon him. He was being watched carefully. He guessed not many people wandered into this place. Well, he did not just wander in...he had a job to do and he was going to frelling do it. He had heard rumors of a vampyre here at Shadow Faene and this vampyre Ezra was the one he was looking for. No, the vampyre was not his bounty. He and his 'lifemate' Kariss had information that Dorian needed and he hoped that either of them would help him out.

Jul 27th, 2003, 10:36:57 PM
Standing behind the counter wiping a glass clean of its contents, Ezra watched the stranger enter, no one entered the establishment "unnoticed". His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his white "pirate" type of top was unbuttoned to his mid chest. A little thing the waitresses liked when he worked as bartender, he wasnt always the bouncer.... he did his share of work around the place, more than he really needed to , but being a vamp in a place like Shadow Faene, one rarely had many friends. He motioned to the newcomer to come on over and when the man sat down, he leaned against the bartop with his hands holding himself up and gestured with his chin.

"What'll it be tonight, drink? women? nice conversation?"

He smiled at the last words, then bringing up a glass and plopping it down he pointed to it and canted his head.


Dorian Gray
Jul 28th, 2003, 11:56:56 AM
Dorian looked at the 'bartender', a knowing smile forming on his lips. He took out another cigarette and quickly lit it, taking a drag on it before speaking.

"Whiskey, please." He said.

Dorian leaned his arms on the counter and watched as his drink appeared. Downing it quickly, he placed the glass back on the counter and looked at the man.

"My partner and I are looking for someone who has some information I need." Dorian said. "You might know him. Calls himself Ezra and was last known to be 'haunting' this area."

Dorian kept himself from smiling further. He knew the man behind the bar was Ezra Darkmere. His new 'partner' told him what he looked like. He shook his head, he could not believe he had teamed up with her. They had been together just over a month and she had proved herself to be indespensable. He would not know what he would do without her when she went back to her other job.

Dorian heard the door open to the bar and they crowd drew quiet. He watched as Ezra's attention was drawn to the door and Dorian suddenly grinned, knowing it was his partner. She drew attention where ever she went. He turned around in his chair and let out a low whistle as she walked towards him. She was hidden in a black vinyl cloak drawn low over her face, the light from above shadowing her, only the lower half of her jaw appeared and her blood red lips drew into a seductive smile.

The cloak parted at her neck, showing the viewer a taste of her luscious body poured into a black vinyl catsuit and spiked heeled boots that went up to her knees. Strapped to her thighs were twin blasters and Dorian knew underneath the cloak, she wore a few knives on her left arm and a sword on her back. The click of her heels on the floor got louder as she approached. He nodded at her as she came to stand behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Dorian turned back around to look at Ezra.

Dorian puffed on his cigarette as he took the hand from his shoulder and kissed it, softly pulling on it to bring her around to his side. When she was in full view, Dorian reached up to pull the hood away from her face, her pale blond hair spilling over her shoulders.

"My name is Dorian Gray, I'm a bounty hunter. This is my partner..." Dorian paused, turning his head just in time to see Ezra's reaction. "Redeemer."

Jul 28th, 2003, 09:02:04 PM
Ezra's eyes widened as a Bloodpack member was standing there, and with someone other than her lifemate. His jaw set firmly and instead of a welcomed smile for the vampyre, it was a dark brooding look.

"You have made a grave mistake coming here Redeemer. The owner doesnt take lightly to vampyre visitors, and I have sworn that none shall enter unscathed. But since you are practically family, I will personally grant you a few minutes of my time and risk the wrath of my employer."

He looked ot the rear room wher Hera usually sat either sleeping or checking books of some sort. He looked back at the two and poured drinks.

"Now, what is it you want? And where is Ice?"

He said glancing over at this Dorian Gray. Then back to her.

Jul 28th, 2003, 10:12:24 PM
Ezra's reaction was just what Ree had been expecting. She watched as Dorian kissed her hand again and she smiled demurely at him, then turned to look at Ezra.

"Ice is tending to some business with his father. Epona is off galavanting around with Quin and your sister is spending time with your father." Ree said. "I grew bored just sitting around, so I took up a partnership with Dorian here."

Ree mentally connected with Ezra, showing him the images of Dorian coming upon her one night was attacked out of no where by vampyre hunters. He had saved her and after finding out what she truly was, offered her a job as his partner as long as she wanted it. Ice had given his approval, though she really did not need it and has been working with Dorian ever since.

They spent day and night together and she kenw Dorian was interested in her more than just a partnership. They had given off the look of being lover's as they worked their job, hence the affection Dorian was paying unto right now. She knew Ice was seething at this idea, but he kept his temper in check...now. Ree smiled, remembering when Dorian kissed her cheek the first time. Ice found him within minutes and knocked him on his ass.

"We need information, Ezra. That is all." Ree said. "Will you help?"

Jul 28th, 2003, 10:24:15 PM
"I will try."

He said as he glanced over at Dorian. He leaned over the bar so they could talk more softly for "prying" ears wer abound tonight.

"Now, what is it you seek?"

Dorian Gray
Jul 29th, 2003, 07:30:59 AM
Dorian let his eyes roam over Ree before turning his attention back to Ezra. Letting go of her hand, he leaned forward.

"Ezra, awhile back you dealt with some vampyre hunters that attacked both yourself and your lifemate Kariss. The group that attacked you are known as 'the Descendants' are still out to wipe your kind off the face of any planet."

Dorian paused a minute to take another drag off his cigarrette. He reached into his jacket and pulled out the data pad, calling up the images of the wanted men and women.

"They think they killed the two of you, even though you and Kariss wiped out the little pack that came after you. I've heard they have a list who are their most wanted and this gorgeous creature along with her friends are at the top of it." Dorian grimaced, looking over at Ree, then back at Ezra. "You and Kariss are the only known vampyres to have survived an attack from them. I need to have any information you can tell me about your ordeal with them. Any one of those hunters are worth more dead than alive, for they have slaughtered a few innocents by mistake along the way. "

"Ezra, I may not be able to take down them all and I am not in it for the money, I don't need it, but I saw what they were about to do to your friend here and I can't let that happen again. They have grown stronger and developed serums, high tech weapons to take any vampyre out without a fight. With Redeemer's help, we are going to locate them and then herself and the Bloodpack will take over. "

Dorian knew Ezra was still a little unsure about him in all this, but for the protection of his lifemate, his family, his friends, he had hoped Ezra would help.

"Ezra," Dorian said, his voice dropping lower. "I have met your father and the other vampyre, Dante. They have approved of me."

Dorian felt Ree's hand move to his neck. She pulled away his collar for Ezra to see the pin prick holes.

"This beauty has taken my blood and I let her. Basically I am her human servant now. Your family trusts me, Ezra. Will you?"

Jul 30th, 2003, 07:37:02 AM
Ree watched Ezra for a moment knew he was uncomfortable with her there. She looked over at Dorian to speak.

"I will meet you back at the ship, Dorian." She smiled, turning to look at Ezra. "What ever information you can give would be of great help. Those monsters do not deserve to live. I have seen what they have done first hand and it is grotesque, to say the least."

Ree reached out to squeeze Ezra's hand, then replaced the hood of her cloak over her head and walked out of the bar. She looked up at the night sky and let out a sigh, shuddering from the horrid memories of seeing the one vampyre gutted while still alive and then slowly burned. She herself almost faced a similar fate, but thank the Dark Ones for Dorian.

A smile reached her face. If Ice hadn't been around, she would have taken Dorian as her lover and she had to laugh. Ice knew how she felt, she couldn't hide it. That made Ice's acceptance of the man even slower to come. Dorian turned out to be quite the friend and would do anything to help her and her people. Mortals like that were a rare breed.

She turned on her heel as she got onto the street and in a flash, she was gone, using the speed only vampyres had, made her way back to the ship.

Jul 30th, 2003, 10:15:14 AM
"They have a hidden sancturary on the planet my Retreat is on, the people of Tranquil keep me hidded and secret from them. The night we were attacked, they ambushed us. I barely survived that encounter. They use silver weapons too. So becareful."

Taking a drink of Rum, Ezra looked to the floor and shook his head. How he hated those hunters, thy almost took Kariss from him, and in that almost succeeding in taking his life instead.

Dorian Gray
Jul 30th, 2003, 11:51:53 AM
Dorian took a long, final drag of his cigarette before extinguishing it and nodded at Ezra. He pulled a few credits out and paid the bill, adding a few extra for the vampyre.

"Thanks for the info, Ezra." Dorian smiled grimly. "We'll get the scum who are doing this and make them pay. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get back to my ship and win over a certain vampy's heart!"

Dorian winked jokingly at Ezra and quickly left the bar, not wanting to get the helpful vampyre in trouble with his boss. His hands dug deep into his trench coat, balled into his fists as the anger for the Descendants over took him.

"They will pay." Dorian hissed into the night.