View Full Version : Detached Fulfillment (open)

Darren Caerdeth
Jul 26th, 2003, 03:09:05 AM
It wasnt often that Darren made his way into Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. In fact, he'd only been there once or twice up until a few nights ago. Oddly enough, today was the fifth night in a row that Darren had come to the Jedi Bar. Each time he visited, he sat in the same booth, never ate, and drank Vodka by the bottle. Even more odd was the fact that for the past five nights that he'd come here, he stayed for hours on end, from an hour or two after dark until an hour or two before the bar closed. He hadnt caused any problems though, and he was even a good tipper.

Tonight made the sixth night in a row, and he followed his routine to a tee. He'd been at the bar for nearly three hours now, and was already on his fifth bottle of Vodka, and not showing any signs of inebriation. He idly drummed his fingers on the table as his gaze shifted lazily from the door to the clock. For someone with the attention span of a three year old, he was showing remarkable patience...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2003, 08:51:30 AM
"Still here?" Questioned a voice that was soft and perhaps held a seductive tone to it. From behind Darren came a young woman in flowing red robes, as scarlet as the blood that flowed within her veins. She bowed slightly and sat down across from the stranger before shifting her cyan blue eyes to the bottle he idly rested his hand upon. Vodka. It had been his drink of choice for the past six nights in a row, and the Jedi Knight could not fathom how one did not become sick of the drink.

Shifting her weight, the Garou smiled and bore her elongated canines before glancing out the window at the dark night. "You've held my curiosity for the last six days, stranger. Do you have a name?" She questioned, turning her attention back to Darren. With a smile, the woman held out her hand to him in a greeting. "I am Xazor Elessar -- Warrior Jedi Knight. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said softly and just as she finished speaking, a droid set a mug of Spiced Ale upon the table. She had ordered it just a few minutes before hand and now, she was sitting with a Vampyre, attempting to get to know him.

Darren Caerdeth
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:30:33 PM

Darren replied somewhat distantly. Although he didnt just sit and stare, his attention was mainly focused on the door. It almost seemed as is he hadnt heard her introduce herself, until he turned his head and smiled, firmly shaking her hand...

"th' names Roger, but my friends call me Bill.."

Darren smiled widely, but didnt show his teeth. It was a fairly goofy sight...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:25:08 AM
Xazor followed the man's eyes to the door and then back to his face. There was something completely strange about this one, but the Jedi Knight could not exactly place her finger on it yet. The fact that he claimed his name to be Roger but people called him Bill did not add up, but the woman did not ask -- it was probably an inside joke or the like.

"So -- Bill, what's so interesting about this bar that keeps you here day in, day out?" She questioned casually, attempting to release some underlying humor in the idea. Xazor smiled once again and notice the way that he did. "He is so strange and I have a -- feeling about him." She thought to herself. Shaking it off, the woman simply looked out the window, pondering his cause for being here.

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 27th, 2003, 10:49:50 AM
The door to the Bar and Grill opened and in walked Miranda Dunleavy, nursing a sore shoulder. She had gotten the wonderful idea on how to make money from Strider. He had told her of how he got so banged up on the night they met by jumping a speeder gang. The wheels in Miranda's mind began to turn, for if she was able to do that, granted on a smaller scale at first, she could get money from those thugs, not to mention weapons and equipment to keep or sell off. So far, it had been working, and Miranda realized not all of her abilities had been lost since changing to human. She was Force Sensitive and applying the techniques for the natural abilities she once had to the Force just seemed natural. The realization also made Miranda understand more why Critchon had chosen her.

She went through the protocol of handing over her weapons with ease, now that Miranda was a familiar face around here. The guards had warmed up to her, some more so then others, but their flirtations were kindly cast aside. She barely knew herself anymore and the last thing she needed were anymore complications, especially if the relationships in her unlife were any indication of what her human ones would be.

Sliding onto a bar stool, the bartender set down a glass of water before the red head. "Want the usual, Miranda?"

"Yes. Though, I want to try the steak medium this time." She chuckled at herself. "Oddly, I don't like it rare. Glass of red wine too."

"You got it." He finished cleaning the glass in his hand and poured her her wine.

Darren Caerdeth
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:12:57 AM
"well you know. I go here, I go there...Here and there arent anywhere near as nice as this place though..."

It was that moment that Miranda walked in. Admittedly, she was gorgeous as ever, but something was....different. Out of reflex, Darren picked up his menu to conceal his face slightly. He watched in silence for a moment until Miranda sat down and ordered her food...Steak, Medium?.....That would me not even a drop of blood...

And then it hit him...

At first, he pondered on how it could happen, but then he merely dismissed the thought. Even then though, it still tugged at the back of his mind. Just the way she moved, after he thought about it, didnt seem like the movements of a Vampyre...But how though?

Darren sat back and watched, trying not to blatantly stare at her...

Miranda Dunleavy
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:26:39 PM
Miranda's eyes grew in wonder while sipping from her wine glass. There was that distinct feeling that someone was watching her; but that wasn't why she was staring ahead like she was. The sensation was different, feeling another eyes upon you. Before, it was like her blood would sing to her of dangers but now, it was like a part of her mind was open and free to feel life.

Then her eyes narrowed. Something was oddly familiar about that presence but she couldn't put her finger on it...

Darren Caerdeth
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:32:10 PM
Darren rested back, keeping his face somewhat hidden. Not so much to make it obvious he was hiding, but enough that Miranda couldnt just glance by and see him. They never spoke much at the Shrine, but they knew enough of each other to recognize each other.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2003, 10:41:21 PM
Xazor nodded absently as she watched his reaction. There was another here that caught his interest and she had a feeling he was not particulary up to speaking with a Garou Knight at the moment.

With a sigh, the young woman sat back in her seat and continued watching. "Are you -- okay?" She questioned, finally.

Darren Caerdeth
Aug 2nd, 2003, 03:51:37 AM
"Yes yes...sorry im just a bit distracted, I couldnt help but notice..."

Darren leaned in over the table slightly so that he could speak without others hearing him, then motioned toward Miranda...

"I dont think that woman's wearing a bustle..."

Darren nodded his head and winked. It was as if he were speaking to an old high school buddy, rather than an esteemed Jedi.

Miranda Dunleavy
Aug 3rd, 2003, 11:27:52 AM
The feeling was still there, though not as strong. It did give cause for Miranda to be concerned .... maybe.

""ere ya go, Miranda."

Her stomach welcomed the enticing smell by growling with need that overrode the red-head's worries for now. "Thank you." A few coins were laid out as the barkeep topped off her glass. Unlike her first night in here as a human, Miranda had taken to eating with utensils once again and enjoying the flavor of her meal by taking her time.