View Full Version : Old Friends(open)

Leeloo Mina
Jul 25th, 2003, 03:46:21 AM
Yog's bar. It has been ages since she set foot in here. The place looked different then she remembered, maybe they had done something to it. She didn't even know why she had come back, there were no familiar faces.. no one probably even remembered her. Leeloo sat down at a table and ordered a drink from one of the passing droids. She kept searching for someone she recognized, with no luck. All new padawans. Her old friends were Jedi masters by now and wouldn't be hanging out at a bar this time of day. Leeloo brushed some of her orange hair behind her ears and slowly took a sip of her drink. She started thinking about how she never finished her training.. how she was a failure and gave up so easily. Her mind wondered, she thought about how she'd like to see her old room, maybe her old master.

A tear fell down her face as she thought about how much fun she had in this bar, but that a different time and she was a different person now.. she couldn't just come back and expect to live the same life. They'd think nothing of a padawan that left without saying a word, maybe they even hated her for not contacting them. Leeloo sighed and took a couple more drinks. I should just leave.. there's nothing for me here. She wanted to get up and walk out but she couldn't bring herself to do it, she was already here. If only she just saw someone she used to know.

Leeloo Mina
Jul 25th, 2003, 08:29:01 PM
As she finished her drink she stood up, pushing in her chair. There was no reason for her to stay. She sighed quietly as she walked toward the door, taking one last look around the bar before leaving. Once outside, she looked up at the night sky thinking about old times. She took a smoke out of her pocket and lit it, inhaling deeply. She didn't really need closure, she'd been this long without it. It was time to leave. Heading back toward her ship was the hardest part of this, especially since she hadn't even seen anyone. She wondered if any of her friends were dead now, or maybe they had left the jedi too.

Leeloo wasn't sure what to do with her life now. She had been wondering the galaxy doing odd jobs for years, and was now bored of it. As she tossed the last of her smoke to the ground, she boarded her ship and headed for the cockpit. It was getting late and she was far too tired to travel now, so she sat down and closed her eyes, just for a moment....