View Full Version : Hogwarts School of Jedi

Jul 24th, 2003, 05:03:31 PM
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....

"MR Amarah!! You will not watch DVD's in MY classroom! Ten points off Elessar!"

The Transfiguration teacher, Professor Marcus stormed back to his blackboard, steam coming noticably out of his ears, while the young Loki amarah, scar on his forehead tingling, shut down the laptop and put it back into his kit bag.

"That's so not fair" siad Sejah Haversh out of the side of his mouth. "Taking 10 points off his own House!"

"Well it's Loki's fault" said Jain-Hollie primply, "He should be trying to make the Charm work"

"Oh give up" said Sejah "No one will be able to transform this teacup to a mouse!"

Squeak went the mouse in front of Hollie.

Sejah gave his fellow Elessar a dirty look, for his teacup had only a short set of legs that didnt even reach the desk. Loki's cup was presently running around in circles, before falling off the table with a crash. Hollie sighed, before pointing her hand. "Reparo Cup!". The pieces came back together again, as a normal teacup that Loki picked up.

"What do we have next?" asked Sejah.


"Awwww, not that old bat again. Professor Evenstar is loopy"

"least it's not Potions"

"Ewww, creepy git."

Outside, the sun shone on the ground of Hogwarts, School of Jedi for young beings. For hundreds of years, this place had produced the finest Jedi. Loki Amarah, a Padawan, was on his first day of fifth year with his friends Sejah and Jain-Hollie. Overall, he was glad to be back, but there was always the spectre of the evil Darth Vader, thought to have been killed when a Jedi spell backfired on the baby Amarah. But just last year at the end of the Tri-Jedi tournament, Vader had come back.

Still, he had better get back to work, o else Professor Marcus, a tall and imposing Jedi Master of some note, would have a fit and set detention again for him. Loki remembered the stink of cleaning the litter out of the cat boxes. Ewwwwww.

He squinted at Marcus' instructions of the front databoard, then got back to work transforming his teacup.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 27th, 2003, 04:28:52 PM
"Don't tell me it's all in your mind, because it's not!" Loki barked at Hermione, who had suddenly perked up, no doubt in order to stage a protest in one form or another, after he had tossed his datapad aside in frustration. His head was throbbing now, having spent the last ten minutes, looking like a mole - eyes squinted, face scrunched up - while trying to make his cup look like a mouse. The illusion hadn't worked, for some reason he could only change certain parts of the cup: he could turn the base into a set of legs, the rim could sprout ears and he thought he was having difficulty with the handle until Sejah had tried picking it up only to discover it was a tail and once again, Loki's cup was in pieces on the floor.

"Sorry, buddy." Whimpered Sejah defeatedly, turning his attention back to his own cup-mouse hybried. Hermione had already repaired his cup with telekinesis, something which he was particularly skilled at himself and felt offended that his know-it-all friend assumed he wouldn't be able to repeair a simple cup by himself.

"Why don't you let me repair my own cup?" He growled, clearly irritated, pulling his teacup away from her.

"Well, no-one would have to repair it if you could just manage one simple illusion--"

"One simple illusion!?"

"--Besides, I didn't want Darjeeling here to get cut on the broken china!" To Loki and Sejah's horror, she pointed to the mouse.

"You have named your rat!" Groaned Sejah, monotonously, as if it was painful to even acknowledge the fact that she had given a cup-turned-rodent an identity. Hermione flushed red with fury.

"DARJEELING IS NOT A RAT!" She shouted hotly.

"I KNOW!" Retorted Sejah, with an added tint of pink to his nehantish eyes. "DARJEELING IS A TEA CUP!"

Loki errupted into a fit of laughter, then when he could feel Holly's fiesty glare burning into him, he choked back his laughing and began toying with his lightsaber innocently. Hermione, like a circling vulture aspied a weakness and dived.

"Yes, go on, you go and play with your lightsaber, that's all you two are good at - Fighting!" She scoffed, and turned her attention back to Darjeeling who to her horror had reverted back into a teacup due to her divergence in concentration. She promptly made the teacup look and act like a mouse once more.

"Well, we know Sejah is a good fighter, but er--" It was Zeke, accompanied by his shadow, Wei, who was patting Loki on the shoulder in mock-sympathy. "--As for Loki, after yesterday's performance, that - Heh! - that remains to be seen!"

Both Zeke and Wei were grinning, glancing at each other maliciously, they had the attention of Sejah and Hermione who were clearly intrigued, Loki on the other hand was staring at his teacup, pink in his cheeks.

"Go on then! What happened?" Asked Sejah, wide-eyed with desperation.

"Does it have something to do with the Dueling Club?" Hermione asked curiously. "That was on yesterday, you missed it, Sejah, you were--"

"--In detention, I know! Thank you, Hermione!"

"Well?" She asked, sat upright. Zeke and Wei began their story.

"It started off as your average Dueling Club with lightsaber spars, velocities and one or two Kai Kans when finally, as per usual, Master Van-Derveld and Master Evanar paired off the padawans for exhibition sparring in front of the rest of the group."

"And you wont believe who Evanar partnered Loki up with!" Interrupted Wei with a big, broad grin.

"Who? Who?" Said Sejah excitedly.

"Nupraptor." Loki groaned miserably still not averting his gaze from his teacup.

"No!" Gasped Hermione. "What happened?"

"I bet you kicked the dren out of that scumbag, right Loki?" Sejah was another enthusiastic member of the We-Hate-Nupraptor Club and given that Jedi aren't allowed to hate, that certainly says something about Nupraptor loathability.

"Well--" Began Wei, who gave Zeke an amused glance. Then continued theatrically, slow and deliberate. "--He didn't kick the dren out of Nupraptor but--"

"BUT WHAT?" Barked Sejah, oblivious to the ringing bell, sounding the end of the lesson.

"In the middle of the duel, Nup and Loki were sparring with animosity, flashes from crackling lightsaber blades filled the training hall when suddenly Loki drops and sweeps Nup to the floor." Sejah cheers. "So naturally, he moves in for the kill, so to speak, but Nupraptor uses the Force to blind him and--"

"That dirty, rotten cheat!"

"--I know. So Loki backs off and Nup gets to his feet and tries pulling him forward, again with the Force, to get a killing stab, again so to speak, on his opponent."

Zeke takes over. "Loki lets the momentum of Nup's Force Pull propel him forward and he leapt over him and landed a flying kick - SMACK! - straight into none other than Master D'an!"

"You flying kicked Figrin D'an? The Archives Director?" Gasped Sejah, in shock.

"What other Figrin D'ans do you know, Sejah?" Snapped Hermione impatiently. "Hush! Carry on, Zeke."

"Yes, Master D'an had just approached Master Evanar about some files he'd been looking for when: Pow! Loki kicks him in the face!"

"I was blinded!" Loki protested, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Then what?" Sejah asked, his shock had turned into amusement.

"This is the best bit!" Laughed Wei, Zeke was banging his head into the table with hysterics. "Loki, convinced that he had just landed a flying kick on Nupraptor, believes he also has him cornered and literally, in a blind fury, begings repeatedly Force Pushing his victim into the wall."


"SLAM! SLAM! SLAM!" Howled Zeke, now banging clenched fists into the desk. Through his laughted he concluded. "All the while Loki was shouting: 'How do you like that, Nup? Had enough? Not so tough now, are you!' It wasn't until Master Evanar and Van-Derveld had tackled Loki to the floor and restrained him that poor, old Figrin had realised what had happened!"

Amidst the table of padawans, roaring with laughter, Loki could be heard mumbling miserably: "Two weeks detention."