View Full Version : And the next crisis is? (continued)

Alexi Hesith
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:39:58 AM
As Tohmahawk left, Hesith prepared himself to meet with the Senate's newest member. Senator Thareena was a very different political creature to Alexi Hesith- a high flier she was going places and Hesith, Hesith was content with his place in the galaxy. The doors had just opened at the other end of the room.

"Senator Thareena of Chandrilla!" announced Lanas.

Coming round his desk, a smile on his face, Alexi greeted the young woman. "My dear Senator Thareena, what a pleasure this is! May I be the first to congratulate you on your new apointment." They shook hands, firmly, unemotionally.

"Please have a seat." Hesith showed her to a seat in the more comfortable conversation circle, rather than sit at the desk. Settleing himself into the leather winged armchair, Hesith looked across at his colleague. "What can I do for you?"