View Full Version : Taking back was what stolen. (Soth)

Kaytor Surna
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:28:45 AM
Kaytor stood in the crimson pit. She looked around, her eyes seeming dead without a soul to back them up. She could smell the spilled blood on the ground in this room. Her own was mixed in with it.

She waited for the theif that had taken her soul away from her to come. It was time to retreave what had been lost. And she was determined not to fail.

Lord Soth
Aug 1st, 2003, 09:48:02 PM
Kaytor had not waited long in the Blood Pitt when she felt the ever familiar presence of the dreaded Death Knight,...Soth Nuevole. The bone chilling coldness and the sweet stench of decaying roses that accompanied the Vampyre Master caught her attention almost immediately.

"The prodigal daughter return's,…How quaint" The Death Knight said in a mocking tone as he eyed the woman from a distance. Soth's shadowy form was leaning against the stone wall just inside the mouth of the entrance that led to the Blood Pit. Just to the right and back of Soth stood another figure within the inky recess’s…It was none other then his highly gifted apprentice,…Ambrose Braeden. He too looked on with a lethal glare that personified his hateful intent…

“I suppose you’ve come back looking for something you lost to me?” Soth word’s had a curtain purr to them as he stood to his full height, folding his hands behind him as he did so.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:59:58 AM
Kaytor turned and looked at Soth. She did not seem to notice the other one... or maybe she just did not care. Her buisness was with Soth. No one else. He was the only one that could return what was rightfully hers. She grabs her saber and activates the blood red blade.

"You tore me away from the order. Then I returned. But your voice had always been in my head. Telling me that it was not where I belonged. So I returned to the darkness. But not the shrine. You found me and punished me. You tore from me the only thing I had left. And now I have returned, to gain back that which was taken."

A blaster quickly flew into her off hand and she shot at him three times. She then quickly discared the blaster and readied her saber. She had made the first move. Now it was his turn to react.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Aug 10th, 2003, 10:36:17 PM
Watching Kaytor explain herself was making Ambrose want to kill her himself. Complaining to his master how he had stolen something from her, as if he was a typical thief. He had stolen something, but it was not of the body. It was her soul.

The Dark Knight had never seen any being of any race pull any type of weapon upont the Death Knight in combat. Ambrose thought it to be foolish for anyone to do so, especially one such as this female before them. At the skill that she has attained in the force, which is small, that was suicide. It was something that just did not happen. Along with the sound of Kaytor's lightsaber being activated, the scent of burning ozone was amidst them all that were present at the time. Wathcing the events unfold in front of his eyes, as he looked onto the enemy that stood before them now, Ambrose grew fierce at the vampiress. The biggest mistake that was made by the young woman was the blaster shots that she fired at Soth Nuevole. The next actions that were to be taken by the Dark Knight were just a reaction, a reaction to protect his master.

Weilding the force to his ability, the lightsaber hilt that was so familiar to him, floated swiftly into the hand of the Vampire. The metal was cool to the touch as it rested against the skin of his palm. Flipping a switch upon the surface of the hilt, the lightsaber was activated. The maroon blade extended outward, allowing Kaytor to see her enemy. With Vampire speed, Ambrose had deflected all three of the blaster shots that were fired by Kaytor Surna. A ping sound was heard as each blast was sent flying in a different direction.

While Ambrose was in the middle of manuvering his body, so that he would deflect the deadly blaster bolts that were sent flying at his master, he mumbled words that were all to familiar to him and to Soth. "Aach Sabath"

After the chant to the Sith spell was complete, Ambrose wathched as Kaytor's lightsaber was deactivated due to "Elecrical problems". The blade retreated back into the hilt as it was deactivated. Ambrose now stood in front of his master, ready to do whatever was necesary...

Kaytor Surna
Aug 19th, 2003, 04:54:05 PM
Kaytor looks at the other vampyre as if she had just noticed him. A small smirk came to her lips as she held her hand above her head. A sword slid from the scabard on her back and into her hand. She looked btween the two, waiting for one to attack.

"Foolish young one. Are you going to challenge me for your master. Like a loyal guard dog. You don't know who you are dealing with. Or what. Have you ever battled someone that no longer has anything to live for? That no longer care if they die? Because that is who and what I am. Are you afraid to die? To lose that immortal body of yours? I think you are. Come, try and face me, guard dog."

She takes a defensive position and watches the third vampyre carefully. She was ready to fight for her soul... or die trying.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Aug 22nd, 2003, 04:40:54 PM
Kaytor Surna was a female of Ambrose's race. A vampiress of the night. Ambrose had known about the meeting between her and his master, and how he had taken something from her. Something that was very dear to her. Her soul, and now she was back to reclaim what had been rightfully hers many moons ago. Now it belonged to the Death Knight Soth Nuevole. Soth was known to many to be able to do that, but the Sith Knight had never thought that he would actually do it. He was wrong.

Looking at the blade that was held firmly in Kaytors grasp, she stood poised, waiting for Ambrose to approach her. To begin the assault upon her. She was confident, he had to give her that, but that was her downfall. she was too confident in herself. Ambrose would use that to his advantage against her. Bend it to his will.

With one hand firmly grasping his lightsaber, Ambrose manuverd the other so that he was able to retreive something of his. Bringing his hand up his side, he grasped the hilt of his Sith Dagger and pulled in from its sheath. The black blade of the dagger could be seen by all of the occupants of the room. The intricate roons that were laced upon the blade symbolized something that Ambrose could not yet grasp, yet he knew that it was something of great importance.

"Come to me my darling. Come and meet your doom."

Lord Soth
Sep 3rd, 2003, 04:08:11 AM
"You tore me away from the order. Then I returned. But your voice had always been in my head. Telling me that it was not where I belonged. So I returned to the darkness. But not the shrine. You found me and punished me. You tore from me the only thing I had left. And now I have returned, to gain back that which was taken."

...Kaytor hissed as her hold-out blaster came into view, accompanied by three red hot flashes that ripped from the muzzle towards Soth with deadly accuracy. A snapping hiss resounded simultaneously within the large domed chamber as the crimson streaks from Kaytor’s blaster met with Ambrose amethyst blade, deflecting harmlessly off and into the darkness above them.

The Death Knight lowered his unblinking eyes towards the female as a seething smile stretched across his marble like face. A quick and subtle gesture from Soth's talon hand and the pistol in Kaytor’s grasp was torn away until it rapidly found its way into the Death Knights own. A slow and sinister laugh escaped Soth as he took the non-threatening weapon in both of his powerful hands. He then proceeded to easily bend the barrel of the blaster in half, casually tossing it to the sandy floor of the Blood Pit at his feet once he felt satisfied.

“And you feel as though I've slighted you young one?…How presumptuous and foolish of you to think so…You my dear, are of the very fabric of darkness you profess to denounce…Born of and manifested from it’s loins to walk a path you’ve become blinded too. I have only graciously directed you back to that course you were destined to follow, one you choose to willfully ignore.” Soth words were tipped with a curtain poison as he glared at her through endless eye’s that seemed to penetrate her own.

“However, that’s neither here nor there now wouldn’t you say?" The Death Knight voice now took a sarcastic tone as he folded his armored arms across his chest. Before Soth went on, a painful moment of silence fell over the room except for the faint crackling sounds from the mutable torches that rested in their iron sconces about the massive chamber. There was something provocative yet entertaining at the same time Soth found in Kaytor’s bravery in coming to the Shrine in the first place. If it were anything less, the Death Knight would have destroyed her before she uttered the last of her heated words.

“If it’s your tarnished soul you seek Kaytor,…You will have to earn it my wayward child,…” He purred in a cutting tone as the light from the torches glinted off his sharp ivory fangs.

“Yes, indeed...I propose a contest,…A match between my accomplished apprentice here and yourself.” Soth motioned with one hand to Ambrose in a nonchalant fashion as his arm remained crossed.

“If you best my understudy,… I will restore back to you what you have lost, free to leave this place unharmed…And if you loose…Well,…You will simply become my understudy and servant for the rest of your eternal life… Take it or leave it ." The Death Knight’s eye’s narrowed at her as he finished coolly.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 8th, 2003, 07:39:54 PM
Kaytor looked at Soth then at his "Understudy." She did not know how well this vampyre could fight but she knew that if she was to get back her soul, it was the only way for her to do it. She nods and prepares her sword.

"This is the only way. I will not fail."

She turns and looks at Ambrose. Her dark red eyes glaring into him. Glareing into his eyes. Looking into his very soul. Her eyes grew darker as she thought of this man who stood there with his soul still intacted in his body. It only made her hatred towards him grow. 'I must not fail. I will not fail.' she thinks to herself.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Oct 7th, 2003, 06:01:01 PM
Ambrose could easily read the mind of the young woman, as if it were an open book. He could hear how she convinced herself that she would be successful in this match. "I must not fail. I will not fail" Ambrose laughed at the thought of it. Showing his razor sharp teeth, the vampire grinned at the young woman as she provided comfort to herself before she would meet her doom. This time, Ambrose would not just take her soul, but he would take her life.

"You are very foolish in your ways young one. Soth had indeed taken your soul, but you should have left it at that. Now I will have to take your life."

With still an evil grin upon his face, Ambrose started to walk slowly around the girl, keeping his distance from her. The lightsaber that was firmly grasped in his hand, along with his sith dagger. They both would prove to be more than she can handle.

Stopping where the three beings in the room made a triangle, Ambrose waited and stared at the young girl while she prepared herself for her last fight she would ever encounter. Ambrose waited patiently, waiting for her to finish waisting time so that he may kill her.