View Full Version : Kelts Return (Open)

Kelt Simoson
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:36:57 PM
Kelt had been away from the order now for atleast a month visiting his family back on his home world, Aarchim. But as the Jedi Knight strode down the hallway on which his apartment was located a thought came to him, a thought that brought a slight tingle of hurt to his chest. He, Kelt, had not seen his friends in a long time, even before he had gone away for a month with his family. He missed them, his friends, quite dearly.

His closest friend of course was Dasquian whome he had not seen in well over a few months, even 3 months if fact came to mind. Yes, they passed eatchother in the corridors gave a nod or a hello but nothing more than that. Kelt when passing the council member would always look back to see when he had passed Dasquian if the blonde man would look back...but he never did. Kelt understood that Dasquian was busy...but it seemed these two had grown apart...whay he could not tell. Upsetting at the very least. he did miss him, a great deal.

He missed his master Marcus also, these two had spent quite a few lunches together talking about training, life and so on but he had not seen Marcus ether in quite some time. He actually regarded his master as quite a close friend, almost a father figure in many respects but since Kelts knighthood and the letter he had left Kelt on the bed he had not seen him since...would he ever see him again?...Kelt hoped so...Yes he hoped so.

There were so many friends he missed, but none had he seen in some time.

Kelt taped in the keycode to his apartment and strode in, hurt racing up his chest a pang of guilt and loss of friendship slapping his emotions. He had gained when he first arrived at the order quite a number of friends but over time perhaps they had forgotten him? Moved on? Kelt throw his old tatty, torn traverling bag down to the floor and slumped on the end of his bed staring out to the balconey the warm sun shining through on his face.

Had he been forgotten?

Aaron Belargic
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:44:30 AM
“Hey, roomie,”

Dasquian … or rather, Aaron, called out from somewhere behind Kelt. The Hallaeran Padawan was donning only a towel, evidently having been stuck in the shower when his roommate had arrived home. A big grin spread over his lips.

“Where’re you been, you scruffy idiot?”

Kelt Simoson
Jul 24th, 2003, 02:43:03 AM
Kelt turned quickly in hope that it was by chance his old friend but alas it was his room mate Aaron. They looked the same and sounded the same, hell it could have been him, but the force feelings were to diffrent to even pretend that Aaron was Dasquian and of course Aaron and Kelt had not shared the same stories or the same memories.

' Hello...' He said rather sadly, feeling let down by his own hopes. He enjoyed Aarons company but not as much as Dasquian clearly...though he was proud to call him a friend. ' Im sure i left you a note Aaron, i was taking a break on my homeland, needed to get away, needed to let my family know im safe, i hope you coped without my cooking all this while' He said with a grin, though it was not as broad as it userly was.

' Your looking good Aaron, toned up a little i see?...' He asked politely this time with a slight genuine smile.

Aaron Belargic
Jul 24th, 2003, 02:49:40 AM
“Heh, well we had a few accidents with burning and such, but I managed… I mean the room didn’t burn down or anything,” he replied with a bit of a laugh, noticing some of the sadness in Kelt’s eyes as he tugged up another towel to dry off his hair.

“So how did your trip go?”

Kelt Simoson
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:27:51 AM
' Not to bad...' He said honestly ' Though i hoped our reuniting would have been under more better circumstances' he added perhaps more honestly than he would have originaly liked.

Aaron Belargic
Jul 26th, 2003, 10:53:52 AM
Aaron had disappeared into another room, deciding to change out of the towel. When he reappeared he wore a pair of loose trousers and a slight frown on his face.

“What do you mean?”

Kelt Simoson
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:08:14 AM
' Well...your bother and i have...' He stoped rather abruptly remebering just who exsactly he was talking to. Kelt slumped his boots he had been taking off under his bed and kicked them further out of sight, quickly took of his jacket and stuffed it in the washing bin.

' Nevermind Aaron...' He said quietly, his voice slightly jerky in tone.

Aaron Belargic
Jul 27th, 2003, 04:44:31 AM
“Have what?”

Aaron quirked a brow as he folded his arms over his chest.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 27th, 2003, 05:37:33 AM
' Nothing bad Aaron...' Kelt said quietly.

' I'm simply trying to wonder what i have done for him not even to call around sometimes...say hello...have a drink with me in the B&G...many things. I mean i perfectly understand that he had a family, council duties but seeing him once in a while wouldn't be bad, i have not seen him in months excluding my trip away.' He said rather sadly not even looking at Aaron as he spoke.

' What have i done?...' he asked not pertiucly to Aaron.

'I'm being stupid, sorry Aaron...' He made a swiping action as if to dismiss his sadness.

Aaron Belargic
Jul 27th, 2003, 07:24:44 AM
“Yeah,” Aaron replied, to nothing in particular.

“I don’t see him much either.”

The Padawan gave a light shrug. There had been a time when the two brothers had always worked together but that had passed and now they had separated further and further as each day passed. Aaron didn’t mind so much – he enjoyed the freedom and chance to prove himself, but did miss Dasquian sometimes.

“So are you going to cook yourself a welcome back meal?” the Haellar added, trying to brighten the mood.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:26:08 AM
' I dont wish to cook anymore...' Kelt stated rather dominantly, his voice harder than useral. ' So if you don't.. err mind doing it for a while i would be rather grateful' The Aarchim added turning back to sort through his bag, he had brought a gift back for Aaron and Dasquian but his bag quite frankly was a total mess, anything from food to bits of wood came popping out.

' Ah! here it is...' Kelt said with a half smile as he pulled out what looked like a small, curved dagger in a sheath. Spinning it around in his fingers so that the handle pointed towards Aaron to take, Kelt explained.

' It's called a Vaenon on my world meaning in common word as Venom, it was made by myself while i was there and engraved by the best metal worker in our lands, Verinas Kaenta. ' Kelt explained with a smile he watched Aaron take it.

' I have something for Dasquian also, though i do no know if he will enjoy it...' Kelt said sliding a long thin package from his quiver on his back. it was wrapped with a brown paper, 4 feet in length. ' I hope he does...'

Aaron Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 03:17:49 AM
“Kelt, you shouldn’t have…”

Aaron examined the personal carved dagger with awe and twisted it from its scabbard, spinning it once or twice in a short kata. It was incredibly light yet felt powerful also. A small *schink* was made as he returned it to its sheath, and looked up at Kelt with a warm smile.

“Thank you,” his eyes drifted to the second package.

“If Dasquian has anything like this, I’m sure he’ll be over the moon.”

Kelt Simoson
Jul 29th, 2003, 04:54:51 AM
'There is only one place in the universe that i know of that, that metal comes from and that is Aarchim, so i would say it was worth alot off world, so you may use it in battle or you may keep it ornimental...' Kelt said with a smile, soft as it was it was there.

' Anyway...' He added getting up from his bed ' Do you mind if i take this around to him? I have wirrten a letter attached to the package just incase he is not in. He might not be so i dont think i shall be long...' He said sliding the package fully from his quiver and slipped it under his arm.

Aaron Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 05:15:49 AM
“Sure, I’ll start unpacking your stuff while you’re away,” Aaron replied with a reassuring smile.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 29th, 2003, 05:59:30 AM
' Thank you Aaron...' Kelt said with a smile this time noticeably. The Knight was about to place his hand on the door handle and walk out when he stopped and turned to look at his roommate. Kelt often appreciated his friends but Aaron had come to be a close friend over the last few months, living with him had turned out to be a enjoyable experience indeed and he appreciated that greatly. ' I mean that Aaron...' He said with a short bow of his head and a smile.

He then turned and left for Dasquian's qaurters wondering how he was about to approach this situation. Perhaps just knock and leave it outside? or should he give it to him face to face?. It was only a few doors down so he had to think quick...he'd have to give it to him face to face it was the only way.

Coming to the door, he took a breath and rapped lightly on the door. he waited for a few moments worried that his knock was audible. he decided after a few moments of waiting, only short mind you that it was time to place the package on the floor, the letter would surfice.

He did so carefully and turned to leave.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 29th, 2003, 06:02:19 AM
The door to Dasquian Belargics room slid open and there stood Knight himself, donning traditional Jedi robes befitting of a Council member. For a moment he paused, his eyes falling to the package at his feet. He knelt and lifted it – it was quite heavy – before looking off down the hall. There he spotted Kelt, and as he stood up he called out to him.

“What have I done to deserve this?”

Kelt Simoson
Jul 29th, 2003, 06:36:00 AM
' Must i have a reason Dasquian?' Kelt asked as a turned with a smile, wide and genuin. ' You are a friend, i brought it back to mark that our friendship still stands...' The Jedi Knight said accuiring slightly the accent of Aaron who had rubbed it on Kelt slightly over the past few months.

Kelts face had turned a faded red, he had not expected to be confronted face to face, though a smile remained.

' I hope you like it...' Kelt looked towards the package and nodded gently.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 30th, 2003, 06:53:42 AM
Dasquian pulled back the coverings and drew out a sword by its hilt. For a moment he was at ill ease with it, as the weight seemed to light for the blade. It was made from sturdy looking material that caught the light in the rivets and carvings along the blade itself. The hilt looked as though it was some kind of lacquered wood, and also carried some etchings of some kind.

“It’s superb Kelt,” the Knight replied, giving it a test swing – it cut the air with fsh.

“But I don’t deserve this.”

His response was so like Aaron’s it was uncanny.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 30th, 2003, 07:06:17 AM
' Why?' Kelt asked gently and simply.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2003, 03:14:33 AM
His blade hand falling to his side, so that the sword was hung by his boot, Dasquian shook his head.

“I don’t feel as though I’ve earned it.”

Kelt Simoson
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:28:14 AM
Kelt took a few steps back towards Dasquian and paused a few feet from his friend looking towards him and then the sword. Thinking for a few moments Kelt smiled, his common warm, gentle smile that was so often associated with Kelt and his aura.

'When i first came to the Greater Jedi Order' He began placing his hands behind his back ' And you greeted me at the recruitment center nearly a year and a bit ago now, you were so nice to me, offered me a smile, and offered me kindness even though back then i was frankly a bumbling, hairy and clumsy man...i even knocked over another person in your presence...' he said with a smile remembering the time clearly.

' But you saw through that, you saw me as who i was on the inside and not what i am on the outside, you allowed me to join, gave me a home, became my friend, helped me to be who i am today. I still do not know why, but you did and i am a better person for it Dasquian. Who can say you do not deserve such a simple gift when you gave me the gift of a friend?.'

Kelt took the blade softly in his hand, Dasquians hand still held the hilt and Kelt gave the sword gently back to Dasquian and smiled. ' I want you to have it as a sign of our friendship and that wherever you are, even if we don't see eathcother in months, that we are still friends through whatever...' He added with a smile letting the sword be taken by Dasquian fully.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:57:07 AM
Dasquian wasn’t sure what to say, so instead he embraced Kelt warming, patting him on the back – while being careful not to let the sword do any damage. Drawing back, he sighed happily.

“I shall have to make good use of this.”

Kelt Simoson
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:53:49 PM
Kelt, as Dasquian embrased him, was rather taken aback with this new custom. Of course he had been others hugging and cudderling but it was not a custom that Kelt had experienced first time, natualy he assumed it was sign of affection, friendship and binding.

Wraping an arm around Dasquian he lightly patted him on the back unable to think what to do next. Pulling away he made his own custom and nodded.

' How is Yourself, Xazor and the baby? I have not seen you three together in some while...is there an upset my friend?' He asked openly for Dasquians and Kelts friendship was based around open talk and feelings.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 3rd, 2003, 04:28:47 AM
“Valanya is doing well… she is a feisty little thing, just like her mother,” Dasquian smiled some.

“Things are well… and what about with you? Any new stories to tell?”

Kelt Simoson
Aug 4th, 2003, 07:20:56 PM
Kelt was happy to know Xazor and Dasquian child were both doing well and of course pleased to see there was no upset within there household, though Kelt saw something in Dasquians eyes, uncertainty perhaps? He could not tell but would not press the matter further.

' I have a few stories to tell though i doubt the corridor is a fitting place to tell them, how about i invite you to lunch this afternoon at the Bar & Grill. My treat. ' Dasquian wanted to hear Kelts tale but Kelt more importantly wanted to hear Dasquians.

' I'm sure Aaron can cook for one night, he has been for over a month...' Kelt added as a after thought.