View Full Version : A soulless hunter (Open)

Kaytor Surna
Jul 23rd, 2003, 06:45:05 PM
Kaytor crouched on a roof top overlooking the streets of a city on Naboo. Her dark red eyes darted around, looking for any unsuspecting mortal. She eventualy found a man, walking alone. He wore the clothing of a more nobel man than most. He turned onto a deserted street and she dropped from the building behind him. She wrapped one arm around his neck and pulled him backwards. She sank her teeth into his neck and moments later, he was dead.

Kaytor jumped back up to the roof top and ran across it jumping to the next. She repeated this until she came to the last building in the city and lept down, running into the woods. Clouds billowed over the sky and a flash of lighting followed by a clap of thunder came across. It started to rain as she ran through the forest.

At one point, she paused beside a river. She looked across it and smirked, showing her fangs. The howl of a wolf sounded off and a group of bats flew over head through the rain. She looked up at them. She focused on the force and started to walk across the waters of the river. Her feet seemed to hover above the water as she used the force to keep her up. She soon made it across the river and glanced back at it.

"Where did these mortals come up with the idea that vampyres can't cross running water?"

She turned to walk away.

Ziggy Mezzaia
Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:26:02 PM
On the outskirts of Theed, Ziggy walked idly. Usually an optimist to the very end, Ziggy felt unbelievably depressed. It was the end result of a long chain of disappointing encounters with various gig promoters and recording companies. Ziggy and the rest of the band had travelled three weeks to Naboo, only to find yet another alien promoter looking for alien music to satisfy and alien audience. Dick, their lead guitarist, and Kit, their drummer, were back at the inn. He smiled to himself, thinking of how Kit was no doubt slinging back the shots at the bar whilst Dick rattled on about how great he was. Vanity in droids was exceptionally rare, and Ziggy certainly had never seen or heard of it before. Still, they were his friends, not to mention two of the best musicians he'd ever met. After several minutes of walking in the pale moonlight, Ziggy's optimism returned as he thought to himself "We'll make it big soon enough. Then those promoters will be begging us to play for them. I can just see it!" He stopped at the edge of a road that lead back into Theed. Gazing up at the stars, then back down to the forest a short distance to the west, he wondered what their first big hit would be.

He began walking away from the city limits in the direction of the forest. As the trees grew bigger with proximity, he began to wonder what Jessie was doing right now without his illegal speeder. The value of it was certainly being put to better use now - it had paid for their brand new equipment, not to mention provided them with a somewhat powerful adversary in the senators son. Still, it didn't really bother Ziggy. His imagination always got the better of him and he soon shifted his attention to the forest once more. He wondered how cool it would be if this particular forest was inhabited by monsters and other creatures of the night, and how it could be a great idea for a song. He decided that inspiration was well on the way, and so ventured into the forest, taking out his glow rod as he did so. His mind began conjuring up all sorts of images with the help of the shadows that appeared to move and dart between each other beyond the reach of his light.

Kaytor Surna
Jul 23rd, 2003, 09:46:50 PM
Kaytor saw a glow stick moving around infront of her. As she grew closer, she noticed a human holding it. She smirked. She was still a bit hungry and one more human would not hurt. She ran at him, her vampyric speed fast enough but with the force inhancing it, it was like a blink of the eye and she was behind him.

She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and chest and force him to lean backwards. She instantly went in to bite at his neck. Sense Kaytor lost her soul, she never was one that played with her food.

Ziggy Mezzaia
Jul 24th, 2003, 05:54:16 AM
Wow! Where did he come from!? Out of nowhere Ziggy guessed. As the unknown person grabbed hold of him from behind he fell backwards slightly. Not wanting to be this things next meal, Ziggy used the momentum of his weight to force himself down further to the floor. As he did so, the mysterious person lost their grip on him slightly. He his the floor and rolled out of the way. When he was several feet away he stood up abruptly, holding the glow rod out in front of him...

"You're a girl!?"

She was pretty. That complicated things. Ziggy never hit ladies, no matter who they were. But this was worse. He could never resist a pretty face. It had led to him being in more trouble than was worth it many time sbefore, and tonight would probably not be the last time. Assuming he survived the night in one piece with a pulse of his own.

"What are you doing out here this time of night?"

He'd almost forgotten the fact that she just attacked him. Maybe she didn't. Maybe there was an entirely reasonable explanation for what she just did, even if it did seem like she just tried to bite him in the neck...

Kaytor Surna
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:18:47 AM
"Just hold still and it wont hurt as much."

As she spoke, the moon glinted off of her fangs. She stepped into a strip of moon light between them where the trees did not fully come togeather. Her dark red eyes reflect the stars back into the night. She could smell the blood running through his veins. She could hear his heart beating and his breathing. She was almost envious... almost.

"Pray that a jedi shows up or that the sun rises before I am through with you."

She jumps forward and wraps her arm tightly around his neck. She goes in to bite him again. This one was quicker than most humans she fed on. But she ignored it.

Ziggy Mezzaia
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:40:19 PM
This time, Ziggy grabbed hold of her by the waist and swung his body weight around whilst pushing her away. It hurt his neck as her nails scratched him, but he managed to throw her off him once again.

"Look. I don't want to hurt you. So do me a favour - stop that!"

As she stood up, the moonlight hit her face, highlighting her fangs and gleaming red eyes better than before. Though he was somewhat scared, the main feeling was in his heart. He was so excited, but he didn't know why. The pale moonlight only enhanced her beauty. And her crimson eyes were very attractive too. Only those fangs showed a harsher side to her.

"What are you!?"

Kaytor Surna
Jul 24th, 2003, 06:08:01 PM
"What am I? A question that I have not been asked in a long time. Then again very few mortals I come across have time to speak when I go to kill them."

She saw his confusion when she said mortals. She grined at this, which led to her fangs showing even more than before.

"I, my friend, am a damned creature of the night. A Nosferatu, or in english, a vampyre. And you, good sir, are one lucky prey to avoid my bite this long."

Adjerban the Interloper
Jul 25th, 2003, 06:26:02 PM
Finally, a planet that wasn't a heap of crap. Really, the last five or six had been completely rotten. I'd been to Naboo before, but on a different part of the planet.

I'd decided Theed was overall pretty nice. The Nabonese seem to be a little insular: then again, my ears are half a meter long and I'm a little funny looking otherwise.

Also, I smelled after trying to survive on that sulfuric hellhole for the better part of two weeks. That probably had something to do with it.

So yeah, Naboo and Theed are pretty nice, and there is a lot of open space on the planet. People don't bug you out there.

Now I had glowstickboy and fang-girl fifty meters from my little borrowed piece of dirt.

"Can the foreplay kids!" I tossed a rock at them, smacking something fleshy. "Krasst, just start with the sex already, its easier to sleep listening to that."

Kaytor Surna
Jul 25th, 2003, 07:27:37 PM
A rock suddenly hit Kaytor in the stomach. She growled out and turned to look at the being that threw it at her. She quickly made her way over to him. One second she was 50 meters away. The next she was right beside him. She grabbed ahold of him and slammed him up against a tree. Her dark red eyes glared into his.

A punch came to the long eared mans face. Stronger than any normal girl her size could have thrown. She then flings him over her should into another tree. She stands in the shadows of the first tree and looks across at the man. She turns and starts to head back to the first man.

"Don't try that again."

Peter McCoy
Jul 26th, 2003, 02:31:50 AM
(Ignore this)

Ziggy Mezzaia
Jul 26th, 2003, 02:33:18 AM
Ziggy stared in awe as the girl ran over to the other guy. She was a blur as she moved. He'd never seen anything like it - only what he'd heard about Jedi.

"That was amazing! What else can you do?"

He wasn't too worried about her trying to bite him. He was pretty sure he could prevent her from succeeding. But then again, Ziggy was pretty sure about a lot of things.

Adjerban the Interloper
Jul 31st, 2003, 11:59:59 AM
De-lightful. I dunno what they're feeding kids these days, but I'm sorry I missed out.

After briefly re-evalutating my newfound position in life (upside-down, resting against a tree), I decided to avenge myself and my old world sense of spirit.

Once on my feet again, I brandished my trusty blaster. Over the past 120 cycles, I've learned that most justice systems don't work fast enough to execute me before I end up on yet another planet. Somehow.

My nose dripped as I moved in to kneecap the uppity bitch. I hate having my nose broken.

"Scuse me, loverkinds, but I have to ruin this moment." The girl looked awfully upset, but I wasn't the one who had showed up making too much noise. I think she was going to hit me again.

Regardless, I shot with intent to remove patella, and scored.

Salem Ave
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:46:15 PM
Up in a tree another odd creature watched with malicious amusement at what was going on below. The only thing that could be seen of him was his white eyes, catching the light of the glow stick that Ziggy had been carrying. No discernable pupils or iris were visible, but it was fairly obvious that Salem was watching the ruckus between the vampire and the rather entertaining long eared one.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:48:07 AM
Kaytor paused and looked down at her wound. It quickly started healing. Her eyes turned and looked at the elf looking one. They started to glow as her anger rose. She turned and walked towards him. Her saber flew from her belt and into her hand where the dark red blade activated.

"You have just shot at the wrong vampyre."

Her wound healed and she ran at him, bringing her sword down at his chest.