View Full Version : In his room...(Open)
Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:29:19 AM
Sits on the floor in his room ( Forgetting to close his door), only just finishing the changes that he wanted. Now the bed is gone, replaced by a thin mat on the floor, The Holonet recever is gone... In fact, all that remains in his room is a dresser in the far corner, and the comm unit. The rest has been removed, giving him a room that look like more of a training room than a bedroom. High up on the wall he did put in a shelf that goes all the way around his room, and displays a wide colection of porcelin sculptures, Old Books, and some old locked boxes.
After assessing his room Rivin closes his eyes and call apon the darkside of the force. With the force he lifts one of his sculptures off the shelf, and starts to make it fly around the room. Then he grabs another, and makes it do the same. Then another, and another , and another , and another , and another , and another , and another , and another, until all 158 of his sculptures are flying around the room, comming within 1cm of crashing into each other, or the walls, but no contact between objects.
After a while of this he hears a cough coming from a spectator that has shown up at the doorway. Rivin quickly looks up, standing quickly, having his sculptures do one last lap around the room, finding their orginal home on the shelf, and placing them down. Rivin's hand drops to one of his lightsabers but doesn't draw it...
"What is the meaning of this intrusion!!" Rivin says in an angry tone to the spectator...
Jul 25th, 2003, 10:18:51 PM
Southstar leaned against the door frame with a smirk on his face, "Your door was open, I thought the show was free." He kicked the door lightly and it creaked open enough to let him walk through; which he did. "Quite an impressive show... I haven't seen you here in quite some time. Any particular reason or have I just been blind?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 28th, 2003, 12:05:47 PM
Rivin looks Southstar over.... and his posture and tone soften..
"I am actualy new to this order... and I don't think that we have met before... My name is Rivin...
As for the 'show'... I was only pratcing one of the skills that I have always excceled at... The other that I am rather skilled with is Lightsaber combat...."
Jul 29th, 2003, 05:37:16 AM
Southstar nodded his head, "Perhaps it was another I had mistaken you for, Riven." He paused for a moment, "Tell me, what parts do you hail from?" He said and further entered the room.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:44:17 AM
Rivin Smiles...
"It seem as if there is a number of dark evil looking people around here. I can see how you could mistake me for a diferent person.
I come from the planet a small town on Ganis VI, A planet on the edge of wild space. I was taught in the Sith arts, as a child, by my father, but my father wanted keep me locked in his cave till he knew that I was ready to take on the galaxy.... So I killed him. Since then I have been causing trouble through out the galaxy, and expanding my knowledge about all that I can.
I came here because I felt that I should find out how I rank to others with my skill level, and to see how much more I can lear from my peers"
Jul 31st, 2003, 05:24:41 AM
"Trained as a child," Southstar knew not many Sith had been trained since childhood, most arrived at the order and went from there. "How long did your training last?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:28:56 PM
Rivin thinks for a moment...
"I had 8 years of training... From the age of 7 to the age of 15... We were given 5 hours a day for sleep, 2 hours a day for studing my father's libiary, and the rest was training, with the seldom 15min break for eating and going to the bathroom.
After I killed my father I took his books, and continued to teach myself, and have been doing so for the last 10 years."
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:29:56 PM
"So you must be quite skilled then." He said, "I've only recently attained knighthood. But I like to tell myself I'm no pushover." He said and smiled.
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:57:33 PM
"Everybody is skilled in their own way... Even a newborn child. A symple rank does not give a person skill, or say how skilled that person truly is... I would have to say I still nead work on many aspects of the force... But I am proud of what I can do with the force. I would also have to say... You don't look like a knight... or a pushover for that matter..."
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:14:42 PM
Southstar was a little unhappy with the last comment, but he didn't let it show. He had worked hard to attain knighthood. "We can never stop working on our skills with the Force. Who knows what full power in the Force really is. I doubt even Palpatine or Vader achieved full power in the Force."
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 5th, 2003, 04:27:21 PM
"Only once they have become one with the force and left their body behind, will anybody truly know how powerful the force really is...."
Rivin sits back down on the floor...
"Please.. feel free to come in... And if I say anything that offends you, I'm sorry... but I have lived alone for a long time and have grown a habit of just speaking what is on my mind and the truth as I see it... I often say things, and don't take others into account because of it.."
Aug 5th, 2003, 11:14:16 PM
"It's always best to speak the truth, unless it prevents you from gaining powe. It clears things up quickly." Southstar took rivin's invitation and found a spot on the floor to sit. "So, have yopu ever been into the city?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 6th, 2003, 07:12:52 PM
"In my travels I have been in many cities... But the one located near here I have not yet look through... If you have been to one than there is no nead to examine every one you see. They all are the same in some manner."
Aug 10th, 2003, 10:54:25 PM
"That can be true in some aspects, but some do have their differences." He said "Coronet isn't the greatest, but it isn't too shabby. There a couple nice clubs and bars to hang around."
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 14th, 2003, 03:22:51 PM
Rivin Smiles...
"Are there any Bars that allow you to behead people that tick you off?"
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:47:24 PM
Southstar smiled as well, "Not that I know of, but even if you do I doubt anyone would do anything about it." he said. Now changing subject he spoke again, "Tell me, would you be interested in a spar?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:03:40 PM
Rivin Smiles...
"Are you requesting a Spar Here in my room? Or in a training room?"
Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:31:32 AM
"Either or." He said and shrugged, "You room might be more interesting though. So much more of an enviroment to work with and play off of... Plus, I'll help you repair it when we're done."
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 23rd, 2003, 10:07:47 AM
"If your lightsaber is able to be powered down so that it only burns, and not cuts.... Then my room will be exceptable... But if you break my sculptures or book, I will Kill you... Most of them are over 500 years old, and can not be replaced."
Rivin points to a book...
"That one was writen by Exar Kun's first apprentice.... Before he was killed."
Rivin brings his hand back down to his side...
"But I will let you choose if we fight here or in the training room."
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:11:32 PM
Southstar took the lightsaber hilt and turned a knob. "You'd be lucky if you could kill me!" He said and smirked. "But out of respect for history, my lightsaber's power had been lowered."
He hit the ignition switch and a navy blue blade shot from the hilt. Now he took an offensive stance and spoke, "Here will suffice." Southstar charged and swung aiming for the right shoulder of Rivin.
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:16:06 PM
Rivin rolls to his left , and to his feet, avoiding the on comming blade. As he rolls, he uses the force to power down both his lightsabers, and calls them both to his hands as he reaches his feet, letting the two red blades spring to life as his footing finds a defencive postion..... Rivin smiles
"Then let the spar begin.."
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:01:55 AM
Southstar charged and swung a few simple slashes to engage Rivin, which he would easily parry with two lightsabers at his disposal. After the slashes Southstar immediatly kicked a reletively new book and used the force to guide it to a fragile piece in Rivin's collection. The fragile piece was near Rivin, he could save it if he wanted to...
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 26th, 2003, 12:24:58 PM
Rivin easily parried the simple slashes with his two lightsabers, just as southstar had predicted. When Rivin sees that Southstar is sending a book flying at his colection, he uses the force to thrust the book to the floor, or at least make the book hit the wall instead of his colection....
As he is deflecting the book with the force , Rivin steps forward, and preforms a right-to-left slash towards Southstar's left side with the saber in Rivin's Left Hand, quickly followed by a downward left-to-right hack at Southstar's Right shoulder...
OOC: when I say right-to-left I meen from Rivin's Right to Rivin's Left same as left-to-right meens from Rivin's left to Rivin's right.
Also if you don't know a Hack in an attack that ether starts above the attacker's head and ether travles downwards or on a downwards angle... A hack can also start at the floor and swing up or on an upwards angle.
A slash is an attack that stays on a level plain, not moving up or down...
I just thought I should make sure you know what I mean by these terms because I will be using them through the whole fight.
If you need me to explane any other moves I do durring the fight, just PM me and I will edit my post so it is more understandable or put an OOC explanation on the end like this one... :)
Nayala Palain
Aug 26th, 2003, 10:53:05 PM
Well seeing how the door was still open the Sith Master and Member of TSO stood and watched as the Spar took place. Rivin just might die if or more like when he saw her standing there. They had known one another for a while and now. She standing there over him. Ranked over the man.... who for the longest of times bothered her family.
SouthStar was well trained in the skills of fighting and to say the least so was Rivin. A smile danced her face as she watched the stabbs and perries.
The Master would take in the information that she saw for the next mission TSO would be taking.
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:57:13 AM
Southstar used the Force the jump backwards quickly while swinging around counter-clockwise and connecting with both of Rivin's lightsabers as they passed through the same point. His lightsaber batted them to Rivin's left leaving an opening for Southstar to leap forward and kick Rivin in the chest.
OOC: Gotcha on the terms there, thanks for clearing that up. As for directions left is my left and right is my right in my posts unless I say otherwise. I don't really know if there is anything that I need to know, but don't hesitate to correct me if I use the wrong term for something. Thanks.
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 28th, 2003, 11:37:33 AM
As soon as all three blades contact Rivin turns off both of his blades, and dives into a shoulder roll towards the door, and reactivates his blades as he comes to his feet, 1 meter away from the door, he looks up and is about to spin to face Southstar again when he sees Athena standing in his bedroom doorway...
The look on his face turns from the stern, focused look of a well trained fighter to that closer to a wild animal frozen in the glare of the headlights of a large landspeeder..
Instead of spinning to face Southstar, he turns slightly and jumps backwards into the corner of the room, powering up one of his two blades to full power, and sets himself ready to defend from Athena as well as Southstar... He says to Athena, his voice having a slight touch of fear in it....
"Athena!...*clears his voice*... What a pleasent surprise!... What brings you here, to honor my presence with your company?!"
Aug 28th, 2003, 02:06:17 PM
Southstar turned after his kick had missed its target and saw Athena standing there. She had yet to say a word. "Master Athena..." He said while taking to a defensive position but ready to go back onto offense at a moments notice.
Nayala Palain
Aug 29th, 2003, 04:44:51 PM
" Well I was just watching a spar and taking notes for our next mission. How are you Southstar? And Greetings Rivin, I happen to be a Master within this Order. I dont see where I am out of place or need to be defended from. "
The Master took a step into the room and looked at both the men in it.
Dark Lord Rivin
Aug 29th, 2003, 05:01:20 PM
Rivin's eyes narow at Athena.... and powers down the saber that he powered up.... still keeping his defencive stance he takes a few steps out of the corner...
"I was just suprised to see you... It has been quite some time since our last meeting..." Rivin adds to himself in his head And I thought I was rid of you...
Aug 29th, 2003, 05:48:29 PM
Southstar powered his lightsaber down as well and replied to Athena, "I've been alright..." Rivin spoke and Southstar spoke again, "What about you? I haven't seen you around in a while."
Nayala Palain
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:43:09 AM
" I was away taking care of a few planets if you know what I mean. "
She looked at Rivin he seemed upset at something. No doubt that she was in the same Order as he. And now had every way to make sure he left her neice aley alone.
Dark Lord Rivin
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:04:04 PM
Rivin shifts his position slightly, trying not to show his discomfort with having Athena in his room...
But then with out warning he goes to continue the spar, by using the force to throw a small durasteal box(now empty) that is sitting in the corner of the room (He was transporting peices of his colection in), at Southstar's left Knee. He quickly followes that strike with a high right-to-left Slash at Southstar's neck from the blade in his left hand and a left-to-right Slash the blade in his right hand, swinging it slightly above his left blade.
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:41:48 PM
The Force screamed to him and Southstar heeded and in one motion fell backward and pushed with his legs in the air. His feet hit the box and deflected it to the floor while Rivin's X-strike missed where Southstar's upper torso was.
Landing hard on the ground Southstar immediatly used the Force to spin himself clockwise on his back while activating his lightsaber. He moved up with the spin and rose to his feet while attacking Rivin's right side.
Dark Lord Rivin
Sep 18th, 2003, 12:07:47 PM
Rivin brought up the handle of his Saber in his Right hand while bringing the point of the same blade down inorder to block Southstar's attack...
As Southstar's blade contacts his, the blade in Rivin's Left hand slashes at Southstar's mid-torso...
Sep 25th, 2003, 02:11:12 PM
Southstar disengaged his lightsaber from Rivin's right hand saber and jumped back swinging in an arc over Rivin's head and his lightsaber clashed with Rivin's left on the outside, batting it away from harm.
Southstar used the Force to put a little more pull on the lightsaber resulting in a turn in Rivin's body. SOuthstar quickly sidestepped to his right and gave Rivin a kick in the side of his left hip. The kick sent Rivin stumbling forward meanwhile Southstar fixed himself into a better defensive position ready for Rivin's attack.
Dark Lord Rivin
Sep 26th, 2003, 02:32:21 PM
Rivin trys to turn away from the kick, but still gets cliped, causing him to take a few steps back. He decides to then take up a defencive position, for a moment, but when he sees that Southstar has also taken a defencive position, he changes to an attack stance, followed by as quick spin, where his left blade goes for Southstar's legs at the start of the spin and his right blade come down at southstar's upper torso at the end of the spin.
Sep 26th, 2003, 11:23:29 PM
Quickly Southstar caught Rivin's left saber and if Rivin kept spinning it might break his arm. Southstar reversed then spin and caught the next attack from Rivin's right hand. This was getting difficult keeping up with two lightsabers with only his one, something must be done about this inbalance...
Southstar retreated back a few steps and launched a barrage of hacks and slashes at Rivin, all easily deflected with two lightsabers but the real point of it all was to get Rivin's back to face the large window in the room, which it was.
Using the Force he pushed a little on the Sith and continued the hacks and slashes backign him closer and closer to the window. It ended with Southstar giving a Force shove and a lunge simultaniously intended to throw Rivin out the window, however, it could easily backfire on him.
Dark Lord Rivin
Sep 29th, 2003, 02:55:51 PM
Rivin notice where he is being guided to almost too late. As he is being pushed out the window he spin off to one side causing himself to hit the window frame with a THUD, and a wince of pain.
Then He uses a force pull on Southstar adding more momentum to his thrust hoping to throw him out the window instead...
Sep 30th, 2003, 07:55:00 PM
Glass shattered as Southstar shielded himself with his arm and dived out the window. Luckily there were plenty of trees to break Southstar's fall. Using the Force he managed to catch a fairly large tree branch and not break any bones upon contact. He pulled himself to stand on the branch and removed a large piece of glass fromhis forearm. He could clearly see Rivin in the broken window as Rivin searched to find him. With the Force he yanked on Rivin sending him falling out the window as well.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:19:47 AM
Rivin gets pulled out the window... As he is falling he turns off sabers and puts them on his belt, just in time to thud face first on to a tree branch just below Southstar....
Rivin grabs onto the branch and stabalises himself. He then looks up at Southstar, rubbing his face, saying....
"May be we should call this spar over before one of us is killed..."
Oct 2nd, 2003, 03:11:01 PM
Southstar smiled, "Are you giving up?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 6th, 2003, 12:24:32 PM
"I would just rather not have the risk of falling to my doom over something as trival as a spar... But if you insist on fighting in this tree, i will accomidate you..."
Oct 7th, 2003, 07:19:53 PM
"Nah, it's not that important to me." He goaded. He approached Rivin cautiously. "But if you insist." He said and swung his lightsaber left to right; the swing testing his balance and likely Rivin's as well.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:10:36 AM
Rivin stands as Southstar approches bringing one of his sabers to his hand. He activates his saber as Southstar swings at him, bringing his saber to block, allowing/encoraging the sabers to lock. Forcing his blade back towards Southstar..
As he does this Rivin Plants his feet in the branch and uses the force to help hold his feet there...
Oct 8th, 2003, 01:50:24 PM
Southstar felt the building pressure coming from Rivin and he pushed back accordingly. The tension and force built up moment after moment. Then Southstar let it all go and jumped back causing him slip and fall from the tree branch.
He hung on to the same branch and looked down, it was a long way to stable ground. Then he looked ahead and up to see what had happened to Rivin.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 8th, 2003, 03:20:15 PM
Rivin Stumbles forward as Southstar falls off the branch. Rivin reachs out with one hand Grabs on to trunk of the tree. He takes a moment to regain his balance, then turns to Southstar...
He tuns off his Lightsaber and Grabs on to Southstar's Arm pulling him back up on to the branch...
"I think I have won this spar... Shall we get out of this tree? I really would not like to let gravity do it for me..."
Oct 10th, 2003, 04:11:09 PM
Southstar grabbed Rivin's hand and pulled himself up from his hanging position. He flicked his lightsaber off and spoke, "Yeah, yeah, sure. Let's get off this tree then, I'm going to break my neck here."
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 21st, 2003, 01:01:52 PM
Rivin Climbs down the tree and walks back into the living area of the Sith Order, saying back to southstar as he enters the buliding...
"Thank you for the Spar! and I hope your day will be productive!"
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