View Full Version : Know Thyself...(Je'gan)
Jodah of Giva
Jul 23rd, 2003, 08:09:26 AM
Jodah stepped into the training grounds. He was fully clothed, in a tight body wrap and thick, flowing black & gold robes. He seemed to float as he walked. Minutes ago, he'd sent a summons to his apprentice, Je'gan, stating simply to meet for training. Jodah figured that his first exercise would be knowing where to find his master. He stepped easily into the shadows...
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:21:57 PM
Je'gan...slid into the training room. Really, there was no other word for it. His martial arts practice had made his walk fluid and easily adjustable into almost any stance, hips turned up, hands ready to slide into a block, a punch, a hand-edge strike.
He went into natural stance and bowed, properly, with all the etiquette expected of a student of Tera Kasi.
Or the Sith.
Jodah of Giva
Jul 25th, 2003, 07:03:14 AM
Jodah nodded in return, smiling lightly to himself. His apprentice's experience was was his social training. Few were found with either of those in these days of the sorely undertrained. "Apprentice." He then walked slowly to Je'gan's side, examining him with the utmost scrutiny. Seemingly satisfied, he walked back to the front, looking full on at his new companion. "Tell me, what do you know? Of anything...the Force, magicks, other...skills...?" He raised his eyebrow curiously.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 25th, 2003, 08:10:13 AM
"Of the Force I know little, but the little I know can be useful. I have begun learning how to enhance my speed, and my danger sense is, if not powerful or obvious, then reliable. Occasionally, I can sense things.
"I've trained in martial arts and blade skills for the better part of a decade. I currently hold a blue-level belt in Teras Kasi.
"I have a near-perfect memory. If you show me how to do something, in a maximum of three tries I will get it.
"I take pride in the fact that I can read, and read well. I enjoy the acquisition of knowledge.
"That's about all, master."
Jodah of Giva
Jul 25th, 2003, 10:20:19 PM
"Teras Kasi, aye?" Jodah half-grinned, nodding thoughtfully. "Good discipline. However...speech isn't everything..." Jodah's eyes flickered for a moment, and a small robot levitated in, devoid of noticeable humanoid features, jsut a padded cylinder. It set itself in frotn of Je'gan, locking onto the floor tiles. "Show me what you know."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 26th, 2003, 12:17:56 PM
The young man set himself into a picture-perfect stance, crossing his forearms before his face and expelling a breath as he brought them down to place his fists at his hips, facing forward. For a moment all was still, and then he exploded, punching, kicking, chopping and sweeping at the inanimate droid. Always methodical, his whirlwind of blows contained exactly four of each strike he knew. His mind was totally blank, tunnel-vision setting in, focusing on the target. He was moving so fast that he began to blur.
And then he used the Force, opening himself to the Dark Side through the gate of his ambitions. His actions became so fast they were almost invisible. Left punch, right punch, and then a right side-kick with all of his power behind it, a match-ending move that ripped the droid from the floor and deposited it about two metres farther back among fragments of the tiles it had clung to.
Etiquette prevailed; breathing hard, he slipped bak into natural stance. Feet shoulder width apart, hips turned up, knees slightly bent, shoulders square, fists pointing down, about thrree inches in front of his hips.
Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:14:23 AM
OOC/ *coughs surreptitiously*
Jodah of Giva
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:25:06 PM
Jodah smiled, circlign the carefully stanced apprentice and smiling slightly. "Good...very good...but, there is one thing you do without thought. Your training was done well, but a detail was left out. Do you know what I speak of?"
/ooc: sorry about started :-\
Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:33:20 AM
OOC/ No worries. Same thing here, more or less.
IC/ The young man cocked his head to the side, slightly puzzled.
"Not that I know of, Master. Still, if it was left out of my training as you say, then how would I know what it was?"
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