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Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:03:53 AM
Meras is down and I needed to post this here so I didnt lose it

She had paced and stomped, cursed and raged but none of it had done any good. She didnt feel any better for it...in fact it only served to turn her mood even more foul than it had been.

What had he been thinking?? Anbira had defeated Vega once before and now..........Daiq didnt want to think what this had done to him. Was his self confidence shattered now?

She hadnt slept nor eaten since the battle began. Every bruise, cut and scrape Vega received, she had felt.....and his eye!! Her own was still throbbing through their mental and emotional connection. Once she had discovered what he was doing and how bad his injuries were, Vega had forbidden her to interfere. And for once, she had obeyed.

The fire was dying down and Daiquiri stared hard at the glowing embers, trying hard not to 'jostle' Vegas psyche should he be engaged in a fight again. Aside from the faint light cast, the family room was in darkness as she waited......for his return, for information....for anything.

It came softly as a whisper but she 'heard' it....their connection was open again.

A few more steps...

Daiq was out of the chair and flying towards the large front doors and flinging them open. Her disappointment was evident as she took in only emptiness......but this couldnt be......he was close and she knew it. Stepping out into the cool night air, she called his name, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow.

Nimbly, she dashed out into the garden, her bare feet cutting a zig-zag trail through the dew stained grass. A distant but unfamiliar mound cast its shadow close to the gate and Daiq knew ...........

Her shouts roused the guards as she dove at the prone figure on the ground, turning him gently onto his back.

"Vega............Vega, love............."

As the men reached her, she hopped to her feet, her index finger jabbing the air.

"YOU - into town now and bring the doctor! You four, carry him up to our room! You,..go fetch Darius!"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:57:02 PM
Hear ye! Hear ye! Ye have spoken and been heard!

Below you'll find a list of names. They are the people who have volunteered to help mentor the new roleplayers here at SWFans. Of course, anyone can ask for help...you dont have to be new to seek help or advice :)

Here is how it will work:

The first newbie (or noob, depending on which you prefer) who posts in this thread asking for help will get the first mentor at the top of the list. The second newbie will get the second mentor on the list and so forth.

One thing that will not be done is to allow 'requests'. Lets say that 'John Doe' becomes a member here at Fans and is very interested in becoming an Imperial. He has watched the forums and knows that Taylor frequently roleplays an Imperial character. 'John' makes a post asking that Taylor become his mentor because of Tay's interests in the Empire. It makes sense...they both share a commonality.

What happens when the next one or even two new members show up and share the same interest as 'John Doe'? Poor Taylor would swamped and what time he did have for mentoring one newbie now has to be split between three. No one would fully benefit from Tay's experience and his own RPing would suffer. If a new member truly wants the help in learning the rules of the board and becoming a better roleplayer themselves, then they will have to accept who is available.

Please remember this is all voluntary. We are taking time out of our busy schedules to provide help for those who seriously want to learn. If youre not willing to respect that, then please dont post.

Some mentors will prove to have more time avaailable than others. This is something that will have to be worked out between you (the newbie) and the mentor youre working with. Should a strong conflict of personalities occur, a different arrangement could be made but we urge all involved to have patience and understanding.

In all fairness, I feel that I should go first since this was my doing. I cant very well ask others to do what I wont, now can I? (Yes, you may throw rotting veggies at me should it be a dismal failure :uhoh) Now, for the list.

1. Daiquiri Van-Derveld / Denali Gue

2. Zasz Grimm / Andraq Novkar

3. Dae Jinn

4. Lilaena De'Ville / James Prent

5. Pierce Tondry / Evil Hobgoblin

6. Taylor Millard / Wargrave

7. s'Ilancy

8. Vega Van-Derveld / Dasquian Belargic

9. Dru / Loki Ahmrah

10. Marcus Elessar

More names may appear on the list at a later date, given availability. Though mentors will try to contact a posted request first, please dont sit back and wait. Make use of your Private messaging (PM) and drop a line to the mentor at the top of the list. It will be between you and your mentor if Instant messaging (IM) nics are to be exchanged.

As always, please read the FAQ first...it will save time and trouble down the road.

Happy roleplaying!

Taylor Millard
Aug 6th, 2003, 11:02:42 PM
It looks good, I like how it's worded and how you've told them to look at the FAQ as well.

Kudos to Daiq :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:21:35 AM
Thank you, thank you :)

The only who didnt get asked - whether over IM or PM - is Hera. Jenn, where are you, baby girl?? *kissy, kissy, kissy :D