View Full Version : Black Jacks for Black Hearts

Mu Satach
Jul 22nd, 2003, 07:22:05 PM
Mu glanced at the travel arangements her droid had made for her suspiciously. "New place eh?" The thing beeped and whistled at her. "Alright, alright, I'll take your word for it." then added as an afterthought, "It looks very nice."

Droids, the older they get the more tempermental they become. Her black gloved hands worked the controls of her ship as she descended to the landing platform of the Saiatah High Roller.

Finely polished Protocol Droids approached and began carrying her belongings to her suite while she performed the formality of checking-in.

Turning to her droid she spoke, "Go take care of everything in the rooms. I'm heading to the Black Jack table to relax a bit." The droid whistled a beeped a response to her and then rolled after the protocol droids.

Moments later she sat casually alone in the casino with a table to herself. "Hit me."

Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:49:43 PM
*LV had decided to visit the ever wandering pleasure ship. She made frequent visits to make sure things were running smoothly.*

*Upon walking into one of the casinos, she sensed a familiar presence, and her face lit up into a smile as she spotted Mu at one of the gambling tables.*

*Walking to her, she sat herself beside the woman.*

Hello, Mu. I don't think I've seen you here on board the Saiatah before.

Mu Satach
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:55:22 AM
A slight grin played about Mu's mouth as she recognized the presence of one of her oldest friends.

"Hullo there yourself." Mu turned slightly in her chair to get a better look at the slinky woman. "Honestly I didn't even know it existed until earlier today. Thought I could use some time out in the open so to speak. I've spent entirely too much time sequestered away at the Cat's Meow. "

Mu glanced at the card the dealer flipped over. With a motion of her hand she signaled to the dealer 'stay'

"How about yourself? What brings you to these parts?"

Lady Vader
Jul 24th, 2003, 12:57:21 PM
*LV shrugged, flagging down a server droid.*

The usual "must inspect establishment and make sure all is running well".

Though I have to admit, Commander Parr does a helluva good job in making sure things run smoothly... I almost if ever have to visit.

*She ordered herself a drink, and went ahead and ordered Mu one as well out of politeness.*

But there are times it's nice to come here and see things going well... the patrons enjoying themselves... the money rolling in...

*She laughed.*

Mu Satach
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:19:47 PM
"And what about you personally? What have you been up to in that

Mu flipped over her cards, two cowboys for 20... the dealer flipped over an 8 of diamonds, a 5 of spades then flipped over a 7 of clubs... Push... her eyebrows came together a bit and she signaled the dealer to deal her another round.

Lady Vader
Aug 5th, 2003, 01:46:38 PM
*LV watched Mu play, signaling the delare to give her another card.*

Not much. Accepting new recruits into TSO... hopefully non-moronic recruits. Seeing to it that my apprentice gets taught.

Fighting in the every now and again battle that i find suitable to satiate my boredom.

Mu Satach
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:38:22 PM
"So, I have a question for you. How much time do you devote to the running of the Sith Order? I was approached recently by a splinter cell... part of me desires the power of building my own little army and over running a few sectors here and there. But the other part of me relishes the freedom I have. No responsibilities except to myself... " Mu stopped then smiled "and nothing to show for it either."

Lady Vader
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:09:56 AM
*LV smiled.*

Actually, not much time really. We're organized enough where everyone deals with their own problems... and when it is needed, we come together to deal with larger problems.

but those are rare and far between.

*She took a sip of her drink before continuing.*

At the Order, we don't like to "babysit". Basically, if a member gets into trouble, he should be able to get out of it on his own... unless it's a really really big mess.

Basically everyone's responsible for their own actions. We don't like to keep the members chained.

*She shrugged.*

All we ask is that they don't mar the name of the Order, and do not disrespect the elders. It's pretty damn simple. And we figure if they can follow the simple few rules we have, they don't deserve to be a part of the Sith Order fold.

Mu Satach
Sep 19th, 2003, 09:09:42 PM
"I guess I'm just feeling a little lonely lately."

Mu laughed and threw down a sizable amount of credits for another round of blackjack.

"Missing the old days I guess... everything seemed so promising back then. There were always scuffles to get into, no order, full of chaos, excitement and a feeling of kinship."

She finished off her drink and signaled a waitress for another round.

"You remember, everyday there was some new uproar."

Mu suddenly began to shake her head at herself as the waitress dropped off her second drink.

"Listen to me moaning away about the good ol days like some sap at a bar nobody wants to listen too... "

Mu looked at her cards... then motioned the dealer for another card... then a third. Mu arched an eyebrow at LV

"LV, it's time to put the sass back in my sassafrass!"

Lady Vader
Sep 23rd, 2003, 06:36:19 PM
*LV blinked.*

Well, I suppose we could. But we'd need an idea to roll off of before we could put the "sass" back into your "sassafrass".

*She watched Mu play, thinking the cards were going to go against her.*

Did you have something in mind? Or did you just want to cause some unneccessary chaos somewhere?