View Full Version : From Within....(Alana)

Anthony Scott
Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:09:19 PM
It was yet, another dark day on Roon. Anthony was getting used to not seeing the sun, and now -- he did not even miss it. His stay within the Shrine's walls had been interesting, to say the least, but he had come to love it here -- and now, he viewed this as his home.

Walking the halls this particular night brought him to stop before a door that he had opened often to a room that he frequented since he arrived here. It was Alana's chamber, his aunt -- the beautiful creature he knew resided just on the other side of the door.

Placing a hand to the cold metal, the young man hesitated, but then knocked three times. "Aunt Alana -- it's me, Anthony." He called to her through the door, hoping she would answer. Stepping back, the mortal folded his hands atop his belt and began day dreaming as he waited for her.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 5th, 2003, 06:32:55 PM
Alana sat quietly in her chamber listening to the sounds of the Shrine, to the soft patter of rain on her windows. The candle light illuminated her translucent skin giving the appearance of pearlesent sheen. The shadowy corners of her room writhed with unspoken need. The shadow dwellers always seeking to touch her, to claim her as there own.

For many years she had found solace in the massive chamber, seeking peace within the bound ledgers she was always writing in. She had not yet found what she was looking for. Though when with Kolarik she attained a certain measure of it. He was the one who had tamed her wayward heart. A soft smile lit her face as she thought on him, and of all they had done. How much more they would do. The two made a formidable force.

A knock at her door broke her contemplation, she had known he was coming, had in fact felt him making his way. Her nephew, her godchild by friendship. His mother though no relation to Alana had been her only friend in life. Now her son had come seeking, a child the Lordess had taken to her heart as a mortal and now as an Immortal.

Cold eerie hisses from the darkened corners of her room were stilled with a mere look of irritation. She could feel there jealousy, there spite. The Sith Lordess smiled softly, her hue shifting eyes glimmering red. Tonight he would be her child of darkness. A small pang of regret washed over Alana, for she knew his mother would have been sorely disappointed with her son becoming a darksider. Alana pushed the thoughts away, for once she would have someone of her own, a child, though grown, who would view her as a mother she could never be. Not out of anything natural that is.

"Anthony....... Enter my son, my child whom I have always yearned for. Enter and become forever mine....." The vampir sent the words to his mind, making Ant wonder if he thought them up himself after the initial word enter. Alana sat back, secure in her evil, still clinging to a small thread of humanity. Still kind to those she loved, she was what she was and regret or not Alana stood where she always had, on the other side of the veil, a darker side to even the blackest of souls.

Anthony Scott
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:57:18 PM
Anthony jumped slightly as he heard a hissing sound from the other side of Alana's door. With a questioning look, the young man stepped back and eyed the door. A wry smile crossed his lips as he regained his position a few feet from the door, just close enough to touch -- but far enough away that no harm could come to him from the other side.

Indeed, he was afraid -- he was always wary of the darkest places the Shrine possessed.

But tonight was a bit different, tonight -- he would be in the presence of a beautiful woman. Though he was her nephew and godchild, he was still a man and had thoughts, feelings -- ideas. Lust. Pushing these things from his mind for a moment, he looked down when suddenly words slipped into his mind. They were rather seductive and for a moment, Anthony wondered whether they were really spoken to him, or he had wished them to be.

"Anthony....... Enter my son, my child whom I have always yearned for. Enter and become forever mine....."

"Become forever mine." He repeated the words in his mind and smiled to himself before placing a hand upon the door and pushing it open. There before him sat the goddess of beauty immortal -- Alana, his aunt, his friend, and the object of his dreams as of late. He blushed slightly as she looked upon him, but the young man worked hard to surpress the crimson color upon his cheeks. "Greetings, oh lovely one." He said softly and with intense sincerity.

"Become forever mine."

He could not help but recall the words spoken to him. They sent shivers up and down his spine and caused sinful thoughts to dance along the boundaries of his mind. Realizing in that moment how wrong it was of him to be thinking of her in this manner, Anthony bowed and moved closer to her, kneeling beside the Sith Lordess. "I felt a calling to come and see you today." He smiled a pure smile, mirroring his mother in many ways. Noting a lock of hair that rested upon Alana's face, he lifted a hand and pushed away the lovely tress as he admired her beauty. Of course, it was merely an excuse to touch her.

"I have missed you in the last few days, but I have found myself keeping busy." He stated as his hand traced down the contour of her cheek until it came to rest at her chin. His touch was soft but her skin was softer. It seemed like the perfect combination and a harmless gesture. What woman did not like to be admired? "I will be forever yours." He stated gently in her mind, putting to good use what he had learned at the Jedi Order. The Force was an easy thing for him so far, and telepathy seemed like such a sensual thing -- at least, to Anthony. Something inside of him told him that this would be a very interesting night -- more would come of it than he ever expected.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:23:51 PM
Alana studied the man before her, his mother shone from his deep set eyes. He was a beautiful being, secure in his countenance but unaffected by it. His hand brushed across her face, a seemingly innocent gesture or to be taken as one who would want to be a lover. Alana being what she was, a seductress would play on the feelings her godchild displayed.

Reaching up she brushed the errant strand of hair from his forehead. Touching him as gently as he touched her. She looked on him as a mother would her own child, but she also looked on him as a vampire would. The heat in her eyes would leave him wondering how she truly felt. He would wonder if she loved him the way he could love her. It was in her nature to make him want.

"I have missed you in the last few days, but I have found myself keeping busy."

"Ah my sweet Anthony. I have also missed the pleasure of your company. I have watched you discovering the wonders of the Shrine, I have seen your eyes light up at the arcane objects that the dark corners hold. I have seen your dreams." The Sith Lordes's voice gently caressed his mind. Telling him she knew of his want, of his desire.

"I offer this all to you Ant, this and more if you will only bend your will to mine. Just for a moment......It will all be yours." Alana wove her spell, the soft chant of Sith magic fell from her lips as her mind spoke to him. She did what she had been honed to do. She wove around him an illusion of such purity that all other things fell away.

He was beside her walking, the soft light of the moon illuminating the two figures wrapped in one another’s arms. She had become his, with the price of mortality. Her lips were at his throat, a gentle as the petals of a flower. This illusion gave him all he craved.

Alana broke the spell, her body leaning into his. Her hue shifting eyes locked on his own. Her lips mere inches from his. She let her eye teeth extend, and they bit into her lower lip, drawing a droplet of blood. She wanted him to see all that she was, all that he could be, she wanted him to choose it freely......

Anthony Scott
Aug 30th, 2003, 03:20:33 PM
Anthony felt a surge of utopia sweep over his body. Everything she said and did was incredible. Her touch was something he would never forget, and now that he had felt it once, he craved for the moment when her fingers would gently run over his skin again. As he stood before this beautiful creature, Anthony began to feel the effects of Alana's spell -- but he did not fight it. No, instead, he embraced the feelings and emotions that seemed to envelope the entire room.

As she moved closer and closer toward him, the young man did the same and stepped forward to meet the seductive Vampire. He moved to place his arms around her waist , to touch her as she had done, but it was in that instant that she cast upon his mind a vision so incredible, even he had a hard time coming back out of it. It felt so real and he desired what she showed him. Though she was his godmother, he knew that she could be so much more to him -- and he to her.

As the pair came back to reality, Anthony's dark eyes stared deeply into Alana's hue-changing ones. They were beautiful, just like the rest of her. He felt her cool breath upon his lips as they moved just inches from his own, her canines teeth extending and biting into her own flesh. He noted this and felt nothing but serenity and -- lust. Moving closer, Anthony gently wrapped his arms around Alana's waist and drew her body into his before slowly moving his lips to meet those of the Vampire. Her lips were soft and the taste of her skin was inviting. Anthony slowly pulled away but kept his face close to Alana's as he nodded slowly.

"This is my destiny -- and I want it. I am willing to do whatever it takes for me to embrace this as my own, to have you and all of the other beautiful things in the Shrine."

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 9th, 2004, 01:28:57 PM
"This is my destiny -- and I want it. I am willing to do whatever it takes for me to embrace this as my own, to have you and all of the other beautiful things in the Shrine."

Alana's eyes slipped closed at his words. A momentary shudder passing thru her. The human side to her heart rebelling against her dark nature. His mother....... What would his mother have thought of her friend doing this? Of taking her sons innocence and replacing it with never ending darkness. What would she say to Alana for damming her son for all eternity? Alana's eyes silted and a cold light filled them, the Queen mothers light, her blood ruled and the Sith Lordess would hearken to the blood.

"So be it my sweet Ant..... You shall have all you desire, forever." Alana whispered the words into his ear, so close to the pulsing vein in his throat. Her arms stole around his muscular back, pulling him close to her ruby lips, closer still to his death and to the reawakening of immortality. Alana's lips settled on his warm skin, his vein trembling against them. She paused once again but not in doubt, she wanted to savor the pleasure of his warmth for the last time. As her teeth sank into his skin she tightened her grip, unwilling to let him spill to the ground with the sudden loss of his life’s blood.

She would bear him up and then when his heart began to slow its pace she would sustain him with her vampiric blood. Giving him the darkside, giving him immortality.......

Anthony Scott
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:20:31 AM
Anthony closed his eyes as Alana's lips touched his skin. He smiled deeply and held her equally as close as she held him. As she moved her head to the side, he gently rubbed her back and took in the moment where for perhaps a second -- they were lovers. It was in that instant, though, that his perfect dream became a nightmare.

Suddenly Alana sank her teeth into his neck, into the pulsing vein that gave him life and vitality. Suddenly he felt that very life slipping from him and pain taking over. She held him closer and closer still, draining the life from him. He attempted to fight it, to push her away, but he was already loosing strength.

Alana would not give up, not even as he winced and the tears began falling down his cheeks. Not even as he felt his knees give out and his body become limp. She would not let go as he took a last mortal breath as his heart slowed and came to a stop. And still, she held him up as his eyes shut fully and he died. There he lay in Alana's arms, his mortality gone from him. All that remained was his flesh.

Soon, though, the Vampire began to use her own power over him, sustaining his existence with her vampiric blood. It began pulsing through his veins and soon, it consumed him. With a gasping breath, the young man's eyes opened and he gripped Alana with greater strength then before. Still, he was completely unaware of exactly what was happening to him, and he was afraid. "ALANA?!" He yelled, though she was right there and they still were holding one another. His eyes were still a bit foggy and he was sure that he was dead still, not immortal.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 10th, 2004, 11:24:44 AM
Alana held Ant close as her blood took his system over. She knew it was a painful death from mortality to immortality and she intended for him to feel it fully, to respect what he had been given.

"Shhh my sweet Ant I am here as I always will be. It is just your body dying so that it can live forever. There is no need to fret my sweet, sweet Ant." Her words washed over his mind, to comfort and to call him back from the land of Nod. The Sith Lordess had turned many and yet this was the most poignant next to Kolarik’s. Ant was more than just another mortal boy she had taken a liking to, he was the child she would never achieve. He was a blood sister’s heart, a promise made and fulfilled in her eyes.

"You life now will be rich beyond compare Ant. You will know forever. Where there was only death in your short mortal life there is now an endless space of time to be had. Power will be at your finger tips, the dark side beckons you to be its child and I have kept my promise made, to care for you. You my sweet Ant belong to me for all eternity." Alana's silken words fell as softly as his tears. Bending she kissed away the last bit of mortality from his cheeks, the next tears he cried, if in fact he did, would be red tinged. It took a lot for a Vampyre to weep but it was not unknown. Had Ant opened his eyes he would see, that the woman who cradled him as is he were a child, wept blood stained tears......

Anthony Scott
Mar 12th, 2004, 10:05:26 AM
Anthony's body felt weak as ever. He felt sick to his stomach, and somehow, his legs were not effective. His weight took Alana down and now she cradeled him upon the floor just like a child. He winced as pain as at the forefront of his mind and nothing else at the moment, not even the soft touch of her hands or the sweet words from her lips.

It took several minutes, each one feeling like an eternity, before the young man came to and took a deep breath. Though pain still wrapped its tendrils around his body, Anthony gathered enough courage and strength from Alana's presence to open his eyes. He felt awful -- betrayed, almost, but soon her face filled his blurred vision and he began to heal.

Bringing a hand to touch her soft cheek, the newest Vampire attempted a smile. It was a sad smile, one that reflected the way his mother often looked when she thought of him being on his own someday. Though his mortality slipped away from him in an instant, it was replaced with something greater, something that actually possessed the power that he had always needed but never knew he could achieve. Just as the clear tears evaporated to Alana's lips, they were replaced with red streaks to match her own.

He had only seen this once before, when she wasn't looking and he was watching her. Now they shed the blood tears together as he realized that he had died. Somehow, though, it was a joyous moment, for his body was ressurected to life once again -- a life forever. The thoughts of the possibilities that awaited Anthony sprung into his mind like a waterfall into a river. He smiled and held his godmother close.

"And we shall live on, forever -- together. I will never leave your side." He whispered, still attempting to regain strength in his voice. "Thank you for this gift you have given me -- for this love that you have bestowed upon my life." He paused for a moment and looked up into her beautiful dark eyes. She always had a way of calming him, of bringing comfort to his worried soul. The boyish smile that highlighted his facial features returned to his face as he wiped her tears away with his hand. "Thank you for opening my eyes and helping me see the truth. For helping me see my destiny with you."