View Full Version : Legends and Myths...(crysania)

Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:32:00 PM
As Synteck walked one of the many hallways of the Illusive Seech, He found the one room that he had never visited. But was looking for. For one reason. To make a challenge.The holographic imaging room is the room where you can fight. And that is what The slicer means to do.

Synteck unsheathed his sword and started waving it in a fashion, that made it look like an art. It was now doubt that Synteck had been trained to use a weapon of such magnitude. It could not be weilded by some. But to the smuggler, it was like a piece of him. He had always known that you can not trust anybody in the galaxy. Only in steel can you put your trust. The silver of the blade matched his full body armor. Shining in the light.

Crysania Shi
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:39:00 PM
Crysania had been searching for some fun, and then found it. As she was passing by the Holographic imaging room, she had seen that her friend Synteck practicing with his sword. She thought that she would test his skill in a battle. A battle that may end his or her life.

"Hey, Synteck. So you think you are good with a sword."

She looked at him, awaiting his answer.