View Full Version : OOC: Dad's newest pride & joy (repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:03:00 PM
It became official on November 2nd, at 10:38pm, My wife gave birth to a little girl. Amidst all the chaos that goes on in the delivery room, My heart was filled with overwhealming joy, as my daughter Megan Danielle took her first breath of air followed closely by her first little cry. Thinking of all the wonderful experiences shell see and have in her lifetime, added to the tears of happiness I shed.

Well she's home safely now and i just wanted to pass along my happiness too all of you that I get the privliage of talking to and RPing with!

Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Raptor.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(11/4/01 6:14:42 pm)
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Hey Mark and Krystal Travis and I just wanted to say congrats on your new baby girl we are very happy for u two..... If u need any help at all with anything just let me know id be happy to help !!!!!1 I mean it mark lol congrats once again on your precious baby girl )

Registered User
(11/4/01 9:02:28 pm)
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Re: OOC: Dad's newest pride & joy
I know what your doing...your slowly building an army...squints at him...

Congrats bud

Morgan Dreada
(11/4/01 10:35:36 pm)
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That's wonderful news Mark! Glad that mom and baby are both home and doing alright. Congratulations!

Registered User
(11/6/01 8:55:56 pm)
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Re: OOC: Dad's newest pride & joy
"I think he need's to see a doctor... to get his undercarrage fixed. Conganulation Bro...Hands him a small box with the title that starts with a "T."...