View Full Version : Work Damn It!

Mistress Tatiana
Mar 26th, 2002, 01:52:00 AM
I command the pictures to work!

Death Knight Soth
Mar 29th, 2002, 09:09:00 PM
Sothie wave's his hand's behind her as they kick in and display. Tatiana turned and noticed Soth twisting and turning his hand's in random pattern's with a grimace look etched on his face...His eye's were closed and he was in deep concentration. He then slowly opened his eye's and his love Tatiana was glaring at him.

"Ahh, Hi baby.." Gulp!

Mistress Tatiana
Mar 29th, 2002, 09:14:00 PM
Tatiana's glare peirced into Soth's eyes as he looked up at her with surprise. Her glare melted away and she smiled at him. "Well, at least they're working now." :)

Death Knight Soth
Mar 30th, 2002, 03:10:00 PM
"Ahh, yeah...And thanks to you babe everything is now on track." Sothie then scratched behind his ear and gave her a boyish look. "Now can we go home and work on ours?" The glare just a moment ago that disappeared on Tatiana's face began to fester once more. Her lip's tightened and her fist's balled up as she slowly moved towards Soth. She had been up all night working her finger's to the bone...And now he had the audacity to ask that now. Only to late did this dawn on the Knight as back peddled away from her...The word "Run" was now flashing in his mind.