View Full Version : COMPROMISD

Apr 13th, 2002, 11:23:00 AM
Never mix buisness with pleasure, this above all thoughts raced through Mockadanes mind as he watched the beautiful unconscience woman sleep soundly in the plush bed. The huge room, adjacent from the kitchen and dining room, was ornately decorated. Ancient artifacts and tapestrys along with paintings and personal holo-pics lined the walls. Melee weapons of all kinds were set upon holders on the walls as well as forgoten suits of armor. In this room as it is throughout the condo, lavish pieces of furniture from many different planets are placed conservitavly.

Mockadane set the moniter-droid to watch Morgan and went to meet with Eldorack.
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Vengence.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Morgan Dreada
(8/4/01 11:02:31 pm)
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Morgan took the deep breath as if it was the first she had taken in weeks. How many hours had passed since she was with the Death Knight was not known to her...but it was clear that she was not dead, and also no longer within the confines of the Coven or Soth's Chambers. Instead she was in a completely new place, the likes of which she'd only seen in pictures during childhood. The beautiful furniture and ancient artifacts that lined the room seemed strangely enough, much like the items belonging to the Death Knight. Across from Morgan sat the Monitor Droid. She had never been fond of Droids for some reason, and always seemed to perceive them as a threat.

She sat up abruptly and looked around the room from an upright position. Suddenly she flung herself backward again and squeezed her eyes shut. Her head throbbed as if someone had blown up a Star Destroyer inside of it. After several moments she composed herself then slowly slid off the bed, within seconds the Droid reacted to her, but it was already too late. It found itself spewing sparks of electrical fire about the room as it's head rolled across the elegant flooring only to stop in front of the door. As Morgan's eyes carried up to the handle she slowly moved toward it then attempted to open the door. "Locked," she mumbled out loud, "Why am I not surprised?"

With that she swung her sword around and shoved it through the doorknob and twisting it until the door flung open. Suddenly alarms began sounding all around the compound she was in. Morgan held her head in pain and stumbled across the hallway dizzily, barley managing to catch herself before falling to the ground.

Registered User
(8/7/01 10:54:50 pm)
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A large tapestry slid to the side and Mockadane walked into the room from what appeared to be nowhere. Pressing a button on his remote, the alarms were silenced, and Mockadane set the rather large food platter on the stand adjacent the bed. Walking over to veiw the the two halves of the small observo-droid, and then walking towards the shambles of his onetime doorway,He notices Morgan sitting on her haunches, holding her head. Pointing at Morgan's sword laying beside her, with a gauntleted hand, it rocked slightly and then slid into the room.

"Let me help you." Mockadane said as He picked her up and carried her into the room, placing her upright in a chair next to the dinner tray. "After you eat you'll feel right as rain falling on Merker." Watching the confusion leave her mind as she started to eat, filling a hunger that seamed to be enormas, "You've slept for a few days and this is normal, so feel free." Mockadane smiled and set accross from Her and relaxed, closing his eyes and listened to the recording's of the Vors, at the cathedral of the winds, playing ever so softly in the background.

Morgan Dreada
(8/11/01 5:46:23 pm)
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Morgan studied the man in front of her with great interest. She wished to ask him why he had brought her to this place but bit her tongue. She did not want to sound ungrateful for his kindness. However, this was the second time which he had done something out of the ordinary for her and it seemed rather strange for a man who was a well known Mercenary to exhibit such qualities. He had been on her mind quite a bit since their first meeting at Soth's Chambers. His reasons then for returning her sword to her still remained a mystery.

Her sword! In an instant she found herself looking for it. Could this be why he brought her here? So that he might retake it once again? Perhaps he had realized what a mistake he had made by giving it back to her. Morgan began looking around the room for it...and after a short moment she spotted it. Leaning against the wall as if she herself had set it there. Suddenly she felt very foolish. Her own suspicious nature would indeed be her undoing.

As she finished her plate she pushed it aside and smiled wearily at the kind Mercenary. Sighing slightly she walked back over to the bed and laid down.

"What is this place...?" She asked him slowly as she looked around the elegant room, "How many people know that I am here?"

Registered User
(8/20/01 8:52:37 pm)
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Without looking at Morgan, Mockadane stands and walks to the furthest wall from the bed. Reaching towards the wall beside a huge tapestry, he activates a hidden key pad, the music fades along with the intricate tapestry. The Questerian Nebula fades into a screen the tapestry once held. "In this fortress of solitude we are hurteling through space at 23 parsects (aprx. 35000 MPH). repulsar generators keep the rouge asteroids and space debris at bay." Mockadane veiwing the many colors of the auroara-borialis...the remnance of an ancient super-nova, he watches the beauty that is produced.

After long moments Mockadanes voice seemed more distant as he spoke. "The only recipiant's the Seech harbors are those we allow access to. Never being in the same place in the universe has its advantages" Mockadane turnes towards Morgan "As for who knows you are here, that would be Eldorack, Soth, and Myself."

Laying an activation card and a data map pad on the shelf next to the bed, the large man looks towards Morgan, who is feining in and out of conscienceness. "Do not be scared, you are safe here." Hearing the beautiful womans rhythmatic breathing, reaching down he brushes her blond hair away from her closed eyes, and pulls the plush blankets around her.

Morgan Dreada
(12/26/01 9:26:19 pm)
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Morgan wasn't sure how long she'd been sleeping, it seemed like weeks when in reality it had only been a few short hours. When she woke she saw Mockadane outside the door but he was not looking in her direction, he had his back turned toward her. Standing up slowly she walked toward him and placed her hand on his back, gliding it across his shoulders as she circled around to the front of him. A flood of emotions suddenly began to overcome her. Without warning she threw herself into his arms, nearly bowling him over in the passionate embrace. She could feel his arms tighten around her waist as he lifted her off the ground and began to walk with her back into the bedroom...

Then she woke up.

She leapt out of bed almost as if she were startled by her own imagination. Then he was there, standing right in front of her. He appeared slightly concerned as she seemed to be holding her head. The dizzy spells had not gone away yet. Morgan was not used to being dependent upon drugs and elixirs to keep her in good health. It was something that she hopefully would not have to get all that used to.

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked wearily as she searched for her things, "I fear that my sister will come to look for me. It's not safe for me to stay here, you and your partner could get hurt," Morgan's defenses were built up high at this point. She had always safe guarded herself, but especially her feelings and emotions. That was where she was most vulnerable. She skillfully avoided the big man's eyes as she spoke to him in low tones, "I don't want to be held responsible for anything that might happen."

Registered User
(12/27/01 5:34:29 am)
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Putting the damp cloth back into the bowl of sweet smelling fluid beside the bed, after wiping Morgan's forehead for what seamed to be the hundreth time, Mockadane spoke to the now fully conscious female that had lept past him and took up a defensive posture alongside the bed .

"I would have brought the medical droid to care for you, but the way you dispatched my observo-droid, gave me second doubts." The big man moved with easing geastures so as not to set Morgan off on another frenzy. The veloptuois blonde could clearly see her possetions placed neatly on a chair and stand at the foot of the bed. "It will take you several days to truely decypher the event's that have transpired since your last and almoast final actions!"

Mockadane walked over to a barely dicernable circular indentation on the floor and pointed it out. "You see this..., it's a single occupant lift, and will take you down to your transport I've had brought to my private hanger." Reaching over to a pannel on the wall next to the spot He pointed out Mockadane key'd in a code that slid a rather secure pannel to the side reveiling a small arsenal of wheapons. After straping on the harness that secured an everyday blaster on Mocks left hip and the rather intriguing ebony bladed sword accross his back, He put on two leatherish looking gauntlets that ran from his elbow's to fingertip with electronic lights blinking on the internal wrist sections.

"The hyper jump coordinants have been already programed into your ship to get you clear of the belt... now I must bid you good day... I have pressing buisness that requires my attention." With one last glance and a smile to the Woman,the blast doors at the entrance of the room came to a close and a security lock spun clockwize in the central part of the doors securing the room. The voice that broke over the personel-com brought Mocks attention to a disturbance in the bar .
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Raptor.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Morgan Dreada
(1/5/02 11:03:02 pm)
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Morgan was completely flustered. He was just gonna bid her good day and walk out? She shook her head, almost reluctant to leave without saying the things she wanted to say, but thought better of herself and gathered her things. If he didn't care whether he saw her again why should she? He was going to go about his business, she should too. Morgan stumbled toward the chair where her things were and quickly gathered them up. Tossing her cloak around her shoulders stubbornly and wrapping her sheath and sword around her waist once again.

Without giving the large man a second look she stood upon the single occupant lift and exited the Condo with haste. It was only a few short moments before she was back down to Corbin's ship. He had been so kind to lend it to her during these difficult times. Quite honestly she didn't know what she would have done without his help. He truly was a brother to her.

Sighing slightly as she thought once more about Mockadane she boarded the ship then began to exit the landing pad. Then she saw it. The sight nearly made her fall out of her seat. It was the Cloistral! Her sister Nadia's ship. What was she doing here? Then suddenly it came back to her...the disturbance in the bar which Mockadane spoke of, it had to be Nadia.

With the gears of her ship whining in protest Morgan swung the beat up cruiser around and drove it back into the hanger bay, paying little attention to any barriers or force fields which might be in her way. After a rocky landing and several broken parts to her ship flying in all directions Morgan exited quickly and sped down the long hallways as fast as her legs could carry her. She didn't even know the way to the Tavern but she knew she had to find it....