View Full Version : New additions...

Mar 28th, 2002, 11:26:00 AM
Eldorack's ship, the Hawke, was docked in the hangar bay with many others, including the Raptor. It was being watched and taken care of by their dock master, Gunthar. Eldorack was going to add some thing to it to make it a little better than it already was.

The Hawke already had very well protected sheilds, 2 forward lasar cannons, 1 ion cannon mounted below the cockpit, and 2 tractor beam projectors.

What Eldorack was going to add was proton torpedo launchers. Both of the Proton torpedo launchers were placed under the cockpit. On each side of the ion cannon. Proir, Eldorack had boughten 10 proton torpedos. Now Eldorack was ready to battle his ship if needed to.

When Eldorack was done, his R2 unit rolled over to where he was laying and cleaned up all of his mess. His tools and all.

Apr 24th, 2002, 09:33:00 PM
Watching the R2 unit with its extended grapper claws picking up the varrios tools strewn about Mockadane smiled and thought how handy a companion. Eldorack smiled at Mock as he watched him look over his new ship...

"You know... the newer these things get the more menacing they're looking!" he laughed appraisingly at Eldorack.