View Full Version : I come in peace...

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:34:00 PM
The Death Knight walked into Mockadane's new Pub, and looks around. He sees that there are only but a few people here and a few other life forms, sembiants of some sort. A couple of droids scurry about the establishment, but nobody really pays them any mind. Soth's cloaked figure makes it's way to the bar where a heavy set bartender is cleaning a row of mugs. He eye's the Dark Knight with a note of suspicion. As music plays in low tones in the background, giving the place an odd presence, but not one that would make one uncomfortable.

"So what will you have stranger?" Asks the bar keep as he continues to polish the already sparkling mug.

"Something strong...And make it quick!" replied Soth in a ferm tone.


Registered User
(7/20/01 10:53:12 pm)
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Comming to sit next to Soth, "glad you came by." Eldorack looks at the bartender "His drinks are on the house," He says as he watches the bartender set Soth's drink down in front of him.

Registered User
(7/20/01 11:13:10 pm)
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Re: I come in peace...
Walking in, Mockadane smiles as He walks up to the two at the bar.

"Well it looks like you made it! How do you like My newest of aquasitions?"
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Vengence.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Death Knight Soth
Registered User
(7/21/01 1:44:00 pm)
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Re: I come in peace...
Impressive...Most impressive. Tell me this my cunning friend. How did you happen upon this? Perhaps a game of Sabboc?" Soth shot Mercenary a suspicious glance.


Registered User
(7/31/01 8:52:20 pm)
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Re: I come in peace...
"Well lets just say its previous owner was just dieing to get rid of it." Mockadane says to Soth, humerously. "And he was tickled to pieces to let me have it."
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Vengence.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Death Knight Soth
Registered User
(8/1/01 5:05:35 pm)
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Re: I come in peace...
Soth shot his friend Mockadane an awkward glance. The mercenary had a way of possessing and obtaining things that other's were reluctant on giving up.

"I see, do tell me my friend, you wouldn't have had anything to do with persuading him to hand it over, would you?" Soth eye's narrowed as he studied the bounty hunter.