View Full Version : An Unexpected Regret...(REPOST)

Apr 13th, 2002, 10:48:00 AM
Eldorack was sitting by himself at a table in his tavern drinking a beer with an empty bottle already on the table. A stupid patron walked up to him, not knowing who he is, and was taking on a bet from another person or being in the tavern.

" Hey, your in my chair", Eldorack looked over at the table where the man was sitting and noticed an empty chair. Eldorack looked at him " theres an empty one over there, go get that one" Eldorack said with a cocky attitude. The man threw his hand at Eldorack, intending on slapping him. Eldorack grabbed his arm, and twisted it until it would twist no more. "I said, there is a chair over there" Eldorack dropped his beer and grabbed the man by the hair and slammed his face into the table, busting a hole in it.

Eldorack let go of the bloody man and he fell to the ground. Eldorack sat back down in his chair and ordered another beer.

Edited by: Eldorack at: 1/10/02 8:45:30 pm

Morgan Dreada
(1/10/02 11:21:39 pm)
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It had been quite some time since Morgan Dreada had returned to Mockadane's Seech. Not much had changed, except for perhaps the mood. Ever since Lord Soth and Alana Stormcloud had left The Coven of the Sith things seemed slightly tense and Morgan did not know what the future would hold for her two friends.

Her mind began to drift to the occurrences at The Black Hand and the mysterious woman which Jeseth Cloak seemed to be holding inside Bast. Could the stories of her origin really be true? Morgan wished not to concern herself with the rumors, if she was going to find out it would happen in due time. For now she was more concerned with her training as a Dark Jedi. Was this truly to be her path? Lady De'Ville seemed to have things in store for Morgan which seemed at best, unpleasant.

Morgan's thoughts were interrupted as she heard the commotion on the other side of the bar. It was Eldorack, he was here as well. She'd sat alone for so long that she began to wonder whether or not she was the only person on the asteroid. Walking toward him slowly she smiled gently and placed her hand on his shoulder, "may I sit down with you?"

Registered User
(1/11/02 6:34:42 pm)
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Eldorack looked up to see who was talking to him and saw that it was Morgan. A person that he had not seen in a while. "Hello Morgan" Eldorack jestured for the empty seat across from him. "Please do sit. How are you doing this evening." Eldorack took another sip from his drink and waited for her response.

Eldorack took another sip from his drink and waited for her response. "Hmmm?"

Morgan Dreada
(1/19/02 12:19:08 pm)
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Morgan couldn't help but smile at her friend Eldorack. He seemed to be genuinely curious, "Fine I suppose," she said as she sat down, "I've been away for so long... making new friends," she paused for a moment and looked around the bar, "looks as if you've had some excitement here recently. Been getting yourself into trouble?"

Registered User
(1/22/02 8:02:42 pm)
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After Morgan was done with what she had to say, she brought out her sword and laid it on the table. Eldoack looked at it for a moment then looked back at Morgan.

Eldorack starts to talk. "I see that your Schwarz is as Big as mine. Lets see how well you use it."