View Full Version : Once Again...Untothe breech dear friends...(repost)

Apr 13th, 2002, 10:54:00 AM
Its buisness as usual at the Seech! The normal rag-tag gathering of beings having food and drinks as their shipments of less than legal merchandice exchange hands so to speek. The Maintenance and cargo droids that shuffle about loading and unloading the freighters are preprogramed and provide a valuable service letting space weary travellers time to rest.

In the side chamber, ajacent to the office, located inside the tavern Mockadane awaits his associates. Looking down at his chronometer inset into his right gauntlet he realizes the time is fast approaching for whats about to take place. A smile playes across his face as He reads through the datapads neetly stacked at one end of the long table.

After a bit He picks up the com-link.... "Eldorack, as our guests arrive direct them in here."
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Raptor.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Registered User
(1/31/02 7:13:12 pm)
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Eldorack recieves the message that Mockadane had sent to him. Eldorack immidiatly responds with an affirmitive tone. While restocking the bar He keeps a close eye out for certain individuals.