View Full Version : A Sister's Love... (Nala)

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:21:00 AM
Alana walked into Eldoracks bar, a soft smile of remembrance on her face. It had been quiet sometime since she had visited. Her long hair spilled over her shoulder, brushing at her calves as she walked. Her eyes glimmered with amusement, as she spotted Dog. He was as familiar to her as Eldorack was. In her hands she bore a small gift for a sister she had just met.

Pulling out a chair at the glossed bar top, she settled into it gracefully. She did not see her Uncle nor did she see Eldorack. She could feel the Force in her dampening by the ever present Yslimari, that her uncle kept scattered around the Seech.

Being a vampire it did not make her ill but it was slightly disconcerting to say the least. She leaned forward toward the droid behind the bar. "I am here to see my Sister Nala, tell Mockadane or Eldorack." Her tone brooked no argument.

Turning in her chair, her long leg slipped over the other slowly as they crossed. She surveyed the patrons. She would not feed in her Uncle's bar out of respect for him, that, and no one here offered the mediclorian's she craved. "Well, I wonder if Uncle Mocky will be happy to see the prodigal daughter has returned, " Her husky laughter turned a few heads...

Young Anala1
Dec 6th, 2002, 09:48:00 PM
As Nala makes her way out of the back room of the tavern, where Eldorack did most of his buisness, she automatically saw one person that she knew. Alana Stormcloud.

She walked over to her and climbed up on top of a stool and gaver her friend a big hug.

"How are you Alana."

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 7th, 2002, 10:57:00 AM
Alana turned at her sisters voice. A soft smile of pure love, one rarely seen on her face, was directed to the small girl. Alana's eyes searched Nala's own. The child was an exact duplicate of her. There eyes both changing colors with each passing moment. The one thing that separated them besides the age difference, was the total innocence Nala still held.

Raisin her hand, Alana ran her hand over Nala's hair. The gesture loving and comfortable. "Hello little Nala. How have you been doing here? Has our uncle been taking good care of you?" Alana asked with a slight raise in her eyebrows, She did not like that fact Nala was being raised at the Illusive Seech. She would have preferred to take her to the Shrine and keep her under the Vampyre's care. The chid appeared to be very happy from what Alana could see though...

Young Anala1
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:00:00 PM
"Hi Alana. I have been fine. How are you? Uncle Mocky has been good to me, why do you ask?"

Nala could see that Alana had a box in her hand. "What is that," she said pointing to the box?

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:54:00 PM
Alana smiled at the child's questions. "I ask because I worry for you little one. Our uncle Mocky can be somewhat busy at times." A rueful grin twisted Alana's crimson lips. They even called him by the same pet name that Alana had given him so long ago.

Alana held the box out t Nala. "It is a gift for you. One I hope you take pleasure in." Inside was housed a China doll. Custom made to look just like Nala. A necklace hung from the doll's neck, one that as an exact duplicate of the Roon stone that hung from Alana's neck. A smaller box was wrapped in the fold of the doll's lacy gown. Inside of it was a matching necklace for Nala.

"That is a Roon stone, it will heal you and keep you safe little Nala and if you ever find that you need me. Just press it close to your heart and call." Alana used the force to keep contact with Nala's mind at all time's. So the child's call would never go unheeded...