View Full Version : Ry-Obi Kincaid: Breath of Freedom...(Open to a Knight or a Master)
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jul 21st, 2003, 07:38:49 PM
Life at the Jedi Temple wasn't exactly as eight-year-old, Ry-Obi Kincaid had pictured it.
In his mind, he was to receive a lightsaber, learn a few tricks and save the day. To his dismay, it was quite the opposite.
Ry-Obi hadn't received a lightsaber and wouldn't for quite sometime. Instead, his father had signed him up for classes, three days after their arrival.
Classes that didn't appeal to the young boy in the least.
Discussion of system negotiating.
Basic language. and,
Beginner's Meditation.
The young boy scoffed at his list. It was all very boring to him and this was only his second day in class. Especially, the meditation course, all it did was make his feet go to sleep.
But, today was going to be different...because today he was going to get a breath of freedom and skip his new classes and go exploring, something he hadn't been able to do since his arrival.
His dad was too over-protective sometimes and when Ry-Obi wasn't in classes, he was to report to the temple daycare, which really sucked.
Quietly, he slipped away after breakfast and headed towards the upper levels and soon found himself lost in endless corridors.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:43:35 AM
It had been a lovely day but quite warm. Xazor had been busy training her Padawans all morning, and when she needed a break, she decided to walk the halls of the air conditioned Living Quarters. It was beautiful inside and the Garou decided to take notice of everything today -- all of the inner waterfalls, fountains, and even small gardens that were kept throughout the Jedi Quarters.
As she reached the upper levels where hundreds of amazing fountains flowed on nearly every corner one turned, she stopped at a sound several corridors away. Footsteps. There was another walking and her ultra-sensitive hearing picked up on it immediatly. "It's -- a male, young -- no, very young. He's -- lost." She thought to herself and quietly made her way down a long and narrow passage which would bring her out to his location.
Her white robes flowed behind her in the breeze she created and the silver coins woven into her waist length blonde Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly. She rounded a corner and then stopped as her cyan blue eyes came to rest upon the face of a boy -- a familiar boy. She grinned to herself, baring her elongated canines, as she walked forward and bowed. "Greetings young one -- what are you doing up here at this hour of the morning?" She questioned, knowing that River, his Father and her Padawan, had enrolled him in some classes at the Academy. It seemed as though he was skipping. "How are your classes going?" The Knight decided that accusing him off the get go was a bad idea, and she did not wish to be negative towards the boy. She had yet to see him for his regular Jedi training yet, and figured that now would be a good time to get to know him.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jul 25th, 2003, 05:17:32 PM
Ry-Obi came to a sudden halt as the very Jedi Knight that welcomed them into the Order was suddenly before him. He groaned inwardly...she was also his father's Master.
Of all Jedi to run into...I'm dead meat... He thought to himself.
Ry-Obi bowed a greeting towards the Jedi Knight. "Hi, Master Xazor..." He said and then straightened. "Classes?" he wrinkled his nose in distaste.
"Uh...ok..I guess." He stammered as he wished the floor to swallow him up.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 25th, 2003, 06:39:51 PM
Xazor smiled to herself as she watched his expression change from happiness to disgust. "Ah-ha, so you are skipping." The Knight thought to herself. Instead of frowning upon this as many others would have done, the woman welcomed this as an opportunity to spend time with the boy and get to know him better.
"Okay? I know -- the first few are a real bummer, but they get better, trust me." She winked at him and moved a bit closer before bending over slightly to get a good look into his eyes. He was nearly a mirror image of his Father, but somehow, she knew that he was a lot like Angelina -- a woman who sounded amazing -- a woman she'd never meet. "I have a feeling that you're supposed to be there right now." Xazor began with a slight look of disapproval -- but it was merely an act and nothing more.
In an instant, this expression turned into a grin and she laughed slightly. "I've done it enough to know." The woman looked down at the crono on her wrist before reaching for her comm unit. "I should notify someone, you know." She could tell that he was becomming a bit anxious. "That you're sick today." And there it was, his sigh of relief. Smiling still, the Jedi Knight keyed on the comm unit and pressed a button before speaking. "Greetings Master Sage, I would like to inform you that I am taking care of Ry-Obi Kincaid today -- he isn't feeling well and will not be attending class." With approval from the Jedi Master, Xazor shut off the comm and clipped it to her belt once again.
Now her eyes came to rest upon Ry-Obi. "So, what do you want to do?" She questioned but inside her mind, she had a great plan. There was so much to do around the Jedi Order, and with a young man like Ry-Obi, she knew that fun was in store, as well as time for learning -- perhaps the kind of learning he needed. She smiled and the thought and nodded. "I got you off the hook today, so now, you have to spend it with me." The Garou woman grinned toothily and knew that he would much rather spend a day with a Jedi Knight instead of go to classes. This was just the excuse she needed to skip a few of her own.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jul 25th, 2003, 07:19:22 PM
"All right!" Ry-Obi's voice sounded excitedly with a wide grin. He couldn't believe his luck!
The small boy thought for a moment on what to do, but had no idea. "Let's do" He finally said and beamed enthusiatically.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2003, 09:07:32 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled to herself. "That's just what I had in mind!" She grinned and motioned for the boy to walk beside her as she made her way down the long hallway. "We need to devise a plan for the day, okay? There are plenty of fun things to do here on Coruscant -- but there are even better things to do, like -- flying ships and things." She spoke casually, attempting to catch Ry-Obi offguard.
Smiling as she looked down at him, the Knight began to think of everything that they could do. "You know, the Council does not approve of the Jedi having 'fun' so to speak, but they know that even they themselves have to sometimes." She laughed at the thought and shook her head. "I don't think there's any harm in a good time now and again. So -- think of something you've always wanted to do, and we'll do it!"
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jul 26th, 2003, 10:01:05 AM
The boy marveled at the Jedi Knights suggestion of flying a ship! "Let's fly! Can you teach me? I've always wanted to fly a ship!" His thoughts were racing a mile a minute.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2003, 03:41:58 PM
Xazor laughed to herself as the boy exploded with excitement. "Okay okay -- hold on there just a second." She said quietly as they continued walking. Thoughts crossed Xazor's mind as she attempted to quickly put a lesson together in the format that Ry-Obi would not know he was directly being taught. It struck her then.
"Any good pilot knows how to read an Astro-Navigational chart. It's pretty simple to figure out, but they'll never let a ship fly with a pilot who doesn't know a thing about astronomy." She smiled down at the boy and continued walking as thoughts stirred within her. "You're smart, though -- I'm sure you've been paying attention in class. That's one of the first things they teach you."
Her eyes met his for a moment before she looked ahead of them as the pair began walking up a large flight of stairs. It would be hardly noticeable to Ry-Obi, but they were on their way toward the spaceport. It was connected directly to the Jedi Complex by a large corridor that crossed over the streets outside and under airspace. "Part of being a Jedi is knowing how to get around. If you want to learn how to fly a ship, you have to know a few other things first. Only those who desire to be true Jedi will give their time to learn. Surprisingly, it takes hardly any time at all." She winked as they came to the top of the stairs and turned down a corridor to their left, getting closer and closer to the open passage between the Jedi Complex and the Spaceport.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Aug 4th, 2003, 06:03:33 PM
"I'll learn! I'll learn!" Ry-Obi said quickly, nearly jumping out of his boots.
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