View Full Version : V - X17 virus strain

Jarek T'chort
Jul 21st, 2003, 01:59:19 PM
The V - X17 virus is my plan too subjugate enemy or neutral worlds, and bring them into the Imperial fold.

The V - X17 is a virus strain that is like few others. After advanced testing by the Ris Jadfarr scientific facility, it has been developed to have several key effects.
Based on Trilemite , the virus has undergone several alterations.
1. The V-X17 is airborne, it uses the wind to be transported from place to place, thus causing it to be spread rapidly.
2. By altering the genetic code, V-X17 does the same as Trilemite, it degenerates subjects into mindless animals, then causing death as a result. Now, this strain is slightly different. The V-X17 induces a sickness similar to flu, which makes the subjects become bed ridden and crippled after a few hours. Unable to move, the subjects mental capacity falls, then phisicaly, they decline as their features are withdrawn into a primitive state reminiscent of some sort of hairless Wookie. This change was because some subjects tested became violent and extremely strong, this is merely a safety device.
3.Thirdly, the virus is only potent for a few days after release, upon contact with oxygen the virus becomes neutral and gradually harmless. Again, a safety precaution and it allows occupying forces to land within a few days.
4. The virus, if broken down, will appear natural, the process of making this strain has been meticulous, only by hybriding the Trilemite with other known viruses have we created it. Thus NR analysis will cannot determine our involvement. Plus most virus strains these days are hybrid viruses.

This is my plan;
Firstly, the virus will be taken by Intelligence and released by using atmosphere restricted craft to release the virus over a target world, say an Incom skyhopper for example.
Second, the virus will be released on a Soveriegnty world, a world of little importance, chosen dregs will be infected, then cleanup crews armed with the antidode (Op-3) will clean the world. However, great pains must be taken to make it appear as if the chosen worlds have been severely affected. The establishment of quarantine will keep away nosy beings.
Thirdly, simultaneously, the virus will be released onto chosen worlds with no particular alliegence to either the Empire or to the NR. The epidemic will be huge, resulting in many deaths. However, the Sovereignty at this time will declare themselves to have discovered an antidote to the virus. Offering help to a stricken world, Sovereignty crews will keep up the semblance of a virus, then slowly clean up, even though the virus has long since become dormant.
*I do not think the idea of causing a NR freighter to blow up and spread the virus is viable. It would be too risky for Intelligence to try to plant it. If found out we would be in a terrible position propaganda wise.
Those worlds will be indebted to the Sovereignty (It may be wise to choose worlds with strong honour codes). They will be in our debt which will make them gracious to the Sovereignty, after cajoling and negotiations, we could impress on some worlds that joining the Sovereignty will be safer, after all, where was the NR in their hour of need?
I hereby request formal development by Imperial Department of Specialized Warfare.